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hillary talks: ON CHINA (latest virtual hillary is the REAL hillary movie)
"Living History," hillary clinton, harry wu, | 10.16.03 | Mia T

Posted on 10/16/2003 8:40:17 AM PDT by Mia T



 hillary talks: ON CHINA

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)

missus clinton's REAL virtual office update



Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992*


*Thanx to Cloud William for text and audio


LEHRER: President Bush, your closing statement, sir.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Three weeks from now--two weeks from tomorrow, America goes to the polls and you're going to have to decide who you want to lead this country ...

On foreign affairs, some think it's irrelevant. I believe it's not. We're living in an interconnected world...And if a crisis comes up, ask who has the judgment and the experience and, yes, the character to make the right decision?

And, lastly, the other night on character Governor Clinton said it's not the character of the president but the character of the presidency. I couldn't disagree more. Horace Greeley said the only thing that endures is character. And I think it was Justice Black who talked about great nations, like great men, must keep their word.

And so the question is, who will safeguard this nation, who will safeguard our people and our children? I need your support, I ask for your support. And may God bless the United States of America.



play tape



"Free Republic is one of those groups obsessed with the Clinton era."

Word's out: Protest at Hillary's tonight
U.S. News & World Report (Washington Whispers) |
March 11, 2003 | Paul Bedard




I'll bet that Mr. Bedard is a member of "one of those groups" so "obsessed" with voting in -- and having access to -- the clintons that they--ooops-- failed to notice the obvious danger of the lovely couple.



Thanx for 9/11, Paul...

Mia T



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1 posted on 10/16/2003 8:40:18 AM PDT by Mia T
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Rumor has it William Jefferson Clinton himself is to recite Honest Abe's lines in this New Year's Eve pageant. Whoever writes these scripts has a natural talent for irony. For some irrepressible reason, one cannot help but think of that costume party in "The Manchurian Candidate,'' complete with Red Queen and Abe Lincoln in stovepipe hat and fake beard.

Hey, what a party! New Year's at the White House

by Mia T

The Republicans' latest talking point is that the breach of national security enabled by clinton must be simple incompetence, that the concept that anyone in government would commit treason is too outrageous even to contemplate.

If the Republicans believe what they are saying, then they are morons.
If they don't believe what they are saying, then they, too, are traitors.

Outrageousness is an essential element of clinton corruption. The clinton crimes -- rape, murder -- and now treason -- are so outrageous that they allow clinton hacks to reasonably brand all clinton accusers clinton-hating neo-Nazi crazies (notwithstanding the plain fact that some of us are Northeast Jews of leftist origin)..

Yet privately few clintonites would deny that Bill Clinton facilitated China espionage. Their only question: "Why?"

Some call clinton a quisling, a Manchurian Candidate, bought off in Little Rock by Riady and company decades ago (and much too cheaply, according to his Chinese benefactors), trading our national security for his political power. This argument is persuasive but incomplete; clinton, a certifiable megalomaniac, is driven ultimately by his solipsistic, messianic world view and by that which ultimately quashes all else -- his toxic legacy.

William J. Broad suggests (Spying Isn't the Only Way to Learn About Nukes, The New York Times, May 30, 1999) that clinton had another reason to empower China and disembowel America. Broad argues that clinton sought to disseminate our atomic secrets proactively in order to implement his postmodern, quite inane epistemological theory, namely, that, contrary to currently held dogma, knowledge is not power after all -- that, indeed, quite the contrary is the case.

Broad writes in part:

Since 1993, officials say, the Energy Department's "openness initiative" has released at least 178 categories of atom secrets. By contrast, the 1980s saw two such actions...

Its overview of the disclosures, "Restricted Data Declassification Decisions," dated January 1999 and more than 140 pages long, lists such things as how atom bombs can be boosted in power, key steps in making hydrogen bombs, the minimum amount (8.8 pounds) of plutonium or uranium fuel needed for an atom bomb and the maximum time it takes an exploding atomic bomb to ignite an H-bomb's hydrogen fuel (100 millionths of a second).

No grade-B physicist from any university could figure this stuff. It took decades of experience gained at a cost of more than $400 billion.

The release of the secrets started as a high-stakes bet that openness would lessen, not increase, the world's vulnerability to nuclear arms and war. John Holum, who heads arms control at the State Department, told Congress last year that the test ban "essentially eliminates" the possibility of a renewed international race to develop new kinds of nuclear arms...

