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To: longtermmemmory
think about this.  With all due respect, I'm not convinced you did.

if the king oppressed your colony would you revolt? see 1776.  This isn't 1776, or anything remotely like it.

If you lived in east germany would you dig a tunel to escape?  This isn't an East Germany moment.  To compare this to East Germany deminishes what East Germany and the Iron Curtain was all about.

Would Ronald Reagan have let elian gonzalez stay?  With his family members after escaping Cuba?  Yes.

slavery in cuba or freedom in the usa...decisions, decisions, decisions...
  On this one, quite frankly, you're lost in space.  I've been here for 14 years now and I haven't seen one post on this forum trashing Cubans for escaping Cuba to come here against our immigration laws.  I can assure you, I have never posted one.  Our emphasis has been mostly Mexico, followed up by the Central and South American nationals who arrive here outside our immigration laws.  Why do we focus on them?  Because the vast majority of our illegal immigrants are made up of them.

This nation would be swamped in short order if we allowed everyone who wanted to come, to come here at will.  For that reason, and because we need to weed out undesirables, we have immigration and naturalization laws.

What's the use of having laws, if you're not going to enforce them?

As Conservatives, I think we should support the laws on our books concerning immigration.

I can come up with all sorts of sob stories if I want to get away with something.  I know darn well my children could.  And this is basically what we have here.  We have adults playing the part of children fronting for folks who have broken our laws, and are demanding we allow them to get away with it.


25 posted on 06/19/2012 6:15:34 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (Republicanism: Y1 Rant Y2 Rant Y3 Rant Y4, Oh nevermind, vote for him anyway. Rinse & Repeat!)
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To: DoughtyOne; longtermmemmory
On this one, quite frankly, you're lost in space. I've been here for 14 years now and I haven't seen one post on this forum trashing Cubans for escaping Cuba to come here against our immigration laws.

Not very long ago American policy distinguished between refugees from communism - & those in imminent danger at the hands of their governments, and economic refugees.

Simply wanting a 'better life' wasn't grounds enough to receive priority consideration for entry.

That has changed very recently. As a result, we have millions of people here who think that while they owe this country nothing, the country owes them everything. Many who don't even care for their host very much. And they vote. The policy change has been an absolute disaster.

90 posted on 06/19/2012 8:03:13 AM PDT by skeeter
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To: DoughtyOne

” This nation would be swamped in short order if we allowed everyone who wanted to come, to come here at will. For that reason, and because we need to weed out undesirables, we have immigration and naturalization laws.”

Expect a big increase in illegal immigration now..

133 posted on 06/19/2012 10:50:27 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (God, family, country, mom, apple pie, the girl next door and a Ford F250 to pull my boat.)
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