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"The List" for Obama's 40th Week in Office ^ | 10/30/09 | Nachum

Posted on 10/30/2009 4:14:46 PM PDT by Nachum

 Obama's Fortieth Week in Office

Latest Additions to "The List"

"The List" for 10/30/2009

The White House finally releases a list of visitors to the White House.  The list includes Bill Ayers 2x, George Soros 4x, Michael Moore 8X, the head of the ACORN affiliated Union the SEIU Andrew Stern 20x,Jeremiah Wright, GE/NBC head Jeff Immelt 5x, Jesse Jackson 6x,  John Edwards2x, and Al Sharpton 2x.

Former actor and present White House associate director of public engagement Kalpen Modi was directly involved in planning the controversial conference call hosted by a National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) flack to encourage tax-supported artists to create propaganda for President Obama, according to emails obtained by Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.  The emails reveal that Modi worked with now-former NEA national communications director Yosif Sargant in planning the August 10 conference call that was first revealed by Andrew Breitbart's web site. Participants in the conference call were encouraged to use their talents to generate public support for the Obama agenda in Congress.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is planning to press Israel over the weekend to cease Jewish construction in the eastern sections of Jerusalem

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers said the Obama administration should not donate any of the nation’s H1N1 vaccine supply to foreign countries

The Department of Homeland Security is gagging local law enforcement agencies around the country to protect the privacy of illegal aliens.

Thanks in part to funding from benefactors such as billionaire George Soros, the Center for American Progress has become in just five years an intellectual wellspring for Democratic policy proposals, including many that are shaping the agenda of the new Obama administration.  One of their Senior Fellows is Eric Alterman,a left-winger who writes for The Nation.   Alterman revels in "outing" journalists as being Jews in the context of their support for Israel. He then blends this into charges that the journalists have dual loyalty and a tinged with treason.

Obama: Stimulus create or saved a million jobs

Obama administration argued in a recent court filing that the Privacy Act does not apply to the Executive Office of the President

Obama lifts the decades old travel ban on those with HIV or AIDS coming to the United States

Key post for the administrator for Medicare remains unfilled in the Obama administration  The position is officially known as the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, usually referred to as CMS, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The administrator oversees about $700 billion in annual spending -- more than the entire defense budget.

Despite the president's claimed distaste for the campaign finance practice known as "bundling" (rounding up aggregate contributions from friends, business associates and employees), The Obama administration has been a campaign finance bundlers' paradise from Day One. A new report by Matthew Mosk of The Washington Times confirms Obama's wealthiest Democratic donors have received lavish receptions, golf outings, bowling dates and movie nights with Obama.

"The List" for 10/29/2009

The Medicare end-of-life planning provision that 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said was tantamount to "death panels" for seniors is staying in the latest Democratic health care bill unveiled Thursday.

The White House is so nervous about the Governor's race in New Jersey, they have intervened and put one of their advisors in charge of the Corzine campaign.

The US government has issued a new report that recommends blocking access to popular websites during a pandemic outbreak in order to preserve internet bandwidth for investors, day traders and securities clearing house operations

Obamacare- Pelosi style: Codification of the “Economic Substance Doctrine” (Page 349): Empowers the IRS to disallow a perfectly legal tax deduction or other tax relief merely because the IRS deems that the motive of the taxpayer was not primarily business-related.

More than 40% of Obama's top fundraisers have secured posts in the Obama administration.  One top-level fundraiser apparently awarded with a plum job is Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski who raised $500,000 for Obama

Under the Senate Finance Committee bill, HHS Secretary Kathleen will determine the meaning of terms such as "physician services," "premium," "prescription drug coverage," "deductible," and "emergency room care."

The Obama administration is using the White House blog to dispute the analysis of Cash-For-Clunkers

The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday a U.S. House health-care system re-write would extend health insurance to 96% of the nonelderly U.S. population by 2019, and spend $1.055 trillion to do so.

Volunteers who worked in Waco, Texas to put Obama in office are making calls to build support for the administration’s top domestic priority — health care reform. The group, Waco’s branch of Organizing for America, a political committee run by the Democratic National Committee, has been holding phone banks Tuesdays and Thursdays. For the past two weeks in a small office at Columbus Avenue and North 10th Street, one paid employee and a group of volunteers have been calling members of the community to talk about health care.

Cash for Clunkers turns out to be a huge boondoggle.  Auto sales analysts at say that the government ended up spending about $24,000 per car

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs told on Wednesday that there is no "veracity" to the argument that the U.S. Constitution does not authorize the federal government to force individuals to buy health insurance.  The Congressional Budget Office has said that the federal government has never before in American history forced Americans to purchase any good or service.

