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Zionism and Imperialism have Nothing to do with Our Culture of Violence
Middle East Media Research Institute ^ | Aug. 24, 2004 | Jordanian TV

Posted on 08/23/2004 9:12:04 PM PDT by walford

Journalist and former Kuwaiti communications minister Dr. Sa'ad bin Tefla was interviewed on Jordanian television about the culture of violence in Arab countries. Dr. bin Tefla rejected the notion that this can be blamed on Israel or the U.S.,, and instead blamed cultural roots, frustration, religious extremism, and intra-Arab violence.The following are excerpts from the interview: [1]

'The Spread of the Extremist Religious Trend Intensifies the Frustration of the Young'

"… Slaughter, destructive abuse, anarchy, and bloodshed in no way resemble Jihad according to Shari'a and resistance. These are anarchy and terrorism [and not Jihad ], and they are indications of frustration and of a culture of collective suicide reminiscent of whales.

"This culture emanates from objective and personal reasons. But I maintain there is another reason for it … and that is the spread of the extremist religious trend that intensifies the frustration of the young people because it tells them, 'You must obtain [one of] two things – martyrdom or victory.' [This trend] beautifies the culture of violence and portrays it as resistance and Jihad. But the idea of Jihad in Islam is innocent of these acts. I maintain that we must reexamine this culture…

"I maintain that unfortunately many in television, radio, and the press act according to the story of the one who murders and than attends the funeral of the victim. It is they who have pushed these young people into frustration and caused them to die for nothing and kill others with them, and to divide the world into black and white. I maintain that we are all responsible for this culture, and that Zionism and imperialism have nothing to do with it…"

'It is Wrong to Say that Violence is the Result of Occupation'

"It is wrong to say that violence is the result of occupation. The French occupation left Algeria after a million fell, and then within less than a decade 10,000 Algerians were butchered in Algeria by other Algerians in the name of Islam – that is more than even Israel could have butchered during the period of the Intifada.

"The words 'assassination' and 'political violence' are Arabic words, lent to all the languages of the world. I say this as an academic linguist. The root of the word 'assassination' is the word ' hashashiyoun,' the name of Hassan Al-Sabah's group that came from Isfahan in the 13th century.

"This violence has cultural roots, and is unconnected to the occupation. And there are those who justify it. I do not want it to be understood in any way from my words that I am defending and justifying the occupation. But I say that this logic, which I reject, is [used] as justification to the [violence] that takes place in Iraq and in other places."

'The Number Killed in Algeria and Killed by Other Arab Regimes Surpasses the Number of Palestinians Killed by Israel'

"Iraq was occupied [by the U.S.] a year ago. [However], before that, there was violence in Iraq that killed over one million Iraqis, Iranians, Kurds, Kuwaitis, and others. This was not done by the Zionists, the occupation, or America. This was done by Arabs and Muslims of Baghdad.

"The number killed in Algeria and killed by other Arab regimes surpasses the number of Palestinians killed by Israel. Those who were slaughtered in Saudi Arabia a few days ago were peaceful Muslims who were walking in the street… There is no occupation in Saudi Arabia, no American bases, no American presence or American army…

"I maintain that there is, unfortunately, a culture of violence that existed before the Americans came to Iraq and the Gulf, even before the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and before the American occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

"In my opinion, it is [precisely] this comprehensive logic that is harming these young people and making them think there was [once] a good [Islamic] empire reaching from China in the East to Andalusia [in the west], including Chechnya…"

[1] Jordanian TV, June 8, 2004.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Israel; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: islam; jihad; kuwait; terror; turkey
Originally aired on JTV Jun 8, 2004. Apparently the Western media didn't find this one interesting.
1 posted on 08/23/2004 9:12:04 PM PDT by walford
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To: walford

Bump and bookmark.

2 posted on 08/23/2004 9:19:33 PM PDT by Valin (It Could Be that the Purpose of Your Life is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.)
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To: walford

Mankind is violent.

