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Anthrax Mailings: Connecting the Dots [to al-Qaeda] ^ | 18 Jan. 2004 | Ross E. Getman

Posted on 01/19/2004 11:00:30 PM PST by flamefront

[An extensive set of articles referred to lay out a definitive explanation on the source of the anthrax mailings.]

"Dad," he whispered. His Dad could barely hear him. "'I've been arrested, I'm being taken, I don't know where or why." Moazzam Begg was in the trunk of a car being taken away from his apartment in Islamabad. He had been picked up by Pakistan and US agents. The Britoner had come to Pakistan with his wife and children after the US strikes began in Afghanistan.  It was February 2002. Months later, he would confess to being involved with an Al Qaeda plot to disperse weaponized anthrax using a drone.  His name had been found on a money transfer in the one-room chemical bunker of Egyptian scientist Midhat Mursi at a camp in Afghanistan.

In early June 2003, a Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") report publicly disclosed that the reason for Mohammed Atta's and Zacarias Moussaoui's inquiries into cropdusters was for the contemplated use in dispersing biological agents such as anthrax. An early September 2003 Newsweek article included a rumor by a Taliban source that at a meeting in April 2003 Bin Laden was planning an "unbelievable" biological attack, the plans for which had suffered a setback upon the arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed ("KSM") the previous month in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In November 2003, a report by a UN Panel of experts concluded that Al Qaeda is determined to use chemical and biological weapons and is restrained only by technical difficulties.    

In November 2003, it was widely reported that a potential terrorist plot had been thwarted in late 2002 after a London-based group tried to buy half a ton of saponin. Saponin enhances the transmission of molecules through biological cell membranes. When combined with a potent toxin, it can ease the absorption of the poison through the skin, experts say. Midhat Mursi had worked on a chemical additive to increase skin absorption.

The CIA reportedly has been quietly building a case that the anthrax mailings were an international plot. This is old news. It's just no longer bureaucratically impolite to openly contest the FBI's (former) theory about a lone, American scientist. Many people have argued that a US-based Al Qaeda operative is behind the earlier Fall 2001 anthrax mailings in the US, and that the mailings served as a threat and warning. This would follow the pattern of letters they sent 1997 to newspaper branches in Washington, D.C. and New York City, as well as symbolic targets. The letters bombs were sent in connection with the detention of those responsible for the earlier World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Handwritten notes and files on a laptop seized upon the capture of KSM, Al Qaeda's #3, included a feasible anthrax production plan using a spray dryer and addressed the recruitment of necessary expertise. What your morning paper did not tell you, however, was that the CIA seized a similar disc from Ayman Zawahiri's right-hand, Ahmed Salama Mabruk, 5 years earlier. The computer disk was confiscated from him during his arrest by the CIA in Azerbaijan and reportedly handed over to the Egyptian authorities. Mabruk, at the time, was the head of Jihad's military operations. There is a risk that observers underestimate the time that Al Qaeda has had to make progress in such recruitment and research and development. 

Some may still think that even in the final stages of the 9/11 plot, Zacarias Moussaoui was going to fly a 5th plane into the Capitol or White House. There is an e-mail by Moussaoui, however, dated July 31, 2001 indicating that he sought to take a crop dusting course that was to last up to 6 months. Moreover, in March 2003, Mohammed, reportedly said that Moussaoui was not going to be part of 9/11 but was to be part of a "second wave." Accused September 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui told his trial judge that he had an al Qaeda mission that would have come after the terrorist attacks. KSM explained that his inquiries about crop dusters may have been related to the anthrax work being done by US-trained biochemist and Al Qaeda operative, Malaysian Yazid Sufaat. Al Qaeda's regional operative, Hambali, who was at a key January 2000 meeting and supervised Sufaat, has been captured. Hambali reportedly is cooperating. Zacarias Moussaoui, never the sharpest tool in the shed and thought by his superiors to be unreliable, has told the judge at his trial in a filing that he wants "anthrax for Jew sympathizer only."

Sufaat, according to both KSM and Hambali, did not have the virulent US Army Ames strain that would be used. That would require someone who had access to the strain. But if experience is any guide, nothing would stand in the way of Dr. Ayman Zawahiri's decade-long quest to weaponize and use anthrax against US targets that was described by one confidante to an Egyptian newspaper reporter. The islamist had been released from Egyptian prison and had known Zawahiri well for many years. Zawahiri was the leader of a faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad known as the Vanguards of Conquest. He was seeking to recreate Mohammed's taking of mecca by a small band through violent attacks on Egyptian leaders. By the mid-1990s, Zawahiri had determined that the group should focus on its struggle against the United States and hold off on further attacks against the Egyptian regime. A key question is how they acquired the anthrax strain first isolated by the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab in 1980. According to senior counterterrorism officials, both here and abroad, among the supporters of these militant islamists were people who blended into society and were available to act when another part of the network requested it.

A few days before Christmas 2003, after a renewed audiotape threat by Zawahiri of attacks, to include in the US homeland, the threat level was raised to orange or "high." According to some reports, Zawahiri is thought by intelligence to be Iran, on the border adjacent to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Wherever he is, authorities need to focus on the traceable connection between him and those he recruited.

