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Rush: Don't Apologize, Senator Durbin - You've Told Us Who Democrats Really Are
The Rush Limbaugh Show ^ | June 16, 2005 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 06/17/2005 9:07:49 AM PDT by Matchett-PI


RUSH: Let's go ahead and listen to Senator Durbin again. You need to hear this. We got the audio for this in the final hour of the program yesterday, and just in that period of time – as we always say, "show prep for the rest of the media." It was all over the place last night, websites and all over, people are outraged. Durbin's office is being swamped with phone calls. We had phone calls on this program after the audio aired. People are just livid, and particularly the parents of soldiers serving in the United States, either in Afghanistan or in Iraq. Hear it for yourself if you haven't. We have two sound bites. They both go together. So, Mike, I want you to run these both together, one's 37 seconds; the other is 31, but play them back-to-back. Here we go.

DURBIN: 'On one occasion the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. On another occasion the air conditioner had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.'

If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

RUSH: I'm going to tell you, Senator Durbin. There's not a soul in this country who would have heard what this FBI agent said and associated it with anything done by the Nazis, the Soviets and their gulags, or Pol Pot.

Turning the air-conditioning off and on, rap music, none of this would anybody associate with what went on in death camps, senator. Not one person -- except you.

You make this association which makes us question just how much you know of the enemy we're currently fighting and how much you know of what actually went on in Cambodia and in the Nazi death camps and the Soviet gulags.

"Senator Durbin refused to apologize Wednesday for comments he made on the Senate floor... News of the comparison created a buzz on the Internet Wednesday, fueled by sound bites of the senator's speech on radio talk shows like Rush Limbaugh's. By Wednesday afternoon, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna asked Durbin to apologize. 'Sen. Durbin's comments come as a great disservice to our military personnel in Guantanamo,' McKenna said in a statement. 'They are also a great disservice to all U.S. soldiers and veterans who have fought, and continue to fight, to overcome evil regimes and spread democracy around the world.'"

Durbin's spokesman said "Durbin did not plan to apologize for the comments." In fact, Durbin said on Wednesday, "'This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure.' Staffers at the senator's office took an increased number of calls Wednesday as word of the comments spread.

"'I wouldn't say we were inundated, but we knew Rush mentioned it because that's when the calls started coming in,'" said Durbin's spokesman. "He later added that Durbin's comments were meant to compare torture at Guantanamo Bay to torture during the Nazi regime, not equate Americans at the base to Nazis and similar groups."

That's just a cop-out. I don't even need to comment on that. That's just silly. "I didn't mean to compare them to Nazis in the death camps. I was talking about torture." What do you think they were doing? What do you call the death camps, if that wasn't torture? They didn't kill them immediately, for crying out loud, senator!

Go talk to some US POWs still alive from World War II who were in those prison camps and ask them what happened to them. It wouldn't be too hard to do. You guys have such great respect for the greatest generation. The greatest generation is humiliated by this, senator. The Greatest Generation is embarrassed by you. The Greatest Generation, you're making them fear for the future of the country, those that are still alive. You're causing other people to question your own fitness to be a leader of the United States Senate in this country.

Let me take a break because, you know, we've had McCain and Specter and a number of other pointy-heads demanding that we give trials in the American judicial system to these prisoners of war, and I want to take you back to a Supreme Court decision from 1950 to put that in perspective.


RUSH: By the way, folks, I don't want Durbin to apologize, and if he does apologize it's not going to mean anything to me.

He ought to stand by this because he means it. This is one time a liberal is telling you who they really are.

This is another example of a liberal being honest about what they really think of the US military and what they really think of this country. That's the value of Dick Durbin. Dick Durbin is telling everybody who the Democrats today really are. He's identifying all of them. He does speak for Harry Reid. He does speak for Joe Biden. He does speak for Ted Kennedy. He does speak for John Kerry. He does speak for Hillary Clinton.

He speaks for all of them. None of them are trying to get away from what he said. None of them are asking him to apologize. None of them are distancing themselves.

