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18 November 2007 | Vanity

Posted on 11/18/2007 11:22:08 AM PST by shrinkermd


This is a review of Al Gore’s recent book. I could put a “barf” after the title. Or, I could make a point by changing it to “The Assault on George Bush.” Neither of these approaches advances understanding.

This book mirrors the views of Al Gore and the Democratic Party. If we are to prevail we must know what these views are and how they are justified.

I will try to understand the thinking of our political adversaries. I will not give a point-by-point rebuttal of all issues.

Rush Limbaugh often refers to liberalism “as a mental disorder.” Some parts of this book affirm that view. I will review these parts to determine whether they are indicative of psychopathology.

Others have suggested liberalism is just another faith-based belief system that does not use the word God or religion. This approach has merit but I will leave this discussion to others.


Reviews exist aplenty. They fall into two groups—supporters and detractors. I have excerpted two reviews for Supporters and two reviews for Detractors.

Book Reviews By Supporters:

Bill Moyers describes Al Gore’s efforts as, “A powerful summons of life and hope.” The book jacket ascribes Al Gore’s efforts as, “A visionary analysis of how the politics of fear, secrecy, cronyism and blind faith has combined with degradation of the public sphere to create an environment dangerously hostile to reason.” Many see him as a classic example of the public intellectual.

How has Al Gore achieved this status?

His intellectual credentials cannot be traced back to his formative years. Actually, his academic record is dismal.

Not the usual record for one of America’s outstanding public intellectuals!

In spite of his early disinterest, Al Gore is now seen as a champion of science, reason and, more recently, of the antiwar movement. In a soon to be published article Alexander Cockburn in The Nation writes the following:

After describing the net effect the Kyoto Accords championed by Al Gore as resulting in imperceptible improvement since 99.72% of the gases are naturally caused, Cockburn states:

As to Al Gore’s claims as a peacemaker extraordinaire, Cockburn notes:

Gore also said (1993) that we could never have normal relations with Iraq as long as Sadaam was in power. In May of 2000 Gore spoke at West Point where he offered up a recipe for military intervention not different from President George Bush’s preventative intervention policy.

Okay, so while Al Gore has an IQ of 133-134, it is hard to make him out as an academic intellectual in any sense of the word. Ditto, for being in the front ranks of the antiwar movement.

So what personal attributes has resulted in his outstanding success?

The answer is simple. Al Gore is an extraordinarily successful professional politician. His style is that of a professional pastor who base their arguments on an assumption that requires a leap to faith. He may not have succeeded as a pastor but he surely has succeeded as a politician.

If you doubt this, just go to the end of the book and the Acknowledgements section. Here, Al Gore counting his wife but not his children lists 52 people who helped him with this book.

While he does not list his ghost writer (Natalie Duning?) he does note that in respect to constitutional law he had Lisa Brown and Chris Schroeder to assist him.

For the neuroscience and psychological aspects of the book he had Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, Dr. Lynn DeList, Dr. Joe LeDoux, Dr. Sue Smalley, Anne Perez and DR. Martin Erickson.

For the global warming discussion he had three helpers—Katie McGinty, Jeannie Nelson and Will Martin.

For the historical aspects and citations he had Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Graham Allison, Steve Ozment, Frank Turner, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Richard Goodwin and political scientist Steve Teles.

For offering suggestions Al Gore cites 16 prominent people not the least of which is Steve Jobs.

All told, Al Gore elicited the help of the better minds in a number of fields. He did this by being a a political leader. The very quality of the people he was able to mobilize makes the individual points he argues from that much harder to rebut. These people, no matter how competent and respected, joined and supported Al Gore in this effort.


As we shall see, this book assumes that its opponents are not Republicans but right-wing ideologues. But books don’t assume anything, people do. If this book is based on a paranoid premise, then Al Gore must either believe or argue similarly. But before I can answer whether Al Gore is paranoid or just voicing these views for political purposes, I need document what a psychiatric diagnosis is and its implications.

There are five problems and two purposes of a psychiatric diagnosis.

The first problem is there is not a single, specific cause for most psychiatric diagnoses. This means what is diagnosed is a syndrome or disorder based on a collection of symptoms, behaviors and feelings. A disorder also must be a valid and predictable.

