Dominion Thing
Since Mar 8, 2006

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Not much to say. I'm mostly libertarian. I was conservative socially, fiscally and politically in my high school and college days. But my philosophy changed during the 90s. In terms of social issues, I won't say I'm liberal, but I generally take a live and let live approach, within reason. I myself lead a conservative lifestyle, but alternate lifestyles do not bother me. I like to make money. I enjoy keeping the money I make. I disagree with the president on many things, but his "ownership society" vision has certainly done well for me as I have become a home owner and have seen my 401k grow by leaps and bounds during his presidency. I don't know if this can be completely attributable to this administration, but its policies haven't exactly hurt me either.

I believe in a strong military to defend The U.S.A and to preserve our way of life. I pray for and support our troops wherever they are in the world.

I'm not the most religious person in the world, but as far as praying goes, I figure, it can't hurt.