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I'll start:

Bush and Gore like night and day; Despite steering to center, they swerve on key issues

1 posted on 03/13/2002 11:19:34 PM PST by Timesink
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To: Timesink
Bush Vs. Gore: There IS a difference

That you have to tell us that is indication of a serious problem.

2 posted on 03/13/2002 11:21:23 PM PST by Carry_Okie
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To: Timesink
President Bush on Judge Pickering: "...While tomorrow's vote is about one man, a much larger principle is also at stake...the quality of justice in America..."
4 posted on 03/13/2002 11:26:17 PM PST by Timesink
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To: Timesink
"The disruptors, the fair-weather Republicans, the single-issue Buchananite nutbags, the capital-L Libertarians, the tinfoilers, the McCainiacs and the plain old Bush-haters;"................and then again, maybe we're just Conservatives. Ever think of that?
5 posted on 03/13/2002 11:27:37 PM PST by brat
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To: Timesink
Principle by Faith, one hopes.
6 posted on 03/13/2002 11:31:58 PM PST by onedoug
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To: Timesink
I know people will never agree with everything he does, and that's normal, but I get a kick out of the people who say that all is lost, and that he's a one-termer, and that they will never vote on him again... because of one single issue.
I was proud to see him sworn in as Governor of Texas in 1995, proud to see him sworn in as President of the United States last year, and will look forward to seeing him sworn in again 3 years from now.
7 posted on 03/13/2002 11:34:46 PM PST by GOPyouth
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To: Timesink
Great post....I can imagine the following: its 2004 and a freeper posts the following----So what if GWB cut tax every year,unemployment is 3%, the size of government has been cut by 25%,regulations have been reduced, the war on terroism was been won,Saddamn is in a box, crime is down, Bork is on the Supreme Court, and the Reps. control both houses of Congress, I`m not voting for Bush cause he`s not a real conserative and he was not for killing illegal aliens
8 posted on 03/13/2002 11:50:55 PM PST by bybybill
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To: Timesink
And then we'll have a ton of ammunition at the ready the next time the naysayers try to hijack FR.

i've been here two more years than you, #%@%#@%$#@%$#. in case you're too dull to notice, allow me to point out that it is in fact you, and your republican party ilk, who is (are) hijacking fr.

9 posted on 03/14/2002 12:10:34 AM PST by johnboy
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To: Timesink
george? george, is that you? don't you have to get up early tomorrow and s**k vincente's d**k?

i guess all of us "naysayers" are kind of suspending judgement unless and until you explain to us how importing 65 million democrat voters into this country benefits our sons and daughters.

still waiting.

still waiting.

is that silence i hear?

11 posted on 03/14/2002 12:18:42 AM PST by johnboy
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To: Timesink
The president is held back by the congress he's been dealt..and a public that has been anesthetized through eight years of Clinton. Considering this, President Bush is performing miracles.

Sure, the tax cut could have been larger...but that it IS at all is an extraordinary accomplishment.

Should the education policy include vouchers? Yes. And, with a Republican congress this can be added to the new performance measurements now part of the education system.

Is Bush providing blanket amnesty for illegals? NO.

Will Bush sign CFR? Probably. But, we just don't know yet.

But, what about the Kyoto Treaty? I remember the president being beaten about the head and neck not only here, but throughout the world. He threw this piece of trash in the garbage to protect the American economy. Let's give him some credit.

The president is also returning the value and sanctity of life to the American conscience. We're no longer paying for abortions throughout the world, the pre-born child now has rights to medical care, life cannot be created for research, and (again, with a Republican senate) this president will sign a bill banning partial birth abortion.

And, this nonsense about "not prosecuting the Clintons" is just that...nonsense. Like it or not, the plebs get one "shot" at taking out the "king". We had our chance. The House had the guts to impeach Clinton, the Senate had the guts to let him off without even pretending to hold a trial.

Yes, Clinton is a felon. Yes, Clinton is a fraud. Yes, Clinton is the worst man who ever was or will be president. Yes, he got away with it. Let it go.

And, let's not forget that while Bush is the leader, he must operate in a political environment that all too often resembles a swamp. If you really want to see what he's made of...get out there and work to give Bush a Republican congress.