This is who they are. It is what people like me have been trying to tell you for many, many moons now, and it doesn't get any better than hearing it from the horse's mouth.

Dick Durbin has just identified who the Democrats are in the year 2005, particularly when it comes to American national security and when it comes to the US military.

These are the same people they say they support the troops. This is how they do it, huh? They give aid and comfort to the enemy. They make it possible for Mullah Omar and bin Laden, whoever else is out there still alive, to laugh themselves silly at us. Mogadishu all over.

Remember what bin Laden said after we cut and run out of Mogadishu?

"That's when I knew the US was a paper tiger, that's when I knew they didn't have the guts, that's when I knew they couldn't take casualties," and that's what fueled his planning for 9/11. He has said so.

So, bammo! Here you go, Dick Durbin. Thanks once again for telling our enemies just what a bunch of soft patty cakes we are and how we'll back away from our own treatment of people much less back away from dishing it out to people like our enemies. It's a sight to behold.

I want you to hear Jeff Sessions, the Senator from Alabama. He got in on this and he has been fabulous on the G'itmo stuff. He hammered the Democrats. He was on Fox and Friends this morning, and the question, "Senator Sessions, member of the judiciary committee, I'd love to hear you weigh in on this. Is G'itmo serving its purpose or is it harming us so much by bad PR that it needs to be shut down?"

SESSIONS:"What is happening that's so wrong and so upsetting to me is that we've got senators and congressmen and other people suggesting that we have wholesale violation of human rights at these prisoners, and it's not so. Two hundred of these 500 prisoners have cases pending in federal court, they've had multiple hearings to determine whether or not they should be kept there, they're being treated humanely, and it's wrong for us to send the message around the world from our own members of Congress that they are being abused on a regular basis.

It just makes it tougher for our soldiers who are trying to win the hearts and minds of the people in Iraq and around the world and to convince the people there that we're trying to do right."

RUSH: I've been thinking about this during the Sessions sound bite. I don't want Senator Durbin to apologize because it wouldn't be honest. If he apologizes, I wouldn't accept it.

I like Senator Durbin saying what he said but I also think he should resign. This is the kind of thing that ought to force him to resign in disgrace.

We don't need this kind of obstacle in the United States Senate as the number two man, he's the whip, number two whip, whip or whatever, number two whip underneath Dingy Harry.

All right, now Sessions zeros in on Durbin. He got the question from the host, E. D. Hill. "I wanted to ask you about the comments made by Durbin, representative Senator Durbin of Illinois, he compared what happened at G'itmo to the gulags to Pol Pot, to Hitler. It was incredible. What was your reaction when you heard that?"

SESSIONS: Well, it really upset me because this Congress has sent over a hundred thousand American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan to carry out the policies of the United States of America. First of all, what he said is not true. It's utterly false. Millions died under Hitler, millions died under Pol Pot, millions died under the communist regime, the Gulag Archipelago.

And not one has died in G'itmo, not one has died there. They've been given the best medical treatment that the world can provide."

RUSH: And the best food and air-conditioning. You think there was air-conditioning in Cambodia? Air-conditioning in Vietnam for our prisoners of war? To be turned on or off, was it even there? It was not. So the next question to Senator Sessions. "So why would an American senator say something that's false?"

SESSIONS: "I just think that people are losing their perspective. We're all caught up in some domestic politics, maybe they want to embarrass the president, and they make these statements sometimes hopefully they're just not recognizing how serious the consequences are worldwide."

RUSH: Oh, I think they know. The real irony here is that they think what we're doing at G'itmo is the serious consequences. It's what they're saying that are posing the serious consequences.

I mean, all this garbage about what's going on at G'itmo anyway. Look at what one erroneous story from Newsweek has led us to. One error in Newsweek about what they were supposedly doing to the Koran is what's led us to this, close down G'itmo. Do we really want our security left to the likes of people like Dick Durbin or any of these political hacks who manage to get elected to high office like Durbin like Kennedy like Specter.

