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NEA's breach of faith
Washington Times ^ | Tuesday, June 4, 2002 | House Editorial

Posted on 06/03/2002 10:58:58 PM PDT by JohnHuang2

Edited on 07/12/2004 3:54:28 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

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Tuesday, June 4, 2002

Quote of the Day by vladog

1 posted on 06/03/2002 10:58:58 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: *Education News

2 posted on 06/03/2002 11:07:36 PM PDT by Libertarianize the GOP
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To: JohnHuang2
A teacher quickly realizes that if you want to continue teaching (in most states) you better not rock the boat or refuse the NEA shakedown. I have seen teachers blackballed and driven from the profession. Most teachers try to ignore all the politics and concentrate on teaching.

Also, too bad all the dysfunctional parents can't be taken to court for their failure to properly raise their kids. It all starts in the home. The biggest problem facing education today is the social collapse occurring within America. Problems in education are just a reflection of ourselves.

3 posted on 06/04/2002 12:14:51 AM PDT by Eska
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To: JohnHuang2
There should be a national campaign to educate our educators about the law where their union dues are concerned. The NEA is one of the most powerful lobbies in our republic. Their power is in large part due to igonorance of the statutes pertaining to union dues.

Many in my family are public school teachers, including my wife. None of them understand the statute and would not attempt to opt out of the political action portion of their dues. I've tried to explain the law to them, but they feel it would be more trouble than it would be worth. They also feel that their union would make it very nearly impossible to opt out.

We need a nation campaign to educate teachers about this vital statute! The reason the NEA makes it so difficult to "opt out" of the political action portion of their dues is that they don't want to let this secret statute to become common knowledge among their members.

4 posted on 06/04/2002 12:23:28 AM PDT by Got a right to Life? . . Huh?
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To: Eska
Teachers need some protection from the blackballing that would undoubtably result from members opting out. The process should be anonymous and structurally independant from performance evaluations. I know many teachers that are real conservatives, and yet their contributions to the democratic party for one year will surpass my life's political contributions as a small business owner. Something is really wrong with that!

I agree with your statement about how dysfunctional parents are a major factor in the challenges teachers and students are facing.

5 posted on 06/04/2002 12:49:16 AM PDT by Got a right to Life? . . Huh?
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To: JohnHuang2
Ok, here we go...another "My Nickel" (adjusting for the Carter inflation): The teacher's Union and all that goes with it is a MINORITY. We, on the other hand, are a MAJORITY. Why in the name of all that is holy, can't we take back the public schools for the good..........OF THE CHILDREN? The majority in this country has got to stand up for their rights, or lose them. Can you imagine a country with a radical minority in charge....Upps, we've already had that (USSR) and it failed.

People, people, people...we had these kids, we support them, we love them more than life it's self. Why, in the name of God, do we turn them over to the socialists in the public schools every day. What happened to parents having an upper hand in the education of their children. They are your kids, for Christ's sakes! They belong to YOU! Make a difference, fight these kidnappers and win! Get mad at them damn socialists!

6 posted on 06/04/2002 2:36:52 AM PDT by timydnuc
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To: Free the USA; Seamole; Fish out of Water; ppaul;Carry_Okie; 2Jedismom; 2sheep; 4Freedom...
7 posted on 06/04/2002 7:35:00 AM PDT by madfly
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Comment #8 Removed by Moderator

To: Eska
The biggest problem facing education today is the social collapse occurring within America. Problems in education are just a reflection of ourselves

Here's a different take on your statement: Maybe the social collapse is happening due to the socialist, humanistic approach that's been infiltrating the public schools since 1965 (before most of today's parents started their own government-run schooling). Read up, please, on what's REALLY going on in the schools and WHY. Try books/articles (many available on the Internet) by any of the following authors:
Charlotte Taylor Iserbyt
John Taylor Gatto
Cathy Duffy
Sheldon Richmond

Their writings are not only informative and enlightening, they ALL back up everything they say with GOVERNMENT documentation. The NEA is just the more visible of organizations seeking to overturn our Republic.

9 posted on 06/04/2002 8:00:49 AM PDT by KentuckyWoman
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To: madfly
Break up the NEA...Bump !!

Freedom Is Worth Fighting For !!

Molon Labe !!

