Since Mar 22, 2009

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Married for 11 years, we have 3 youngins, and 4 blueticks. Life can’t get better than this.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”~John Adams

"One of the Negro Confederates was only wounded, but the other was killed one afternoon after leaving the security of a hollow tree (probably to relieve himself). Two Confederates tried to get to his body but were driven away by the Union gunfire."~Alfred Bellard, a white soldier of the 5th NJ Infantry, reported in his memoirs the shooting of two black Confederate snipers by member's of the Berdan's Sharpshooters in April of 1862.

"They know (yet they pretend not to believe it) that Southern men and women are their superiors in everything relating to bravery, honesty, virtue and refinement, and they have become more convinced of this since the present war; consequently, their worst passions have become aroused, and they give way to frenzy and fanaticism."~Misc. Confederate Officer Captured At Gettysburg