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Who’s in Putin’s Pocket — Clinton or Trump?
The New American ^ | 8/3/2016 | William F. Jasper

Posted on 08/04/2016 11:35:16 AM PDT by HomerBohn

While serving as secretary of state to President Obama, Hillary Clinton delivered one fifth of America’s uranium deposits to Russia. So charge investigators who have been delving into the murky — and very alarming — dealings of Secretary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation with a company known as Uranium One, and various “private” Russian companies and official Russian agencies. Moreover, her critics accuse Hillary and Bill Clinton of raking in a huge fortune (over $130 million) from the American, Canadian, and Russian investors who helped arrange for these Russian companies — under the control, ultimately, of Vladimir Putin — to take control of 20 percent of our strategic uranium assets. Indeed, according to some calculations, the Uranium One deal, involving top Clinton donors Frank Guistra and Ian Telfer, has transferred as much as 50 percent of projected American uranium production to Kremlin control.

This incredible story, with enormously important implications for our nation’s security, has been percolating for over a year, since Peter Schweizer’s bestselling exposé Clinton Cash — The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, brought it to light. (See also here, here, here, and here.)

Why does the explosive Clinton-Uranium Ore story — which has been buried (naturally) by the pro-Hillary establishment media for the past year — now take on new meaning and urgency? Well, for one thing, for the past several days Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has been trying to make hay with the charge that recent comments by her Republican rival, Donald Trump, show “a very troubling willingness” to support Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday on July 31, Clinton reiterated the narrative that her campaign and her media allies had been flogging since the Democratic National Convention the previous week: that Trump’s off-the-cuff comments about her e-mail scandal amounted to Trump calling on a foreign adversary (Putin and Russia’s intel agencies) to meddle in a U.S. election and engage in cyberespionage against this country. Russia’s alleged hacking of her e-mail accounts, she said, "raises serious issues about Russian influence in our election."

"And for Mr. Trump to both encourage that and to praise Putin despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election, I think, raises national security issues," she charged. In the interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace, Clinton charged that Trump’s remarks on this issue show he is not “temperamentally fit” to be president. "If you take the encouragement that Russians hack into email accounts, if you take his quite excessive praise for Putin, his absolute allegiance to a lot of Russian wish-list foreign policy issues," she said, it suggests that "he is not temperamentally fit to be president and commander-in-chief."

Is that not rich? Hillary and Bill take massive bribes from Putin cronies to transfer ownership and control over the fuel for our nation’s nuclear power plants (which provide one fifth of our national electrical energy) and our nuclear weapons to Putin & Company — and then accuse her opponent of being in bed with Putin! Like the brazen thief who makes his getaway by pointing at a random passerby and yelling “Stop! Thief!,” Hillary is hoping to distract the American electorate from her own corruption, criminality, and treason by accusing her opponent of the very thing of which she herself is most guilty. That is hardly surprising considering the crime wave that has followed Team Clinton all the way from the governor’s mansion in Little Rock to the White House, to the Senate, to the Clinton Foundation, and on to Foggy Bottom — and beyond. Remember the Clintons and Whitewatergate, Chinagate, Filegate, Fostergate, Travelgate, Troopergate, Lincoln Bedroomgate, Bimbogate, Pardongate, Wacogate, etc., etc., ad nauseum? The Clintons’ penchant for criminality virtually saturated our political vocabulary with new “gate”-suffixed scandals.

However, with the help of their “mainstream media” JournoLista friends, the Clintons have always managed to escape justice in this temporal sphere. For the past 15 months or so, these same media pals have shielded Hillary from having to face hard questions about her central role in the uranium-for-cash deal with Putin’s minions. However, that could still be forced to the surface as a major stumbling block before the elections.

But wait — the Uranium One deal, as important and stunningly corrupt as it may be, is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. As we have been reporting here for years, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been one of Putin’s biggest enablers, facilitating enormous transfers of advanced technology to the Russian regime she now sees as a threat. It was Secretary Clinton, please recall, who, in May 2009, presented Putin’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red “reset” button, and then mugged with Lavrov in a giggly photo-fest celebrating the U.S.-Russian “convergence” agenda. Clinton and Lavrov then served as joint coordinators of the U.S.-Russian Bilateral Presidential Commission established in July of that year by President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The annual reports of the Bilateral Presidential Commission are replete with chummy photos of Clinton-Lavrov, Obama-Medvedev, Biden-Putin, etc., as well as details of the many deals worked out to give technology, knowhow, capital, and other resources to Moscow.