10 posted on 06/04/2002 8:15:48 AM PDT by blackie
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To: Eska
Also, too bad all the dysfunctional parents can't be taken to court for their failure to properly raise their kids. It all starts in the home. The biggest problem facing education today is the social collapse occurring within America. Problems in education are just a reflection of ourselves.

Those whom you are blaming are products of the system: parents educated in public schools INTENDED to fail. The children know who is in charge and it isn't parents. They have been disempowered by an NEA bureaucracy that has sold out to the UN and asserts its primacy over the family the day the kids arrive in the classroom. The teachers force a dysfunctional pedantry into the kids and they rebel, especially boys with the sense to recognize a injustice for what it is. Any parent who tries to control their children is threatened with losing them to Child Protective Services.

The teachers bought the globalist curriculum and don't make their leadership change. They should sit in their pot proudly and masticate their fecal product with pride. I hope they suffer for it appropriately until the system crashes and the parents take it back.

Homeschool your kids before it's too late.

11 posted on 06/04/2002 8:32:12 AM PDT by Carry_Okie
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To: JohnHuang2
The EEOC ruled

1. The 11 month delay is unreasonable
2. Annual filings is illegal.

I didn't see anything in the article that suggested it was unreasonable to require Mr. Robey and others to explain how their religious beliefs conflicted with NEA activities. I guess that is because the ONLY reason allowed for diverting funds away from the NEA is for "sincerely held religious beliefs"

If you are not religious, you are out of luck. If you don't like NEA political activities, but it doesn't violate your "sincerely held religious beliefs", you are out of luck. Out of luck, unless you are willing to lie to get qualified.

It is easier to get divorced than to end your association with the NEA.

Also, only "the portion of the union dues unrelated to collective bargaining " can be diverted away from the NEA. What happens if collective bargaining is against your "sincerely held religious beliefs"? I guess you are out of luck again. I'm willing to bet that the NEA inflates the costs of collective bargaining as yet another way to get their hands on more money.

The problem with all of this is the freedom of association clause of our constitution. If you have freedom of association, then you must have freedom of disassociation. A teacher is not free to disassociate from the NEA. I wish the lawsuit would focus on the "REAL" civil rights of the teachers.

NEA membership should be like your Blockbuster Video Membership. You must sign up to join and can quit at any time, no questions asked.

12 posted on 06/04/2002 8:43:37 AM PDT by Tai_Chung
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To: Tai_Chung
The real problem is the Taft-Hartley exemption from anti-trust action unions enjoy. If they had competitors, they would not behave this way. To allow union monopolies has been the bane of the union movement.
13 posted on 06/04/2002 8:50:11 AM PDT by Carry_Okie
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To: JohnHuang2
The quality of public school education is inversely proportionate to the growth of the NEA.
14 posted on 06/04/2002 10:06:22 AM PDT by Eva
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To: Carry_Okie
Teachers are forced by contract to adhere to goals 2000 type socialism. Its right there in black and white in their contract. They are not permitted to teach by law unless they tote the line that our politicals institute. Who votes for the politicians; hello, you and I.

Our government instills the standards that are maintained, not the NEA or the teachers. You would be surprised to see how many teachers are conservatives and hate watching our system of education being federalized. It will lead to more control and less freedom. The government would just luv declaring homeschoolers unfit parents that are denying their children basic standards of education (social & academic) that our all knowing government knows best. You think I'm joking; just think how far we have come. You should take a look at your own state's educational content and performance standards. Math, English, Govt, Geog, Life Skills, Arts, World Langugaes, Tech, Employability, Literacy, CULTURAL STANDARDS,ect. You will be shocked at the one world mindset that our Govt has embraced. Believe me, you hide your head in the sand and cry about the evil teachers; but they are only a small part of the picture. Most teachers hate all the politics, one reason why there is such an extreme shortage.

I see our Republican Prez acting like a lib. I see hordes of money dumped into education by the feds. I see school districts becomming addicted to all the federal money and standards. I don't see any money going towards vouchers, sad. I don't see dramatic change in direction with reference to education. I don't see 90% of America effectively homeschooling their kids.

Just don't blame the teachers for everything, look in the mirror America.

