Since Aug 29, 2000

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As a Special Process Auditor for the aerospace industry, I travel 40-45 weeks a year. Since I retired after working for 35 years for two different small businesses in the commercial heat treating industry and being on the receiving end of these audits for 15 years, I have visited 39 countries over the last nine years. I majored in Chinese in the East Asian Languages and Literatures Dept. at Indiana University but left after 2.5 years to seek my fame and fortune in California. Luckily, I fell into steel treating where I met my wife of 37 years, and together we raised three successful sons at our home in Oregon where we lived for 26 years. We now live in Tennessee with our eldest son’s family and have kids and kiddoes in KY and CO, as well. Life goes on. (updated July 17, 2016)