I've recently read a book called Guns, Germs and Steel. It's highly enlightening. Man is more violent than most of us want to admit. Our history and our pre-history is one long tale of murder. Forget recent history ... even back two hundred years. Heck ... two thousand. Throughout the dim past, the archeologists are now proving, the agriculturists wiped evey hectare they trod upon of the indiginous hunter gatherers.

In New Guinea, to this day , if two men meet in the forest and they can not establish that they know someone in common, a distant cousin usually, they will more than likely fight to the death.

When the ancestors of the Polynesians had a war it was often to the death of every man of the oposing army. Often the women and children as well.

The Norse terrorized all of coastal Europe for a thousand years.

We all know about Gengis Kahn.

Actually the West is less violent than any culture the world has ever known ... but this anomaly is passing. It doesn't work. Sensible people sooner or later are forced to admit ..... when your neighbor vows to kill you the smartest thing to do is kill him first.

3 posted on 08/23/2004 9:31:34 PM PDT by mercy
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To: mercy
Mankind is violent.I've recently read a book called Guns, Germs and Steel. It's highly enlightening. Man is more violent than most of us want to admit. Our history and our pre-history is one long tale of murder...

That is certainly true. However, the point that the Kuwaiti is making is that Arab violence cannot be blamed upon outsiders. It is a simple fact that if the State of Israel never existed, the Arabs would be happily killing each other off anyway.

I would go further to say that Saddam's mass-slaughter alluded to in the article was acceptable to the Islamic world because it did not threaten to undermine the major goal of spreading the One True Faith [as does the prospect of limited representative government in the region].

I am increasingly convinced that Taliban or Iranian style society is more about totalitarian power politics than it is about faith.
4 posted on 08/23/2004 9:41:03 PM PDT by walford (
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To: walford; SJackson; Alouette; yonif
Ping. Very nice, although the good doctor seems concerned nearly entirely with violence carried out by Moslems against Moslems.
George W. Bush will be reelected by a margin of at least ten per cent

5 posted on 08/23/2004 10:18:17 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: walford

It's nice to see a little rational thinking coming from that part of the world, for a change. ...too bad it wasn't given greater coverage, but that would interfere with the self-flagellation of the Left/media.

Thank you for posting.

6 posted on 08/24/2004 2:37:50 AM PDT by Stoat
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To: Valin; walford
Bump and bookmark.


Evidence of self-criticism. The beginnings of an internal dialogue within the Arab/Muslim world. Reality intervening into the intellectual wasteland that was Arab thought.

And no Arab of the stature of Edward Said in the West to counter it.

I hope Dr. Sa'ad bin Tefla makes some headway in his own part of the world.

I think our President jump-started something.

7 posted on 08/24/2004 7:08:12 AM PDT by happygrl
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To: walford
I think that the Arab/Muslim world has also had the opportunity to see the example of how the vaunted idea of an Islamic government plays out in reality.

Like Communism, it sounds like a good idea, but the implementation serves to prove the bankruptcy of its core idea.

Arab authoritarianism reached its apogee with Saddam Hussein.

Time to give constitutional democracy a try and have reponsibility devolve to the people.

No one else to blame but themselves.

8 posted on 08/24/2004 7:19:23 AM PDT by happygrl
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; ...
If you'd like to be on or off this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.
9 posted on 08/26/2004 4:59:09 AM PDT by SJackson (You'd be amazed the number of people who wanna introduce themselves to you in the men's room J.Kerry)
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To: mercy
Mankind is violent.

But some groups, cultures, and religions are more violent than others. Some are very peaceful. The Islamists are violent. It's part of their culture.

10 posted on 08/26/2004 1:01:30 PM PDT by JohnathanRGalt (---- Fight Islamist CyberTerror at: ----)
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To: JohnathanRGalt

Yep and my point is that we need to be MORE violent than them. Our sitting back with our PC attitude ... believing we are more civilized, tolerant .... is ignorant and sucidal.

11 posted on 08/26/2004 5:20:50 PM PDT by mercy
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