"The United States must stand as leader," O'Leary told a packed news conference in December 1993 upon starting the process. "We are declassifying the largest amount of information in the history of the department."

Critics, however, say the former secrets are extremely valuable to foreign powers intent on making nuclear headway. Gaffney, the former Reagan official, disparaged the giveaway as "dangling goodies in front of people to get them to sign up into our arms-control agenda."

Thomas B. Cochran,:..."In terms of the phenomenology of nuclear weapons...the cat is out of the bag."

...[F]ormer Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the "extensive declassification" of secrets had inadvertently aided the global spread of deadly weapons. ["inadvertently" ???!!!!]

Broad would have us believe we are watching "Being There" and not "The Manchurian Candidate." His argument is superficially appealing as most reasonable people would conclude that it requires the simplemindedness of a Chauncy Gardener (in "Being There") to reason that instructing China and a motley assortment of terrorist nations on how to beef up their atom bombs and how not to omit the "key steps" when building hydrogen bombs would somehow blunt and not stimulate their appetites for bigger and better bombs and a higher position in the power food chain.

But it is Broad's failure to fully connect the dots -- clinton's wholesale release of atomic secrets, decades of Chinese money sluicing into clinton's campaigns, clinton's pushing of the test ban treaty, clinton's concomitant sale of supercomputers, and clinton's noxious legacy -- that blows his argument to smithereens and reduces his piece to just another clinton apologia by The New York Times.

But even a Times apologia cannot save clinton from the gallows. Clinton can be both an absolute (albeit postmodern) moron and a traitor. The strict liability Gump-ism, "Treason is as treason does" applies.

The idea that an individual can be convicted of the crime of treason only if there is treasonous intent or *mens rea* runs contrary to the concept of strict liability crimes. That doctrine (Park v United States, (1974) 421 US 658,668) established the principle of 'strict liability' or 'liability without fault' in certain criminal cases, usually involving crimes which endanger the public welfare.

Calling his position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty "an historic milestone," (if he must say so himself) clinton believed that if he could get China to sign it, he would go down in history as the savior of mankind. This was 11 August 1995.

According to James Risen and Jeff Gerth of The New York Times, "the legacy codes and the warhead data that goes with them" -- apparently stolen from the Los Alamos weapons lab by scientist, Wen Ho Lee aided and abetted by bill clinton, hillary clinton, the late Ron Brown, Sandy Berger, Hazel O'Leary, Janet Reno, Eric Holder and others in the clinton administration (not to mention congressional clinton accomplices Glenn, Daschle, Bumpers, Harkin, Boxer, Feinstein, Lantos, Levin. Lautenberg, Torricelli et al.) -- "could (especially when combined with the supercomputers that clinton sold to China to help them finish the job) be particularly valuable for a country, like China, that has signed onto the nuclear test ban treaty and relies solely on computer simulations to upgrade and maintain its nuclear arsenal. The legacy codes are now used to maintain the American nuclear arsenal through computer simulation.

Most of Lee's transfers occurred in 1994 and 1995, just before China signed the test ban treaty in 1996, according to American officials."

Few who have observed clinton would argue against the proposition that this legacy-obsessed megalomaniac would trade our legacy codes for his rehabilitated legacy in a Monica minute and to hell with "the children."

2 posted on 10/16/2003 8:53:49 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: WorkingClassFilth; Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; IVote2; Slyfox; ...
3 posted on 10/16/2003 9:04:45 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
That's pretty frightening. Almost as chilling as This month's issue of The American Spectator "Hillary Rising" by Mark W. Davis
4 posted on 10/16/2003 9:46:54 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: jla
latest @
5 posted on 10/16/2003 12:22:34 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
Good afternoon Mia

thanks for the ping
& bttt
6 posted on 10/16/2003 12:29:24 PM PDT by firewalk
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
That's pretty frightening. Almost as chilling as This month's issue of The American Spectator "Hillary Rising" by Mark W. Davis

Although I disagree with the premise--in my view, the clintons are kaput--two elements necessary to lift that leaden weight are gross voter fraud and "the moron vote.'"

Tyrrell's delicious description of the latter is also at The Spectator site.

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The Moron Vote


Published 10/16/2003 12:03:00 AM

The Current Crisis

WASHINGTON -- I am wondering. At this point in the Democratic lunge for the presidential nomination, does Dr. Howard Dean have a monopoly on that sector of the Democratic vote that we may classify as the moron vote? Or is the idiotic Senator John Pierre Kerry chipping away at these serried ranks of oafs? And, just as an aside, are there still enough Democrats of the type who nominated Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy, and Hubert Humphrey to give the nomination to Senator Joseph Lieberman, heir to the governing wing of the Democratic Party?

