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Feder for President
Don Feder's Cold Steel Caucus Report ^ | 1/15/'08 | Don Feder

Posted on 01/23/2008 2:18:35 AM PST by Zionist Conspirator

Having been alternately bored and disgusted by the cliché-ridden rhetoric and marshmallow stands of candidates vying for the nation’s highest office, I’ve decided to announce my candidacy for president of the United States.

At the outset, a solemn pledge: I will not set myself forth as an agent of change, a Washington outsider or a businessman who can bring his management skills to bear on the federal behemoth.

I will not speak of my vision for the future. I won’t choke up while telling you that I just “want America to be a better place, and I’m doing it for the children.” I will not run against big oil, promise to smite the lobbyists mightily, or tell you that you are the wave I’m riding.

I won’t get misty-eyed while recalling my humble origins, nor will I parade my adorable family before you to prove that I really don’t have two heads and a tail. Actually, I look nothing like Hillary.

For the duration of the campaign, I will neither look at an opinion poll nor listen to a focus group. The only thing I’ll consult is my conscience.

Here are my qualifications: I’ve never held office, elective or appointive. My entire adult life has been spent in the private sector. I’ve always been a taxpayer, never a tax-consumer.

“I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions.” I was a student conservative in the 1960s, a leader of the anti-tax movement in the 1970s and a reactionary columnist in the most liberal city in the People’s Gulag of Massachusetts from 1983 to 2002.

I’ve been married to the same woman for 34 years. I raised four children and have one grandchild. FYI, it doesn’t take a village or a commune or a day-care facility, or a government agency, just two responsible adults.

I’m not the product of an Ivy League education. My roots are in the middle class and my family is two generations removed from steerage. (Okay, I guess I am boasting about my humble origins.)

My positions today match my positions of 25 years ago. The only issue on which I’ve had a change of heart and head over those years is immigration, after I was body-slammed by reality.

I believe in God, America and the family. I believe that faith, family and freedom will rise or fall together. I believe America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and that without adherence to that ethical code, we have no logical reason to be.

I believe that along with terrorism, immigration is the most pressing issue confronting us.

A nation that can’t control its borders has lost its sovereignty. Twelve to twenty million illegal aliens aren’t just a nuisance or an economic burden or a crime-control problem. They are a clear and present danger to our national unity.

Besides starting their sojourn among us by wiping their feet on the flag, they refuse to learn our language and history and identify with the American people. They are a growing subculture (alien in every way) which, if left unchecked, will lead to our devolution from nation to conglomeration of squabbling tribal factions.

The shape of things to come may be seen in last year’s demonstrations by millions of self-righteous felons and their supporters. Those from Mexico, in particular, proclaimed their right to be here in territory they say the gringo (that’s us) stole from their homeland. If you want to live in a banana republic some day, keep voting for amnesty-mongering politicians,.

Anyone who claims this human tide can be checked by a border fence alone is blowing smoke you know where.

Effective border control doesn’t stop at the border. As long as there are jobs and government benefits and driver’s licenses, and in-state tuition for their children and anchor babies and the hope of amnesty and eventual citizenship, they’ll keep coming.

What’s the Spanish for a plague of locusts?

If elected president, I promise to double the size of the Border Patrol and quadruple the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and to crack down on employers who hire illegals.

I’ll cut all federal funding to sanctuary cities and states that coddle the undocumented. That we can’t catch every illegal is irrelevant. We can’t catch every murderer and rapist either. But I promise that under my administration, we’ll catch every one we can. And it won’t be catch and release. Equally important, as their jobs dry up, they’ll leave voluntarily.

Related to the immigration nightmare is the assault on English. No one asked the American people if they wanted bi-lingual education, bi-lingual ballots, interpreters in government offices and “press one for English.”

I will end all of the above. If you’re here and can’t speak English, learn it pronto or vamoose. English is the language of the Declaration and Constitution. It’s the language of Congressional debates and court decisions. Generations of immigrants – all four of my grandparents among them – learned English. If you can’t or won’t, get out.

Terrorism is the other major challenge to our national survival. We need to be constantly reminded that there are people out there in the millions who want to kill us or conquer us, rule us and destroy our way of life. These are homicidal cretinswe can’t appease, negotiate with or conciliate.