Among the many important projects of this type promoted by the Clinton-Lavrov team is the huge Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, which we warned about repeatedly in The New American as far back as 2010 (see, for instance, "’Breathing Pixie Dust’ Investing in Russia,” August 5, 2010). Putin’s new Skolkovo research and innovation center on the outskirts of Moscow, heralded as “Russia’s Silicon Valley,” is benefiting from billions of dollars of investment and prime technology from Cisco Systems, Boeing, Microsoft, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, General Electric, and other U.S. tech giants, thanks to support and promotion by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Then there is the case of billionaire Russian playboy Mikhail Prokhorov (see here and here), who, during Clinton’s reign at State, was allowed not only to buy up the New Jersey Nets (now the Brooklyn Nets) NBA franchise and the Barclays Center in New York City, but also to play a major role through his control of the Russian investment companies ONEXIM Group and Renaissance Capital, both of which played key roles in the Clintons’ aforementioned Uranium One scandal.

Yes, Mr. Trump has made statements that may give security-conscious Americans cause for concern, but deeds speak louder than words. And Hillary Clinton’s deeds speak in 5,000 decibel thunderclaps, declaring to all (except her willfully deaf devotees) that she belongs not sitting behind the president’s desk in the White House, but serving time behind bars in the Big House.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Government
If you like treason and espionage vote for Hillary. It may be the last free election for our nation which has been reduced to pitiful status by the Democrats and their Republicrat partners in crime. They'll do for America what Democrats have done for Detroit.

The most corrupt politician to ever run for president, she ranks right up there with Hitler, Stalin, the Castros, Chavez, and even Pol Pot.

Now she's got a scheme to completely eliminate the middle class now that she's one of the Ubers!

1 posted on 08/04/2016 11:35:16 AM PDT by HomerBohn
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To: HomerBohn

Putin is smart enough to know that Hillary Clinton is only in the pocket of the last and highest bidder.

2 posted on 08/04/2016 12:12:37 PM PDT by henkster
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To: HomerBohn
Putin has his finger on the button...

Hit the button again, Vlad!

3 posted on 08/04/2016 12:27:35 PM PDT by TigersEye (This is the age of the death of reason and rule of law. Prepare!)
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To: henkster

I concur, Putin knows his pockets aren’t deep enough to hold Hillery,( apologies for the imaging ) but China’s are.

He knows how to draw the logical conclusions and act in his own nation’s best interest.

4 posted on 08/04/2016 12:48:27 PM PDT by Hiryusan
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To: HomerBohn

I watched a video of Putin yesterday- he is slamming the entire world for not recognizing the muzzie threat

I think he had profited from Clinton in the past - but I don’t blame him. His interests are Russia, not ours.

But in this election he knows The muzzie threat will grow under Clinton, and I think he sees Trump as a businessman who can work with him for mutual best interests in defeating muzzies.

5 posted on 08/04/2016 1:09:27 PM PDT by Mr. K (Trump will win NY state - choke on that HilLIARy)
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To: Mr. K

Putin is a bit disingenious with the muzzies; if he sees them as a threat, he wouldn’t back them in Iran, where they are in their most virulent form. But he knows Clinton is in the pocket of the Saudis, whose gas pipeline across Syria is a threat to Russian interests.

Trump will be a more competent and pragmatic leader, and Putin doesn’t have to worry about Trump being bought by Russia’s enemies.

6 posted on 08/04/2016 1:21:05 PM PDT by henkster
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To: henkster

Putin’s anti-Muslim schtick is aimed at our consumption. He’s not anti-Muslim if they are on his side.

7 posted on 08/04/2016 1:25:56 PM PDT by 1rudeboy
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To: HomerBohn

There is no in his pocket. Putin’s only worry is that Hillary will start WW3.

8 posted on 08/04/2016 2:03:45 PM PDT by MagillaX
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This gambit by Bill Clinton (meddling in a foreign election) got the uranium scheme going. Bill's calculated handshake was a bonanza for the Kazahk president's re-election. Nazarbayev responded in kind and signed-off on the initial phase of the US uranium assets takeover.

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev greets former
president Clinton (L) in Almaty on September 6, 2005.

CIRCA 2015 A Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter claims that former President Bill Clinton falsely denied hosting a meeting with Kazakh officials when she tried to write a story that involved his foundation several years ago.

Jo Becker, who works on the newspaper's investigative desk, said Clinton only confirmed the meeting took place after she informed him there were photographs.

Clinton's role in a deal that involved Kazakhstan, the Russian government, and a man who donated millions to the president's charitable foundation were detailed in a story Becker published on Thursday.

That article revisited some of her earlier reporting and included information from the upcoming book "Clinton Cash," which is generating widespread headlines amid a flurry of reports suggesting it will raise serious questions about Clinton's family foundation.

