Since Nov 5, 2000

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Yes, I really have six girls!! That seems to be the most asked question I get. LOL! The second most asked question I get is if Dadofsixgirls still has hair. The answer is: Not Much! Honestly, it has more to do with heredity than raising six girls! On a serious note, I am proud to be a member of Freerepublic and have made several great friends here. We are also proud of our girls! They are avid news watchers, even the youngest who is only 9! They are great conservative girls and heaven help a liberal who is stupid enough to spout off to one of them! (Yes, even the 9 year old!) You know the saying "out of the mouths of babes"! My 9 year old is one of the wisest people I know! One other tidbit, we homeschool 4 of our daughters, the other 2 have already graduated. I am glad to know we are in good company here at Freerepublic with all the other homeschoolers!