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Seems to me something like, "3,5,7,9 - Let's have a Palestine - 2,4,6,8 - Right next to the Jewish state..." would have been the morally correct chant...
1 posted on 05/05/2002 9:51:37 PM PDT by rpage3
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To: rpage3
The word Palestine appears in the Bible? Maybe you need to do some more reading of history. The word is a Roman invention, there is one use of the word in the King James Version - but that's a translator's insertion 16 centuries later.
2 posted on 05/05/2002 10:05:00 PM PDT by spqrzilla9
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To: rpage3
Yeah, but it's already there; it's called "Jordan."

Now how about letting Israeli's have a measly 15% of the Palestinian Mandate for it's intended purpose as a jewish state?

3 posted on 05/05/2002 10:06:15 PM PDT by D-fendr
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To: rpage3
Well.. there is a Palestine, Texas and a Lake Palestine. Just hope they don't come to Texas and claim it.
4 posted on 05/05/2002 10:08:12 PM PDT by dc-zoo
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To: rpage3
The name "Palestine" was the name given to Judea and Samaria by the Romans expressly for the purpose of infuriating and subsuming the Jews living there who they'd conquered. There is no "Palestinian" culture, no "Palestinian" language, no "Palestinian" heritage. Just a bunch of innocent people, on the losing side of a war to destroy the nascent Jewish state, who should have been assimilated into the vast territories of the surrounding Arab states, but who are instead being used as political pawns and cannon fodder by those states in the ongoing effort to finish what they started years ago.
5 posted on 05/05/2002 10:09:07 PM PDT by mvpel
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To: rpage3
Pretty remarkable that you brazenly post such an ill-informed vanity.

Arafat is a Palestinian, right? Then I guess Cairo will be the Pali State's capital. That is where Arafat was born. Of Arafat's cabinet, only 1 man was born in Judea or Samaria. All others were born in Egypt (3), Jordan (5), Lebanon (1) or Syria (1).

There is, indeed, NO SUCH THING as "Palestine".

8 posted on 05/05/2002 10:14:51 PM PDT by montag813
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To: rpage3
Palestine is NOT in the Bible, no way no how. The Philistines were not the same people as the Palestinians of today.
The real homeland of Palestine is Jordan, not Israel, but gee, let's not let the truth interfere with PC!
9 posted on 05/05/2002 10:16:06 PM PDT by ladyinred
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To: rpage3;phasma proeliator
Cute stuff to be sure, but what does it say about the "peace" these folks want?

I believe it says a whole lot about the peace these folks want...
After all, they weren't chanting "Death to Palestine" or "Death to America" or marching around burning flags and cutting their heads open.

You're right, cute little rhyme, but I see no false truth in that chant... Israel is a Jewish state.
Why does it seem totally acceptable that the arab buttheads can protest and say whatever they want, but when Jewish or Christian folks stand up and do the same they are heavily criticized?

Maybe it's just me.
12 posted on 05/05/2002 10:25:30 PM PDT by da_toolman
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To: rpage3
Palestine is the homeland of the ancient Philistines.

In some modern languages
(Turkish, for example)
the Palestinians actually are called Philistines.

However, the Philistines were not Arabs
and the present day 'Palestinians' are not their descendents.

23 posted on 05/05/2002 10:45:44 PM PDT by Nogbad
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To: rpage3
There's no such thing as Israel...

Su'pose this

Israel disappers - everything - people, buildings, the land is scraped clear

The Palestinian people would still have to BEG for food and support from others. They have no plans to be self-sufficent and even gaining 100% of Israel would not change this.
If their people have no hope it is because of their own leaders lack of vision.

33 posted on 05/05/2002 11:20:13 PM PDT by RS
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To: rpage3

38 posted on 05/06/2002 12:36:31 AM PDT by Diogenesis
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To: rpage3
I just did a search of two bible programs on my computer and theonly metion of the word Palestine that I could fine was in Joel. According to Strong"s definitions it means rolling or to roam and was applied to a group of nomads, people that do not settle roam. They where also refered to as philistines .

The only area that they where loosely tied to was Syria, where the did a good part of their wandering in. When Great Britian gave up their claims to the land in the middleast and in conjuction with the League of Nations brought about the creation of a number of Arab states i.e Iran, Iraq, Israel etc. These various nomads which had no ties to any particular state had to be given a state also because the newly created states where not going to let them just wander in and out of their's.

So that is the reason for the creation of the state of Jordan. The original size and place of the state of Israel that was laid out and perposed by Britian was to be the same land as the Lord had described in the bible or pretty close to it which , by the way extended a good ways past the jordan river, much lees the so called west bank. The newly created Arab states violently protested the presence of the Jewish state which helped bring about their own creation, inpart because of the british decision to give the Jewish people a homeland. So they did everything they could to squeeze the state out of existence and the Jews recieved less that a third of what they where suppoosed to get with the bulk of going to create the state of Jordan the "first land for peace deal".