What do they know? They're trained to be lawyers and not necessarily good ones, by the way. So nearly their entire focus is on whether terrorists should be treated like shoplifters. They don't acknowledge or accept the existence of a military justice system, which applies to the enemy, not a civilian justice system.

This is as old as the nation's founding. They do not accept that the purpose of detaining these people is to protect our troops and our neighborhoods, to get information out of them. And, by the way, this sordid, horrible treatment with the air-conditioning off and on and the rap music, we got information from the 20th hijacker. It worked! But Durbin and Specter and Kennedy and the likes act like after three years of war that these prisoners have some right to be released. How long you going to hold these people, forever, they ask.

Yeah, we'll hold them as long as they're a threat just as we hold criminals for life, for crying out loud. We held prisoners of war in previous wars for the duration of the war, then you make deals for their release, for crying out loud. We don't try illegal enemy combatants, let alone prisoners of war. We do not do this, and we never have, and what of all the focus on these illegal enemy combatants?

There are thousands of POWs being held who are not illegal enemy combatants. Why aren't the leftists demanding that they get lawyers, that they be brought to the US for trial, et cetera?

And I'll tell you why: because it will become obvious how absurd this entire argument is. We cannot give thousands of POWs lawyers, have them clog up the courts with claims of improper incarceration or treatment, so it's much easier for the left to focus on these 530.

But there are other prisoners; why not bring the people from Abu Ghraib over and give them trials? Why not get the prisoners in Bagram Air Force Base over in Afghanistan, bring them over for trials? We have prisons all over the world, and there are Islamic terrorists in prisons of other countries.

Why not go get them and assume they're all being mistreated, bring them back to the United States for trials?

Because even these guys know you can't do that.

And McCain says put them through the justice system.

Yeah, the Marines who are guarding them, turn them over to who? The US Marshals? Are they trained in the proper handling of terrorists? I have more on this, but I've got to take a break, EIB obscene profit center time.


RUSH: Guess what I just found? On the al-Jazeera website, ladies and gentlemen, not just praise for Durbin, they rehash the whole AP story. They repeat practically the whole AP story and they praise Durbin for saying what he's saying and for being honest. They praise Durbin for not apologizing.

Way to go, Senator Durbin! Al-Jazeera loves you, Senator Durbin, probably more than the people that voted for you in Illinois could ever love you.

Al-Jazeera! I would be embarrassed, were al-Jazeera to take my words, blast them all over the Middle East to their audience as a means of amplifying opposition to the United States of America.

So, in addition to all the horrors that we are visiting on our prisoners like Pol Pot and Nazism and the gulags of the Soviet Union. McCain and his ilk are saying we need to put these people through our justice system, we need to give them trials.

Yeah, like I say, the Marines who are guarding them now will turn them over to whom? The US marshals? Are they trained in the proper handling of terrorists? Who's going to prosecute all of these 530 people down there, US attorneys? Has anybody gone to the US attorneys and asked them if it's a good idea, if they've got time, to go make cases?

Does McCain believe that all the due-process rights afforded US citizens should be applied to terrorists? If not, which rights should be excluded? And if you exclude some, are you not denying the terrorist his right to a fair trial? And if they get convicted, where do we put them then, where do we house them? In our already overcrowded federal prison system?

Anybody ask the federal bureau of prisons what kind of havoc that would create for the ability to keep control over their prison population to bring in a number of these 530 POWs from G'itmo, and what of the possibility that these terrorists will try to recruit news terrorists from the general prison population?

We know that goes on in prison. Has McCain considered that that might happen? It would be a great recruitment tool to put the prisoners at G'itmo into the US federal penitentiary system. But if we are as Durbin says no better than the Nazis or the Stalinists or Pol Pot, why do we care?

I just have a simple question for you, Senator Durbin. If we're no better than the Nazis, if we're no better than the Stalinists and their gulags and Pol Pot, why do we care? Why do we even feed these prisoners? Why do we give them Korans? Why do we give them air-conditioning? Why do we give them all that we give them, such as access to outside groups? In fact, why are they still alive, senator? If we are no different than Pol Pot, the Soviet gulags, and the Nazis, why are they still alive? Why are you calling G'itmo a death camp when there hasn't been a death at G'itmo?

