Since Oct 7, 1999

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You know how Rush Limbaugh always says that from an early age he knew he wanted to be in 'radio'? Since high school when I was in debate I realized that 'Liberalism', which was still in it's infancy as we know know it, is convoluted. After high school, I volunteered to serve in the US Navy and did two tours in Vietnam. I had my BEST discussions / arguements with a couple of Liberals Leftists from Massachusetts and it taught me a few things. You can argue about Politics and STILL be friends and either you have 'politics' in your blood...or you don't. Be that as it may, in some ways Tom Daschle is right ... FOXNEWS, the Internet, Talk Radio, Hardcover Book Sales do lean to the right. But the reason they do is that people like me and like you finally have an outlet to express our opinions and we have found that there are a lot of us out there!