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NH: Man without I.D. vows to board flight or be jailed ^

Posted on 05/22/2005 7:30:03 AM PDT by Dada Orwell

From Man Without I.D. Vows to Board Flight or be Jailed

Manchester, NH May 21, 2005

Inspired by New Hampshire's "outlaw manicurist," another Granite Stater is stepping forward to peacefully defy license-related laws. Thirty-five-year old Russell Kanning of Keene has announced he will approach a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint at Manchester airport on June 11 and refuse to cooperate with the requirement to show ID. "I will either board the plane without I.D. or be arrested," he says. "In a free country you do not need government permission to travel."

Kanning has a ticket to Philadelphia and, if allowed to travel there, plans to celebrate by visiting Independence Hall.

Two months after the September 11th attacks, the Aviation Security Act federalized airport security nationwide and granted new police powers to the TSA. Now, an ID is mandatory to travel by commercial aircraft, passengers must travel alone past security checkpoints, and random full-body searches in public are considered normal.

Kanning stresses that he will not resist arrest or do anything that might be perceived as physically threatening. He says this act of nonviolent resistance will follow the model laid down by Gandhi, who used peaceful noncooperation to expel the British from India. "We will tell them everything we're going to do ahead of time. We are not going to disrupt the operation of the airport," he says.

Kanning says the parallels with Gandhi's situation go further than a shared belief in nonviolence. "In South Africa (where Gandhi's protests began), Indians had to have special it's very similar that way, and he wanted to burn it...He was appealing to that same basic idea that we have rights to not have to have paperwork to be able to move freely."

Earlier this month another Gandhi admirer, Mike Fisher of Newmarket, used the Mahatma's techniques to protest business licensing. After announcing he would perform an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing offices, he carried out his promise, earned a brief trip to jail and received heavy regional media coverage for his viewpoint.

Kanning says Gandhi's and Fisher's examples inspired him to take similar action against the growing "surveillance state." He believes the Real ID amendment passed by the Senate this month will make things even worse. But he says it's important to stay positive. "The goal is we want to get to the point where we can travel without having to have paperwork so, this is the beginning of that. We see light at the end of the tunnel. "

Currently the plan is for Kanning to approach the security checkpoint at 12:30 PM. Journalists and supporters will want to be there by noon.


What: Civil disobedience against ID requirements under federalized airport security. Where: Manchester Airport in New Hampshire (exact spot to be determined) When: Saturday, June 11 @ noon Who: Russell Kanning of Keene, NH, supporters from Why: To draw attention to the recent and continuing loss of privacy and freedom due to federalized airport security and National ID. How: By approaching a TSA checkpoint with a ticket but no ID, refusing to show ID, and refusing to cooperate with the law until arrested or allowed to board the plane. Contacts: You can find out more and post questions to the discussion boards at

TOPICS: Government; Miscellaneous; US: New Hampshire
KEYWORDS: airlinesecurity; dramaqueens; enabler; freestateproject; fsp; idiot; privacy; tsa; yourpapersplease
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To: Always A Marine; Mulder
If we don't wake up, grow up, and end this lunacy, a handful of terrorists will have gotten their way.

Too late... The cost to America is far more than the 3000 lives lost. The entire country is now subject to the whims of the beaurocrats, and their too-late responses!

There is nothing that will make us safe from a terrorist intending to kill people, or destroy property. they prefer the killing...

They won, as soon as we started looking over our own citizens...

181 posted on 05/23/2005 4:02:19 AM PDT by pageonetoo (You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
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To: Moral Hazard; B Knotts
Thousands of people were killed on 9/11 because of lax security at airports.

Both wrong. Thousands dead because two planes were flown into the WTC and one into the Pentagon. If they had not done this on 9/11, then they would have killed, with another means, at another time...


With the procedures we now have, we are losing BILLIONS of DOLLARS in WASTE and DELAY... not to mention the additional inconveninces, and loss of privacy.

They have won the first round, and the second round...

