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Rush Limbaugh: The Feminists Have Lost ^ | 10/15/05 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 10/15/2005 4:27:17 PM PDT by wagglebee

RUSH: Eric in Destin, Florida. Hello, sir, welcome.

CALLER: Dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Susan Estrich is floating a trial balloon in her latest book that if Hillary loses the '08 election that it sets back the women's movement more so than Judge Bork ever could have. And I just wanted to get your opinion on that.

RUSH: I've grown to like Susan Estrich, but I just think it's poppycock. I think what set the feminist movement back is feminism. The feminist movement has already been set back. The feminist movement, we're going to be overturning Roe vs. Wade before too long; we've got all these career women who believed feminism way back when who said, "I can have it all. I'm going to get married. I'm going to have a couple kids. I'm going to have a nanny or da care center raise them, and I'm going to climb the corporate ladder, and I'm going to rule the world." And then they get pregnant with the first kid, they fire the nanny, they stay home and raise the kid themselves, and they say, "To hell with a career." You talk about selling out the feminist movement, Mother Nature is doing that. If Hillary doesn't win the White House, that sets back the feminist movement? Certain women would certainly lose with Mrs. Clinton not ascending to the throne in the White House. But I think this group and identity politics as it's become rooted in the Democratic Party is telling. I mean, that whole comment is rooted in fear. You've got to elect Hillary to save women. We have to elect Hillary to save feminism.

Feminism is gone. Feminism is lost. At least as it was originally intended. Hell, just the other day we had this story about the new ubersexual, and this J. Walter Thompson put out a book, some authors, couple others, put out a book defining the ubersexual. And as you read the definition of an ubersexual, it's what men used to be before feminists came along and neutered them. It's real simple. So the cycle has come full, and now it's reverting to type. And what this book is all about is what women want. Now, how many years -- I'm 54 years old -- and my whole life what women want has been supposedly changing. And it's all been changing because of what a lot of women and men thought they were supposed to be because of feminism. So everybody started playing a role rather than just being who they are, naturally, they started being what they thought they had to be according to political pressures and feminism and so forth. Men, too. And finally, everybody finds it doesn't work. A true feminist is a miserable woman. When you get right down to it, they are miserable. And the things that make them happy are the things that feminism tried to wipe out. Well, Snerdley is in there laughing at me, but I've never been more right about anything in my life. I have seen it countless times. I am a student of the culture, folks. I pay attention to all these things, and I'm looking at all these women who are going through life miserable. And all these women who follow the dictates of feminism, what's the one thing they want, Dawn?

A man! They want a man, they want children, they want a home, they want a picket fence, they want the station wagon, the SUV, whatever. And if they don't have it, they're miserable, regardless what they've done in their careers. There are exceptions, naturally. But I'm talking about on average and in a vast majority that's the case. Well, I'm telling you, if a woman, in order to be happy, wants a relationship, a marriage, kids, family and all that sort of stuff, that is a dagger to the heart of Germaine Greer, Molly Yard, Gloria Steinem, you name 'em. This is not what they had in mind, folks, and they certainly didn't have in mind the arch-typical feminist Hillary Clinton having to bend over forwards and backwards and defend her two-timing husband. That's another thing the feminists weren't going to put up with. You know, men were scalawags and rascals. "We're not going to put up with that kind of stuff." And here's Hillary, why? Because she can't get anywhere without her husband at her side on her team. Estrich saying that if Hillary loses, women lose, the feminists have lost. It is a great day, folks. You've gotta be positive about this stuff and stop looking at everything through prism of fear.


RUSH: Folks, I'm going to tell you one more hard truth, it's going to hit some of you very hard. But there are a lot of women who are 40ish, 50ish today who, back in their twenties, when they were in college, they were hard-core feminists. They were buying into all of it, and they probably met some guy or a couple guys back then, perfect for them, maybe a guy they actually really loved, but they blew the guy off, said, "Nope, I'm not going to become your slave! You're not going to imprison me! You're not going to limit me, you cad!" And so, the one guy, the dream of their life, bye-bye, and then they go through the rest of their life trying to find the dreams as promised by feminism, and they get to their forties, and it's panic city, and they end up settling for some guy they don't really love all that much just to get married, just because they want to have the child or what have you; thank you feminism. I have seen this, ladies and gentlemen. As I say, I am a student of the culture. I feel badly for these women. Stare happiness in the face and say it's not intended for me because it's not in the feminist manual?


