This situation is caused by members of law enforcement not knowing the law, and the State Police creating their own laws. In a similar debate Rep. Michael Lawlor said:

Lawlor said there has been an ongoing debate on whether drunken driving constitutes a crime or a motor vehicle violation. "It's a big, technical debate that's gone on a long time. In my mind, it's a crime, and I think the law has to be absolutely clear," he said.

The laws that allow people to obtain permits to carry and the laws regarding the manner in which individuals may carry a firearm DO NOT MANDATE that the weapon be concealed, yet people are harrassed and improperly arrested by police officers who do not know the law.

The State Police make up their own laws, and did NOT LEARN ANYTHING from the major investigation of their policies and proceedures last year.

Now, every individual involved will be afforded the oppurtunity to explain their actions UNDER OATH in the various deposisitons and court hearings that will take place.

If you want to hear stupid statements and listen to the arrogance of the State Police, go to this website and listen for yourself.

The Board of Firearms Permit Examiners meets this Thursday at State Police Headquarters in Middletown at 1:30pm. Everyone who enjoys going to a comedy club should take the time and attend this meeting, there is no charge for admission and it's the best entertainment in the state.