182 posted on 05/23/2005 4:09:09 AM PDT by pageonetoo (You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
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Joseph Sobran:

For all that, we no longer fully have what our ancestors, who framed and ratified our Constitution, thought of as freedom — a careful division of power that prevents power from becoming concentrated and unlimited. The word they usually used for concentrated power was consolidated — a rough synonym for fascist. And the words they used for any excessive powers claimed or exercised by the state were usurped and tyrannical. They would consider the modern “liberal” state tyrannical in principle; they would see in it not the opposite of the fascist, communist, and socialist states, but their sister.

If Washington and Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton could come back, the first thing they’d notice would be that the federal government now routinely assumes thousands of powers never assigned to it — powers never granted, never delegated, never enumerated. These were the words they used, and it’s a good idea for us to learn their language. They would say that we no longer live under the Constitution they wrote. And the Americans of a much later era — the period from Cleveland to Coolidge, for example — would say we no longer live even under the Constitution they inherited and amended.

I call the present system “Post–Constitutional America.” As I sometimes put it, the U.S. Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government.

183 posted on 05/23/2005 5:30:12 AM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: eno_
The same way the identity of bail jumpers is confirmed. This is why people who hunt bail jumpers have to post large bonds, which they lose if they get it wrong. This way, only real illegals get hassled, and, if a mistake is made, restitution is made, too. It would work. We need some Republicans with enough balls to do it

You're overlooking the fact that Republicans have their own reasons for wanting illegal immigration.

184 posted on 05/23/2005 3:53:42 PM PDT by Still Thinking (Disregard the law of unintended consequences at your own risk.)
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Freedom BUMP!

185 posted on 05/23/2005 3:56:14 PM PDT by Drago
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To: Dada Orwell
"In a free country you do not need government permission to travel."

The airlines are a private business. They can establish whatever rules they want to. If the FAA requires them to abide by certain rules (like each state requires a license and reg. and insurance to drive) and you don't like the rules, find another means of traveling.

Taxis don't require ID. Call a cab, dude.

I thought the FreeState project was a good idea at first, shake things up. Now I've got to wonder who's involved with it.
186 posted on 05/23/2005 4:23:06 PM PDT by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
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To: Ghost of Philip Marlowe

The "private business" thing is a thin figleaf.

For starters, I'd like my FIFTEEN BILLION back from those tax-eating scum.

Second, anything the government does that is not explicitly authorized by the Constitution is illegal and illegitimate. As a Republican, you know that, right? Or, perhaps, you are of a political persuation that does not believe that.

187 posted on 05/23/2005 6:11:45 PM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: eno_
I'm a Jeffersonian liberal. I do believe in limited government and making our current government smaller and reducing regulation.

That said, we currently have certain rules in place (like what can be broadcast over the airwaves). Whether those rules and all rules should be dropped (more of a Libertarian stance than a Conservative) they are in force. The airlines are a private business, just as the farmers are, who also receive a lot of tax money (whether that is right or wrong is again another issue) and they have their own set rules and rules forced upon them (as the FDA has rules for farmers).

I believe this guy in NH is going about his cause in a wrong manner and is only going to harm his reputation and that of his cause. This is post 9/11 and we're trying to prevent terrorists from hijacking another plane or otherwise kill people.

I believe walking down the street waving a firearm in your hand where it is illegal to do so (even though we have the 2nd Amendment) is a foolish way to fight for CCW laws. I believe it harms the individual (police record) and the CCW cause.

But hey, that's just me.
188 posted on 05/24/2005 8:09:02 AM PDT by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
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To: Ghost of Philip Marlowe
I believe walking down the street waving a firearm in your hand where it is illegal to do so...

New Hampshire is an unlicensed open carry state, by the way. Since we have a 14th Amendment, one wonders why every state is not so blessed?

This guy is not "waving a firearm" which would be rude no matter if it was illegal. He is a decent man challenging a corrupt, illegitimate, and illegal system. He ought to get a medal.

