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The Great-Souled Man (Tribute to Reagan)
NewsMax ^ | 6/6/04 | Jack Wheeler

Posted on 06/06/2004 4:34:17 PM PDT by wagglebee

In October of 1965, Ronald Reagan came to speak at UCLA. I was a senior, and it was a depressing time to be a College Republican. Barry Goldwater had been thrashed the previous year, and my professors were so left-wing that I took one to court because of her biased grading.

The UCLA Student Union was packed, SRO. There was a buzz that Reagan was considering running for governor against the entrenched Democrat, Pat Brown. My buddy and fellow CR Bill Anthony sat expectantly in the audience. As Reagan began to speak, he filled the room with an energy that was both exciting and soothing, and the thousand-plus students were entranced.

Then he caught us by surprise. He said the conventional political spectrum of Left vs. Right made no sense and he rejected it. “Rather than Communists and Marxists on the extreme ‘Left’ and Nazis and Fascists on the extreme ‘Right,’ I think the political spectrum should be ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ – Up towards individual freedom and Down towards control of the individual by the State,” he explained.

“The extreme Up would be Anarchy, no government at all,” he continued, “while the extreme Down, at the bottom of the spectrum, would be all forms of totalitarianism: both Fascism and Communism, Nazism and Marxism, which together in common advocate the abolishment of individual freedom. On this spectrum, I place myself on the Up side, not an anarchist, but as an advocate of individual liberty in accordance with a constitutional democracy and rule of law.”

I turned to Bill and whispered, “That settles that.” “Settles what?” he whispered back. “That’s my man,” I answered. “I’ve always dreamed of someone publicly saying just that.”

When I was home over the weekend a few days later, I asked my father, “Dad, you know Ronald Reagan, don’t you?” My father, Jackson Wheeler, was a well-known television producer and personality in Los Angeles and knew most people in Hollywood. “Sure,” he replied, “Why?”

“Because he gave the most amazing speech at UCLA and it really affected me. I was wondering if I could meet him.”

I had never made such a request before, and my father knew it. So he looked up Reagan’s number in his address book and called it. “Ron? This is Jackson Wheeler. My son is a senior at UCLA and heard your speech – he wants to meet you ...” When he put down the phone, Dad said, “Ron says to come on over.”

So we drove from Glendale to Pacific Palisades and Ronald Reagan’s home. He greeted us at the door. He was home alone, Nancy wasn’t there. We went to his den, where he sat down in an easy chair, I on a bar stool, with Dad sitting nearby. We talked and I can’t remember what he said. But when he finished, he raised his hands palms up above the arms of his chair, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “And that’s the way I feel.”

I replied, “That’s exactly the way I feel too.” Then I found myself saying, “Mr. Reagan, I have never worked in a political campaign before, save for walking precincts for Barry Goldwater last year. But I believe in you – so if you decide to run for governor of California, I will do anything I can to help.”

I could not believe what I had just said. I had spent the two previous summers setting up a business in South Vietnam. I was graduating in January and had to hurry back to Saigon. It was lunacy for me to offer to postpone that. Yet something told me I had to.

A little while later I got a call from a fellow named Bill Roberts. He and his partner Stu Spencer had been hired, he said, by Ronald Reagan to manage his campaign for governor – and he wanted to know if I would consider being State Chairman of Youth For Reagan. I said yes.

All during the Spring of 1966, I traveled across California with Ronald Reagan – a lot by car because he hated to fly in any plane that didn’t have at least four engines. I wish I had the capacity to adequately describe what it was like being in Ronald Reagan’s presence.

I had met, because of my Dad, dozens of Hollywood celebrities from Bob Hope to Frank Sinatra to Red Skelton to ... it’s a long list. I had met President Eisenhower in the White House. They were very special people. But Ronald Reagan had a magic that was unique to him alone.

There was a depth of character to his charisma that seemed bottomless. There was a solidity of integrity and humanity behind the dazzling charm that was matchless. You loved Ronald Reagan for his ideals and his complete fearlessness in advocating them – and you loved Ronald Reagan for the man, the human being, he was.

Ronald Reagan was the single greatest American – American, not just American president – of the 20th century. More than any other, he embodied the moral ideal personified by Aristotle as the man of Megalopsychia, the Great-Souled Man.

The Great-Souled Man had a character of such undiluted integrity, inspiration and achievement in the real world that his life expressed, for Aristotle, the Kalon, Moral Beauty. Ronald Reagan was a morally beautiful human being.

Five years ago, in February 1999, I wrote the following tribute to this extraordinary man.

"This coming Sunday, February 6th, will be the 88th birthday of the greatest president of the 20th century: Ronald Reagan. That Reagan’s achievements exceed those of any president since Washington and Jefferson will unquestionably be the judgment of future historians.

"They will recognize that America was at the bottom of the barrel by 1980, after Vietnam, Watergate, and Jimmy Carter. We were losing the Cold War. The Soviets had added 14 countries to their empire in the previous decade, were targeting Mexico via Castro and the Sandinistas (their embassy in Mexico City was the largest Soviet embassy in the world), while our hostages were helplessly imprisoned in Iran.