When the British refused to take anymore from them they demanded that the Arab states keep their agreement to recognise the state of Israel. The state Israel was voted into existance and within 24hrs, the five Arab states of about a hundred- fifty million people did what they have been doing ever since 1948 and launched an all out attack on the State of Israel's less than three million people. Then the Lord did what He has been doing since then and give the Arabs a bloody nose. The west bank was given that name by Jordan and was taken from them in the 67 war.

Israel was negociating with Egypt and Jordan over the territories they lost to Israel as a result of their attack on Israel. Egypt got the Sinai back and most of their army and tanks that where surrounded in the desert for the agreement to recognise Israel which they had already agreed to in 1948 but never had. Their was also much pleading and pressure by the U.S., for them not to finish off the people who had just tried to destroy them. Sound familar? The west bank was being negociated between Israel and Jordan when some guy named Arafat showed up from a far and convinced Jordan to give up it's claim to the west bank so he could try to eventually lay claim to it for the "people.

The King of Jordan was agreeable to this so he could get Arafat and his followers, whom he had run out of Jordan for trying to take over it by riots and such,out of his hair. This is why the land is still in dispute because Jordan never reached an agreement with Israel and so it is rightfully still Israel's. You never heard of the Palestinians clamoring for a homeland until after the 1967 war when Arafat started to build his own little kingdom.

Why because they already had a home, created just for them, called Jordan, built on land orginally intended for Israel. Sorry for the long post. I don't guess very many will read this anyhow.

39 posted on 05/06/2002 12:43:53 AM PDT by mississippi red-neck
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To: rpage3
Waiting to cross 5th Avenue today, one could hear the bullhorn chants as the Israeli day parade marched up to 79 th street in Manhattan. Cute stuff to be sure, but what does it say about the "peace" these folks want? A quick check of the Bible indicates the existence of a Palestine (let's not get into a discussion about its borders), have the Israelis decided that the reference in the Bible doesn't exist, never did and never will?

1. I'm not sure which (mis)tranlation you are using. There is no reference to a Palestine in the Hebrew Scriptures. Philistin has no relationship to Palestine except by name. The Philistines were a Greek sea-faring people who dissapeared around 800 BCE). I don't know about Christian scriptures. It is possible that some Christian writers towed the Roman line in that empires attempt to de-Judify Judea.

2. If you were informed of the subject matter, you would know that these chants had nothing to do with the Israelis. The marchers today were American Jews, for the most part. Also, the people chanting were a distinct minority. There were also a few lunatics chanting "Peace Now". That doesn't make it Israeli policy.
The chant you hate was used by two groups: Betar/Tagar and the Kahanists. While I sympathise with them, they are a distinct minority.

The fact is that there is an Arab state, the Kingdom of Jordan, composed of 3/4 of the British Mandate of Palestine. Today, the debate is over the creation of a Second PAlestinian-Arab country, to be ethnically cleansed of Jews, and to be located in Judea and Samaria.

PS. I looked at your other posts. You wan to t arm the Terrorists and arrest Sharon. At least you don't pretend to be objective.

43 posted on 05/06/2002 1:47:27 AM PDT by rmlew
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To: rpage3
Just what we need, another fetid, squalid, corrupt and dictatorial Arab regime in the Middle East. Islam and it's sharia law are the antithesis of democratic government, and Arab culture is a culture of shame, denial, brutality and lies.
54 posted on 05/06/2002 2:52:00 AM PDT by Zorobabel
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To: rpage3
The word is in the King James. Joel chapter 3:4.
62 posted on 05/06/2002 3:22:37 AM PDT by mississippi red-neck
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To: rpage3
I've always wondered why in 1948 at the rebirth of Israel, the Jewish people declared themselves a "nation in Palestine".
I have a recording of it. Any historians out there?
69 posted on 05/06/2002 4:34:29 AM PDT by patriot_wes
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To: rpage3
 From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine

 The History and Meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians" (or Just Plain Getting Screwed?)

 History of Israel and Palestine in VERY Easy To Understand Maps

73 posted on 05/06/2002 5:04:45 AM PDT by 2sheep
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To: rpage3
Pretty selective puzzlement I think.
For three generations now, Arab children have been taught with books that show no Israel...
Let me refresh my memory from the bible and see if Israel is there mentioned.

On a more secular level, the bible never mentions the state of Palestine as I recall, and when it was offered in 1948, the Arab Muslims refused it.
So, alas, yes; it does not exist.
I'll not even waste my time repeating why they refused it.
We all know why.