As I say, it is literally amazing what one little fabricated story in Newsweek by Michael Isikoff can ignite.

Folks, if you want to know how the left-wing propaganda mill works, this is it. This is precisely how the left-wing propaganda mill works. Put a little feeler out there that's not even accurate about the Koran, then have Newsweek take a big hit for putting something out there that's erroneous.

The left-wing media says, "You can't attack our guys like that!" And they circle the wagons and they begin a death watch on G'itmo. They search for anything they can find to show that G'itmo is hell on earth, and this is where we end up -- and this is how the left does it, whoever their target is. Be it in the criminal justice system, be it in American politics, be it in a time of war. Identify a target. Leak a bunch of garbage that's not true. Have your willing accomplices in the press lap it up, suck it up, and regurgitate it.

Create public opinion that leads to a PR crisis that then says, "Ooh, we have to do something about this," when a non-story or total fabrication was the impetus for the whole thing. Now, the following is from the 1950 Supreme Court decision Johnson vs. Eisentrager. This is the Supreme Court writing in its decision, 1950. "We are cited to no instance where a court in this or any other country, where the writ of habeas corpus is known, has issued it on behalf of an alien enemy who at no relevant time and in no stage of his captivity has been within its territorial jurisdiction. It is war that exposes the relative vulnerability of the alien status, the security and protection enjoyed while the nation of his allegiance remains in enmity with the United States are greatly impaired when his nation takes up arm against us. While his lot is far more humane and endurable than the experience of our citizens in such enemy lands, it is still not a happy one, but disabilities that this country lays upon the alien who becomes also an enemy are imposed temporarily as an incident of war and not as an incident of alienage." In other words, 55 years ago, and several years after the end of World War II, the US Supreme Court recognized that illegal enemy combatants -- in this case, it was about 21 German nationals -- didn't even have a right to access a civilian court in the US. The US Supreme Court found this in 1950.

That all changed last summer, folks, when the current Supreme Court in essence reversed course, holding that they do have a right to a hearing, prisoners of war, do have a right to a hearing and a lawyer, and since that ruling last summer, the dogs of anti-war have been unleashed with demands that the Bill of Rights apply to these prisoners and even that they be brought into our own country for trial.

That's why we're where we are in all of this. There was a time in history when those who betrayed their country were drawn and quartered, or even later they were tarred and feathered.

In more civilized times, one who betrayed his country is given a choice, pistols or swords. But now betrayal is greeted with a yawn. And that's exactly what I mean, betrayal. What Senator Durbin said, comparing our country and our military and our leadership to Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, in a pure dictionary sense was not treason, but it almost certainly was betrayal, disloyalty to one's own country.

"But, Rush! But, Rush! But, Rush! Isn't that free speech?"

Well, no. What Jane Fonda, what Hanoi Jane said, that was free speech. In a democracy, anybody has a right to say anything they believe no matter how stupid or misguided. But Dick Durbin's not as stupid as Hanoi Jane, or he might be. He has to know what he said was not true. That's not free speech, and that's not low-down, dirty politics. It's something far worse. It's betrayal. It's treachery. It's duplicity what he did. It may be free speech but it doesn't change the fact that it's betrayal. Durbin's spokesman or whoever, says he won't apologize, and I don't want him to.

Durbin, like Harry Reid and Howard Dean, are the voices of today's Democratic Party in what are hopefully the last days of the Democratic Party. This is who they are, ladies and gentlemen. They have made it clear now exactly who they are when it comes to this country and its military. Oh, yes, these are the same people that say they support the troops, as some would say, rubbish, bull hockey. This is not support for the troops.

"But, Rush! But, Rush! You can support the troops and not the mission."