First, Al Qaeda has had anthrax, the raw seed product in its unweaponized form, since at least 1997, when it was purchased by Bin Laden through the Moro Islamic Liberation Front ("Moro Front" or "MILF"). Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's #2, is head of Al Qaeda's biochemical program. The CIA has known of Zawahiri's plans to use anthrax for a half decade. The confidante and right-hand man of Dr. Ayman Zawahiri admitted that Zawahiri succeeded in obtaining anthrax and intended to use it against US targets. Another senior Al Qaeda member (a shura or policy-making council member no less) was working for the Egyptian intelligence services and he confirmed the report in a sworn lengthy confession. Even Zawahiri's attorney in 1999 said that Bin Laden and Zawahiri were likely to resort to the biological and chemical agents they possessed given the extradition pressure senior Al Qaeda leaders faced. A recently released islamist who had been a close associate of Zawahiri said that Zawahiri spent a decade and had made 15 separate attempts to recruit the necessary expertise to weaponize anthrax in Russia and the Middle East. The US Army recipe was not used, and obtaining the unprocessed Ames strain of anthrax used does not pose much of an obstacle or warrant the weight given it by some press accounts. There was lax control over the distribution of the Ames strain that was used, especially in light of the fact that transfers were not even required to be recorded prior to 1997. Significantly, the individual who isolated it nearly a quarter century ago (now retired), upon being contacted, does not report that he sent the only copy of the strain to Ft. Detrick.

Al Qaeda's anthrax production plans on Khalid Mohammed's computer did not evidence knowledge of advanced techniques in the most efficient biological weapons. At least according to the public comments by bioweaponeer experts William Patrick and Kenneth Alibek, under the optimal method, there is no electrostatic charge; in the case of the anthrax used in the mailings, there was an electrostatic charge. Although there was a dominance of single spores and a trillion spore concentration, there were clumps as large as 40 - 100 microns. (Spores must be no bigger than 5 microns to be inhalable.) As Kenneth Alibek, the former head of Russia's anthrax production program, explained on March 31, 2003 in response to a written question, "This anthrax wasn't sophisticated, didn't have coatings, had electric charge and many other things." Many point to the trillion spore concentration as extraordinary. It is far simpler, however, to achieve a trillion spore concentration in the production of a few grams than in industrial processing typical of a state sponsored lab. The "trillion spore" issue was at the heart of a lot of mistaken theories of the matter concluding that state sponsorship was necessarily indicated. The reported finding at Dugway undermines the argument of both the "bomb Iraq" crowd and the liberals focused on Dr. Steve Hatfill who object to US biodefense research because they view it as being useful for offensive purposes.  

USDA employee Johnelle Bryant first told us, in sensational detail, of Atta's inquiries about purchasing and retrofitting a cropduster. Khalid Mohammed then told interrogators that Zacarias Moussaoui's inquiries about crop dusting may have related to Yazid Sufaat's anthrax manufacturing plans. Although the details of the documents on Mohammed's computer may (or may not) point to possible difficulties in aerial dispersal, they are fully consistent with the product used in the anthrax mailings. Al Qaeda had both the means and opportunity.

US-trained Malaysian biochemist Yazid Sufaat met with 9/11 plotters and two hijackers in January 2000. Sufaat was a member of Al Qaeda and a member of Jemaah Islamiah ("JI"). JI has ties with the Moro Front. Sufaat used his company called Green Laboratory Medicine to buy items useful to Al Qaeda. (Green symbolizes "Islam" and Prophet Mohammed's holy war). Zacarias Moussaoui, who had a crop dusting manual when he was arrested, stayed at Sufaat's condominium in 2000 when he was trying to arrange for flight lessons in Malaysia. Yazid Sufaat provided Moussaoui with a letter indicating that he was a marketing representative for Infocus Technologies and allegedly provided him $35,000. The crop dusters were to be part of a "second wave."

After 9/11, Yazid Sufaat traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan to work for the Taliban Medical Brigade and to continue his work with anthrax. As described in US News, a former reporter from the Kabul Times apparently actually met Sufaat, without realizing it, while traveling near Kabul in October 2001, perceiving him as Filipino. The fellow was carrying papers from Zawahiri and bragging about his ability to manipulate anthrax. Sufaat was arrested in December 2001 upon his return to Malaysia. Newsweek reported that a "second wave" involving biological attacks had been thwarted upon the arrest of Al Qaeda members who had been intended to provide logistical support.

Various doctors, both foreign and American, are associated with Al Qaeda leaders or operatives, to include the doctors Abdul Qadoos Khan, a bacteriologist from Rawalpindi and Aafia Siddiqui, PhD, from Karachi. Microbiologist Abdul Qadoos Khan was charged along with his son, Ahmed, for harboring the fugitives. As of March 28, 2003, he was in a hospital for a cardiac problem and had been granted "pre-arrest bail." Yet all you read about at the time was the arrest of the son Ahmed Abdul Qadoos, who receives a stipend from the UN for being officially low-IQ due to lead poisoning.