RUSH: Here Jillian in Newport, Rhode Island. Hi, Jillian, welcome.

CALLER: Hi. I'm calling just because I have a problem with your characterization of feminism. As you portrayed it, it's kind of the feminazis that you're talking about. Mostly the feminism that I know of, and I consider myself a feminist, is about equal opportunity. It's about having the choice to either be a homemaker or be a mother or be a career woman.

RUSH: Okay, hold it, hold it, hold it. Hold it right there, Jillian. Hold it right -- by the way, I have to tell you I love that name.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: I do. I do. I love that name. But, you know, I don't know how old you are and I'm not asking, but you're doing what a lot of women do to try to cover the tracks, because feminism is as dirty a word today as liberalism is. When you use the word feminazi, you are describing the original feminists, and what you just -- there was no choice. That was the whole point. If you chose homemaking, if you chose motherhood, if you chose marriage and a man and your relationship was the focal point in your life, you were undercutting the sisterhood and the movement. There was no choice. What feminism has become by women who still want to call themselves feminists for whatever reason is what you just said, equal opportunity, the right to either have a career or stay at home and not get grief over it. But that's the modern evolution. That's not how it started. The most modern era incarnation, the late sixties, early seventies, it was not that. There was no choice. There was pressure brought to bear on women. They had to follow this certain route and it was a way of emancipation because for all these years men had held them down, the glass ceiling, men had not allowed them to reach their full potential.

CALLER: Well, exactly. That's why one of the earliest of those things was equal pay for equal work. Because it's all about equality. We want to be equal with men. We want to be paid the same, we want to be respected the same, if you choose to be a wife. It's also about choice for men, for it to be okay to be a homemaking father.

RUSH: Yeah, but what you fail to realize is that women have always had it better than men in a lot of ways.

CALLER: You kidding?

The Feminists Have Lost October 14, 2005

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Eric in Destin, Florida. Hello, sir, welcome.

CALLER: Dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Susan Estrich is floating a trial balloon in her latest book that if Hillary loses the '08 election that it sets back the women's movement more so than Judge Bork ever could have. And I just wanted to get your opinion on that.

RUSH: I've grown to like Susan Estrich, but I just think it's poppycock. I think what set the feminist movement back is feminism. The feminist movement has already been set back. The feminist movement, we're going to be overturning Roe vs. Wade before too long; we've got all these career women who believed feminism way back when who said, "I can have it all. I'm going to get married. I'm going to have a couple kids. I'm going to have a nanny or day care center raise them, and I'm going to climb the corporate ladder, and I'm going to rule the world." And then they get pregnant with the first kid, they fire the nanny, they stay home and raise the kid themselves, and they say, "To hell with a career." You talk about selling out the feminist movement, Mother Nature is doing that. If Hillary doesn't win the White House, that sets back the feminist movement? Certain women would certainly lose with Mrs. Clinton not ascending to the throne in the White House. But I think this group and identity politics as it's become rooted in the Democratic Party is telling. I mean, that whole comment is rooted in fear. You've got to elect Hillary to save women. We have to elect Hillary to save feminism.

