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Now it's an economic protest of inauguration: "Not One Damn Dime Day!" ^ | 1/10/04

Posted on 01/10/2005 11:08:33 AM PST by dukeman

All right you retailers and other evil capitalists! You won't be getting their money on January 20th:

Not One Damn Dime!
Boycott Bush's inauguration by not spending any money on inauguration day

Since our leaders don't have the moral courage to speak out against the war in Iraq, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn Dime Day" in America.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day" those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of consumer spending.

During "Not One Damn Dime Day" please don't spend money, and don't use your credit card. Not one damn dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse purchases. Nor toll/cab/bus or train ride money exchanges. Not one damn dime for anything for 24 hours.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day," please boycott Walmart, KMart and Target. Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store. Please don't buy any fast food (or any groceries at all for that matter).

For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the retail economy down. The object is simple. Remind the people in power that the war in Iraq is immoral and illegal; that they are responsible for starting it and that it is their responsibility to stop it.

"Not One Damn Dime Day" is to remind them, too, that they work for the people of the United States of America, not for the international corporations and K Street lobbyists who represent the corporations and funnel cash into American politics.

"Not One Damn Dime Day" is about supporting the troops. The politicians put the troops in harm's way. Now 1,200 brave young Americans and (some estimate) 100,000 Iraqis have died. The politicians owe our troops a plan -- a way to come home.

There's no rally to attend. No marching to do. No left or right wing agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn Dime Day" you take action by doing nothing. You open your mouth by keeping your wallet closed.

For 24 hours, nothing gets spent, not one damn dime, to remind our religious leaders and our politicians of their moral responsibility to end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people.

Please share this as an email with as many people as possible, and please express your opinion at .


Add your message to the petition
Here are some choice entries

BUSH should not be there............

The Revolution Is Coming, We Wont Stop Viva La Liberals

feel Bush is a frawd-in all ways. He sent my son to Iraq & he is still there. (has 2 more months to go). This has been the worse year of my life-thinking of my son over there-it is a fraudulant war & is not worth the lives of all those military personnel.

really don't get the point of this boycott. This is an extremely robust economy we live in, it can take one day of reduced spending. Especially when you consider that anything you do not buy on Jan 20 you will buy before or after that date so your money will still be going to the same places. I join your disgust with the Bush Administration, but this is just asinine, self-aggrandized drivel. Put your efforts somewhere it will actually make a difference.

On January 20, 2005, my family and I will: not travel by car unless absolutely necessary not buy gasoline, fast food, groceries, or clothing not make any bank deposits. We will not spend one damn dime on the day that King S*** gets crowned.

President Bush is a murderer who has no respect for life.

I believe you Liberal, Bed wetting, cry babies need to get a life. Oops!

Bush is not my president, or the countries for that matter, because he cheated, again!

george bush has allowed religious facism to overtake good moral sense in america - please make it stop

For George Bush to be re-elected is the most science-fiction tale I could ever imagine! With all the damage he has done to the United States and to us Americans, my opinion was that he was going to be lynched, Texas style. Well, here we are in another four years of unprecendented evil across the globe and I will be pleased to Not Spend for anything on January 20th.

We have to do something beside sit on our hands and bitch. This may or may not work, but it's better than sitting around waiting for someone else to do something.

Even though January 20th is my birthday, I won't spend one damn dime!

Bush is a POwer hungry war monger. I hate him

this is the stupidest idea I have heard. don't forget to not turn on your heater, drive your car, or use your electricity. Certainly don't eat or drink anything either, and lets see don't go to the doctor or take any medication you might need. I am blown away that peole don't see this for what it really is. a red herring to make people feel they are doing something. They are doing nothing and this is an embarrassement to anybody with half a brain that thinks it thru. We need to do something for sure but hurting all the mom and pop stores is really dumb. Please think it thru, and do something real like calling your congressman or telling the President what you think of his policies. Don't be fooled by this idiocy. Gosh and notbody knows where this idea came from? Good grief. Stop the stupidity and think it thru and do something that really matters , don't be fooled by this.


I am 15 so I don't yet have the right to vote, but if I did I know that I would not be voting for Bush, the things he has done to this country and the world are horrible and for people to believe that he is a good president can only be attributed to the wave of conservatism sweeping our country and pure ignorance. Too many people believe has lies and support his stupidity. I will do anything possible to protest him.

