Since Oct 2, 2001

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Though it was time to describe myself.
I am an "average" taxpayer, an average Gramma, Mom, widowed. I retired after 33 years from a cookie factory, hence the "screename oreolady".
Discovered Freerepublic back when the March For Justice occured. At that time I began lurking, not to post for years.
I was offline a couple of years, so I missed Monica and Elian during husband's illness, but came back to lurk occasionaly, hungry for some REAL news, and I just LOVE the comments of Freeper's. So much knowledge!!!!!
I finally began to post, only to realize that I couldn't make any intelllgent analysis, as so many Freeper's do.
Earlier this spring, I went to a Freep meet of the Puget Sound group, a bunch of DELIGHTFUL people. Altho I am disabled and can't participate much in many activities, Libertina made me an "Honarary Freeper". But I am hoping I can go Freep the Portland Oregon Hillary booksigning next week, that is historial and hysterical. One to crawl to, if necessary.My favorite posters are: CommonTator, MJY1288, Dog,Brad's Gramma, Howlin, Mrs. Marple,and many others, oh yes, TLB for laughs, but he is a legend now.
A few of my long-term Freeper side effects:
Addiction to FoxNews
Addiction to Freerepublic breaking news page. (my home page).
Thorough scouring of liberal bias in papers and magazines.
Using Freeper terms to replace normal language, i.e. series, hugh, stratagery, etc.
And, to congratulate myself to FINALLY donating to the Freepathon.