Feminism is gone. Feminism is lost. At least as it was originally intended. Hell, just the other day we had this story about the new ubersexual, and this J. Walter Thompson put out a book, some authors, couple others, put out a book defining the ubersexual. And as you read the definition of an ubersexual, it's what men used to be before feminists came along and neutered them. It's real simple. So the cycle has come full, and now it's reverting to type. And what this book is all about is what women want. Now, how many years -- I'm 54 years old -- and my whole life what women want has been supposedly changing. And it's all been changing because of what a lot of women and men thought they were supposed to be because of feminism. So everybody started playing a role rather than just being who they are, naturally, they started being what they thought they had to be according to political pressures and feminism and so forth. Men, too. And finally, everybody finds it doesn't work. A true feminist is a miserable woman. When you get right down to it, they are miserable. And the things that make them happy are the things that feminism tried to wipe out. Well, Snerdley is in there laughing at me, but I've never been more right about anything in my life. I have seen it countless times. I am a student of the culture, folks. I pay attention to all these things, and I'm looking at all these women who are going through life miserable. And all these women who follow the dictates of feminism, what's the one thing they want, Dawn? A man! They want a man, they want children, they want a home, they want a picket fence, they want the station wagon, the SUV, whatever. And if they don't have it, they're miserable, regardless what they've done in their careers. There are exceptions, naturally. But I'm talking about on average and in a vast majority that's the case. Well, I'm telling you, if a woman, in order to be happy, wants a relationship, a marriage, kids, family and all that sort of stuff, that is a dagger to the heart of Germaine Greer, Molly Yard, Gloria Steinem, you name 'em. This is not what they had in mind, folks, and they certainly didn't have in mind the arch-typical feminist Hillary Clinton having to bend over forwards and backwards and defend her two-timing husband. That's another thing the feminists weren't going to put up with. You know, men were scalawags and rascals. "We're not going to put up with that kind of stuff." And here's Hillary, why? Because she can't get anywhere without her husband at her side on her team. Estrich saying that if Hillary loses, women lose, the feminists have lost. It is a great day, folks. You've gotta be positive about this stuff and stop looking at everything through prism of fear.


RUSH: Folks, I'm going to tell you one more hard truth, it's going to hit some of you very hard. But there are a lot of women who are 40ish, 50ish today who, back in their twenties, when they were in college, they were hard-core feminists. They were buying into all of it, and they probably met some guy or a couple guys back then, perfect for them, maybe a guy they actually really loved, but they blew the guy off, said, "Nope, I'm not going to become your slave! You're not going to imprison me! You're not going to limit me, you cad!" And so, the one guy, the dream of their life, bye-bye, and then they go through the rest of their life trying to find the dreams as promised by feminism, and they get to their forties, and it's panic city, and they end up settling for some guy they don't really love all that much just to get married, just because they want to have the child or what have you; thank you feminism. I have seen this, ladies and gentlemen. As I say, I am a student of the culture. I feel badly for these women. Stare happiness in the face and say it's not intended for me because it's not in the feminist manual?

BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here Jillian in Newport, Rhode Island. Hi, Jillian, welcome.

CALLER: Hi. I'm calling just because I have a problem with your characterization of feminism. As you portrayed it, it's kind of the feminazis that you're talking about. Mostly the feminism that I know of, and I consider myself a feminist, is about equal opportunity. It's about having the choice to either be a homemaker or be a mother or be a career woman.

RUSH: Okay, hold it, hold it, hold it. Hold it right there, Jillian. Hold it right -- by the way, I have to tell you I love that name.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: I do. I do. I love that name. But, you know, I don't know how old you are and I'm not asking, but you're doing what a lot of women do to try to cover the tracks, because feminism is as dirty a word today as liberalism is. When you use the word feminazi, you are describing the original feminists, and what you just -- there was no choice. That was the whole point. If you chose homemaking, if you chose motherhood, if you chose marriage and a man and your relationship was the focal point in your life, you were undercutting the sisterhood and the movement. There was no choice. What feminism has become by women who still want to call themselves feminists for whatever reason is what you just said, equal opportunity, the right to either have a career or stay at home and not get grief over it. But that's the modern evolution. That's not how it started. The most modern era incarnation, the late sixties, early seventies, it was not that. There was no choice. There was pressure brought to bear on women. They had to follow this certain route and it was a way of emancipation because for all these years men had held them down, the glass ceiling, men had not allowed them to reach their full potential.

CALLER: Well, exactly. That's why one of the earliest of those things was equal pay for equal work. Because it's all about equality. We want to be equal with men. We want to be paid the same, we want to be respected the same, if you choose to be a wife. It's also about choice for men, for it to be okay to be a homemaking father.