"Defeatism and declinism dominated American thinking. Stagflation, the Rust Belt, 21% interest rates, 27% inflation, 11% unemployment, and stock prices falling through the basement. Carter complained of a “malaise” in America, never comprehending that depressed and dejected Americans elected a pathetic little nebbish like him as an expression of malaise, as a projection of their crushed self-image.

"Ronald Reagan changed all that. He gave Americans their pride and confidence in their country back to them. He crushed inflation along with left-wing Keynesian economics, and launched the longest economic expansion in US history. Starting in 1982, the Reagan Boom is now in its 18th year – with only a short 8-month shallow interregnum caused by the oil-price spike following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990.

"At the same time he was saving the US economy, Reagan was saving world freedom. He initiated a comprehensive strategy to maximize the Soviet Union’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities, culminating in the fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Soviet Union itself, America’s complete victory in the Cold War, and her emerging as the world’s sole uncontested superpower.

"And on top of all of that, he was an extraordinarily loveable, likeable, good and decent human being, a man whom Aristotle would have said possessed a “great soul.” Take the time this Sunday to reflect on the achievements of Ronald Reagan, on how much you and all Americans owe him a debt of thankfulness and gratitude.

"America was truly blessed to have a man such as him to come to her rescue, and to raise her from despairing depths to the pinnacle of historic success we all stand upon today."

Yet in the midst of the outpouring of eulogies and tributes in the wake of Ronald Reagan’s passing this day of June 5, 2004, we must recall that during his presidency, the Liberals hated and fought his every effort to win the Cold War, from support of the Contras to SDI to calling him a warmonger for demanding “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

The Liberals’ drumbeat of pessimism and hopeless defeatism was constant, their rage at Ronald Reagan’s determination to stand up to the Soviets unending, their insulting vituperation toward his abilities and intelligence unhinged. Reagan-hatred was the moral disease of the Liberals in the 1980s – just as Bush-hatred is the moral disease of Liberals today.

George Bush’s determination to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq and through it to the entire Moslem Middle East is the equal to Ronald Reagan’s determination to bring freedom and democracy to the oppressed people of the Soviet Empire. Both are visions of Olympian heroism. Such visions, such moral courage terrify Liberals, embarrassed as they are about being American and in a continual state of apology for their and their country’s existence.

“Because of Ronald Reagan’s leadership,” President Bush said yesterday, “the world laid to rest an era of fear and tyranny.” Because of Moslem terrorism, the world once again is living in an era of fear and tyranny – and because of George Bush’s leadership, that era also will be laid to rest, in spite of liberal moral cowardice.

During that Spring of 1966, the kids fresh out of or still in high school and college that were in Youth For Reagan – we called ourselves “The Brown-Is-Out-To-Lunch Bunch” – were bonded by our adoration for Ronald Reagan. Almost 40 years later, that bond remains.

Shawn Steel was my State High School Chairman. Today he is the immediate past Chairman of the California Republican Party and was the instigator of the Gray Davis recall – it is thanks to Shawn that Arnold Schwarzenegger is California’s governor.

Dana Rohrabacher was my LA County High School Chairman. Dana, like several others in Youth For Reagan, went to the Reagan White House, where the two of us crafted the Reagan Doctrine. Since 1988, Dana has been a prominent California congressman.

Ed Royce was my Burbank Youth For Reagan Chairman, and is now also in Congress.

Arnie Steinburg and Dennis Turner were our resident genius strategists – Arnie becoming California Republicans’ most prominent campaign strategist, and you know Dennis as the author of To The Point’s Dennis The Wizard column.

Bill Anthony was our Social Director – boy, did we have some great parties! – and is today Director of External Relations for the Department of Homeland Security.

All of us in Youth For Reagan will be gathering in reunion shortly at President Reagan’s burial service. It will be a celebration. A celebration of the unsurpassed contribution Ronald Reagan made to America and of the man we all loved and admired above any other.

How many experiences are there in one’s life that, 40 years later, those who shared it remain bonded friends? That was the ineradicable impact Ronald Reagan had on our lives personally.

Ronald Reagan had the same impact on America. It is ineradicable and it will be felt for generations to come. He was fond of declaring that America’s best days are not in her past, but in her future. It is thanks to him that we can be sure his prediction will come true.

God bless America and God bless Ronald Reagan.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: ronaldreagan
Ronald Reagan was the single greatest American – American, not just American president – of the 20th century. More than any other, he embodied the moral ideal personified by Aristotle as the man of Megalopsychia, the Great-Souled Man.

We will miss you President Reagan.

1 posted on 06/06/2004 4:34:17 PM PDT by wagglebee
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To: wagglebee

I'll miss him for a long time.

2 posted on 06/06/2004 4:38:05 PM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks (STAGMIRE !)
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To: wagglebee

I will miss him.

