Since Aug 5, 2009

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I’m sick and tired... of Government officials ignoring the will of the people.

I’m sick and tired... of the main stream media covering it all up.

I’m sick and tired... of the Demacrats thinking they know best for me and my family.

I’m sick and tired... of the ‘wanna be’ and ‘trying to make’ our country a “Nanny State”.

I’m sick and tired... of a handful of special interest groups ruining it for the masses.

I’m sick and tired... of the zero accountability and denial of responsibility philosophy.

I’m sick and tired... of my ‘sick and tired’ list growing daily.

I’m sick and tired... of being sick and tired.

I love my country, but am scared of what she is becoming.
I cry at the sounds of “Taps” playing from pride of Her fallen heroes giving all to protect our Freedoms.

God Bless America!