Since Aug 24, 2005

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Not all that glitters is gold
Not all who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither
deep roots are not reached by the frost
from the ashes a fire shall be woken
A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be blade that was broken
the crownless again shall be King.
~JRR Tolkien

Okay, here's a sort of profile...

[IMG][/IMG] I live in the county where no one can drive: Gwinnett county, Georgia.

Georgia's a cool enough state. According to the commercial, there are places you can watch wild horses run around, & there's cool museums and crap. My question is, why wasn't I informed of this earlier? And why is everything so far away from me?!

Anyway, I live in some miniscule city called Grayson, so small that I wonder why it actually QUALIFIES as a city. I think the only reason is because it has a mayor and not a town manager. Whatever.

Okay, now on to interesting stuff.

My name's Cassandra. I'm 19, and I'm homeschooled. I'm Messianic, which basically means I'm Jewish, but believe that Yeshua (you'd know him as Jesus) is the Mashiach ("Messiah" in Hebrew) that the prophets of G-d spoke of. That means I strive to be Torah-observant, I observe the Biblical Holy Days, and attend services on Friday nights instead of Sunday morning. Nevertheless I accept Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) as the one true Messiah of both Jews and Gentiles and the only way into the Kingdom of Heaven.

My life is odd. I was born in Kentucky, lived there for about a year, moved to Tennessee, lived there for a year, then we moved to Saudi Arabia and lived there for 3 years, during which we went to lots of places all over the year (Thailand, France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Egypt...I swam on both sides of the Red Sea. We actually lived somewhat near Riyadh, if I remember correctly.

Because of my beliefs, I lean more towards the Right of the political Spectrum…always have, actually. But I get along with Democrats…unless they’re hard-left wingers, then we might have trouble. Just kidding. I actually tend to not talk politics very often. Except for now, since this is the first major election I'll get to vote on I'm ecstatic about McCain's Veep choice, Sarah Palin! I have deemed the ticket Operation Mooseburger.

I live with my parents and little brother, with my extended family scattered around the South, mostly in Alabama and Mississippi, but I do have a cousin in California. My parents and I are considered to be the odd ones in the family, and we’ve actually been accused of being in a cult (which we aren’t)…oh well. Part of following Christ means being weird for Him, I believe, so…I’m willing to have people think I’m weird.

Some of the things I enjoy doing are reading, joking with my friends, hanging out with my friends in general, the occasional Rollercoaster (physical, not emotional) at Six flags (the last one I rode was the Georgia Cyclone…I swear my brain is still rearranging itself from all those drops), and talking until midnight with my friends at the Waffle House on Saturdays.

My favorite books:
The Bible, LotR, Star Wars novels, Chronicles of Narnia (specifically The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Manga, the Seven sleepers series, The Julie series, and I reading the Wheel of Time books. I also enjoy reading up on psychological stuff. I'm not currently reading much on the subject, however, as my schoolwork bogs me down enough already.

My favorite movies:

The Lord of the Rings, PotC, Monty Python and the Holy Grail ("I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!").


Soundtracks, game music, J-pop, K-hop (Korean Hip-Hop, specifically MC Mong), Messianic music, Classical


Japanese food, Chinese food (I could live off of Sesame and general Tso's Chicken), Salads, chicken, beef, Succotash.

That's all I can think of for now...

Peace out!