The second problem is that abnormal mental conditions fall on a continuum. Any single symptom or behavior can be found in normal individuals. In order to correct for this, a psychiatric diagnosis must result in impairment of social functioning expressed in dysfunction at work, in personal relationships or in social living. Alternatively, but more rarely a diagnosis is justified on the basis of personal unhappiness.

The third problem is you can mistakenly use a diagnosis as a pejorative (sh*t) label. Rather than express your disdain by calling someone a S.O.B. you can call him a paranoid or a psychopath.

The fourth problem is it is possible to over- identify a person with his affliction: a person with an alcoholic disorder becomes an “alcoholic” or a person with schizophrenia becomes a “schizophrenic.” Labeling a person according to a disorder washes out individuality.

The fifth problem is a valid psychiatric diagnosis requires both a history and an examination. It is difficult to impossible to make a diagnosis without examining the person in question.

The classic example of the misuse of a diagnosis occurred in an American Psychiatric Meeting held in 1964. By a voice vote the members labeled Senator Barry Goldwater as a “paranoid.” It is readily apparent they did not have the data for a paranoid disorder, did not establish social dysfunction, did label with a diagnosis a politician they disagreed with and, obviously, had no member that had actually examined the Senator

There are two general purposes of a diagnosis. First, it permits communication between diagnosticians and others. Second, it permits prediction—both as to the likely historical course of the disorder and the potential treatments. Both of these purposes permit both an understanding and helpful approach to the problem.


Transient psychiatric symptoms occur in normal people. The discrimination between normal and abnormal depends on whether the symptoms interfere with functioning. What we label as “paranoid” is a good example. Paranoid, an adjective, is derived from paranoia, a noun. defines paranoia in one of two ways:

1. Psychiatry: a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

2.Everyday: baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.


Thus far I have discussed paranoia from an individual perspective. Individual dynamics differ from crowd dynamics even though we use the terms interchangeably. Fortunately, we have an excellent source for discussing the dynamics of crowd paranoia.

In 1964 Barry Goldwater was the Republican candidate for the presidency. With this as a spur, historian Richard J. Hofstadter published the essay The Paranoid Style In American Politics.” Some believe this was the most important essay ever published in Harpers Magazine. Part of the essay can be found: HERE. If you are subscriber to Harpers you can obtain the total essay from the archives.

As background, Hofstadter had been a member of the Communist Party up until about 1940. He never changed his view that capitalism should be abolished.

No one was surprised then when Hofstadter wrote this as an argument against Barry Goldwater. Surely, no one now believes Senator Goldwater was a paranoid. This in spite of the fact that The American Psychiatric Association did opine Senator Goldwater was a paranoid. I was at that meeting. It was utterly shocking to see so many rational people believe and act so irrationally. This vote is now seen as a mistake by all concerned.

Regardless of Senator Goldwater, Hofstadter made some observations that have lasted. He began his essay with the following:

”American politics has often been an arena for angry minds. In recent years we have seen angry minds at work mainly among extreme right-wingers, who have now demonstrated in the Goldwater movement how much political leverage can be got out of the animosities and passions of a small minority. But behind this I believe there is a style of mind that is far from new and that is not necessarily right-wing. I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.

Then he goes on to discuss three facets of the paranoid style: The paranoid style defined; The enemy reified; And, emulating the enemy.

The paranoid style is defined thusly:

”…The paranoid spokesman sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization... he does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician. Since what is at stake is always a conflict between absolute good and absolute evil, what is necessary is not compromise but the will to fight things out to a finish. Since the enemy is thought of as being totally evil and totally unappeasable, he must be totally eliminated — if not from the world, at least from the theatre of operations to which the paranoid directs his attention. This demand for total triumph leads to the formulation of hopelessly unrealistic goals, and since these goals are not even remotely attainable, failure constantly heightens the paranoid’s sense of frustration. Even partial success leaves him with the same feeling of powerlessness with which he began, and this in turn only strengthens his awareness of the vast and terrifying quality of the enemy he opposes.”