At 1,990 pages, the new Obama health care bill is longer than War and Peace

Comprehensive list of all the new taxes in the Obamacare bill.  Lots of them.

The Obama administration is pressing Congress for the power to dismantle other nonbank firms considered so large and influential that they could bring down the entire economy. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was asking a House panel on Thursday to pass legislation that would enable federal regulators to identify and monitor big financial firms and step in to wind them down before they collapse

The Obama administration slammed a report from The Associated Press alleging the government had overstated by thousands the number of jobs it has created or saved with federal contracts under President Obama's $787 billion recovery program.  Within minutes of the publication of AP's story, the White House released a statement at 12:15 a.m. Thursday that it said was the "real facts" about how jobs were counted in the stimulus data distributed two weeks ago. "This story draws misleading conclusions from a handful of examples," Ed DeSeve, an Obama adviser helping to oversee the stimulus program, said.

Documents recovered under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the Obama administration orchestrated the Van Jones resignation. documents released to this columnist through the FOIA include no indication whatsoever that Jones wanted to resign. Instead, the documents indicate that a resignation letter was written for Jones and issued in his name

Obama was nearly denied the photo-op he traveled to Dover Air Force Base for early this morning as all but one of the military and civilian families of the fallen refused permission for the media to report on the return of their loved ones.

VIDEO: Pictures from Obama "Photo Op" to visit war dead

The Obama administration is trying to strong-arm America’s colleges and universities into complying with a bill that hasn’t been signed into law yet.  Education Secretary Arne Duncan sent a letter to colleges and universities urging them to make sure they are ready to switch to the government-run system for the 2010-11 academic year. Most of the nation’s 5,000 colleges and universities prefer to work with private lenders

The Pelosi Heathcare Bill in full text

Obama's nomination of a major campaign fundraiser as ambassador to Spain, Alan Solomont, has been delayed in the Senate over questions about whether the White House is withholding information from lawmakers about the abrupt firing of a government watchdog official.  Alan Solomont, served from April until recently as chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service, whose former inspector general, Gerald Walpin, was fired by the White House on June 10. Mr. Solomont, a Massachusetts health industry entrepreneur, helped raise at least $500,000 for Mr. Obama's 2008 presidential campaign and was among a group of top fundraisers, elected officials and others invited to a St. Patrick's Day party at the White House.

David Plouffe, Barack Obama’s campaign manager, on interviewing Joe Biden for the veep slot: Joe Biden a dog that "cannot be taught new tricks"

Desecrated American flag featured in Obama sponsored contest for the Democratic National Committee

Obama told federal agencies earlier this year to avoid awarding funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to contractors with troubled histories of work for the federal government. So far, 33 federal departments and agencies have awarded more than $1.2 billion in stimulus contracts to at least 30 companies that are ranked by one watchdog group as among the most egregious offenders of state and federal laws.

Obama visits returning war dead.... with a small contingent of reporters

The government has overstated by thousands the number of jobs it has created or saved with federal contracts under the president's $787 billion recovery program, according to an Associated Press review of data released in the program's first progress report

Obama videotapes a message to Israelis on the anniversity of Rabin's murder. Tries to speak directly to Israeli Jews due to his lack of popularity in Israel.

An in depth history of Van Jones by

More in depth coverage of Van Jones by New Zeal's Obama File (no. 72)


"The List" for 10/28/2009

Ignoring objections from the Pentagon, Obama signed a $680 billion military policy bill on Wednesday (10/28/2009).  Obama cut back nearly all programs and cut off some that military leaders specifically said they needed- fulfilling his ambition as a senator to nueter the military

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, spent part of his briefing on Wednesday trying to dismiss the suggestion that people who gave money to Pres. Obama were given special access to the executive mansion. The questions arose after The Washington Times reported that Mr. Obama has continued the longtime practice of rewarding donors with perks, including use of the bowling alley.

An organization affiliated with ACORN is still eligible for charitable donations through a federal program for government employees, despite complaints that the program violates recent legislation targeting the now-scandalized community group  The

affiliate organization, the ACORN Institute, will not be barred from participating in the Combined Federal Campaign, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management said. The program encourages federal employees to give to local charities.

Under the Senate Finance Committee version of the health-care bill, health insurance companies would be allowed to charge tobacco users premiums up to 50 percent higher than those of non-users, while marijuana and crack cocaine smokers could not be penalized with higher premiums.

