Since Jul 19, 2008

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Old school conservative who views modern politics as the moral and intellectual equivalent of a reality show. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t say it mean. 100% fifth generation flag flying American, 24 year veteran, believes in mom, God, and apple pie. Okay, so I’m an anachronism... and I know what it means too! ;) I’m a Constitutional originalist with textualistic tendencies, and if you don’t know what that means, shame on you (lol). I’m an America first kind of guy, sovereign nation an all that... America should be leading the free world, not kow-towing to petty dictators and the like. Small government and capitalism properly managed in a free-market leads to a greater good, meaning it’s not my responsibility to pay for your surgery or for your kids sneakers. Not heartless, but lose that sense of entitlement already. I’ll feed a cripple unable to care for themself, I’ll help the able-bodied care for themselves, but there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch around here! Oh... and that’s if you belong here, if you don’t... I’d be more than happy to help you get home, but don’t expect anything outside of a bus ride and a sandwich.
John McCain = Liberal, Obama = even more liberal... currently sacrificing chickens for the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan, or a decent conservative candidate. Conservative is conservatism, it’s not evangelical religion, it’s not compassionate conservatism (which is another word for liberal), it’s definitely not politically correct (yet), it’s not about the money, the oil, or the war... it’s about PRINCIPLE, FREEDOM, and INDEPENDENCE (political and personal). But that’s enough about me...