Eternally Vigilant
Since Mar 22, 2005

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Kieran Michael Lalor – Founder & Executive Director

Kieran Michael Lalor enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in July 2000. After Recruit Training at Parris Island, SC and completion of the School of Infantry Mr. Lalor returned to reserve status and enrolled in Law School at Pace University in White Plains, New York.

In the aftermath of September 11th, Lalor left law school when his infantry unit was called to active service. Mr. Lalor’s unit spent 2002 at Camp Lejeune, NC training and serving as a ready reaction force. After being demobilized in December 2002, Mr. Lalor’s unit was again activated and deployed to Iraq in March 2003. Mr. Lalor served as a Squad Automatic Rifleman while conducting security and stabilization operations in Nasiriyah, Iraq during the spring and summer of 2003. After being deactivated in early August, Lalor again began law school.

Prior to enlisting, Lalor was a high school social studies teacher and football coach. He is a graduate of Providence College and lives in Westchester County, NY. Lalor works full time as the office manager for a law firm and attends Pace Law at night.

The driving force behind Eternal Vigilance Society was Lalor’s desire to combat the politicization of the War on Terror and to force lawmakers and candidates to make defeating the terrorist enemy their number one priority.

Our members help elect candidates who make an aggressive campaign of defeating Islamic terrorism their top priority and who do not exploit the War on Terror for political purposes.

Do you want to rid the World of al Qaeda and their murderous allies now and liberate our generation and especially our children's generation from the constant fear of terror attacks?

Are you sickened by politicians and their minions who put their own election hopes and political agendas above protecting America, her citizens, and our way of life?

If you answered yes to either or both of the questions above then you are in the right place.

Eternal Vigilance Society is the only independent organization focused on victory in the Terror War by supporting candidates who place PROTECTION OVER POLITICS.

It is the goal of Eternal Vigilance Society to ensure that the only candidates who achieve victory on Election Day are those who make victory over terrorists their top priority and who vow to divorce partisan politics from the War on Terror.

Here's how Eternal Vigilance Society Works:

First, we research and interview candidates. We assess their potential for leadership and find out where they REALLY stand on our issues of homeland security, intelligence gathering, preemption, and commitment to nonpartisan cooperation to vanquish terrorists.

Second, following this extensive research process, we recommend only the very best candidates in the most important races. We arm you with the information you need to make an informed decision about which candidates merit support.

Third, with the support of our members and donors we campaign tirelessly and zealously for the strongest anti-terror candidates. Our strategy employs advertising, voter registration, informational picketing, rallies, and get-out-the-vote efforts to name but a few of our methods.

Finally, between election cycles we monitor those officials we supported on Election Day to ensure that they remain true to their promise to set partisanship aside to achieve victory over the terrorist foe.

Isn't it time you joined Eternal Vigilance Society and helped take a stand against terrorism and in favor of real leaders with the courage and character to put PROTECTION OVER POLITICS?

The more members we have the more influence we have on the electoral process.

Please join today! _______________________________________________________________________________