Obama brought back Bush-era military trials for terror suspects at Gitmoby signing new rules into law that will give detainees stronger legal rights in court.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Michael Clemente, Fox News' senior vice president for news, met at the White House for about 20 minutes on Wednesday morning (10/28/2009)

Obama signed a defense that kills weapons projects and expands war spending while at the same time sneaking in pro-homosexual legislation.  In a major civil rights change, the law also makes it a federal hate crimes to assault people based on sexual orientation.

The Obama administration and Pentagon prepare for homeland military deployment.  U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) exercises to test preparedness to perform its homeland defense and civil support missions inside the United States.

Former Israel-hating Republican Senator Chuck Hagel has been  named co-chair of President's Intelligence Advisory Board

A bill drawn up by the Treasury and the House financial services committee sets up a "Council of Regulators" charged with snuffing out systemic risks and gives the government and the Fed sweeping powers over financial companies at home and overseas. The bill does not address how this "Council of Regulators" will attain supreme wisdom to rule on markets.

The U.S. Chamber strikes back at Obama.  It will run an ad campaign against Obamacare

Obama’s safe schools czar wrote a foreword to a book in 1999 that called for elementary school children to explore their sexual identities, for teachers to incorporate homosexual themes in grades K-5, for discarding a “hetero-normative” approach to education and for “acknowledging children as sexual beings.  Kevin Jennings, now the assistant deputy secretary for education who heads the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, began the foreword to Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling

The Copenhagen Treaty

According to current documents the Copenhagen Treaty, if signed by President Obama in December, will ultimately make the U.S., along with other "developed nations", financially responsible for the CO2 emissions of "developing nations"

"The List" for 10/27/2009

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. delivered a lecture at the University of Maine where he reiterated President Obama's intent to push for repeal of the law defining marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of federal laws.

The White House expressed its condolences to the families who have been affected by the increase in violence affecting U.S. forces. White spokesman says that Obama will decide what he will do "in a few weeks"

VIDEO: Obama pledges open and transparent health care negotiations

GMAC Financial Services Inc. and the Treasury Department are in advanced talks to prop up the lender with its third helping of taxpayer money, people familiar with the matter said.  The U.S. government is likely to inject $2.8 billion to $5.6 billion of capital

In little noticed remarks, Michelle Obama stated at a public event that her husband's mother, Ann Dunham, was "very young and very single" when she gave birth to the future U.S. president. Her comments further undermine the official story as told by Barack Obama – that Dunham was married to his father, Barack Obama Sr., at the time of birth.

Democrat donors are rewarded with White House perks. Donors have been promised access to senior White House advisors in exchange for pledges to donate $30,400 personally or to bundle $300,000 in contributions ahead of the 2010 midterm elections

VIDEO: White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett on CNN telling Campbell Brown that Fox News is biased but won't say that MSNBC is biased

A case alleging Congress failed in its constitutional duties by refusing to investigate the eligibility of Barack Obama to be president has been sent on appeal to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Obama has paid nearly $1.7 million to his top eligibility lawyer since the election.

Text of the Senate Health Care bill (America's Healthy Future Act of 2009)

Senate HELP committee bill (text)

Russia won't agree to zero nukes in talks with the Obama administration

The defense bill that Obama will sign into law contains a new provision that would pay Taliban fighters who renounce the insurgency, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin said

Obamacare is now to include nursing home insurance. House health care legislation expected within days is likely to include a new long-term care insurance program to help seniors and disabled people stay out of nursing homes, senior Democrats say.

As White House budget director Peter Orszag disclosed that the fiscal 2009 budget deficit would be $1.4 trillion, House Democrats were moving on a dozen spending bills for fiscal 2010 that total 12.1% in more domestic discretionary increases.

National Organization of Women troubled by Obama's all-male outings

Obama, during a visit to a solar energy facility in Arcadia, Fla., is announcing that he is making available $3.4 billion in government support for 100 projects aimed at modernizing the power grid.

VIDEO: Obama called Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) an "outstanding" member of Congress at a fundraiser

Obama promotes foul mouthed Rep. Alan Grayson, says he is "an outstanding membe of congress'.  He said this right after Grayson referred to Fed Chief Ben Bernanke as a “K Street whore”

VIDEO:  Takeover of WAMU leaked to CNBC before the FDIC told the bank

 A Senate committee on launches three days of hearings on a Democratic climate bill.  The Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee begin with a panel from Obama's Cabinet: the secretaries of energy, transportation and interior and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Joining them will be the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. According to an EPA statement, the officials will focus on "creating a system of clean energy incentives" while "confronting the threat of carbon pollution."

