Since Aug 23, 2008

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In an effort towards the consensus of the good;
To list all Conservative doctrines of indisputable certainty:

*Contumely the french.

*Consecrate the 2nd amendment, cold dead fingers (unless you’re a granny in New Orleans).

*Get warm fuzzies at any home invasion happy ending, ie perp well ventilated with a few extra holes, all blood pools confined to vitreous, nonporous porcelain tile and well sealed grout.

*Know the UN is somewhere in the spectrum between a scam, a sham, and a farce.

*Know abortion ends the life of what otherwise (barring the will of Providence) would have grown to be an adorable, round, pink baby; and whoever offends one of these little ones, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise (Exodus 21:22-25).

*Cachinnate at the idea that teenage boys could possibly be raped by incredibly pulchritudinous young blonde pedagoguesses, to the point of doubting any doubter’s fundamental, rudimentary conception of anatomy, physiology, and human reproduction.

Veracities of middling certainty:

*Mistrust the government, prefer to shrink it, not grow it to the largest size in history.

*In the words of the Right Brothers: think an old fashioned spanking is necessary not cruel.

*Find “criminal justice system” Orwellian, maybe should be renamed ministry of love; think justice should be swift, corporal, victim meted, and devoid of institutionalized non-consensual sodomy, and even worse, lawyers.

*Think that the present day establishment educational system is just systematic indoctrination of perversion, social maladjustment, and sciolism, and the last thing the great beast needs is more money thrown at it; this ponderous faux-pas needs a total razing and then raising from the ground up.

*Think dummies should have no voice in government, or on juries, and have no problem with mathematically based exclusionary winnowing. You watch oprah/britney spears all day? you don’t get to vote yourself more welfare/democrats.

*For the able bodied: no work, no food, or : “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” 2nd Thessalonians 3:10

Fundamental Conservative ideas which are contested and dissented:

*Know the 10 commandments are fundamental to all instruction, should be placed prominently on every wall of every edifice of didacticism or justice.

*Proverbs, not condoms on cucumbers, should be inculcated in our youth ab initio, “for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things that thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her”. (3:15)

*Know that the modern development of nuclear weapons has obviated the necessity for a conventional military, and that a mandatory, universal training/service and compulsory all-adult-male-citizen militia should replace the feminized nonsense/elite-killer melange of the contemporary military-industrial complex.

*Know that any science not a priori acknowledging the Great Builder is not science but nescience.