18 posted on 03/14/2002 3:27:45 AM PST by Right_in_Virginia
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To: *Election President
Check the Bump List folders for articles related to and descriptions of the above topic(s) or for other topics of interest.
19 posted on 03/14/2002 5:23:54 AM PST by Free the USA
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To: Timesink
Oh you mean like CFR, amnesty, the steel tariff, this Pali state nonsense yes he is acting like a real conservative( sarcasm) I really really liked him after the Afghan campaign but his conduct lately has disgusted me.
23 posted on 03/14/2002 11:49:05 AM PST by weikel
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To: Timesink;Howlin;Texasforever
I'm baldly reposting this post from this thread, in which Howlin baldly reposts a post from Texasforever:



To: All

In the past year, the following "I won't vote for Bush if..." threads have been posted

"Bush to cave on Kyoto"

"Bush to cave on 2nd amendment rights"

"Bush to cave on tax reduction"

"Bush to cave on stem cell research"

"Bush to cave social security"

"Bush to cave ON and On and ON"

In every one of those examples Bush fought and got 90% of his demands met in Congress or in the case of Kyoto and UN funding for abortion acted on his and told the UN to go to hell. That is never enough, there is always the next "watershed decision" that many here dream up to avoid supporting a Republican and, make NO mistake it is the hated Republican that sticks in the craw of many here, that term is more hated by the libertarians, paleo-conservatives and assorted DU trolls than the term liberal has ever been subjected to.

It seems that every day there is a new "I won't support Bush if..." thread that generates a lot of outrage and yet when the actual "event" happens there is never a thread that retracts the hysteria exhibited earlier. There is NO way a politician will ever appease the single issue voter. Just as his steel tariffs have pissed off the free traders amongst us, it is what the " Buchanan America firsters" have been demanding and yet the AF faction on this site do not even acknowledge that Bush heard them, to the contrary, they whine it is too little too late.

Instead of all this whining and crocodile tears, just admit right out loud that nothing this man does will suffice and that he needs to be replaced with the best "conservative" candidate. However; the name of that candidate appears to be a closely guarded secret since no one has actually named this person because it surely cannot be anyone of the 1% vote getters that we know today.

End of rant

114 posted on 3/7/02 9:51 PM Eastern by Texasforever

And I will say again what I said yesterday, I will be DAMNED if I will cast ONE VOTE for ANY CANDIDATE that gives the Democrats ONE MORE VOTE than they have this very minute.

If you choose to do so, let it be on YOUR head!!!

854 posted on 3/14/02 5:19 PM Eastern by Howlin

26 posted on 03/14/2002 2:07:56 PM PST by Timesink
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To: Timesink
I voted for Bush because I could not handle 4 years of Al Gore on the TV and news. Can you imagine what it would be like with that moran? Keep one thing in mind, he has robbed the Dems of their issues and I love it! They are chasing their tails and I love watching DasHOLE and Little Dick run around with no issue - ITS LONG OVER DUE!
36 posted on 03/14/2002 4:46:40 PM PST by Busho4
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To: Timesink
Good luck documenting a difference between the two soft handed daddy's boys. Bush sold his candidacy on the strength of his promise that he could get Gore's agenda passed better than Gore could.

This is odd, you seem to think that FR is a republican forum. Have you ever read the mission statement? Do you see the word "republican" mentioned? I think maybe you pompom shakers are the hijackers here.

40 posted on 03/14/2002 5:57:31 PM PST by Twodees
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To: Timesink;Texasforever
THANK YOU for your posts!

I enjoyed reading what you have pointed out, and am thankful that you took the time to write it for all to see.

43 posted on 03/14/2002 7:17:51 PM PST by NordP
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To: Timesink
The disruptors, the fair-weather Republicans, the single-issue Buchananite nutbags, the capital-L Libertarians, the tinfoilers, the McCainiacs and the plain old Bush-haters;

I think the time for casting aspersions to those of us who legitimately and from the bottoms of our conservative hearts are concerned about recent events that could only be interpreted as, well, hardly conservative.

Campaign finance reform? Amnesty for illegal aliens? Throwing more bucks into the education money maw? Pickering left to die a slow death while Dems nip his ankles to shreds? An extra 13 weeks of unemployment when there's NOT even a recession?

If your argument is that passionate conservatives don't have some issues here well I'd argue that you are very wrong.