Eight American servicemen were killed in a series of explosions today, making October the deadliest month for US troops in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion.  Still, no troop increase by Obama.

AARP to reap millions in insurance sales from Obamacare

VIDEO: Obama- "Nancy Pelosi is not simply the first woman Speaker of the House -- I think she's going to go down as one of the greatest Speakers of all time"

Pentagon Official, former Marine Corps Captain Matthew Hoh, 36, became the first U.S. official known to resign in protest over the Afghan war.  A former Marine Corps captain with combat experience in Iraq, Hoh had also served in uniform at the Pentagon, and as a civilian in Iraq and at the State Department.   He was the senior U.S. civilian in Zabul province

"The List" for 10/26/2009  

Fox News ratings up almost 10% since the White started war with the network

The Federal Reserve joined the Treasury Department on Thursday in imposing new limits on executive pay, extending the government's control over compensation at taxpayer-owned companies to institutions that are merely government regulated. The actions Thursday put the United States more in line with European governments. France and Germany, in particular, have pressed for international standards to limit executive pay, a move that the United States and Britain have resisted. At Treasury, President Obama's pay czar, Kenneth Feinber, announced sharp cuts in pay for 175 top executives at seven big banks and automakers

Rep. Bart Stupak said that Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that “under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions” he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.

The State Department released its annual report on global religious freedom , with the chief author singling out bigotry-based murders in the U.S. and Germany while crediting progress made in Jordan, Qatar and Egypt.  Assistant

Secretary Michael Posner -- along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- announced the release of the government's Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. During a press conference with reporters Monday, Posner cited two egregious acts of religious intolerance -- one in the U.S., the other in Germany -- while noting progress made in countries like Qatar and Egypt, where religious persecution is widespread. 

Obama said he will not rush his decision on whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, telling a crowd of U.S. troops, "I won't risk your lives unless it is absolutely necessary."

VIDEO: Michelle Obama made a scary video to push for the nationalized health care before Halloween.  A horror-story about women in the United States under the present private system

Anita Dunn's husband leads the effort to block Obama's birth records

Obama plays as many rounds of golf in his first 10 months in office as Bush did in almost 3 years of presidency

"The List" for 10/25/2009  

On Sept. 13, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, told ABC's This Week program that the government was on schedule to deliver an "ample supply" of swine flu vaccine by mid-October:  - five weeks later and news reports are coming in from across the nation of long waiting lines of people wanting the shot, but being turned away because of grossly inadequate supplies.

The Obama administration attacks the US Chamber of commerce

Obama's State Department has cut funding for Freedom House, the bipartisan organization that reports on freedom and human rights throughout the world, because it publishes material critical of Iran's murderous regime

A Fox News executive refuted on Saturday reports that the White House didn't make the administration's "pay czar" available for an interview because the network didn't ask.  "Of course we requested the interview," Fox News Senior Vice President Michael Clemente said, responding to reports citing the White House as claiming it had excluded Fox News from a series of interviews Thursday with Kenneth Feinberg set up through the five-network TV pool

Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk. 

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 40th; list; obama; week
Whew, this administration keeps piling on. Posting this weeks activities for those who are keeping track.

Let me know if you'd like to be on or off the ping list.

1 posted on 10/30/2009 4:14:47 PM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum

On, please.

The facts you present are so much more damning than the rants some engge in (which I have indulged in too).

The facts are more encouraging too. The overall picture is a Tower of Babel in flames, rather than a juggernaut.

2 posted on 10/30/2009 4:20:06 PM PDT by Psalm 144 (What did you think NEW WORLD ORDER meant? The Constitution? States' rights? Individual liberty?)
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To: Nachum

Kim Gandy (President of NOW) went there a number of times

3 posted on 10/30/2009 4:21:07 PM PDT by mware (F-R-E-E, that spells free. Free baby.)
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To: Psalm 144
I've added you. :)

The facts you present are so much more damning than the rants

Indeed. I have found some parts of the list on liberal blogs. It is most entertaining to see certain types falling all over themselves trying to spin them.

Facts are stubborn things. :)

4 posted on 10/30/2009 4:30:13 PM PDT by Nachum (The complete Obama list at
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To: Nachum

Please add me to your ping list. Thanks for all the hard work!

5 posted on 10/30/2009 4:34:37 PM PDT by stylecouncilor (What Would Jim Thompson Do?)
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