Since Jul 25, 2000

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SUBJECT: Khan /AKA: GoldHorde, King Cheetah (art clip courtesy of the beloved Frank Frazetta)

AUTO ONLINE FBI PROFILER: Dangerous mix of German, Norwegian, Finn. Armed with faith and ideas; considered extremely dangerous.

SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES: High Power Rocketry, Military History: especially - Mongol, Computers, Board & Video Gaming, Homebrewing, Firearms, Fishing, 3D Modeling & Animation, Art, Photography, Oil Painting, Theology and probably engages in activist Writings.

MO: Preferred weapon is the Socratic method; displaying an almost gleeful approach of wrapping innocents in a sticky web of self-interrogation.

BEHAVIORAL TICKS: Flashes expressions of alarm when within earshot of vocal Western Left-Wing propaganda.

POLITICS: Tightly orbits the Tocqueville conclusions regarding the American framework of freedom and the subsequent construction of a "republican democracy".

THEOLOGY: Born into an ELCA Lutheran family, he traversed further out onto the evangelical charismatic branch. Fellowships he is noted to have traveled through were multi-faith; consisting of Catholics, Mennonites, Pentecostals, Lutherans, Methodists, Evangelical Free and the extremely fractured Baptist denomination.

WORK ETHIC: Extremely anti-union; he considers unionization the equivalent of Stalinist oppression (10-20 million dead). "Unions employ only the lackadaisical who are of lethargic mind and lapse in considering only themselves and no one else." The last union he was a member of - still owes him 1500.00. "Every business I worked for that had a Labor Union - failed; and I saw every union worker as a total failure - having an absolute faith that they had no integrity beyond what the union promised them as "solvency". I have exacting knowledge that burning revenge will be enacted upon each and every union leader - and deliciously multiplied...on TRIPLE-TIME!