The other day on CNN I heard the mentally-disturbed Mr. Michael Moore dismiss Lieberman as "a Republican." Mr. Moore, naturally, admires Dr. Howard Dean, the moderate governor of Vermont who now insists that he is a Yippie, circa 1968. Mr. Moore is sufficiently mindless to believe that. Senator Lieberman on the other hand has for many years been steady in his commitment to the collectivist domestic policies and vigilant foreign policy that New Dealers, Fair Dealers, and New Frontiersmen used to govern America for roughly three decades, setting the country on a course that defeated world Communism and accomplished some rather good things domestically. To say that Senator Lieberman is a Republican is either stupid or a deception.

Deception plays very well with the Democrats' moron vote, though it is perhaps more accurate to refer to that vote as the indignant moron vote, for it is very indignant and in fact proud of its anger. Anytime I write something discourteous about Dr. Howard Dean I receive a torrent of e-mails from the indignant moron vote. Usually the indignado begins by claiming never to have voted before but now to be attracted by the shirt-sleeved medico's illusory virtues. Now I wonder if Senator John Pierre Kerry has nibbled away at Dr. Howard Dean's vote. The Vietnam veteran who supported the war in Iraq, but did not support the war, who boasts of his war record but does not boast of his war record, is certainly an obvious enough fraud to appeal to the moron vote. Moreover, he is sufficiently angry to give the morons goose pimples.

That he is a splendid phony is abundantly clear. In fact he may be the phoniest of all the Democrats now running. This week in The Hill the indefatigable
Sam Dealey, a reporter who has the wit to report not only what a politician says today but what the pol said yesterday, demonstrated what a fraud the Francophile senator from Massachusetts really is. First Dealey reports that Dr. Howard Dean is chiding Kerry for "flip-flopping on the importance of serving in Vietnam in presidential politics." Then Dealey reports Kerry's many boasts about how important a credential his military service is. Then Dealey disinters statements by Kerry in the 1990s denying the importance of a military credential. Kerry was defending Bill Clinton, the draft dodger about to win the Democratic presidential nomination. In defense of Clinton Kerry said things such as this, a rhetorical question to Clinton's opponent, President George H. W. Bush, "if service or non-service in the war is to become a test of qualification for high office, you would not have a vice president." He is referring to the fact that Vice President Dan Quayle only served in the National Guard.

Kerry, the veteran who stresses his military service but does not stress his military service, also disparages service in the National Guard. Though you can be sure he will soon insist that he does not disparage service in the National Guard, especially when a reporter notes the fine service the Guard is now performing in Iraq. That quotation directed against Quayle is ancient history. But then there is this quote from October 6. Asked about reinstating the draft, Kerry gratuitously sneers, "There are some people in high office today who pulled strings to get into the National Guard." That is a canard he and the moron vote fling at the President.

Viewing the charges that the Democrats fling at one another and the charges they fling at the President who it seems to me is almost certain to be reelected, I have come to a conclusion. These candidates have an instinctive aversion to the truth. On matters large and small they are with surprising regularity wrong. Apologists explain that they have to be wrong to appeal to their base, the moron vote. I hate to sound like a moralist, but I just do not think that is a sufficient reason for lying, even about yourself.

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. is the editor in chief of The American Spectator, a contributing editor to the New York Sun, and an Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute.

7 posted on 10/16/2003 1:14:11 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T

The Red Witch
8 posted on 10/16/2003 2:07:39 PM PDT by Bon mots
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To: Mia T

9 posted on 10/16/2003 2:09:11 PM PDT by Bon mots
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To: Mia T
Oh, what the heck, I'll post one more... I don't think you'll mind Mia... (This is not one of mine):

After all, it's almost Halloween...

Hey, is that Vince's hand in there???

10 posted on 10/16/2003 2:16:17 PM PDT by Bon mots
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To: Mia T
"Mia T is delightfully mischievous. Though I wouldn't assume that Boy Clinton, nor missus clinton, share my enthusiasm."

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. editor in chief of The American Spectator

11 posted on 10/16/2003 3:19:49 PM PDT by jla (
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To: jla
Aren't they a cute couple??

Wonder where that pitchfork's been?? The humidor??