15 posted on 06/04/2002 10:59:00 AM PDT by Eska
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To: Eska
Teachers are forced by contract to adhere to goals 2000 type socialism. Its right there in black and white in their contract. They are not permitted to teach by law unless they tote the line that our politicals institute. Who votes for the politicians; hello, you and I.

The NEA whole-heartedly advocated Goals 2000. Did teachers depose the NEA leadership? The biggest campaign spender in the State of California is the Teachers' Union. Do teachers sue to get their illegally confiscated campaign money back pursuant to the Supreme Court? The State Legislature belongs to the CTA lock, stock, and barrel. No sale.

Our government instills the standards that are maintained, not the NEA or the teachers.

False premise. The government does what the unions want. The DOE bureaucracy is overwhelmingly represented by teachers.

You would be surprised to see how many teachers are conservatives and hate watching our system of education being federalized. It will lead to more control and less freedom.

No, I wouldn't be surprised at all. The teachers don't dump their leadership and replace them with conservatives, do they? They don't sue for refunds on their dues to prevent them from being spent on campaigns, do they? The point stands. Do you want to know how to fix it?

Linda Chavez is organizing a national effort to pass the Workers Freedom of Choice Act. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R.-Colo.) has introduced the legislation. The Act would restrict union dues to the purpose they were originally intended: representing workers directly with their employers through collective bargaining, servicing the union contract, and representing employees in the grievance process.

Unions will still be able to raise money to use for politics, so long as they do it the same way every other group does -- by asking members to donate money to causes of their own choosing. Now that would be campaign finance reform worthy of the name.

The government would just luv declaring homeschoolers unfit parents that are denying their children basic standards of education (social & academic) that our all knowing government knows best.

Of course they would. They have failed in every attempt in California because homeschooling parents are organized. I am a homeschooling parent. You think I don't know this?

You think I'm joking; just think how far we have come.

No, I don't think you are joking, I think you are way behind the curve.

You should take a look at your own state's educational content and performance standards. Math, English, Govt, Geog, Life Skills, Arts, World Langugaes, Tech, Employability, Literacy, CULTURAL STANDARDS,ect.

I've seen them.

You will be shocked at the one world mindset that our Govt has embraced.

No I wouldn't. The Girl Scouts have embraced them too and are dominated by lesbians. Welcome to reality.

Believe me, you hide your head in the sand and cry about the evil teachers; but they are only a small part of the picture.

No, they're not and I'm not, but I think you have been until only recently. That's why I am tossing cold water on your mistaken assertions. The teachers are just too stupid and too disorganized to do anything about it.

Most teachers hate all the politics, one reason why there is such an extreme shortage.

I don't buy it. Teachers are one of the most active political groups there is. They were the LARGEST single group of delegates at the last Democrat National Convention.

I see our Republican Prez acting like a lib. I see hordes of money dumped into education by the feds. I see school districts becomming addicted to all the federal money and standards. I don't see any money going towards vouchers, sad. I don't see dramatic change in direction with reference to education. I don't see 90% of America effectively homeschooling their kids.

I do. After taxes and the cost of child care, homeschooling is not that big a sacrifice.

Just don't blame the teachers for everything, look in the mirror America.

No sale. Teachers and teachers' colleges are more responsible for the decline of educational standards in America than any other group, with perhaps the exception of psychologists. America reflects its education. Go to the links I provided you, buy the books, and get an education. This problem goes MUCH further back into history than you realize.

16 posted on 06/04/2002 11:32:54 AM PDT by Carry_Okie
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To: Got a right to Life? . . Huh?;LarryLied;doug from upland;Teacher317;Psalm 73;*Education News
"We need a nation campaign to educate teachers about this vital statute! The reason the NEA makes it so difficult to "opt out" of the political action portion of their dues is that they don't want to let this secret statute to become common knowledge among their members."

It's not a national campaign, but here's a way to start informing teachers and education majors:

NEA ordered to end hassles over religion

"Repent NEA, or you will surely perish."

Since the NEA will never repent, let's help them perish. A wealthy NEA can buy whatever political clout they need to get their agendas passed. Help defund the NEA by informing teachers that they are entitled to a refund of the portion of their dues that the NEA and their state affiliates used for political activities. This refund can amount to several hundred dollars. See:

Reply # 14 in the thread Let's Help Nail the Teachers Unions -- It is National FReep Time


The NEA's Paper Chase

Here's some interesting information from the The Education Intelligence Agency (EIA) COMMUNIQUÉ (On the Web at -- May 13, 2002 issue:

"1) Are the Fat Years Over for NEA and AFT?