How will not spending money on 1/20/2005 be affecting Bush, or the nation? You do realize that you will be paying for the utilities you use on that day, do you not? You anything you would buy on that day, you will by either before or after it. You must realize that is boycott will not do one damn thing. After reading the whole slew of nonsense here, I wrote a $7,000 check, and sent it to the Republican national commitee, that is 70,000 dimes for anyone who is counting.

We're damned if we dime, and doomed if we don't.

What a terrible shame that George W. Bush and the Republican Party and their rotten ideas and agenda have become the collective energy of the opening years of this long century and millennium. I don't like the aura of this comment

I don't know what Dubya uses for a conscience or how he can sleep at night. He is the most immoral person I can imagine for his callous disdain of the principles and laws on which this country was founded. He needs to be impeached ASAP!!! I have never felt such antipathy to anyone in my life. If he is so up on being a good Christian what are his thoughts about Jesus saying that it was easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than a rich man to attain heaven? I'd really like to ask him that question, and also how does he think Jesus would feel about lying to start a war where many thousands of innocents are killed? I would demand he give me a straight answer.

i wanted to vote for nader, but i truely believed if i stuck to the two party system my voice may have been heard. i guess i was ****ing wrong. i don't believe that while there is an electoral college there will ever be true democracy, only deMOCKracy. let me end by saying hey george w. **** you.

Bush is not the kind of man this country needs to lead it. He is petty, small minded and the most arrogant hypocrite ever elected to any office. I refuse to believe he won without "a little help from his friends". This country's citizens are not stupid enough to elect a redneck bumpkin TWICE. He stole the election and deserves to be impeached. He is going to let the terrorists have the country and we need to impeach him before that can happen. Clueless George!


I am so sick of these bastards, and i often times feel like there is nothing that i can do. i will happily count myself in on this!!!! to the people the power!!!

My Husband is former Military and so is my Father, my brother and my sister. As are my 2 former brother in laws .My little sister's husband is an active duty Marine. Our Military connections run deep as you can probably guess. The majority of our friends are current military and are putting their lives on the line every day for this country. SHAME on you for thinking you are supporting our troops by this movement. If you want to support our troops then stand with them, not against them. A stand against our country and our President is a stand against our proud men and women who are putting their lives on the line every day for you. I want to share something my husband Marc Taylor wrote to someone who forwarded this boycott to him. In Marc's words... The 'ol do nothing approach - perfect for the liberal MINORITY out there who think this is an "illegal and immoral" war. Moral Courage was needed to start it, wage it and continue to fight it in the midst of e-mails like that one. Don't know why you'd boycott Target - aren't they French-owned? The boycott supports the troops?!?! The vast majority of the troops in Iraq know what they are doing, believe in it and support the reasons for being there. The tax revenue not generated from this wonderful boycott keeps armor off their bodies and vehicles, and diverts funds away from rebuilding a school or mosque that could help win the mind of a would-be terrorist. The few knuckleheads who come home and cry about it are not speaking for the boys - but their's are the only interviews being shown by our liberal media. The only thing a boycott supports are the terrorists and insurgents trying to dismantle our efforts in the middle east and our way of life here at home. Enjoy your non-shopping day - that will open up the lines so I can go out and buy a big gas-guzzling SUV and a couple of guns. While I'm at it I'll blow some cash on as many copies of "Fahrenheit 9-11" I can find and start a bon-fire to celebrate the President's re-election. But I won't be shopping at Target. Marc Taylor Tampa Target IS French owned by the way. Proudly an American and Proudly supporting our Troops; Diana L Taylor

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: wheresmywallet; yawn
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Rock on, Diana!
1 posted on 01/10/2005 11:08:33 AM PST by dukeman
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To: dukeman

No problems, I'll just spend double what I nromally spend that day.

2 posted on 01/10/2005 11:09:52 AM PST by Y2Bogus
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To: dukeman

Just as stupid as those "Don't buy gas on this particular day" deals.

3 posted on 01/10/2005 11:10:19 AM PST by Fierce Allegiance (MY COUSIN GREG IS HOME SAFE FROM IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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To: dukeman
dukeman Since Aug 1, 1998

OK, now I'm just confused.

4 posted on 01/10/2005 11:10:43 AM PST by NeoCaveman (The tax code: END IT, Don't mend it.)
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To: dukeman

I've decided to protest their protest. Tomorrow I'm not going to spend $10,000 and I might not spend $10,000 the day after, either.