12 posted on 10/16/2003 3:59:08 PM PDT by StarCMC (God protect the 969th in Iraq and their Captain, my brother...God protect them all!)
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To: All
EXPENSIVE CHINA: the clinton legacy
by Mia T, 10.17.03


Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
THIRD WITCH (a stealth Conservative)
Scale of BONIOR, tooth of WOLF,
HILLARY'S memory, maw and gulf
A ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Ears of the MARTINS digg'd i' the dark,
Gall of BILL, and McCURRY'S slips
"Noes" of LANNY, and HUBBELL'S lips,
Finger of ICKES ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a Chinese squadron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Cool it with cash and blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
Enter Lady MacClinton

Mia T, MacClinton
Act IV, Scene I

It is no secret that Hillary's past takes us through a pile of hard, cold cash from the Chinese army, Chinese army agents roaming the White House and photos with a wide variety of scoundrels.

For example, the one prominent name missing from Hillary's recent "tell-all" book is Riady. Mrs. Clinton failed to mention the Riady family at all. One would get the impression that the Riadys were not present in the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton certainly overlooked listing the table settings and menus for White House dinners with the Riadys.

The Riadys knew the Clintons from their Arkansas years, when Moctar bought out a local bank. Moctar and his son James were close to Bill and Hillary through 1992 and into the White House. Moctar even owned the firm selected by Hillary Clinton to replace the White House travel office.

Riady and Hillary

Moctar and James Riady played a key role in bringing the Clintons to power in Washington. The Indonesian billionaire and his Lippo banking company managed to contribute large sums of money to the Clintons' campaigns even though it was against the law. Moctar's gardener contributed $450,000 directly to Bill Clinton in a single check. James Riady, Moctar's son, eventually pleaded guilty to campaign violations.

The connections between the Riadys and the Clintons have a much more sinister theme than simple foreign money inside U.S. elections. Testimony before the U.S. Senate revealed Moctar Riady's involvement in Chinese espionage. The Lippo Group is in fact a joint venture of China Resources, a trading and holding company "wholly owned" by the Chinese communist government and used as a front for Chinese espionage operations.

Mrs. Clinton not only knew the Riadys but took their money as well. To prove my point I need only to cite photographic evidence. Her picture with Moctar Riady is certainly damning evidence of a relationship that spanned several bank accounts and two decades. It is often said that a picture tells a thousand words. However, Hillary's pictures not only tell stories left out of her book but they also netted $10,000 each for the DNC in illegal donations.

Hillary's Most-Wanted

Mrs. Clinton has left us with a wide selection of photo evidence. Mrs. Clinton has had her photo taken with drug dealer Jorge Cabrera. Jorge donated a load of drug money to the DNC in order to get close to the first lady. Jorge is currently serving federal time for smuggling 3,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States.

Ironically, Jorge and Hillary were photographed in front of the White House Christmas tree.

Mrs. Clinton also has a virtual personal photo gallery of modern crime. It is almost as if she wanted to collect snapshots of herself and major crime figures.

For example, the co-presidents were photographed together with Macao criminal boss Ng Lapseng. Ng makes most of his money through the female-empowering career of prostitution.

Ng owns the Fortuna Hotel in Macao. You can stay overnight at the Fortuna for a reasonable price. In addition, you can also purchase the services of a Fortuna hostess for an additional nightly or hourly fee.

Ng frequently visited the Clintons with his close friend Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie. It was through Charlie Trie that Ng also donated thousands of dollars to the Clintons.

Ng's Fortuna Hotel showed up again later in official State Department charges against the satellite division of Hughes. The Fortuna turned out to be a front for a Chinese army company that leased a Hughes satellite.

Hillary Clinton's close relationship with the Chinese army is all too well documented. The first lady was clearly involved with Chinese agent Johnny Chung and the penetration of Col. Lui of Chinese army unit COSTIND, the Chinese Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

According to the GAO, COSTIND "oversees development of China's weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications technology applicable for military use."

Johnny Chung also had several photo sessions with both Clintons. Many of the photos appear in Mr. Chung's beer advertisements. Chung passed Chinese army money to the DNC through Mrs. Clinton. In return, a very young and attractive female PLA colonel and COSTIND computer information warfare specialist was allowed inside the White House to meet Bill Clinton.

Hillary's Albatross
Charles R. Smith
Friday, Sept. 5, 2003

I believe that this espionage case -- the Chinese -- is the worst in the history of this country. They got just about everything that we have and you'll see it in the out years in their development of their weapons.

