Since May 15, 2007

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About me:
I’m Allyn. I’m 18 and I reside permanently in Nashville, Tennessee, though I attend school in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I am majoring in Meteorology with a minor in trying to scrounge up enough money to buy endless Easy Mac and Maruchan Ramen.

I don’t believe in race. Race is the combination of culture and ethnicity, and my ethnicities are so varied that I can’t claim just one. Even if I could, I believe that it is better to be myself than to give away my personality in order to identify with any culture. For the record, though, I am these:

Native American (predominant)
African (very close second)
Scottish (distant third)
Cajun (probably tied with third)
Polish (probably a little less than Cajun)
Welsh (probably a little less than Polish)
Indonesian (probably next-to-last)
Chinese (probably dead last)
Some Other Stuff-ish

About my politics:
I am socially conservative and fiscally libertarian. I guess that makes me an Old Rightist.