A description of the enemy reified is:

”The enemy is clearly delineated: he is a perfect model of malice, a kind of amoral superman—sinister, ubiquitous, powerful, cruel, sensual, luxury-loving. Unlike the rest of us, the enemy is not caught in the toils of the vast mechanism of history, himself a victim of his past, his desires and his limitations. He wills, indeed he manufactures, the mechanism of history, or tries to deflect the normal course of history in an evil way. He makes crises, starts runs on banks, causes depressions, manufactures disasters, and then enjoys and profits from the misery he has produced. The paranoid’s interpretation of history is distinctly personal: decisive events are not taken as part of the stream of history, but as the consequences of someone’s will. Very often the enemy is held to possess some especially effective source of power: he controls the press; he has unlimited funds; he has a new secret for influencing the mind (brainwashing); he has a special technique for seduction.”

Emulating the enemy is seen as:

”It is hard to resist the conclusion that this enemy is on many counts the projection of the self; both the ideal and the unacceptable aspects of the self are attributed to him. The enemy may be the cosmopolitan intellectual, but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry. Secret organizations set up to combat secret organizations give the same flattery. The Ku Klux Klan imitated Catholicism to the point of donning priestly vestments, developing an elaborate ritual and an equally elaborate hierarchy. The John Birch Society emulates Communist cells and quasi-secret operation through “front” groups, and preaches a ruthless prosecution of the ideological war along lines very similar to those it finds in the Communist enemy. Spokesmen of the various fundamentalist anti-Communist “crusades” openly express their admiration for the dedication and discipline the Communist cause calls forth.”

I excerpted the original Hofstadter article to give you the tenor of the times. Note, that the his observations have an enduring quality and are not restricted to just the right. Unfortunately, then and now, academics and liberal others see the paranoid style as only being found on the right. Hofstadter never made that claim.


Dr. Kenneth A. Rahn inThe Academic JFK Assassination Site provides a simple table outlining the differences between rational and paranoid thought. You can find this table: HERE. This table is worth reading since it is both a comprehensive and easily understood outline of paranoid thinking. Dr. Rahn’s education was as a Ph.D. in Meteorology. He is now retired.

Paranoid thinking is characterized by:


To understand this book, you need only to look at the index. Under the word “Republican” there are three entries: dissatisfaction with Bush for two entries and then ”See also Right-wing ideology.”

The dissatisfied Republicans are William Buckley (page 82) and former Minnesota Governor Elmer Anderson (page 113); both opposed the Iraq War.

After these two brief entries the reader is then lead to assume Al Gore’s opponents are supporters of a “Right-wing ideology.” Under this category, there are at least 37 pages.

The opposition is not seen as a political party but, rather, a right wing menace. For example see the following:

”…I’ve alluded to James Madison’s warning, over two centuries old, that a ‘religious sect may degenerate into a political faction.’ Now with the radical right, we have a political faction disguised as a religious sect and the President of the United States is heading it. The obvious irony is that Bush uses a religious blind faith to hide what is actually an extremist political philosophy with a disdain for social justice that is anything but pious by the standards of any respected faith tradition I know.”(page 61)

”…President Bush has caused for this country stem from the marriage of these resources to his belief in the infallibility of this right-wing Republican ideology that often puts the highest priority on the interests of the wealthy and of large corporations.”(page 64)

”…This coalition gains access to the public through a cabal of pundits, commentators, and “reporters”—call it the Limbaugh-Hannity-Drudge Axis. This fifth column in the fourth estate is made up of propagandists pretending to be journalists. Through multiple overlapping outlets covering radio, television, and the Internet, they relentlessly force-feed the American people right-wing talking points and ultraconservative dogma disguised as news and infotainment—24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 265 days a year. It is quite a spectacle.”(page 66)

”…They seek nothing less than absolute power. Their grand design is an all-powerful executive using a weakened legislature to fashion a compliant judiciary in its own image. They endeavor to break down the separation of powers. And in the place of the current system, they seek to establish a system in which power is unified in the service of a narrow ideology serving a narrow set of interests.” (page 71)

There are many other examples. President Bush, of course, receives similar treatment. Al Gore sometimes makes political arguments; nonetheless, he assumes the central problem is right-wing ideology rather than political differences.