It was  Khalid Mohammed who told authorities about MIT-trained biologist Aafia Siddiqui, who at one time was thought to be traveling with a Florida "Atta level" pilot. All the Pakistani press reported that she was nabbed in Karachi after being spotted at the international airport on March 29. For the longest time, no US newspaper had yet reported that she was captured and instead stories continued to state that the FBI is seeking her for questioning. If the sources relied upon by these journalists did not even know (or would not reveal) that Aafia had been caught, why do these reporters think they know what's going on in the Amerithrax matter? Amerithrax is a confidential investigation. The Pakistan ISI and CIA rarely grant press interviews in connection with an ongoing manhunt. The CIA did not even allow the FBI access to KSM for 10 days after his arrest. As agent Van Harp, then head of the Amerithrax investigation said, the information coming from Khalid Mohammed is classified with the authorities releasing only certain limited information. According to the Pakistan reports, Aafia Siddiqui was spotted at the international airport and detained (after she was followed to a relative's house).  Some reports say she was coming from abroad, but the original report the others are all copying say she was coming from "upcountry." (Karachi is in the south). The reports say she is suspected of having been a member of Al Qaeda's "Chemical Wire Group." Perhaps something got lost in the translation, but the phrase "Chemical Wire Group" has appeared in all the english Pakistan and India papers.  

Officials have not publicly confirmed anything about the detention or interrogation.  There still is a very hot pursuit of the "Atta-level" Florida pilot that Siddiqui is thought to have known and been assisting.  He is said by one FBI agent to be "very, very, very" dangerous. The United States truly no longer has time for faulty analysis or politically-based preconceptions. In early June 2003, a CIA report concluded that the reason for Atta's and Zacarias Moussaoui's inquiries into cropdusters was in fact for the contemplated use in dispersing biological agents such as anthrax. It has long been known Osama Bin Laden was interested in using cropdusters to disperse biological agents (since the testimony of millennium bomber Ahmed Ressam).

The hijacker Ahmed Alhaznawi appears to have contracted cutaneous anthrax in Afghanistan. It's reasonable to credit his statement that he got the lesion after bumping into a suitcase he was carrying at a camp in Afghanistan. The lesion is further evidence of Al Qaeda's anthrax production program in Afghanistan.

One potential lead concerned a Fort Lee New Jersey $100,000 processor possibly of a type that could have been used to weaponize the anthrax. The processor was paid for in cash after a check-kiting scheme. The processor was delivered to a business front in Ft. Lee at 215 Main St. The address was 1 mile from pilot Nawaf al-Hazmi at 96 Linwood Plaza, one of the two hijackers who had attended the January 2000 meeting with anthrax technician Yazid Sufaat. Nawaf Al-hamzi and Khalid Almidhar stayed at Yazid Sufaat's condominium outside Kuala Lumpur. It eventually was determined that these two were on a level comparable to Atta for planning purposes.

The present evidence relating to Atta's travel to Prague does not warrant a conclusion that Al Qaeda obtained the Ames strain from Iraq. Iraq, however, remains a possible source of the Ames. Former Russian bioweaponeer Ken Alibek has said that a key Russian scientist assisted Iraq and that Russia had the Ames strain. Zawahiri traveled to Baghdad in 1998 with an entourage to attend the birthday party of Saddam's son. The papers found at headquarters of the Mukhabarat, Iraq's secret police, show that an entourage from Al Qaeda group was sent to the Iraqi capital in March 1998 from Sudan. According to at least some reports, Bin Laden rejected the suggestion of a closer alliance -- preferring to pursue his own concept of jihad. Two top Iraqi scientists, code named Charlie and Alpha, are helping the coalition to learn more about Iraqi's anthrax program, according to Dr. David Kay, head of the Iraq survey group in charge of the hunt for WMD. He has said that the Iraqis made surprising innovations in the milling and drying processes needed to weaponize anthrax.

Second, the media coverage has been seriously confused on the issue of motive and the reason Senators Daschle and Leahy would have been targeted -- tending to simplistically view them as "liberals." Zawahiri likely targeted Senators Daschle and Leahy to receive anthrax letters, in addition to various media outlets, because of the appropriations made pursuant to the "Leahy Law" to military and security forces. That money has prevented the militant islamists from achieving their goals. Al Qaeda members and sympathizers feel that the FBI's involvement in muslim countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines interferes with the sovereignty of those countries. Indeed, the "Leahy Law" had one of its most well-known applications in Indonesia. Senator Leahy was Chairman of both the Judiciary Committee overseeing the FBI and Appropriations Subcommittee in charge of foreign aid to these countries. In late September 2001, it was announced that the President was seeking a blanket waiver that would lift all restrictions on aid to military and security units in connection with pursuing the militant islamists. This extradition and imprisonment of Al Qaeda leaders, along with US support for Israel and the Mubarak government in Egypt, remains foremost in the mind of Dr. Zawahiri. At the height of the development of his biological weapons program, his brother was extradited and executed pursuant to a death sentence in the "Albanian returnees" case. It's hard to keep up with the stories about billion dollar appropriations, debt forgiveness, and loan guarantees to countries like Egypt and Israel and now even Pakistan -- and those appropriations pale in comparison to the $87 billion in a "Supplemental" appropriation relating to the invasion of Iraq. Al Qaeda had a motive in mind.

