Since Jun 22, 2004

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The few, the proud, a former conservative New Yorker! Now enjoying the Sunshine State,owning and operating a small business trying to make a life!!

Well, not much to say. Lived most of my entire life in and around NYC area. Job moved me to Florida in 2005, then company closed in 2007.

My dream was to run the bulls in Pamplona Spain. I cannot tell you where the fascination for this comes from, but since I was in my late teens I've always wanted to do it.

I have been to every continent on the planet except for Antartica. I love to travel and see the world. I credit my father and my mother for providing me with a home to grow up in that taught me the meaning of values and that one's word should be their bond.

On a more serious note, I lost more than 20 friends in the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and I truly believe that we have not done enough to avenge those attacks but I am patient and I know we will prevail - the terrorists will be thwarted. However, I fear the present administration will never do enough to satisfy my thirst for punishing those people.

I love my country and every time I leave the U.S., I return more appreciative of the freedoms and life that we are able to lead here.

I am not a religous person by any stretch of the imagination but I pray EVERY day that Obama is a one termer. I do this not for selfish reasons (although I do believe in cutting taxes) but because I want my daughter and the rest of her generation to grow up being safe and never having to experience another terrorist attack on these shores. I want her to know the spirit of opportunity that this country provided my father and me, and should be available for her.