Authors usually assign writing the index to others; however, these individuals know the author and highlight the author’s views.

Sometimes, the book comes close to fitting the criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis of paranoia since some assertions come close to being delusions.

Projecting one’s shortcomings onto others is a common in paranoid finding. The book states sometimes the right-wing ideologues use reason; however, the book then goes onto explaining why this is not real reason. What the book misses is this could as easily be used as an example of the book’s thinking. A cogent excerpt is:

”…The Enlightenment, for all of its liberating qualities—especially its empowerment of individuals with the ability to use reason as a source of influence and power—has also had a dark side that thoughtful people worried about from the beginning. Abstract thought, when organized into clever, self-contained, logical formulations, can sometimes have its own quasi-hypnotic effect and so completely capture the human mind as to shut out the leavening influence of everyday experience.” (page 251)

Drew Westen in his book, The Political Brain,criticized Al Gore’s arguments based solely on reason. Westen stated a truth seldom spoken:

”…However, the more sophisticated people are politically (e.g., the more they know about an issue), the more able they are to develop complex rationalizations for dismissing data they don’t want to believe. Politically knowledgeable citizens also tend to be partisans, which gives them the strongest reasons for distorted reasoning” (page 100 Westen’s book and Taber, Charles S., and Milton Lodge. 2006. Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs. American Journal of Political Science 50(3): 755-769. A review of Westen’s book can be found: HERE.

Incidentally, the index mentions “Democrat” only once. The reference is to President Bush’s statement that, “If the Democrats win, the terrorists win. What Al Gore does is to conflate “Democrat” with “democracy.” There are many references to democracy and what results is an unspoken assumption that democracy equals Democrat and fear mongering equals the right-wing ideologues.

Finally, besides seeing Republicans in terms of right-wing ideologues, the book sees President Bush thusly:

”…There are many people in both political parties who worry that there is something deeply troubling about President Bush’s relationship to reason, his disdain for facts, and his lack of curiosity about any new information that might produce a deeper understanding of the problems and policies that he is supposed to wrestle with on behalf of this country.” (page 55

There is no way to disprove the paranoid thesis of this book—that right-wing ideologues are striving to take over the government. The problem is that logically you cannot disprove a negative. If you assume this paranoid belief to be a fact, then everything used as proof makes sense, but remember real proof does not exist

In conclusion , the book demonstrates the everyday definition of “paranoid”—excessive suspicions of others and their motives. It also demonstrates almost all of the qualities found in “The paranoid style in American Politics.” Finally, the book’s demonstrates many of the characteristics of paranoid as opposed to rational thinking.


Al Gore was born into advantage. In spite of an IQ of 130+, he was a mediocre student. He flunked out of divinity school. He did not complete Vanderbilt Law School. His brief foray as a journalist sputtered to an end.

He failed at most things but not politics. Except for the Electoral College and SCOTUS he would have been POTUS. No question about it, Al Gore is a master politician. I pointed out in the discussion of the Acknowledgements section how he marshaled many astute and able people to assist him in writing the book.

He now is seen as a leader of the global warming, antiwar and anti right-wing believers in the Democrat Party.

He seems, like many contemporary successful politicians, to have the ability to march to the head of the parades started by others.

But calculated political maneuvers using the paranoia of others does not mean Al Gore is a paranoid. He does take political advantage of the underlying paranoid beliefs of others. He voices their fears and hatreds. But he does so for a purpose—political power. In his heart of hearts Al Gore is a political chameleon and these are just political issues he chooses to use.

One requirement for a psychiatric diagnosis is disturbance or deterioration of functioning. This cannot be applied to Al Gore. Al Gore is surely successful; recently he received an Academy Award and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, since 2000 he is reported to have had an increase in his net worth of 50 million dollars. And, presently, he is in the process of organizing and investing in a “green” corporation He cannot be dismissed as a has been, shut in malcontent

Al Gore’s thinking seems paranoid only when discussing his follower’s positions on global warming, the Iraq war, the right-wing threat and so forth. The thrust of these advocacies is not carried over into his everyday life and actions.

