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Charlie Daniels' Response to 911
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Posted on 09/30/2001 7:25:26 PM PDT by Rightwing Canuck

Over The Line

I know you’ve heard all the rhetoric and news reporting about the deplorable situation which took place in New York and Washington today. This is not politics, this is not a repressed people trying to get the attention of an uncaring world. This is none of the things which are usually associated with the righting of wrongs. This is simple hate, pure insanity and mass murder not seen on the planet since the days of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. We all know who did this. It may take a few days to place the blame on the proper group but we all know that this is straight out of the Middle East. And I want to inform the scum who perpetrated this piece of unspeakable horror that I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish, but I know what you did accomplish. You’ve united this nation like no leader ever could. You’ve given us a common cause and that’s about all it takes to bring out the American in us. We may be black, white, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative or what have you on the outside, but once you get past the superficial part of the people of this country, we all have one thing in common, we are Americans and damn proud of it, and when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. We’ll be in a state of national mourning for a couple of days but when that period is over, you’re going to see a nation full of angry citizens who will not rest until you and all your kind are eradicated. This is the United States of America, the most powerful, resourceful, capable, proud and advanced nation the world has ever known. Our military is the baddest, our resolve is the hardest and our wrath is hotter than a volcano, and just about to erupt like one. In my opinion, when we find out who’s responsible, we should take whatever means necessary to destroy these rats, and I’m talking about every piece of military equipment down to a swiss army knife, batter their army into total submission and if this was state sponsored, take their leader out. I think our go around with Saddam Hussein has proven that you can’t cut the tail off the snake and leave the head intact. I sincerely hope that millions of good Americans will get in touch with their Congressman and Senators and tell them that you’re madder than hell and you ain’t gonna take it no more and that you expect them to take immediate action against these garbage piles. We should take a page out of the Israelis’ book. Immediate retaliation. You bomb us today and tomorrow we’re coming after you. If you’re an American I know you’ve got to be as upset about this as I am. I’m still in a state of shock to see the Trade Towers fall and the Pentagon, the very symbol of military power in this nation, on fire. It’s almost like watching a science fiction movie, it all seems so unreal. It’s up to us. Do we show these people who they’re messing with or do we keep putting up with worse and worse atrocities. I think you all know where I stand.

Peaceful Solution

Lately on television I have been seeing images of small demonstrations for a peaceful solution to the war against terrorism we’ve recently had thrust upon us. While I respectfully defend these people’s right to demonstrate for or against anything they want to, I think their collective cause is indefensible. In fact, it is something we have already tried. We didn’t provoke this bunch of monsters, if anything we have attempted to placate them, which was a terrible mistake on our part in the first place. They’ve bombed two of our Embassies and the U.S.S. Cole, killed our people, destroyed our property and so far all we’ve done is bomb a chemical factory in retaliation. Now they have struck at the very heart of this nation, killed thousands of people, disrupted countless lives, set back our economy and changed our lives forever. And you people think that these perverts will accept a peaceful solution. The only peaceful solution they would accept would be for all America to adopt radical Islamic religion and join them in the complete destruction of Israel. There is no peaceful solution to be had with this bunch of scum bags and the sooner the world is rid of them, the better off we’ll be. And I don’t mean bringing them to jail to face some protracted court trial and receive a life sentence by some lilly livered liberal judge who doesn't believe in the death penalty. I’m talking about completely destroying them, all of them. Every murdering terrorist in the world. What you people can’t seem to understand is that these people are dedicated to annihilating us and all who think like we do and they will not stop as long as there’s breath in their bodies. They don’t care about anything or anybody except their own insane cause. Even their own people suffer because of their evil. Innocent Middle Eastern citizens of this country and others will be scrutinized every time they board an airplane or even go out in public, and while I abhor the ill treatment of anybody because of their race, and passionately urge all Americans to refrain from unfair treatment of all races, it is a natural reaction when the bad guys live among the good guys and you can’t tell them apart. As I said, I defend your right to protest but in reality you make me sick. You are marching across the graves of over five thousand innocent citizens who did nothing more that try to go to work on a Tuesday morning. You desecrate the memories of the people who died in the Embassy bombings and the destruction of the U.S.S. Cole. You spit in America’s face when you say that she is not worth defending and you weaken the resolve of some people who don’t have the courage to think for themselves. I have a suggestion. Why don’t you form a delegation and go to the Middle East and just demand that these people cease and desist. Go and talk to Bin Ladin and Arafat and Saddam and all the rest of the monsters who make up the terrorist organizations which threaten the world. You can tell them of your concerns that the violence will beget more violence and that what this world needs is just a little more understanding. That if they will only lay down their arms that we can all live together in peace and harmony. Maybe you could even pin a flower in Bin Ladin’s beard. But let me also tell you this. After you have this fruitless conversation you’d better get the hell out of the way because the U.S. military is on the way and I wouldn’t want any of you non violent flower children to get caught in the crossfire.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events
These posts were Mr. Daniels' response to the 9-11 attacks, which I thought would interest some here on FR since he's a conservative celebrity, which as you all know is rare. I hope this hasn't already been posted. I ran a few searches in both the main and archives and couldn't find it, so if it has been posted, I apologize.