77 posted on 05/06/2002 5:21:18 AM PDT by Publius6961
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To: rpage3
Where does Palestine appear in the Bible? The term comes from "Philistine," who got beat with the jawbone of an ass...
78 posted on 05/06/2002 5:22:49 AM PDT by Mamzelle
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To: rpage3
Disagree, 2,4,6,8, Israel is the true state.
103 posted on 05/06/2002 6:51:46 AM PDT by skateman
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To: rpage3;montag813;Iwentsouth;RnMomof7
All the names of the cities are names given by Judah or what are some of the ancient names of Palestine?

I heard of Palestine Jews!

Who were the 1st Palestine Arabs/Islam?


Arafat was born in Egypt an is a Saudi.


I think the Islam religion wants to take over the world and it is important to make people think there is a Palestine and that Judah is wrong. They could careless about the Jews, That is why all Arab nation is sending money to get this accomplished, and using these people there as fodder to get the job done. When the so Called "Palestine lived in their nation they would cut them off after their usefulness was over the old doctors, lawyer, and other learn were disown as citizens, and the property was confiscated and they would soon die.

I also think now it was these snakes Saudi/Islam that have all through history created and spread the lies, of how Jews were money hungry and books like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion It was the evil Saudi who would cause havoc and than blame it on the Jews? Something to Ponder!





By Michael A. Hiltzik Los Angeles Times, November 28, 1993

MOSCOW -- In what observers called a historic ruling, a Russian

court has pronounced the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" an anti-Semitic forgery -- the first such verdict in the land where the fraud originated 90 years ago.

"Up to now every country had disengaged itself from this shameful book, except Russia, where it was concocted," Tancred Golenpolsky, the publisher of the Moscow Jewish newspaper that won the ruling, said Saturday.

The court case arose 10 months ago after Golenpolsky's Jewish Gazette accused the radical nationalist group Pamyat ("Memory") of printing anti-Semitic sentiments. Fostering ethnic conflict is punishable under Russian law.

Pamyat responded with a $19,000 libel suit, saying it has nothing against Arabs, who are also Semitic. In its defense, the Gazette noted that Pamyat's newspaper published extracts from the Protocols. The document, which details purported meetings of Jewish elders at which they plotted to seize control of the whole world, became the focus of the trial.

On Friday, a Moscow district court judge ruled that the document was indeed a forgery. She turned down Pamyat's claim and fined the organization court costs of about $190. The ruling by Judge Lyudmila Belikova was hailed by the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, which provided financial support for Golenpolsky and documentary material to the court.

"The ruling today under Russian law destroys any veneer of respectability that hatemongers around the globe have tried to bestow on this hateful work," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the center's associate dean, in a statement.

Pamyat was unrepentant. "They have no decency left to say the Protocols are a fake when the entire history of Russia after 1917 is solid proof that they are genuine," said Dmitri D. Vasiliev, head of the organization, in an interview Saturday.

Referring to the fact that such communist theoreticians and luminaries as Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky were Jewish, he said: "Who made the revolution? Who ruined and sold out the country? Take time and read the Protocols; the answers are there gaping at you from every page."

But Golenpolsky argued that the significance in the ruling lies not in its prospect of eradicating anti-Semitism in Russia. "Anti-Semitism will appear every time prices on potatoes and bread go up," he said in an interview. "What's important is that law and the government will take a stand."

For most of this century, the Protocols has been a key manifesto of anti-Semitism. It was used as a pretext for Eastern European pogroms, was a centerpiece of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and permeated Nazi propaganda. It consistently surfaces across the globe as purported documentation of a Jewish conspiracy.

At the same time it has been consistently condemned by courts around the world. In 1927, an American judge ordered auto magnate Henry Ford to destroy a large printing of the book he had personally financed; as recently as 1991 the South African government banned it as an immoral publication.

Contemporary evidence shows that the Protocols were written by members of Czar Nicholas II's "Okhranka," or secret police, in 1903. Its very birth was particularly unsavory; as much as 60 percent of the document is a bald plagiarism from an anti-Semitic tract published in France around that time.

The Okhranka fashioned the document as the purported agreement of a group of Jewish elders meeting in Switzerland in 1897 to plot Jewish hegemony through the destruction of Christian civilization. It was first published in Russia on the eve, and as the instrument, of the vicious 1903 Odessa pogrom.

Judge Belikova based her ruling in part on testimony by a three-member panel of Russian academic experts who examined the document and its textual and legal history. The experts were agreed to by both sides, although Golenpolsky said his only stipulation was that they not be Jewish.

"My conclusion was that this is prima facie apocryphal and that this is an anti-Semitic document," said one of the experts, Lionel Dadiani of Moscow's Institute of Sociology, who wrote a 67-page opinion for the court.

Pamyat's Vasiliev said Saturday that he intends to bring further cases against the Jewish Gazette.

139 posted on 05/06/2002 8:56:57 AM PDT by restornu
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