RUSH: Yeah, but what you fail to realize is that women have always had it better than men in a lot of ways.

CALLER: You kidding?

RUSH: Wait a second, hear me out on this. I will grant you that equal pay for equal work had to have something done about it, there's no question. There was some inequities that were out there. But the feminist of yore are still the feminists of today and they're feeling like the movement has failed. They're feeling like their movement has not succeeded because so many women are abandoning the original concepts and making the choice to stay home and making the choice to have a baby or two, and making the choice to have their world center around their relationship. That was a no-no back then, and that's why so many women foreclose it. That's why we have day care centers in offices. That's why we have all these bastardizations of human nature. That's why day care centers, having your kids raised by other people-- but my comment about women having it a little easier even today, if a man puts on his résumé: "After working here five years I may want to go home and raise the kids for a couple years," he's never going to get hired. A woman can take that choice, she can take maternity leave of nine or 12 months or whatever, come back to the job on that she's got. She can choose to leave the job and then come back to it five or ten years later after motherhood. Father can't do that, man can't do that, you've got far more options than men do in the workplace and you always have had, if truth be known.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008election; dittoheads; feminazis; feminists; hillary2008; hillaryclinton; leftists; losers; rush; rushlimbaugh; susanestrich
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And finally, everybody finds it doesn't work. A true feminist is a miserable woman. When you get right down to it, they are miserable. And the things that make them happy are the things that feminism tried to wipe out.

Rush nailed it here, even the feminists started realizing that feminism made them even more miserable than their imaginary "oppressors."

1 posted on 10/15/2005 4:27:19 PM PDT by wagglebee
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To: wagglebee

And the MSM proclaimed it as the only way for women to live their lives. The media is evil to the bone!

3 posted on 10/15/2005 4:33:10 PM PDT by calrighty ( Terrorists are like cockroaches . Kill em all soon!!)
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To: wagglebee

*** To all freepers everywhere! Take the BamaGirl challenge! ***

I defy you to find a feminazi activist that is good looking!

4 posted on 10/15/2005 4:35:39 PM PDT by BamaGirl (The Framers Rule!)
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To: BamaGirl

There are a few Hollywierd actresses who are feminazis and good looking.

5 posted on 10/15/2005 4:38:25 PM PDT by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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To: wagglebee

Rush likes Susan Estrich? iiiiccckk!!

6 posted on 10/15/2005 4:43:01 PM PDT by darkangel82
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To: darkangel82

LOLOL....imagine anyone considering Rush to be an expert on women.

7 posted on 10/15/2005 4:51:40 PM PDT by OldFriend (Corine Lombardo ~ American Patriot)
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To: BamaGirl
I know, she is in a different world now, but damn she's hot

8 posted on 10/15/2005 4:53:18 PM PDT by ThreePuttinDude (..yep, thats right, I'm an what....)
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To: OldFriend
LOLOL....imagine anyone considering Rush to be an expert on women.

You got that one my mind's eye is that pic of the naked fat guy at his computer, while he was meeting Marla Maples, or whatever his ex's name was...

9 posted on 10/15/2005 4:53:57 PM PDT by ErnBatavia (Like a midget at a urinal - stay on your toes...)
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To: OldFriend

That's what gets me. The guy has been divorced three times, addicted to painkillers and never had a child. He talks about women in such a way that you know his is not celibate outside of his marriages. Yet he is the bastion of conservative values. I have started to tune him out.

If he were liberal we would be all over him.

10 posted on 10/15/2005 4:54:42 PM PDT by pa mom
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To: wagglebee

they probably met some guy or a couple guys back then, perfect for them, maybe a guy they actually really loved, but they blew the guy off, said, "Nope, I'm not going to become your slave! You're not going to imprison me! You're not going to limit me, you cad!" And so, the one guy, the dream of their life, bye-bye, and then they go through the rest of their life trying to find the dreams as promised by feminism, and they get to their forties, and it's panic city.

Anyone but me have Maureen Dowd in mind after reading this?