In his Fall 2001 book titled "Knights under the Banner of the Prophet," Zawahiri argued that the secular press was telling "lies" about the militant islamists -- to include the suggestion that the militant islamists were somehow the creation of the United States in connection with expelling the Russians from Afghanistan. Zawahiri argued instead that they have been active since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in Egypt because of the treaty between the Camp David Accord and the resulting peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. The anthrax letters were sent on the date of the Camp David Accord and then the date Anwar Sadat was assassinated as if to underscore the point to anyone paying attention. Most of the "talking heads" on television, however, knew only that Daschle and Leahy were liberal democrats and did not know anything of Al Qaeda beyond what they read in the newspapers. The FBI's profile includes a US-based supporter of the militant islamists. Attorney General Ashcroft has always said that an "either-or" approach is not useful. The media has tended to overlook the fact that when the FBI uses the word "domestic" the word includes a US-based, highly-educated supporter of the militant islamists.

There is an emerging consensus that anthrax was contained in a letter to AMI, the publisher of the National Enquirer -- in a goofy love letter to Jennifer Lopez enclosing a Star of David. A report by the Center for Disease Control of interviews with AMI employees (as well as detailed interviews by author Leonard Cole) supports the conclusion that there were not one, but two, such mailings containing anthrax. (The letters apparently were to different AMI publications -- for example, one may have been to the National Enquirer and another to The Globe.)

Third, this tactic of letters is not merely the modus operandi of these militant islamists inspired by Zawahiri, it is their signature. The islamists sent letter bombs in January 1997 to newspaper offices in New York City and Washington, D.C. in connection with the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center and the imprisonment of the blind sheik, Sheik Abdel Rahman. The former leader of the Egyptian Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya ("Islamic Group"), he was also a spiritual leader of Al Qaeda. The letter bombs were sent in connection with the treatment of the Egyptian islamists imprisoned for the earlier attack on the WTC and a related plot. The purpose of the letter bombs -- which resulted in minimal casualty -- was to send a message. (There is an outstanding $2 million reward). There was no claim of responsibility. There was no explanation. Once one had been received, the next ten, mailed on two separate dates, were easily collected. Sound familiar? Two bombs were also sent to Leavenworth, where a key WTC 1993 defendant was imprisoned, addressed to "Parole Officer" (a position that does not exist).

Abdel Rahman's son was captured in Quetta, Pakistan in mid-February 2003. That arrest in turn led to the dramatic capture of Khalid Mohammed, Al Qaeda's #3. Mohammed was hiding in the home of the Pakistani bacteriologist Dr. Abdul Qadoos Khan. Along with Zawahiri, Abdel Rahman and his two sons have long had considerable influence over Bin Laden. He reportedly treated them like sons. Zawahiri and OBL are Rahman's friends. The imprisoned WTC 1993 plotter Yousef was KSM's nephew. Thus, the leaders in charge of Al Qaeda's anthrax production program had a close connection to those imprisoned in connection with the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center. Osama Bin Laden had asked Iraqi intelligence for technical assistance in sending letter bombs a half year before the Al Hayat letters were sent.

A sender purporting to be islamist sent cyanide in both early 2002 and early 2003 in New Zealand and ingredients of nerve gas in Belgium in 2003. There's even a chapter titled "Poisonous Letter" in the Al Qaeda manual. Just because Al Qaeda likes its truck bombs and the like to be effective does not mean they don't see the value in a deadly missive. As Brian Jenkins once said, "terrorism is theater."

The mailer's use of Greendale School is revealing. Documents establish that Zawahiri used "school" as a code word for Al Qaeda in his correspondence. Green symbolizes Islam and was the Prophet Mohammed's color. By Greendale School, the anthrax perp was being cute, just as Yazid Sufaat was being cute in naming his lab Green Laboratory Medicine. "Dale" means "river valley." Greendale refers to green river valley -- i.e., Cairo's Egyptian Islamic Jihad or the Islamic Group. The sender is announcing that he is of either Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Group or Jihad-al Qaeda, which is actually the full name of the group after the 1998 merger of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al Qaeda.

Fourth, as to opportunity, though seldom reported, there is a wealth of "open source" information about possible Al Qaeda or Egyptian Islamic Jihad or Islamic Group in the United States and Canada. The public information mostly relates to those suspected sleepers who have been detained or who are at large and are being sought. Zawahiri's mission in the United States in 1995 was to do spadework for terrorism, not fundraising. He traveled under an alias and was accompanied by a US Army sergeant anemd Ali Mohammed. What mosques exactly did they visit and who did they meet?

Whatever your political persuasion (mine is Naderite), the FBI and CIA deserve our support. We are, after all, in this together. First, the nature of such an investigation is that we lack sufficient information to second-guess (or even know) what the FBI is doing. Media reports are a poor approximation of reality because of the lack of good sources. Second, hindsight is 20/20. Third, with the "new age" Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. in charge of the investigation, it is not likely we could do better in striking the appropriate balance between due process and national security.

