Since Apr 13, 2003

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Liberallyconservative is just that; my views and values fall more on the conservative side (as I am a Christian), but my cares and concerns may be viewed as a little on the liberal side (I am deeply concerned about the environment and women's issues).
I am a true GRITS (girl raised in the South)!
Am the proud daughter of conservative Christian parents. Dad was a WWII vet, having served in the USNavy on a tanker in the south Pacific. (R.I.P. Daddy... 1926-1994) Mom is one of my best friends and one of my favorite pastimes is researching my genealogy and listening to Mom tell the old stories of growing up in the hard-scrabble South. I am very close to my brother, 5 nephews, one great-nephew and a large amalgamation of cousins (including one currently serving with the 101st).
Other favorites: reading, writing, spending time outdoors (camping, hiking, fishing), and driving my JEEP (yes, that does mean four-wheeling/off-road!). I also enjoy music, movies and spending time with my friends. I love to travel and hope to one day see all 50 states. (I'm about halfway there...) Drop me a line sometime. I always enjoy meeting new and interesting people.