HEAR Sen. Richard Shelby

China space shot has military implications

China launches first manned space flight
Reuters ^ | 10-14-03

Wed 15 October, 2003 02:07 BST

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has launched its first manned space flight from the Gobi desert, Xinhua news agency says, in its bid to become the third country to put a man in orbit after the former Soviet Union and the United States.

The Shenzhou V, or "Divine Ship V", was expected to orbit the Earth 14 times before returning after about 21 hours.

Xinhua said the craft carried astronaut Yang Liwei, 38. The launch on Wednesday, 42 years after the Soviet Union put the first man into space, marked a milestone for China's secretive space programme, which analysts say has its sights set on a manned mission to the moon.

13 posted on 10/17/2003 5:25:17 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: All
14 posted on 10/18/2003 3:11:37 PM PDT by jla (
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15 posted on 10/18/2003 5:05:02 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Bon mots
one more time for this, too -- this time with a live link to the China launch, courtesy of the clintons (for the launch, not the link ;)).

EXPENSIVE CHINA: the clinton legacy

by Mia T, 10.17.03


Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

THIRD WITCH (a stealth Conservative)
Scale of BONIOR, tooth of WOLF,
HILLARY'S memory, maw and gulf
A ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Ears of the MARTINS digg'd i' the dark,
Gall of BILL, and McCURRY'S slips
"Noes" of LANNY, and HUBBELL'S lips,
Finger of ICKES ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a Chinese squadron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.

Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Cool it with cash and blood,
Then the charm is firm and good. 

Enter Lady MacClinton


Mia T, MacClinton
Act IV, Scene I

It is no secret that Hillary's past takes us through a pile of hard, cold cash from the Chinese army, Chinese army agents roaming the White House and photos with a wide variety of scoundrels.

For example, the one prominent name missing from Hillary's recent "tell-all" book is Riady. Mrs. Clinton failed to mention the Riady family at all. One would get the impression that the Riadys were not present in the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton certainly overlooked listing the table settings and menus for White House dinners with the Riadys.

The Riadys knew the Clintons from their Arkansas years, when Moctar bought out a local bank. Moctar and his son James were close to Bill and Hillary through 1992 and into the White House. Moctar even owned the firm selected by Hillary Clinton to replace the White House travel office.

Riady and Hillary

Moctar and James Riady played a key role in bringing the Clintons to power in Washington. The Indonesian billionaire and his Lippo banking company managed to contribute large sums of money to the Clintons' campaigns even though it was against the law. Moctar's gardener contributed $450,000 directly to Bill Clinton in a single check. James Riady, Moctar's son, eventually pleaded guilty to campaign violations.

The connections between the Riadys and the Clintons have a much more sinister theme than simple foreign money inside U.S. elections. Testimony before the U.S. Senate revealed Moctar Riady's involvement in Chinese espionage. The Lippo Group is in fact a joint venture of China Resources, a trading and holding company "wholly owned" by the Chinese communist government and used as a front for Chinese espionage operations.

Mrs. Clinton not only knew the Riadys but took their money as well. To prove my point I need only to cite photographic evidence. Her picture with Moctar Riady is certainly damning evidence of a relationship that spanned several bank accounts and two decades. It is often said that a picture tells a thousand words. However, Hillary's pictures not only tell stories left out of her book but they also netted $10,000 each for the DNC in illegal donations.

Hillary's Most-Wanted

Mrs. Clinton has left us with a wide selection of photo evidence. Mrs. Clinton has had her photo taken with drug dealer Jorge Cabrera. Jorge donated a load of drug money to the DNC in order to get close to the first lady. Jorge is currently serving federal time for smuggling 3,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States.

Ironically, Jorge and Hillary were photographed in front of the White House Christmas tree.

Mrs. Clinton also has a virtual personal photo gallery of modern crime. It is almost as if she wanted to collect snapshots of herself and major crime figures.

For example, the co-presidents were photographed together with Macao criminal boss Ng Lapseng. Ng makes most of his money through the female-empowering career of prostitution.

Ng owns the Fortuna Hotel in Macao. You can stay overnight at the Fortuna for a reasonable price. In addition, you can also purchase the services of a Fortuna hostess for an additional nightly or hourly fee.

Ng frequently visited the Clintons with his close friend Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie. It was through Charlie Trie that Ng also donated thousands of dollars to the Clintons.