They won’t love us if they understand us better. They won’t love us if we’re nice to them. They won’t love us if we give them more territory. Rather, they’ll despise us for our weakness. Like the Nazis and the communists before them, either we will kill them or they will kill us.

Terrorism is a strategy, not an ideology. The ideology masquerading as a religion that provides the intellectual/emotional impetus for terrorism is called Islam.

This is not to suggest that every Muslim is a terrorist or potential terrorist. Most just want to be left alone, like most people everywhere. But even the moderates among them are envious of the success of the West, premised on a different way of life. They whine incessantly about historical events that happened a millennium ago while justifying atrocities committed yesterday.

This is the lens through which terrorism must be viewed. We must halt the advance of Islam, whether in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the United States. We should never support a Muslim people over a non-Muslim people – whether in Kosovo, the Kashmir or Israel (the “West Bank” and Gaza).

Especially not in Israel. It’s been our ally since its inception. The Palestinians have been our enemies since they declared their people-hood (after 1967). Does it make sense to fight terrorists in Iraq while we support the creation of another terrorist state carved out of Israel?

Our twin goals are these – to destroy the infrastructure of terrorism and to halt the Islamic advance – not to spread democracy in the Muslim world.

Propagating democracy at bayonet-point is an illusion of Wilsonian liberalism. As such, it is alien to Americanism.

As president, I will send Americans abroad to fight and die only to defend our vital national interests, never in a futile effort to bring representative government to those whose belief system is more compatible with jihad, honor killings and the decapitation of hostages than with New England-style town meetings.

But where they are engaged, I will fully support our troops until an honorable peace is achieved (similar to the peace we secured with Germany and Japan in 1945). And I will not yield to seaborne savages. The next Iranians who harass our ships had better have made their peace with Allah.

Related to the war on terrorism is energy policy. ANWR (the Artic National Wildlife Refuge) could be producing 1.4 millions barrels of oil a day. It isn’t, thanks to Sierra Club ayatollahs and their Congressional myrmidons.

The last commercial nuclear reactor went online in 1996. The last new oil refinery in the United States was built in 1976. The caribou-huggers, global warming crowd, those who would repeal the industrial revolution and other anti-energy troglodytes have done their job well.

When energy is the enemy’s principal weapon, to oppose domestic production is an act of treason. As president, I will treat it as such.

They say there are no atheists in the foxholes. Our currency says “In God We Trust.” But do we mean it?

It’s time to expose the lie that the First Amendment mandates the separation of government and religion. The words “separation of church and state” appear nowhere in the Constitution. This republic was founded by religious people. Truth be told, it was founded by Christians, though not exclusively for Christians.

The fantasy that the First Amendment was intended to prevent school prayer, public display of crèches, menorahs and Ten Commandment monuments, recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance with “one nation, under God” etc., is an invention of the ACLU and secularist mutants from a parallel universe in the federal judiciary.

As president, I will fight for the right of the American people to maintain America’s historic, sacred connection to faith – so help me God.

As president, I will not have a litmus test for judicial nominees, just a reading-comprehension test.

I will ask potential nominees to read the First Amendment and tell me what it means. A wrong answer will disqualify them. I will nominate and fight to confirm judges who are committed to interpreting the Constitution as it was written, rather than following the warped precedents set by Earl Warren, Harry Blackmun, David Souter, Anthony Kennedy and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Once they’ve passed the screening process, I will make nominees sign a blood oath that they will adhere to original intent, and memorize the decisions of Justice Antonin Scalia. Then, they will be required to surrender their first-born as a pledge against good behavior during their tenure on the bench.

Activist judges forced abortion on America 35 years ago. The result has been more than 49 million deaths. Since the fetus has the complete genetic code of a human being – and as the process from fertilized egg to newborn is a continuum -- it is illogical to deny the humanity of the unborn child.

We do not kill innocent human beings – not for convenience, not as a method of birth control, not to achieve a spurious gender equality, and not for political pandering.

A president can do more to protect life than nominate honest judges. He can appoint officials to every relevant agency (those that dole out dollars for health care, education and foreign aid) committed to the defense of human life at every stage of development. I will.

I will also press for the Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the mid-19th century, the proper response to slavery wasn’t to let states decide whether they want to treat blacks as human beings or property. Similarly, in the first years of the 21st century, the proper response to abortion isn’t to let states decide if they will sanction the slaughter of humanity in utero.