Finally, the "Hatfill theory" seems to have been exhausted or at least lost public favor. The "Hatfill theory" accusing Dr. Stephen Hatfill was always highly dubious. The suspicion was founded on many false premises, and there was no reliable evidence indicating his guilt. The FBI's fixation on Hatfill (at least as rumored by some reporters) may have stemmed from a warning by one Senator that careers hung in the balance. Leahy's chief of staff started with the strong predisposition that some right-winger was involved because two liberal democrats had been targeted. The Hatfill theory -- to include ongoing interviews and ongoing 7/24 surveillance by 8 surveillance specialists -- is now the subject of a pending civil rights claim of uncertain merit. The statute of limitation for the libel suit threatened against the New York Times expired in most jurisdictions the first week in July 2003. The Hatfill theory ironically may best be understood as an Al Qaeda theory, with a coincidental Malaysian connection adding to the other circumstances. Given the regrettable leaks that he was under suspicion, it is only fair that the FBI leak with equal enthusiasm the fact that Dr. Hatfill has now been dropped as a suspect.

TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: anthrax; attasanthraxties; biologicalweapons; cbw; domesticterrorism; getman; hambali; jihadinamerica; ksm; mohammedatta; sufaat; wmd; zawahiri
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To: EdLake
Instead of just working from memory, you might consider checking The facts are all there.

Ed, I appreciate the very considerable effort you clearly put into researching the anthrax case and formulating your opinions as to what may have happened. I did go to your site. For the first link I wanted to look at, I chose "Three Mailings?" Then I scrolled down from there.

There is no reason for me to doubt the facts you put up, such as that chart that shows when each victim became ill. On the other hand, much of the information is your assessment — opinion — as to what all the facts you gathered mean. There's nothing I can do to challenge your viewpoint, nor do I want to. However, there are other facts that may or may not be covered on your site. (Don't know as I post this since I haven't had time to look at it in depth.)

The Florida case was the first to make news. It initially was thought to be an isolated incident. In fact, it didn't even make much national news early on due to the then very immediate 9/11 coverage. The gentleman who passed away initially was thought to have been exposed while on a trip out of state. Early news reports from Florida media did say that AMI employees recalled that a letter containing a brownish white powder arrived sometime around 9/8/01. Perhaps their memories were faulty (understandly given all that was going on then). Or perhaps that was not THE letter that contained the anthrax. But the fact remains that early reports pointed to it as the source.

It is also a fact (actually a series of facts) that Atta and one or more hijackers rented an apartment from the real-estate-agent wife of the head of AMI. That Atta had looked into taking flying lessons in a crop duster at a local airport in the Boca vicinity. That Atta and one other hijacker went to a pharmacist seeking something to treat what appeared to be chemical burns. That another hijacker had gone to a physician in South Florida for a black lesion on his leg, and that the physician believes it was an anthrax lesion. That Zacarias Moussoui also was to have taken crop-duster lessions, and that he has admitted in court that he was supposed to either carry out or participate in a second wave of attacks, the nature of which he has not specified.

How can anyone say with certitude that the AMI letter(s) was postmarked on 9/18 when it was never recovered? Or that there was definitely a letter sent to Peter Jennings when none were recovered there and (if I recall correctly) no one remembered receiving a letter at ABC. Or that the Dan Rather letter was mailed on the 18th when it was never recovered?

There are still many more questions than answers as regards the anthrax case. Perhaps we will never discover what happened. But with so many questions still unanswered, it seems to me to be poor investigative technique to close one's mind to all possible scenarios.

81 posted on 01/23/2004 10:32:12 AM PST by Wolfstar (George W. Bush — the 1st truly great world leader of the 21st Century)
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To: Wolfstar
it seems to me to be poor investigative technique to close one's mind to all possible scenarios.

Perhaps. But when evaluating data, you eventually have to come to some conclusions. Otherwise, why even attempt to evaluate the data?

The fact that someone comes to some conclusions does NOT mean that person has "closed one's mind". To suggest so is to go down to personal attacks instead of looking at evidence. Whether your believe it or not, it is possible to come to conclusions about existing evidence while still keeping an open mind for new evidence.

The section on my site titled "Three mailings" refers to the threatening letters mailed from Indianapolis" reportedly received by Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. At one time I thought they might be related to the case because O'Reilly and Hannity said the handwriting was "virtually identical". But since then I've received dozens of handwriting samples which people think are "virtually identical", and I see virtually no similarity whatsoever - other than that the writing is printed by hand. As a result, I now think it's only a very remote possiblity that the Indianapolis letters were connected to the case.

While the ABC, CBS and AMI letters were never recovered, the evidence says those anthrax letters were sent to Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and The National Enquirer because of the anthrax cases which resulted. Dan Rather's assistant got anthrax, and so did a 7-month-old child who attended a party at ABC. It would be totally illogical to assume that they were just random "cross-contamination" cases. If the cases were "random", why would random events only hit the offices of the anchors at the two other major networks?

The evidence says that the letter opened by Stephanie Dailey on the 25th of September, 2001, was mailed in New Jersey. The letter left a trail of spores from New Jersey through various post offices until it reached Boca Raton. There's a chart on my site showing the trail of spores left by the letter.

The timing of all the cases says that there were 7 letters, 5 mailed on the 28th of September and 2 mailed on the 9th of October.

You can speculate about possible other scenarios, and you can twist facts to support other scenarios, but this is what the evidence says.