The donor in question is Canadian mining executive Frank Giustra, a longtime friend of the former president who has given tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation in the past few years. (A couple of hours after the NYT story was published, Giustra issued a defiant statement. We've included that below.)

Becker initially wrote about the February 2007 meeting between Clinton, Giustra, and executives from the state-owned nuclear company Kazatomprom in 2008. The gathering took place at Clinton's home in Chappaqua, New York.

"When I first contacted both the Clinton foundation — Mr. Clinton's spokesman — and Mr. Giustra, they denied any such meeting ever took place," Becker recalled in footage aired by Fox News on Thursday.

However, Becker said Clinton and Giustra both changed their stories after she confronted them with evidence to the contrary.

"And then when we told them, 'Well we already talked to the head of Kazatomprom, who not only told us all about the meeting, but actually has a picture of him and Bill at the home in Chappaqua, and that he proudly displayed on his office wall.' They then acknowledged that yes, the meeting had taken place," Becker continued in the television interview.

The purpose of the meeting, then Kazatomprom President Moukhtar Dzhakishev told The Times, was to discuss Kazakhstan potentially buying a 10% stake in Westinghouse, a US nuclear company. Becker's 2008 story also noted one of Giustra's companies secured a deal to buy uranium deposits from Kazatomprom in 2005.

That agreement was made after Clinton accompanied Giustra on a trip to Kazakhstan. During the trip, Giustra and Clinton met with Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Clinton issued a public statement praising the Kazakh leader despite his questionable, antidemocratic record. The Times called the praise a "propaganda coup" for Nazarbayev. (he later "won relection" w/ an unbelievable 90% of the vote)

"Just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton's charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it last month. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s more recent and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle," wrote Becker and another reporter, Don Van Natta.

A spokesperson for the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership told Business Insider they are "working on a formal statement" in response to a request for comment on Thursday. Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership is an initiative of the Clinton Foundation that was cofounded by Clinton and Giustra in 2007. A Clinton Foundation spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

9 posted on 08/04/2016 2:44:04 PM PDT by Liz (SAFE PLACE? A liberal's mind. Nothing's there. Nothing penetrates it.)
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The report....“From Russia With Money — Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset and Cronyism”..... raises serious questions about the cash connections between the Clintons and participants in Hillary's the State Department-era’s failed five-year effort to improve, or “reset,” US-Russia relations. A Moscow-based Silicon Valley- styled developer of biomed, space, nuclear and IT technologies called “Skolkovo” — allegedly poured tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton was at the center of these efforts author Peter Schweizer argues. “Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors” or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton, Schweizer told The NY Post.

Hillary presented the "reset button" to Rusia in 2009. Circa 2010--Ex-Pres Clinton is
in Moscow having a laugh w/ Putin. Bill also got a 500,000 speaking fee in Moscow.


REFERENCES ......the FBI expanded its email probe to include the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation and State Dept business.

<><> Then-SoS Hillary approved a deal that allowed Russia to acquire 20 percent of all US uranium production capacity.....entities with vested interests in seeing the deal go through donated $2.5 million to the Clintons......

<><> before the uranium deal was finalized (as insurance?) Bill Clinton gave a speech in Moscow, and was paid a cool $500,000.


NYT REPORT: As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One Company chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations, as well.


The NYT report noted that these uranium investors
also donated to the Clinton Foundation, as follows:

<><> Canadian Frank Giustra—globe-trotting pal of Bill-—donated $31.3 million and a pledge for $100 million more to the Clinton Foundation. Giustra built a company that later merged with Uranium One. Seems to have facilitated the uranium sell-off.

<><> Canadian Ian Telfer—donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Mining investor who was chairman of Uranium One when an arm of the Russian government, Rosatom, acquired it.

<><>Paul Reynolds—donated $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation Adviser on 2007 UrAsia-Uranium One merger. Later helped raise $260 million for the company.

<><>Frank Holmes-—donated $250,000 to $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Chief Executive of U.S. Global Investors Inc., which held $4.7 million in Uranium One shares in the first quarter of 2011.

<><> Canadian Neil Woodyer-—Founded Endeavour Mining with Giustra—donated $50,000 to $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Adviser to Uranium One.

<><> GMP Securities Ltd.-—Donating portion of profits to the Clinton Foundation. Worked on debt issue that raised $260 million for Uranium One. (could also be part of the money-laundering apparat---aided and abetted under cover of the "do-good foundations.")

10 posted on 08/04/2016 2:45:48 PM PDT by Liz (SAFE PLACE? A liberal's mind. Nothing's there. Nothing penetrates it.)
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To: HomerBohn

On his first day in office, Trump needs to nullify this “contract”. Day two: Put Hitlery in jail.

11 posted on 08/04/2016 8:14:02 PM PDT by generally
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