Even if it stands no chance of passing, I will press for such an amendment as a matter of conscience and as an educational device.

Marriage is the foundation of civilization. Life is generated by men and women, in partnership with God. Children raised in homes without men and women are a tragedy, not an “alternative family.” Two men sodomizing each other are no more a family than a midget with a pop-gun is an army.

In the words of Alan Keyes, the only proper response to gay marriage is laughter.

If two men or two women can marry (in quotation marks), why not three women and a man, why not a man and his sister, why not a man and a horse? If marriage is a right, why can’t we marry whomever – or whatever – we choose?

As president, I will press for the Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, to give effect to the desires of an overwhelming majority of Americans. And I will appoint judges who understand that what’s at stake in this battle isn’t minority rights, but the future of the family, hence the future of civilization.

Speaking of amendments to the Constitution, the Second Amendment means exactly what it says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It’s hard to get more explicit than that. The militia clause is an explanation (of one objective of the exercise of this right), not a limitation.

Without guns in private hands, we would have had no Revolution in 1776, hence no country. The right to life necessitates a right to defend your life. The latter isn’t secured by calling 911.

That the foxes in the chicken coop don’t want the farmer to have a gun is understandable.

For the current fiscal year, the proposed federal budget is $2.9 trillion, compared to $2.0 trillion in 2002. Still, the National Debt is a staggering $9.1 trillion.

Taxes are far too high because spending is far too high. Our tax system is also grossly unfair. The top 1% of income-earners pay almost 40% of federal taxes. The top 10% pay over 70%.

As your president, I will push for a flat tax, drastic reductions in entitlement spending, a line-item veto and a term-limitation amendment for members of Congress. Votes are being bought from your pocket by politicians who have turned public service into a con game.

I will also press for private alternatives to Social Security and socialized schools (AKA, public education), both of which have a decided impact on federal spending and taxes. You are being driven into bankruptcy to pay for a fraud and a failure.

I am not running for the opportunity to implement some grand utopian vision. I don’t want to reform humanity. My goal isn’t a government which will save us from ourselves. I’m not on a crusade.

My mission is to save representative government, freedom and our national sovereignty.

I’m Don Feder – and you can’t even begin to imagine how much I approve this message.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Foreign Affairs; Government; Philosophy
I know he's only kidding, but still . . . !

Oh well, there's still Alan Keyes! Is this article an implicit endorsement of Alan?

1 posted on 01/23/2008 2:18:37 AM PST by Zionist Conspirator
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To: Zionist Conspirator
"What’s the Spanish for a plague of locusts?"

Rudy McRombee.

2 posted on 01/23/2008 2:29:57 AM PST by fieldmarshaldj (~~~Jihad Fever -- Catch It !~~~ (Backup tag: "Live Fred or Die"))
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To: fieldmarshaldj

plaga de langostas

3 posted on 01/23/2008 3:41:13 AM PST by flat
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To: Zionist Conspirator





4 posted on 01/23/2008 3:47:34 AM PST by flat
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To: Zionist Conspirator
Hey, wait a minute. I'd vote for Don Feder in a nanosecond. What he describes is America as it was ALWAYS meant to be and was until politics and that evil monster, political correctness took over.

Misplaced power, agendas, special interests, an entitlements oriented Congress, etc. has grown in fertile soil like weeds in my flower garden left unattended for merely one week. We have years of weed pulling to do in very little time. And then make certain anyone applying for a government job on any level is an expert gardener. Adept at pulling weeds and planting American seeds. Seeds that grow things like freedom for all her citizens. Seeds that encourage the PURSUIT of happiness. All seeds mutated to benefit special groups at the exclusion of most, must be filtered out before planting. Once they start to grow, those weeds come up over night and choke out the flowers. If we insist on only flowers, and for a change, choke the weeds, then America can come back to her senses and be the America our parents and their parents and their parents parents worked and died for. We should strive to do better and be better.

Why in the world are we settling for merely trying to stop the speed of falling backwards. It is futile.

5 posted on 01/23/2008 4:21:19 AM PST by Picklezz (Congressman HUNTER, many of us were counting on you being our President and saving America.)
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To: Zionist Conspirator
Too bad there's no address for campaign contributions.


6 posted on 01/23/2008 4:52:39 AM PST by ml/nj
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