11 posted on 10/15/2005 4:59:24 PM PDT by HelloooClareece (Another proud member of the Water Bucket Brigade)
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To: pa mom

I agree.

I listen to and respect married folks with kids sharing their experiences. But Rush causes a mental "What? Huh, HIM!?!?" when he talks about these things.

BTW, the first time I heard the term "Feminazi" was when I was working 50-60 hours a week to keep body, soul and health insurance together. I got cranky 'cuz hubby (at home most of the time) refused to help with the housework.

I heard "You know what you are! Rush called you a Feminazi!" Any first thought was "Who IS this Rush person and why is he calling me names?"

12 posted on 10/15/2005 5:04:50 PM PDT by najida (The internet is for kids grown up-- Where else could you have 10,000 imaginary friends?)
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To: pa mom

I agree.

I listen to and respect married folks with kids sharing their experiences. But Rush causes a mental "What? Huh, HIM!?!?" when he talks about these things.

BTW, the first time I heard the term "Feminazi" was when I was working 50-60 hours a week to keep body, soul and health insurance together. I got cranky 'cuz hubby (at home most of the time) refused to help with the housework.

I heard "You know what you are! Rush called you a Feminazi!" Any first thought was "Who IS this Rush person and why is he calling me names?"

13 posted on 10/15/2005 5:05:05 PM PDT by najida (The internet is for kids grown up-- Where else could you have 10,000 imaginary friends?)
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To: pa mom

As a vet can know about the care nad needs of kittens without being a mother cat, so can Rush know about women without being the perfect man/husband.

In this cae, Rush is right.

14 posted on 10/15/2005 5:08:18 PM PDT by GladesGuru ("In a society predicated upon liberty, it is essential to examine principles)
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To: wagglebee

I know some of those 40 something women for whom the biological clock has rung. They have no chance of having children, they are bitter female dogs that repel any sane man who wants more than just a night of recreational sex.

So they are not left with two choices admit the failure of feminism OR go into denial and become MORE insanely feminist to validate the failure of their life. Few choose the first option.

15 posted on 10/15/2005 5:11:00 PM PDT by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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To: wagglebee

As a woman, the aggravating part played by feminazis is looking the other way or still support any sexual predatory RAT holding office or the group could get into office to further their agenda. Ex: Clintoon. These feminazis lost credibility BIG TIME. Now they want Hitlery which would give Bubba more freedom to further his predatory affliction upon unsuspecting women.

16 posted on 10/15/2005 5:16:15 PM PDT by lilylangtree
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To: najida

I usually agree with him about politics, but he has gotten so into the "high life". And I mean financially, not as a drug slur. I swear, sometimes I can just picture him with his cigar at some fancy party saying, "I just say this stuff to keep the little people happy. You and I know how we think."

He seemed much more genuine ten years ago.

17 posted on 10/15/2005 5:16:50 PM PDT by pa mom
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To: GladesGuru

He is often right. I agree with him 99% of the time. I just don't think it is always genuine. I think his spiel has become a source of income, not as much a genuine espousal of values as it was ten years ago.

Now that he has divorced three times, I find his statements about marriage and family disingenuous. He clearly never wanted children; they would have interfered in his career. How is that different than women in the same position? And his randy sexual comments in the last years have turned me off. He clearly is running around with women; free love being another feminist credo.

18 posted on 10/15/2005 5:21:12 PM PDT by pa mom
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To: lilylangtree

Preach it sister! That is what enraged me the most about the Clinton that all these women gave him a pass for being the ultimate degrading pig!

And Hillary gave him the biggest pass!

Anyhow, the initial premise of the movement was good in the very, very beginning, but it turned mean.

19 posted on 10/15/2005 5:22:17 PM PDT by najida (The internet is for kids grown up-- Where else could you have 10,000 imaginary friends?)
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To: lilylangtree

That support of Hilary is especially nauseating. How any self-respecting woman can defend a philanderer for political reasons is beyond me.

20 posted on 10/15/2005 5:23:52 PM PDT by pa mom
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