It used to be relatively easy for EIA to obtain accurate, up-to-date membership numbers for NEA and its state affiliates, but recently it has become a lot more difficult. Perhaps it is coincidental that the numbers are becoming harder and harder to find just as the news becomes less and less cheerful.

The tremors are small: lots of talk about needing inroads with Generation X teachers... financial problems here... possible layoffs there. In the past, membership problems were localized in the chronic, hard-to-organize states that had competing organizations. Today, the sounds are more widespread. NEA has grown every year since the mid-1980s, but for the first time the end of the boom may be in sight. The union experienced an increase of some 37,000 members this year -- about half of what it achieved in 2000-2001. More alarming if you're an NEA official is the fact that 20 state affiliates had a decrease in membership last year -- even as the number of potential members nationwide continues to grow at a fairly steady 2 percent annual clip.

EIA cannot yet identify which state affiliates are growing and which are not, though it seems safe to assume that the large states -- California, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, et al. -- continue to enjoy solid growth, while perennial weak sisters are now having serious problems. Activities to reverse the trend are already underway. The NEA Board of Directors granted $175,000 to the Mississippi Association of Educators for additional organizing. The North Carolina Association of Educators is laying the groundwork for an effort in support of collective bargaining in the state. North Carolina law currently bans collective bargaining by teachers.

Accurate AFT numbers are even harder to amass, because more of its members are not K-12 teachers. Nevertheless, the same tremors are coming from AFT. The AFT Executive Council's organizing committee met to discuss ways to get younger members more involved and active in the union. EIA estimates that about 70 percent of teachers are NEA and/or AFT members. Public school teaching may be the most highly unionized sector of the American workforce (the private sector is only 9 percent unionized). Is something about to give?"

We also need to inform teachers and education majors that there are alternative professional education associations that teachers can join for much less than what they are paying to the NEA:

Association of American Educators
25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 104
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Phone: 949-595-7979 or 1-800-704-7799
Fax: 949-595-7970

Please note that the AAE is not a union. It is a professional association. Annual dues are $125 per year for teachers (includes $2 Million liability insurance - one of the reasons teachers join the NEA or AFT is for liability insurance). Student, retired educator, and associate/support memberships are $25 per year.

Call the AAE and ask them to send you some of their brochures. Stuff them with Teacher317's "UNION DUES REFUND NOTICE" and hand them out to teachers and education majors. Take them to PTA/PTO meetings. Leave copies at school supply stores. Join the AAE as a support member.

Here are some links that will be of interest to teachers (and parents):

"Grading the NEA - What Every Teacher Needs to Know About The National Education Association: A Special Report" by Perry L. Glanzer, Ph.D. & Travis R. Pardo (

"Teacher Unions and Parent Involvement" (

17 posted on 5/21/02 7:21 AM Pacific by EdReform

Please pass this information on.

17 posted on 06/04/2002 11:32:56 AM PDT by EdReform
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To: Eska
I got something in my email yesterday about Dr. Dobson and some others who are telling parents to remove their kids from all public schools.

There appears to be another "Christian" group who say that this approach is wrong and that Christian kids need to be "salt and light" in the public schools. <I realize this is open to debate but it is interesting as I speak to many church going parents who send their kids to public schools without giving it a second thought.

18 posted on 06/04/2002 11:47:51 AM PDT by hsmomx3
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To: Eska
The teacher shortage is not political. We have a shortage because, they get no respect, have little control over their classroom, or what they teach ,and most of all, the pay is lousy!
19 posted on 06/04/2002 11:56:27 AM PDT by D. Miles
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To: madfly
Too bad the NEA can't be taken to court for its failure to educate millions of children.

I agree. Children are suffering from poor educational practices rather than an inherent learning problem. We need to rid our schools of the fads and empty programs that have replaced serious education with "feel-good" fluff and pop psychology. American education is producing kids who feel very positive about their educational skills regardless of how poor those skills are. Dumbing down should not be tolerated.

20 posted on 06/04/2002 12:41:06 PM PDT by Victoria Delsoul
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