Ng's Fortuna Hotel showed up again later in official State Department charges against the satellite division of Hughes. The Fortuna turned out to be a front for a Chinese army company that leased a Hughes satellite.

Hillary Clinton's close relationship with the Chinese army is all too well documented. The first lady was clearly involved with Chinese agent Johnny Chung and the penetration of Col. Lui of Chinese army unit COSTIND, the Chinese Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

According to the GAO, COSTIND "oversees development of China's weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications technology applicable for military use."

Johnny Chung also had several photo sessions with both Clintons. Many of the photos appear in Mr. Chung's beer advertisements. Chung passed Chinese army money to the DNC through Mrs. Clinton. In return, a very young and attractive female PLA colonel and COSTIND computer information warfare specialist was allowed inside the White House to meet Bill Clinton.

Hillary's Albatross
Charles R. Smith
Friday, Sept. 5, 2003

I believe that this espionage case -- the Chinese -- is the worst in the history of this country. They got just about everything that we have and you'll see it in the out years in their development of their weapons.

HEAR Sen. Richard Shelby

China space shot has military implications

China launches first manned space flight
Reuters ^ | 10-14-03

Wed 15 October, 2003 02:07 BST

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has launched its first manned space flight from the Gobi desert, Xinhua news agency says, in its bid to become the third country to put a man in orbit after the former Soviet Union and the United States.

The Shenzhou V, or "Divine Ship V", was expected to orbit the Earth 14 times before returning after about 21 hours.

Xinhua said the craft carried astronaut Yang Liwei, 38. The launch on Wednesday, 42 years after the Soviet Union put the first man into space, marked a milestone for China's secretive space programme, which analysts say has its sights set on a manned mission to the moon.



 hillary talks: ON CHINA

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)

missus clinton's REAL virtual office update

16 posted on 02/27/2004 2:36:34 AM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
Good Morning, I had to Bump this to the top!

17 posted on 03/23/2004 5:48:42 AM PST by angcat
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To: angcat

much-belated thx :)

18 posted on 04/04/2006 7:14:45 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Sic Luceat Lux; All

EXPENSIVE CHINA: the clinton legacy

by Mia T et al, 10.17.03, 03.01.06

It is no secret that Hillary's past takes us through a pile of hard, cold cash from the Chinese army, Chinese army agents roaming the White House and photos with a wide variety of scoundrels.

For example, the one prominent name missing from Hillary's recent "tell-all" book is Riady. Mrs. Clinton failed to mention the Riady family at all. One would get the impression that the Riadys were not present in the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton certainly overlooked listing the table settings and menus for White House dinners with the Riadys.

The Riadys knew the Clintons from their Arkansas years, when Moctar bought out a local bank. Moctar and his son James were close to Bill and Hillary through 1992 and into the White House. Moctar even owned the firm selected by Hillary Clinton to replace the White House travel office.

Riady and Hillary

Moctar and James Riady played a key role in bringing the Clintons to power in Washington. The Indonesian billionaire and his Lippo banking company managed to contribute large sums of money to the Clintons' campaigns even though it was against the law. Moctar's gardener contributed $450,000 directly to Bill Clinton in a single check. James Riady, Moctar's son, eventually pleaded guilty to campaign violations.

The connections between the Riadys and the Clintons have a much more sinister theme than simple foreign money inside U.S. elections. Testimony before the U.S. Senate revealed Moctar Riady's involvement in Chinese espionage. The Lippo Group is in fact a joint venture of China Resources, a trading and holding company "wholly owned" by the Chinese communist government and used as a front for Chinese espionage operations.

Mrs. Clinton not only knew the Riadys but took their money as well. To prove my point I need only to cite photographic evidence. Her picture with Moctar Riady is certainly damning evidence of a relationship that spanned several bank accounts and two decades. It is often said that a picture tells a thousand words. However, Hillary's pictures not only tell stories left out of her book but they also netted $10,000 each for the DNC in illegal donations.

Hillary's Most-Wanted

Mrs. Clinton has left us with a wide selection of photo evidence. Mrs. Clinton has had her photo taken with drug dealer Jorge Cabrera. Jorge donated a load of drug money to the DNC in order to get close to the first lady. Jorge is currently serving federal time for smuggling 3,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States.


19 posted on 04/04/2006 7:15:46 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: angcat

Welcome! I love our posts.

20 posted on 04/04/2006 7:19:28 AM PDT by angcat
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