Since Sep 18, 2003

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The Straight Truth About ProtestGayDay.com
At The Ballpark In Arlington.
Words In Quotations Taken From The Gay & Lesbian Newspaper Article

Mike Cramer, who is the President of Operations with the Texas Rangers organization, has repeatedly refused to address the article in the Dallas Voice Newspaper stating, “Gay Day at the Ballpark will be the first time a major professional athletic team has reached out to the gay community and offered to help organize such an event.” Instead, he insinuates that the Rangers did not have their salesperson personally contact the homosexual groups. On the contrary, Gil Flores maintains: “A sales representative who helped organize last year’s Gay Day for the Dallas Burn, the city’s major league soccer team, now works for the Rangers and brought the idea for Gay Day at the Ballpark with him, according to Gil Flores, services director for the John Thomas Gay and Lesbian Community Center.” It appears that the Texas Rangers Organization is just spinning the truth to downplay their involvement. The Bible calls that a lie, and so do we at ProtestGayDay.com.

The Rangers (Mike Cramer) says that Gay Day does not exist. IF this is true, then WHY haven't the Rangers asked the Dallas Voice to retract their announcement of this event? Why haven't the Ranger's "gone after" the DV for publishing a bunch of lies? There's been no retraction, and to my knowledge no demand for any retraction? Mike Cramer stated on The Wilder Show that the Rangers did not have the time to go after every group that prints false information about the Rangers. As KCBI 90.9 FM stated in the news, “the Texas Rangers got more than what they bargained for." For the sake of loyal Texas Rangers fans and families, the Rangers should have taken the time to stop this homosexual propaganda. It would have taken one phone call. I asked Mike Cramer to have the Dallas Voice retract their statements 4 weeks ago. I informed him that if they did not make the Dallas Voice retract their statements, then ProtestGayDay.com would be obligated to let the people know.

Email to Mike Cramer President of Operations for the Texas Rangesr:

(1.) Is the article, as printed, in the Dallas Voice True? (This means you need to read the complete article and tell us what is true or is not true about it as it concerns the Texas Rangers. (a.) "Gay Day at the Ballpark will be the first time a major professional athletic team has reached out to the gay community and offered to help organize such an event." & (b.) "A sales representative who helped organize last year's Gay Day for the Dallas Burn, the city's major league soccer team, now works for the Rangers and brought the idea for Gay Day at the Ballpark with him, according to Gil Flores, services director for the John Thomas Gay and Lesbian Community Center." Gil Flores has continued to restate these comments, uncontested by the Texas Rangers, on The Mark Davis Show and Sports Radio The Ticket.

(2.) The Texas Rangers are not holding the Dallas Voice accountable for these lies and are not making them retract their statements. Why? If the article is true why don't the Texas Rangers admit that it is true to the public?

Quotes from Mike Cramer of the Texas Rangers, Heard on The Word 100.7 FM The Scott Wilder Show

"to the "Dallas Voice: Look, why don’t you not misrepresent what this is and please correct the article?" " They know it’s incorrect and they should correct it."

Email to writer Angela Geralds & The Dallas Voice:

Can you please answer this question for the both of us?

(1.) Are you and the Dallas Voice making the retraction or the correction that Mike Cramer President of Operations for the Texas Rangers has ask you to make? (Meaning do you agree with what Mike says? "to the "Dallas Voice: Look, why don’t you not misrepresent what this is and please correct the article?" " They know it’s incorrect and they should correct it.")

Quotations Taken From The Gay & Lesbian Newspaper Article

Cramer said the headline, “Rangers to hold Gay Day,” was untrue, but the Rangers president said he would not formally request that the newspaper issue a correction.
Dallas Voice editor Dennis Vercher said the newspaper would not issue a correction or retraction.
“A Rangers representative got this promotion going.” Vercher said, “The team said the groups could promote it any way they wished, and the gay groups informed the team early on of their intention to market it as Gay Day at the Ballpark. It was only after the protest began that the Rangers developed cold feet about the particular name.”

“They [the Rangers] said we could market it any way we wanted,” Flores said. “So we told them we’d market it as Gay Day at the Ballpark.”

ProtestGayDay.com Last Words To Mike Cramer President of Operations for the Texas Rangers:

You chose not to reply then you leave us with no choice but to discern that you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth on the issue. You are saying one thing to the homosexuals and another thing to the Christian audience. This is exactly what ProtestGayDay.com has said all along. We have continued to hope that we were wrong. We met with a group of Pastors in Arlington and they asked me the same questions that I have been asking Mike Cramer. You have been vague intentionally to serve your purpose of your actions not being discovered. They were discovered back on 8-21-03 the first day I spoke with you. Now everyone knows the truth!

This is standard operation for corporations. Six Flags over Texas has been doing the same thing for 6 years. “Gay Day” at Six Flags Over Texas is Saturday 9-20-03. These people are counting on the fact that we Christians are too busy entertaining ourselves to stand up to them and do anything about having “Gay Day”. Until now they’ve been right in their assumption. We Christians have had a great awakening. We repent of our sins. We are committed to Jesus Christ to stand and be active.