In conclusion, Al Gore is not a paranoid or suffering from paranoia. He is an exceptionally successful politician who has positioned himself according to the wishes and beliefs of others.


This book does not advocate one political view over another. It assumes the opponents are evil. This basic assumption cannot be disproved since it is impossible to disprove a negative. If you think someone is a SOB, there is no way for them to prove otherwise.

Al Gore does not meet the psychiatric criteria for paranoia. His far left followers surely do approximate “A Paranoid Style of Politics” as described by Richard Hofstadter. Al Gore uses that paranoid style to secure power, recognition and fame. In this he has succeeded.

One of the salient features of psychopathology is how it persists and that this persistence can be predicted. Psychiatrists and psychologists are no better than anyone else at predicting normal behavior but they can predict abnormal behavior because it is rigid and repetitive. With this in mind, conservatives can expect little change in the attitudes and paranoia of the left. Indeed, if experience is any guide then they will re-double such efforts around election time.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: algore; democrats; paranoia
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To: shrinkermd

I agree that algore couldn’t be considered paranoid, but narcissistic he is:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, extreme self-involvement, and lack of empathy for others. Individuals with this disorder are usually arrogantly self-assured and confident. They expect to be noticed as superior. Many highly successful individuals might be considered narcissistic. However, this disorder is only diagnosed when these behaviors become persistent and very disabling or distressing.

21 posted on 11/18/2007 1:11:07 PM PST by 50mm (Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist - G. Carlin)
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To: shrinkermd

Al Gore may well be the Henry Gondorff of the 21st century. :)

22 posted on 11/18/2007 1:37:41 PM PST by Continental Soldier
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To: shrinkermd
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23 posted on 11/18/2007 1:39:09 PM PST by Popocatapetl
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To: shrinkermd

There is no greater assault on reason that Al Gore’s global warming hysteria. Gore’s rants have not stood up to reasoned analysis and have instead have become the dogma of a global warming cult that labels anyone who might question the veracity or analysis of man caused global warming as “deniers”.

24 posted on 11/18/2007 2:11:10 PM PST by The Great RJ ("Mir we bleiwen wat mir sin" or "We want to remain what we are." ..Luxembourg motto)
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To: shrinkermd

Algore is an assault on reason. Heck he’s an assault on humanity. Why Lord why?

25 posted on 11/18/2007 3:19:39 PM PST by vpintheak (Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked. Prov. 25:26)
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To: shrinkermd

Algore is an assault on reason.

26 posted on 11/18/2007 3:33:55 PM PST by svcw (There is no plan B.)
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To: shrinkermd
Very well-written discussion.

As to an "attack on reason," I would argue that the issue is one of philosophy vs. sophistry. The term "philosophy" derives from the Greek words "philo" (meaning "brotherly love") and "sophy" (meaning "wisdom"). Philosophy, therefore, means "love of wisdom," and implies a respect for reality and truth, of facts and logic. The term "philosophy" was developed as a reaction to the Sophists, who argued from a claim of superior wisdom.

If you claim superior wisdom, your arguments can be quite simple: I am smart and you are stupid. Therefore if you disagree with me I am right and you are wrong. QED. That is the sort of "reasoning" which gave sophistry a bad name. And it seems to me that the case can logically be defended that so-called "liberalism" is merely the political implication of the self interest of journalism - which is that talk and criticism be considered superior to decisiveness and action in the face of risk. Anyone who supports that view tends to get favorable press notices, and anyone who opposes it - who believes with Theodore Roosevelt that "It is not the critic who counts . . . the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena" - tends to get bad press.

Journalists and their acolytes claim that journalism is objective, and that is pretty much of a piece with claiming that journalists are wise. And as we have seen, that results in circular argument. Those who question the objectivity of journalism lack the kind of propaganda power which would enable them to get away with sophistry, so they perforce have to resort uniformly to "philosophy" - to marshalling facts and logic to support their case.

27 posted on 11/18/2007 7:19:57 PM PST by conservatism_IS_compassion (The idea around which liberalism coheres is that NOTHING actually matters except PR.)
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