No, you can't. That's a favorite liberal refrain but it fails in quicksand. But this isn't even support of the troop. Not when al-Jazeera takes the comments and the story and blasts it all over the Middle East and supports it. Let's grab a phone call quickly here before we have to go to the break we'll go to Beaufort, South Carolina, and Emily, hello, and welcome to the program. Nice to have you with us.

CALLER: How are you, Rush? I can't believe I'm talking to you.

RUSH: Well, you are. Make it count.

CALLER: Well, I told your call screener I would love Senator Durbin to come down. He can even stay at my house; I'll show him that kind of hospitality. We need to get together with all the Marines in Beaufort, includes Parris Island and the air station, and have him tell the Marines what exactly is happening at G'itmo. I would love to invite him to come down here and have a town hall meeting with us in Beaufort.

RUSH: Well, he'd probably do it. He's stuck now. He would probably do it. I don't expect him to back off of this. I think this is how they think they score points. This is how they think they gain ground. Folks, you have to understand what they're doing. Durbin thinks this is good for his party. Durbin thinks this is going to help his party win back the White House. Durbin thinks this is going to help his party win back the Senate. He would say this. He's not apologizing for it now. He'll say it again and again and again, because his real target, as far as Dick Durbin's concerned, the really enemy, is George W. Bush.


Free Republic Opinion Poll: Senator Durbin's comparison of US troops to Pol Pot's regime, Nazis and Stalin's Gulag is:;results=2

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: democrats; dhpl; durbin; gitmo; gulag; ratsht; rs; rush; turbandurbin
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To: Matchett-PI
yes, remember him standing in the well telling his "esteemed" collegues how sorry he was that he made such tasteless remarks about them in his diary. and to prove it he was going to destroy it.

God forbid they say something bad about each other. but our young people hey ANYTHING goes.

21 posted on 06/17/2005 9:31:05 AM PDT by marty60
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To: Matchett-PI

While I dispise Durban's remarks I am glad that the Democrats keep up their attacks. We will win more seats in 2006. As usual Rush is right.

22 posted on 06/17/2005 9:31:13 AM PDT by Cat loving Texan
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To: APFel

It's absolutely intentional.

23 posted on 06/17/2005 9:31:50 AM PDT by marty60
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To: Matchett-PI
I wonder what Durbin and his fellow rats will say when someone is beheaded by a terrorist who claims he is avenging prisoner treatment in gitmo based on this statement by another treasonous,son of a bi#ch,liberal senator.
24 posted on 06/17/2005 9:31:54 AM PDT by carlr (The dems slogan "even though we support our nations enemies don`t question our patriotism")
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To: Matchett-PI
Here's hoping that Rush starts referring to Durbin as the Senator from Falujah - Senator Turbin.
25 posted on 06/17/2005 9:32:39 AM PDT by Sgt_Schultze
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To: possumdawg
"Rush is on it again...We need to see the memo from the FBI agent..Rush is saying the memo's contents is in dispute."

No doubt we'll have that memo shortly. :)

"Rush is on it again", is right! The transcript from today's show will contain lots MORE priceless quotes!!

26 posted on 06/17/2005 9:33:06 AM PDT by Matchett-PI (Bad news for Darwinists: Postmoderns reject all meta-narratives including yours (macro-evolution))
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To: Matchett-PI
I like Senator Durbin saying what he said but I also think he should resign. This is the kind of thing that ought to force him to resign in disgrace.

These "mainstreamers" are shameless, Durbin will never resign.

I have seen pictures of housing in Cuba and I don't recall seeing any air conditioning units. I don't recall seeing any in Afghanistan or in Iraq.

I would say that these terrorist are perfectly comfortable at 100 degrees.

This propaganda that Durbin is putting out is for the useful idiots that support the Democratic party; the foreigners that are following his comments are probably laughing at us, air conditioning indeed !

27 posted on 06/17/2005 9:33:18 AM PDT by oldbrowser (You lost the election.....get over it.)
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To: Matchett-PI
Mooola Durbin sounded like he was doing a recruitment advertisement for the killer terrorists!!!!! I will say this on as many Mooola Durbin threads as I come across!!!
28 posted on 06/17/2005 9:33:45 AM PDT by Just mythoughts
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To: OXENinFLA; All

Good topic question - did anyone hear what Imus said about Craig Crawford today on his show? I caught the end of the program..Imus' #2 said it was just brutal...anyone know?