189 posted on 05/24/2005 9:13:33 AM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: eno_
And if he were a Wahhabist from Saudi Arabia originally but now an American citizen, would you similarly recommend him for a citation for such an action?
190 posted on 05/24/2005 11:30:00 AM PDT by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
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To: Ghost of Philip Marlowe

Sure, because the Wahhabist would be further highlighting the fact we are not kicking Wahhabists out wholesale.

We have existing provisions in immigration and naturalization laws to prohibit such people, and those laws were applied to both Nazis and Communists, stripping them of citizenship in many cases.

Any other brilliant questions?

191 posted on 05/24/2005 12:28:36 PM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: eno_

"Any other brilliant questions?"

Not until I get some "brilliant" answers.

Try dropping the attitude and just discuss. I haven't impressed you and you haven't impressed me. The sarcasm just destroys the exchange.

192 posted on 05/24/2005 2:07:52 PM PDT by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
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To: Ghost of Philip Marlowe
The sarcasm just destroys the exchange.

Aren't we "sensitive."

The fact is, all the intrusive crap that homelAm3 "security" has foisted on us has no basis in an actual need to improve security. It is ALL about strengthing our chains.

To hell with them, and to hell with anyone so ignorant they can't remember that we faced far graver threats without requiring IDs for travel. Anyone that ignorant deserves the slavery and lack of actual security they get.

193 posted on 05/24/2005 2:52:01 PM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: Dada Orwell
"In a free country you do not need government permission to travel."

On that, he is absolutly correct. He's perfectly free to walk to any destination within the United States he so choses. He can drive (he better have a license for that however) or swim, or flp his arms and fly himself. But nothing in Constitution says that an airline, bus or ship must transport his stupid ass anywhere.

194 posted on 05/24/2005 2:57:13 PM PDT by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: Dada Orwell

Your wish to be arrested will be honored sir. Turn around and assume the position. Thank you.

195 posted on 05/24/2005 2:58:02 PM PDT by RetiredArmy (The Republican Party is now OFFICIALLY The RINOcratic Party!)
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To: SamAdams76
If the airport authorities are smart, they will be ready for him and won't give him any time to turn things into a media circus.

He'll never make it as far as the TSA checkpoing without ID. You can't even get a boarding pass without showing ID to the airline agent. The local cops will haul his ass away before he ever sees a "Gobermnt Agent".

196 posted on 05/24/2005 3:01:15 PM PDT by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: eno_
OK, so tell me when the Constitution was amended to enable the government to infringe on what was previously an absolute right.

Show me where the Constitution ever said there was such a right?

All the Constitution says was that any citizen was free to travel from state to state. He's still is free to travel from NH to any state he choses, but if he wants to do it by commercial air, the rule says he has to identify himself.

197 posted on 05/24/2005 3:12:54 PM PDT by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: Ditto

He is also free to track down and harass the jackboots that keep his from his natural freedoms.

The correct response to a government that erodes our freedoms bit by bit, is to ruin the lives of its agents, bit by bit.

198 posted on 05/24/2005 7:30:21 PM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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To: eno_
He is also free to track down and harass the jackboots that keep his from his natural freedoms.

Excuse me, but what natural freedom are they keeping him from? Have you ever tried reading the Constitution, or do you just like to imagine what it is supposed to say?

I suppose he is "free to harass the jackboots" but I can also tell you that if he does, they will also be free to put one of their boots up his behind and perhaps knock a little common sense into him.

199 posted on 05/24/2005 7:42:15 PM PDT by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: Ditto
free to put one of their boots up his behind and perhaps knock a little common sense into him

Ahhh, isn't it great to hear people rooting FOR the Jackbooted Thugs?

Do you think these no-necks would be smart enough to figure out why they have been subscribed to every kiddie porn site on Earth?

Why their picture is on seeking dom leather boy partners?

Why a woman calls his wife every few days and makes a lame excuse about a wrong number?

Taking down a JBT's reputation is simple, even if, unlike the Boston FBI office, they aren't criminals already. Finding dirt on cops is about as hard as finding dirty water in the Charles. And if you can't find any, lie, like a cop would do.

200 posted on 05/25/2005 8:00:51 PM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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