I'm always open to discussion of new evidence. But old theories about some unidentified member of al Qaeda somehow mailing the letters is just theory. There is no evidence to support that. The evidence says just the opposite: al Qaeda was not involved.

Ed Lake

82 posted on 01/23/2004 11:03:42 AM PST by EdLake
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To: EdLake
"The J-Lo letter has nothing to do with the anthrax attacks. It arrived at the AMI building on September 19, 2001, and contained NO anthrax."

Why should we believe you? Do your credentials as an internet porn detective better qualify you to make this determination than the CDC?

The CDC have officially stated that the September 19 letter was the one that killed Bob Stevens. That was a JLo letter.

What gives you greater insight than the CDC? Please explain.

Ed Lake's internet porn detective website can be seen here for those interetsed:
83 posted on 01/23/2004 11:09:30 AM PST by TrebleRebel (If you're new to the internet, CLICK HERE.)
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To: EdLake
The letter left a trail of spores from New Jersey through various post offices until it reached Boca Raton.

No, it didn't.

There's a chart on my site showing the trail of spores left by the letter.

Post it. I'll post the CDC's chart.

It shows no anthrax contamination at Carteret or Atlanta, nor was any contamination found on any mail trucks or planes connected to them.

There are spores in New Jersey and spores in Florida, but there is no "trail of spores from New Jersey through various post offices until it reached Boca Raton."

84 posted on 01/23/2004 11:16:31 AM PST by Sabertooth (Pakistani Illegal Aliens Deport Themselves -
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To: Wolfstar
Early news reports from Florida media did say that AMI employees recalled that a letter containing a brownish white powder arrived sometime around 9/8/01. Perhaps their memories were faulty (understandly given all that was going on then). Or perhaps that was not THE letter that contained the anthrax. But the fact remains that early reports pointed to it as the source.

Yes, there were lots of bad reports early in the case. Many of them have been tracked down to show how they happened.

The report that the J-Lo letter arrived around the 8th came from Newsweek's web site. I have a copy of the Newsweek article HERE. The article says,

Several are focusing on a letter that arrived at the company about a week before the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. It was described by sources as a “weird love letter to Jennifer Lopez”—similar, outwardly, to the types of mail the tabloids often get.

But that article from the Newsweek web site never actually went to print. The article that they actually printed is HERE. It says,

In Florida, investigators focused on a one-page, handwritten love letter addressed to Jennifer Lopez, NEWSWEEK first reported on its Web site. It was sent to The Sun, says a source, in Lantana, Fla. It reportedly arrived sometime after Sept. 17. Staffers laughed over it and passed it around the third-floor editorial offices.

But most authoritative source is The National Enquirer. Their report is HERE. They also believed that the J-Lo letter contained the anthrax, but they did a better job at defining the date. They said,

The anthrax nightmare that has gripped the nation began on September 19, investigators believe, when mail for the Sun was delivered to Managing Editor Joe West – and he immediately became suspicious of a bulky manila envelope he picked up.

While these articles all state that the J-Lo letter opened and examined on the third floor is suspected of having contained the anthrax, the contamination charts of the AMI building say otherwise.


85 posted on 01/23/2004 11:29:01 AM PST by EdLake
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To: Sabertooth
Ed Lake likes to spread misinormation on the internet. He's already said on this thread that the September 19 JLo letter did not contain anthrax.

The CDC say the exact opposite of this, and there is no evidence that they have ever changed their minds from that conclusion. The CDC paper can be seen here:

"The index patient’s infection most likely occurred from inhalation of B. anthracis spores following a primary aerosolization, i.e., spores released into the air after opening a spore-containing letter."

"Workplace interviews regarding mail exposure showed that the index patient rarely handled or opened workplace mail, but co-workers recalled that he had examined a piece of stationery containing a fine, white, talc-like powder on September 19. The patient was observed holding the stationery close to his face as he looked at it over his computer keyboard."

But, hey, Ed Lake knows better than these dumb CDC doctors. Heck, they don't spend their lives surfing the net for internet porn like Ed does:
86 posted on 01/23/2004 11:31:41 AM PST by TrebleRebel (If you're new to the internet, CLICK HERE.)
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To: Sabertooth
It shows no anthrax contamination at Carteret or Atlanta, nor was any contamination found on any mail trucks or planes connected to them.

This may be news to you, but mail is placed in heavy canvas bags before shipping. There would be no anthrax found at those places or on the trucks or planes because the bags were not opened at those places or on those trucks and planes. The bag shipped from Hamilton would not be opened until it got to West Palm Beach.


87 posted on 01/23/2004 11:35:12 AM PST by EdLake
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To: TrebleRebel
Ed Lake likes to spread misinormation on the internet. He's already said on this thread that the September 19 JLo letter did not contain anthrax.

The CDC say the exact opposite of this, and there is no evidence that they have ever changed their minds from that conclusion.

You are right. The CDC says the exact opposite. But are you so blind to authority that you cannot conceive of the CDC making a mistake?

The CDC's report is totally based upon the fact that "witnesses" reported seeing two letters containing powder - the J-Lo letter and the letter opened by Stephanie Dailey on the 25th. Does that mean that both letters contained anthrax? NO. The evidence says otherwise.