P.S. I didn't format because there was no formatting in the originals, as they seem to be like journal entries on his web site.

1 posted on 09/30/2001 7:25:26 PM PDT by Rightwing Canuck
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To: Rightwing Canuck
We may be black, white, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative or what have you on the outside, but once you get past the superficial part of the people of this country, we all have one thing in common, we are Americans and damn proud of it, and when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

Amen and keep fiddling Charlie.
2 posted on 09/30/2001 7:29:35 PM PDT by MrFred
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To: Rightwing Canuck
I'd say the devil owes Charlie another gold fiddle.
3 posted on 09/30/2001 7:35:43 PM PDT by RGSpincich
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To: RGSpincich
The Devil went down to New York.
4 posted on 09/30/2001 7:38:46 PM PDT by Big Guy and Rusty 99
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To: Rightwing Canuck
I went to the website and read some of Charlie's other "soapbox letters" , someone should give him a weekly or daily commentary (are you listening FOX).

from this past july 4th

Reflections on the Fourth

As I sit here writing this column it is the fourth of July and our nation is celebrating her 225th birthday. It’s a thought provoking day to say the least. As I think about that handful of brave men who got together in 1776 and forged a document to King George of England telling him that we would no longer live under english rule, we would no longer pay his taxes, we would no longer be his subjects. These men were not just signing a piece of paper, they were laying everything they had, including their lives on the line. For when King George read the Declaration of Independence he declared them all traitors to the crown and decreed that they should all be hung. I’m sure when the king received this document so eloquently worded by Thomas Jefferson he must have thought, “how dare this upstart colony, this pimple on the face of the new world dare invoke the wrath of the mighty British empire, with it’s vast armies and monolithic navy. Why we’ll just send a few of our crack troops over there and show them who’s boss. This shouldn’t take too long.” And by all logic he should have been right. America had no standing army, a few militiamen were pretty much it insofar as an organized military was concerned. We had no vast stores of muskets, gunpowder and cannon balls. So I’m sure King George and his officers thought that whipping America back into line would be little more than spanking an unruly baby. But there were a few things King George hadn’t counted on. One being the American spirit.” Give me liberty or give me death,” “ I regret that I have only one life to give for my country”. The attitude of a people who would live free or die trying. He didn’t count on the tenacity and faith of a George Washington nor the boys from Tennessee and Kentucky who could knock a squirrel’s eye out from fifty yards, and would hide behind the trees and pick off his redcoats. He didn’t know about Francis Marion, The Wiley Swamp Fox, who’s hit and run tactics harassed the British troops at every turn. He just didn’t understand that this new nation had a will of it’s own and would fight to the last man to preserve their precious liberty. As we all know, we won the Revolutionary War and became the United States of America. We would climb many mountains as a nation. We would go through a Civil War and it would take us almost two centuries to recognize that all men really created equal. We would lose our sons on the battle fields of Europe, Asia and Viet Nam. But through it all, by the grace of Almighty God we would somehow preserve our national unity when the chips were down. When I think of a bloody soldier walking barefoot in the snows of Valley Forge to give us the right to vote and I think about all the people who are too apathetic or just too lazy to go to the polls it just plain makes me mad. When I think about the rope going around Nathan Hale’s neck and this brave man dying to give us independence and I think about politicians who so cavalierly turn our military forces over to the United Nations it makes me angry. When I think about the lilly livered, self serving, power grabbing, pompous gas bags who walk the halls of our nation’s capitol it just plain makes me want to throw up. When I think that a handful of pagan lawyers who call themselves the American Civil Liberties Union are trying to strike every vestige of Almighty God from every document, every school, every public facet of American life it makes me all the above. I urge all you believers to pray for America. Please pray for our leaders and that God will raise up brave, honest people who will help put this nation’s feet back on the paths of righteousness. “As he died to make men holy let us live to make them free.”