3 posted on 06/06/2004 4:40:43 PM PDT by Rocko (Michael Moore: "Dude, I'm a hypocrite.")
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To: wagglebee

This is the best first person portrayal I have seen yet, thank you.

4 posted on 06/06/2004 4:46:37 PM PDT by gorush
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To: joanie-f


5 posted on 06/06/2004 4:52:14 PM PDT by First_Salute (May God save our democratic-republican government, from a government by judiciary.)
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To: wagglebee
"God bless America and God bless Ronald Reagan."

God has a special love for America. He gives us the right men at the right time to lead our great country.

We need to thank God for this and express our gratitude by not falling out of Grace and voting for the 'wrong' man.

Hopefully He will have patience with us until we get it right and not slide down the wrong path when we forget to do the right thing.

There are only so many chances in our lifetime and it is our duty to earn the blessings that God has so generously bestowed on our great country.

God bless America

6 posted on 06/06/2004 5:00:13 PM PDT by LADY J
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To: wagglebee
God bless you, President Reagan, and may God rest your soul.

7 posted on 06/06/2004 5:05:52 PM PDT by IPWGOP (I'm Linda Eddy, and I approved this message... 'tooning the truth!)
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To: wagglebee
"And on top of all of that, he was an extraordinarily loveable, likeable, good and decent human being, a man whom Aristotle would have said possessed a “great soul.”

Hegel, a much later philosopher than Aristotle, would say that Reagan was a world-historical figure, which is a much more significant and accurate description.

8 posted on 06/06/2004 5:10:42 PM PDT by Vision Thing (If you neglect to study Reagan, you'll never understand America.)
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To: wagglebee; All

I was a junior at UCLA in October of '65 and attended the same speech. I, too became a Reaganite that day. I couldn't vote for him the next year (that being the days of 21 year-old voters as my birthday is on November 18th) but I did hand out some campaign literature and worked over the guys in my frat who were old enough to vote.

That lack of being old enough to vote for him for governor the first time, though, plays into my brush with history and Ronald Reagan.

Flash ahead to November of 1976 and a birthday party for my father-in-law who was an early Reagan supporter from about 1961 when he, RR, switched to the Republican Party.

The party was at the old Bistro in Beverly Hills and was attended by most of the social friends (as opposed to the political friends). As the party was breaking up, he came over to our table and thanked my wife and I for a small favor we had done for one of his horses.

Keep in mind, he had been narrowly aced out of the nomination in Kansas City the previous summer and then Ford had gone down to defeat. These were not the most upbeat times for us diehards. Reagan, however, wasn't one of those whose head hung low. He told us that the fight would be long, and it was just beginning, but he wasn't about to give up. At that point he asked me what I thought.

This sort of surprised me that he would be interested in my opinion, but bouyed by a fun evening and some good California wine, I proceeded to tell him how I was too young to vote for him in '66, they moved my division in Nam so that my absentee ballot didn't catch up to me in time to vote for him in '70, and since he wasn't nominated in '76, again I wasn't able to vote for him. Not to worry, though, when I was finally able to vote for him he'd be elected again.

My God! How lame. I guess it was the best I could come up with at the time.

Now I was a somewhat social acqaintance who attended functions at which he was present maybe three or four times a year. Yes, I donated to his campaigns but never in amounts that would place me high on any donor list. In short, I was very peripheral to this man's career. Now this is where I, first-hand, experienced the true genuiness of his character and personality.

In 1981, my wife and I attended the inaugration in DC. The day after, there were about a thousand of us invited for a tour of the White House that was hosted by RR and Nancy. We were in the Green Room admiring the Presidential portraits when we heard his booming voice behind us telling us how great it was we could make it, etc. Then he turned the full Reagan charm on me, stuck out his hand, and as we shook hands said, "Well, I gues you finally got to vote for me".

I was floored. He remembered a stupid and banal bit of party chatter from over four years before from somebody who was completely non-essential to his being, existence, and career.

I always laughed later at liberal acqaintences of mine who would complain about what a phony Reagan was.

9 posted on 06/06/2004 5:20:55 PM PDT by x1stcav (Remember Pat Tillman)
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To: x1stcav

Thanks for the great story!

10 posted on 06/06/2004 5:32:17 PM PDT by wagglebee
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To: x1stcav

Great story, x1stcav. You captured the essence of Reagan's positive energy and boundless, serene optimism. We all try to learn from that -- he has been as much as anything else our mentor -- but he is, alas, one of a kind. I only got to meet him once, but I cherish the memory of the sweet, open smile.

11 posted on 06/06/2004 5:36:42 PM PDT by speedy
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To: x1stcav

So many great Reagan anecdotes are popping up everywhere. Yours is up there with the best of them.

12 posted on 06/06/2004 5:48:30 PM PDT by Vision Thing (If you neglect to study Reagan, you'll never understand America.)
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To: speedy
Reagan was most correct about, "For America the best is yet to come'"

By the same token, the best for Ronald Reagan yet to come.

13 posted on 06/06/2004 6:12:56 PM PDT by oyez (¡Desea vivo el revolutuin de Reagan!)
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