But what I WILL do, since you brought up the subject, is ponder that perhaps there are legitimate reasons for approaching these issues in the manner that they have been and we, the minions, are not privy to this reasoning.

First, the hijacking of the senate by the Dems put a monkey wrench in things. Whatever had been planned no doubt had to be reconfigured because of this fine mess. It could be that Bush, Cheney, et al, have decided to give in where they have to awaiting a breathless takeover of the House and Senate by the pubbies. A very real possibility I'd think, what with the popular President and a lackluster Dem party struggling for an issue.

Or it could be that Bush is the sort of guy who will give and give and give. Then, like a sapling tree bent backwards until the truck is ready to snap, springs forth with a vengeance, exerting the unleashed force to the astonishment of those who thought the tree would bend forever.

Okay, so this sounds like psycho-babble. But this is sometimes my methodology whenever I've been thrown into a supervisory situation and had to find my footing. Supervising a small accounting department and running an entire country are two distinctly different things, however, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Finally, maybe the pubbies are trying a two-prong attack. Prong 1, improve their slick-haired, wingtip image by giving extra unemployment benefits and allowing 200K aliens to slip under the radar THIS time. Prong 2, while improving said image, boom, take away every Democrat issue coming down the pike.

Let me delineate a bit more:

---Pickering was allowed to die because his appointment was not all that important. It is the Supreme Court nominees that really matter and by that time, the pubbies will have all the power.

---The cost of extra unemployment benefits and that handy $600 bucks given back to us last year is minimal really, in the grand scheme of federal funds. By pubbie kind agreement to this they can argue in the next election what nice guys they are.

---Making all of those airport jobs federal was a darn nice thing of the pubbies to do. Who says all the federal workers have to vote Dem? It was Bush, after all, who signed the legislation to pay them more for even worse job performance. Gotta love this.

---That Cleveland voucher case was heading up the pipeline when Bush gave his best buddy Chappaquidick Teddy all them edumication bucks, so why not spend the money while the courts make up their minds? The pubbies look good and sooner or later, hey, vouchers will be blessed by the courts.

--Campaign Finance Reform will be overturned by the Supremes anyway. Why not sign the thing and look like good kind pubbies who don't wish to take huge coffers of money from nasty big business.

Anyway, there's no denying there's some problems with the tendency of the pubbies to vote lately as if lifelong and dedicated liberals. Instead of assuming Bush is a Rino, I thought I'd offer a different perspective. Witness the above.

Pat Fish<<<awaiting reasoned responses from the great minds within the forum.

46 posted on 03/14/2002 7:56:36 PM PST by Pat Fish
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To: Timesink
I just put a very long post on your thread. I first did it as a vanity thread but since you have this one going I thought it would be better here.
48 posted on 03/14/2002 9:09:53 PM PST by Texasforever
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To: Timesink
Ever since January 20, 2001, we've noted in at least a dozen threads per week how some action or decision by Bush was a clear conservative/Republican

Depends how you define "conservative Republican.

True, Bush is better than Gore would have been. But one need not go the other extreme and offer blind support of Bush. That's Clintonista behavior.

In 1993, the Clintonists screamed: "We must support our president no matter what! He's our president! True patriots always support the president!"

I didn't think that then. I don't think that now. My libertarian principles don't shift with whoever's in office.

True conservative support a limited Constitutional republic. They do not offer blind, unqualified, unquestioning, uncritical support to any man, even if he is "our president."

I voted for Bush while holding my nose. I'm glad Gore failed to steal the election. I can't ever imagine myself voting Democrat. I don't know if I'll vote Republican in 2004. I'll decide that then.

49 posted on 03/14/2002 9:53:27 PM PST by Commie Basher
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To: Timesink
Challenging Democrats, Bush Proposes Tax-Cut Plan
55 posted on 03/18/2002 11:06:59 PM PST by Timesink
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Byrd to delay Senate vote

Bush is a friggin genius.

He had his Mexico meeting and all the good will that went with it. Now it is left to the Dems to remove the one part of the bill that Mexico wanted.

Bush doesnt get blamed for the immigration clause, while the Democrats get blamed for its EXCLUSION!! Every one here is happy, but the immigrant population blames the Dems instead of Bush!

Masterful, Mr Rove!

8 posted on 3/19/02 1:53 AM Eastern by innocentbystander

56 posted on 03/18/2002 11:10:31 PM PST by Timesink
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