29 posted on 06/17/2005 9:34:27 AM PDT by ken5050
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To: Cat loving Texan

I don't. I have 3 nephews in Iraq as we speak and this BS makes every minute more dangerous for them. This weakness and the 24/7 media coverage provides inspiration to the enemy.

30 posted on 06/17/2005 9:36:02 AM PDT by Wristpin ( Varitek says to A-Rod: "We don't throw at .260 hitters.....")
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To: Matchett-PI
I heard Dan Rather will deliver it...
31 posted on 06/17/2005 9:37:44 AM PDT by possumdawg (There are three types of people- those that can count and those who cannot)
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To: carlr

He would say it's our fault for keeping Gitmo open. These people hate America; they take all evidence and force it to fit within that framework as a given.

32 posted on 06/17/2005 9:39:07 AM PDT by twigs
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To: b4its2late; Recovering_Democrat; Alissa; Pan_Yans Wife; LADY J; mathluv; browardchad; cardinal4; ...

33 posted on 06/17/2005 9:39:37 AM PDT by Born Conservative ("If not us, who? And if not now, when? - Ronald Reagan)
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To: All
For those interested, you may listen to Rush on line at one of these links:





34 posted on 06/17/2005 9:42:59 AM PDT by Matchett-PI (Bad news for Darwinists: Postmoderns reject all meta-narratives including yours (macro-evolution))
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To: ken5050

What did he say?

35 posted on 06/17/2005 9:44:21 AM PDT by Matchett-PI (Bad news for Darwinists: Postmoderns reject all meta-narratives including yours (macro-evolution))
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To: Matchett-PI

I didn't esr it..that's what I'm trying to find out..I turnd on the radio a few minutes to 10, before the show was over..heard McCord say to Imus that Chris Matthews had "brutalized" Crawford..and IIRC..Crawford is often a guest on Hardball..

36 posted on 06/17/2005 9:47:28 AM PDT by ken5050
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To: Cat loving Texan
I am glad that the Democrats keep up their attacks. We will win more seats in 2006.

So the end justifies the means???
It is of no concern to you that ALL our military has now been put in further peril as al-jazeera broadcasts this despicable human being's remarks all over the ME? It is no concern that this could jolt the sleeper cells to wake up and proceed with plans here in the US??

These allegations, which is all they are, and are now being disputed by the FBI, are acceptable because ....
We will win more seats in 2006.

What good is having 95 seats in the sinate and 400 seats in the hoosecow, if they DO NOTHING to defend our nation against the likes of The Dick Turban.

This despicable POS needs to resign or be impeached. End of sentence.

37 posted on 06/17/2005 9:54:37 AM PDT by Just A Nobody (I - L O V E - my attitude problem!)
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Ironically, your tag line is the solution. Use eminent domain to take over the Kennedy compound and ship the bastids there. Let Ted Kennedy have a jihad towel boy.

34 posted on 06/17/2005 1:08:22 AM EDT by operation clinton cleanup

38 posted on 06/17/2005 9:54:50 AM PDT by Mo1
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To: Matchett-PI

Adolf Hitler - About 9 million dead
Soviet gulags - About 2.7 million dead
Pol Pot - About 1.7 million dead
Gitmo - zero dead
Gitmo - five instances of Koran abuse by prison guards
Gitmo-15 instances of Koran abuse by prisoners.

39 posted on 06/17/2005 9:55:31 AM PDT by finnman69 (cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
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To: ken5050

Did you ask anyone on the Senate thread or the other Durbin thread?

You could always start a vanity thread asking--you'll probably get 100 posts in 5 minutes...

40 posted on 06/17/2005 9:56:24 AM PDT by Txsleuth (Mark Levin for Supreme Court Justice)
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