What the CDC's report says is that the CDC uses a different standard for evidence. They don't concern themselves with the criminal case, only the medical case. And if people say there were two letters with powder in them, that's good enough for them. They evidently don't have the time or desire to figure out if both had anthrax. They leave that to the FBI.


88 posted on 01/23/2004 11:44:17 AM PST by EdLake
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To: EdLake; TrebleRebel
This may be news to you, but mail is placed in heavy canvas bags before shipping. There would be no anthrax found at those places or on the trucks or planes because the bags were not opened at those places or on those trucks and planes. The bag shipped from Hamilton would not be opened until it got to West Palm Beach.

It's not news. The absence of the evidence of spores isn't evidence of the absence of spores.

However, the absence of evidence of anthrax spores is certainly not evidence of a "trail of spores from New Jersey through various post offices until it reached Boca Raton," which is what you claimed at #82.

There is no "trail of spores" connecting New Jersey and Florida.

The possiblity that the Florida anthrax origniated in New Jersey can't be ruled out, but there is zero in the way of conclusive evidence to that effect.

89 posted on 01/23/2004 11:47:23 AM PST by Sabertooth (Pakistani Illegal Aliens Deport Themselves -
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To: EdLake
Unlike the "evidence" that you fabricate in your own mind, I rely on real evidence and real facts.

Ernesto Blanco started getting sick on September 23. So according to you, he got sick BEFORE the "only" anthrax letter was opened - 2 days before!

But, hey, don't let little things like facts get in the way of your fantasies.
90 posted on 01/23/2004 11:49:10 AM PST by TrebleRebel (If you're new to the internet, CLICK HERE.)
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To: TrebleRebel
Ernesto Blanco started getting sick on September 23. So according to you, he got sick BEFORE the "only" anthrax letter was opened - 2 days before!

What's your source on that? An old chart from the CDC HERE says that his onset date was the 26th. And the source I use is the database at UCLA, and they use September 28 as Blanco's onset date.

However, even if the anthrax was in the J-Lo letter, Ernesto Blanco wouldn't have been around when it was opened by the people on the 3rd floor - particularly since it was first tossed unopened into a trash basket and then dug out again.

Ernest Blanco evidently inhaled anthrax spores when he dumped the mail bag containing the anthrax letter onto a sorting table, then checked the bag to make certain it was empty, and then folded the bag so it could be returned to the post office. That probably happened on Friday, September 21, 2001, or Monday, September 24.


91 posted on 01/23/2004 12:14:59 PM PST by EdLake
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To: Sabertooth
The possiblity that the Florida anthrax origniated in New Jersey can't be ruled out, but there is zero in the way of conclusive evidence to that effect.

The evidence may not be "conclusive" by your standards, but there is certainly a lot of circumstantial evidence indicating that the Florida anthrax came from New Jersey.

On the other hand, there is absolutely NO evidence of any kind that the anthrax was sent from Florida.


P.S. The only reason I'm spending all this time on this site today is because I'm snowed in. It's been snowing all day and it's still coming down like crazy.

92 posted on 01/23/2004 12:27:33 PM PST by EdLake
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To: EdLake
You know, not even the FBI or the CIA any longer believe the crapola about the anthrax mailer being a disgruntled right-wing white guy. Which is why this case has pretty much been completely dropped by the so-called mainstream media, as you no doubt noticed. I only hope Steve Hatfill gets some kind of restitution for everything he's been put through. I'm sure he probably won't though.

Stay safe from the blizzard.

93 posted on 01/23/2004 12:51:33 PM PST by jpl
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To: EdLake
Ed, I thought you said anthrax spores wouldn't be charged if they were weaponized. That's not what it says below at an official US government site. Why do you always write the complete opposite of what the authorities write? And when challenged, why do you never admit that,just maybe, you could be wrong?

If the powder were derived from a highly sophisticated process, however, it would contain very small particles and be highly charged with static electricity.
94 posted on 01/23/2004 1:31:30 PM PST by TrebleRebel (If you're new to the internet, CLICK HERE.)
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To: jpl
You know, not even the FBI or the CIA any longer believe the crapola about the anthrax mailer being a disgruntled right-wing white guy.

I'm not sure the FBI ever felt that the culprit was some "right-wing" guy. I dropped that idea back in November or December of 2001. I think the anthrax mailer is probably right of center on some subjects, but definitely not a true "right-winger".

The evidence tells me that the FBI has a suspect in Central New Jersey who has been their suspect since December of 2001. But he may not be their only suspect. Someone else may have furnished him with the anthrax.

The FBI has said again and again that Dr. Hatfill is NOT and never has been a "suspect" in the case. As far as I can tell, the only reason they spent so much time investigating him is because of Barbara Hatch Rosenberg's campaign to point the finger at Dr. Hatfill. She got the media, the public and members of Congress believing that Dr. Hatfill was the guy and the FBI was "covering up for him". The FBI had to investigate him just to prove they weren't covering up for him. The Dr. Hatfill situation will go down in history as an example of how a private citizen with powerful "credentials" can make the FBI jump through hoops and turn an innocent person's life into absolute hell - all for her own political motives.