5 posted on 01/10/2005 11:11:28 AM PST by mbynack
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To: Y2Bogus
Yeah, my wife will too........grrrrrrr
6 posted on 01/10/2005 11:11:34 AM PST by dukeman
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To: dukeman

That's what I get for not reading the whole article :-)

7 posted on 01/10/2005 11:11:44 AM PST by NeoCaveman (The tax code: END IT, Don't mend it.)
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To: dukeman
I am 15 so I don't yet have the right to vote, but if I did I know that I would not be voting for Bush, the things he has done to this country and the world are horrible and for people to believe that he is a good president can only be attributed to the wave of conservatism sweeping our country and pure ignorance. Too many people believe has lies and support his stupidity. I will do anything possible to protest him.

Listen, kiddo. First off, you're young and we can still teach you the right way. Secondly, if you think Bush is too conservative, wait till Mark Sanford becomes President!!


8 posted on 01/10/2005 11:11:44 AM PST by RockinRight (Sanford for President in '08!)
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To: dukeman

I think that I will buy a new truck on that day!

9 posted on 01/10/2005 11:11:50 AM PST by BIGZ
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To: Y2Bogus

I get that day off. Think I'll go shopping.

10 posted on 01/10/2005 11:13:53 AM PST by 3AngelaD
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To: dukeman

Apparently sleeping through the English classes.

11 posted on 01/10/2005 11:14:16 AM PST by TheBigB ("A Queen is never late. Everyone else is simply...early." ~~Queen Clarisse Rinaldi of Genovia)
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To: dukeman

"Clueless George" boy did this clown ever name nimself right. I notice most of these assinine comments come from blue state morons still in high school looks like the Socialist NEA at work.

12 posted on 01/10/2005 11:14:53 AM PST by snowman1
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To: dukeman

Firstly, they would have to have money to spend in the first place. Have ya looked at the many photos of the demonstrators? Do they look like they have a bunch of money to throw around? More delusional thinking from the blue state dead enders.

13 posted on 01/10/2005 11:15:07 AM PST by conservativecorner
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To: dukeman
Not One Damn Dime! Boycott Bush's inauguration by not spending any money on inauguration day

These people are dumber than rocks. So these jerks won't spend a dime on the 20th? Then what happens on the 21st? Duh. Reminds me of the dolts that wanted to boycott buying gasoline for a week. Okay, then run out of gas, and sell your stooopid van. (I wouldn't let a van in my driveway).

14 posted on 01/10/2005 11:15:08 AM PST by Cobra64 (Babes should wear Bullet Bras -
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To: dukeman

Good for Diana, but I had to LOL at the useful idiot teenagers. They must hang out at DU and Mikey Moore's website.

15 posted on 01/10/2005 11:16:23 AM PST by Annie03
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To: dukeman

I suddenly feel the need to buy a mink coat and some new diamonds!

16 posted on 01/10/2005 11:17:54 AM PST by OpusatFR
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To: dukeman
Since our leaders don't have the moral courage to speak out against the war in Iraq, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn Dime Day" in America.

Who do these fools think they're kidding? Those jackwits don't even have enough economic influence to even be noticed when they do buy something. Who the hell is going to notice when they don't?

Bah...they can go get stuff for all I care. Who needs those communist e-tards.

Besides, I'll be stocking up on goodies on Thursday, January 20th. I've got stuff to get for the George W. Bush 2nd Inauguration Party and the NFC and AFC championship party on Sunday the 23rd! Woohoo!

17 posted on 01/10/2005 11:18:00 AM PST by Prime Choice (The DNC! Where boys and girls look the same! That's a little strange isn't it?)
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To: dukeman

Next to the smell of napalm in the morning, I most love when the opposition goes completly insane. ;~))

18 posted on 01/10/2005 11:18:49 AM PST by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: Fierce Allegiance
Just as stupid as those "Don't buy gas on this particular day" deals.

Yet another reason we don't trust Dems with Economics. They are too clueless to see that 24 hour boycotts accomplish nothing.

19 posted on 01/10/2005 11:22:31 AM PST by Fenris6 (3 Purple Hearts in 4 months w/o missing a day of work? He's either John Rambo or a Fraud)
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To: dukeman

I will make sure I switch the normal shopping day for that week to Jan 20th.

Bunch of losers.

20 posted on 01/10/2005 11:23:43 AM PST by Pondman88
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