95 posted on 01/23/2004 1:32:29 PM PST by EdLake
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To: EdLake
You're playing Ashcroftian word games. Many people in the FBI in fact were legitimately convinced by Rosenberg and certain media hacks that Hatfill was the guy (which in itself speaks volumes about the pathetic state of affaris in modern law enforcement). No doubt the immense political pressure being brought by the Senate (Leahy and Daschle in particular) played a huge role in this as well. But the notion that the anthrax mailer was a domestic perp of the Caucasian, right-wing persuasion with a scientific background was always the driving force behind the investigation pretty much from day one, especially the focus on Hatfill. To play these games about whether someone is a "suspect" or a "person of interest" is nothing but cover-your-ass, have-it-both-ways legalistic mumbo jumbo.

And whatever you might think your evidence shows you, at the moment there is no suspect, person of interest, or whatever other label you wish to use in the anthrax case. In fact, it's been made pretty clear by both the CIA and the FBI that the whole entire investigation has proven fruitless. The CIA has in fact dropped not-so-subtle hints that they now believe that it was Muslim terrorists that mailed the letters. The "Amrithrax" investigation has really been a cold case since last August, which is why there have no reports of any substance since that time.

96 posted on 01/23/2004 1:50:27 PM PST by jpl
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To: jpl
What Ed isn't telling you is that he is really not much different than Barbara Hatch Rosenberg himself. Only instead of picking Hatfill, Ed picked an ex-Battelle employee as his suspect in the anthrax attacks. This poor fellow, who presently works at a Milwaukee bowling alley, got drunk one night and allegedly told his neighbors he had anthrax in his basement. He didn't, and after briefly questioning him the FBI released him.

Ed's main theory seems to be the following:

Muslims did not do it.

The anthrax was made in a clandestine laboratory and did not require sophisticated processing.

There were no silica coatings or any other special treatments, because you don't need them.

Muslims did not do it.

The Jennifer Lopez letter did NOT contain anthrax.

Muslims did not do it.

The anthrax mailer persuaded his young son or daughter to write the envelopes.

Muslims did not do it.
97 posted on 01/23/2004 2:02:35 PM PST by TrebleRebel (If you're new to the internet, CLICK HERE.)
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To: TrebleRebel
Ed, I thought you said anthrax spores wouldn't be charged if they were weaponized. That's not what it says below at an official US government site.

I guess that makes you wrong again, doesn't it? It wasn't I who said that, it was William Patrick III and the ESD (Electro Static Discharge) Journal. I just found their statements much more compelling and believable than the nonsense in Gary Matsumoto's article in Science.

Here's the USPS statement again:

If the powder were derived from a highly sophisticated process, however, it would contain very small particles and be highly charged with static electricity. A less sophisticated process yields a course-appearing powder comprised of large particles (10-20 microns) and is not particularly difficult to handle.

Here's what I say on my site:

Static charges in the spores probably saved lives by keeping the spores from being easily dispersed. A Dec. 3, 2001, article in the Wall Street Journal described the effect this way:

According to scientists who have made anthrax for use in weapons in the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, the presence of an electrostatic charge may have saved American lives. While some of the charged particles can still become airborne -- where they are the most deadly -- much of the material tends to cling to surfaces.


The sticking tendency may have made cross-contamination of mail more likely, according to one senior Federal Bureau of Investigation official involved in the investigation, because the spores would have been prone to attach themselves to envelopes and surfaces.

However, the spores would be less likely to float. "Electrostatically charged materials are very hard to disseminate," explained Bill Patrick, a scientist who helped develop anthrax-loaded weapons for the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Science article [by Gary Matsumoto] says just the opposite:

The Senate anthrax spores carried like electrical charges, and some experts believe that they were added deliberately to aid dispersal.


[Stuart] Jacobsen says that friction would add static electricity only to surfaces: "If anything, the sorting machine's pinch rollers and the envelopes should get charged," he says, "not the spores inside."

But according to the ESD (Electro Static Discharge) Journal:

The Anthrax may have had its static charges removed before mailing. However, normal handling may have reintroduced electrostatic charges. We in the ESD industry know that mail-sorter machines could have created triboelectric charges by jostling the letters containing the powder.

So, the static charge was created by "jostling the letters". The powder inside was jostled around, and that's what caused the spores to pick up the static charge. And,

These static charges also promoted contact cross-contamination with mail and mail sorting machines. However, they also helped to keep the spores from becoming airborne which would have posed a much greater threat.

So far, there doesn't seem to be anything in the Science article that holds up under close examination. It seems to be totally based upon rumor and speculation - while ignoring facts and direct observation.

The USPS statement is very general and clearly isn't intended to be some official US statement about how the anthrax was made or anything like that. It just warns the USPS employees about the dangers of anthrax - particularly the most dangerous kind of anthrax. Some of the spores in the Senate letter were highly charged with static electricity as a result of their handling by postal machines. The USPS statement doesn't say where that charge came from. It just says it's something to be careful about.


98 posted on 01/23/2004 2:08:28 PM PST by EdLake
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To: Van der Waals
bump for later printing.
99 posted on 01/23/2004 2:09:31 PM PST by justshutupandtakeit (America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
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