What do you think?

God Bless America Charlie Daniels

I would also encourage everyone to read his commentary on the media.
5 posted on 09/30/2001 7:38:53 PM PDT by MrFred
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To: Rightwing Canuck
ok one last post from Charlie and then I will shut up:

We have fallen into the silly trap of political correctness arguing over the design of a flag while ignoring the deeper issues of racial prejudice and the so called leaders who stay in power by alienating and pulling us apart. We sit back while Godless organizations are trying to take the name of Almighty God off everything in public life, denying our children the right to pray in school while saying that it’s perfectly alright for a teenaged girl to have an abortion without even informing her parents. Of course there are exceptions. There are still people who stand up for what they believe in, fight for what they think is right and state their opinion no matter what ridicule they may be subjected to. Let’s join them in the fight.
6 posted on 09/30/2001 7:43:22 PM PDT by MrFred
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To: MrFred
This Charlie Daniel song introduces the Geoff Metcalf ( show everyday on KTKZ, Sacramento


We'll the eagle's been flying slow, and the flag's been flying low, and a lot of people's saying that America's fixing to fall. But speaking just for me and some people from Tennessee, we got a thing or two to tell you all. This lady may have stumbled but she ain't never fell. And if the Russians don't believe that they can all go straight to hell. We're gonna put her feet back on the path of the righteousness and then God bless America again.

And you never did think that it ever would happen again. In America, did you? You never did think that we'd ever get together again. Well we damn sure fooled you. We're walking real proud and we're talking real loud again in America. You never did think that it ever would happen again.

From the sound up in Long Island out to San Francisco Bay, and ev'ry thing that's in between them is our home. And we may have done a little bit of fighting amongst ourselves, but you outside people best leave us alone. Cause we'll all stick together and you can take that to the bank. That's the cowboys and the hippies and the rebels and the yanks. You just go and lay your head on a Pittsburgh Steeler fan and I think you're gonna finally understand.

And you never did think that it ever would happen again. In America, did you? You never did think that we'd ever get together again. Well we damn sure fooled you. We're walking real proud and we're talking real loud again in America. You never did think that it ever would happen again.

7 posted on 09/30/2001 7:53:41 PM PDT by notaliberal
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To: Rightwing Canuck
I heard In America as I was driving from NJ to MI on Route 30 in the mountains of PA at night after 9/11, and I almost had to pull over.

I've never been more pissed in my life...F the Middle East.

8 posted on 09/30/2001 7:59:09 PM PDT by Benrand
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To: notaliberal
I swear growing up in the 70's in Pittsburgh, I heard that song EVERY DAY. Thanks Charlie.
9 posted on 09/30/2001 8:04:51 PM PDT by Benrand
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To: Benrand
In America was written in response to the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1980. CD has grown in widom in his writting some of his most recent among his best. I can't disagree with what he wrote about the WTC either. He is a good Christian man and believe it or not Charlie is 65 in October. I grew up on his songs like Uneasy Rider.
10 posted on 09/30/2001 8:11:20 PM PDT by cva66snipe
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To: Benrand
Another song on the charts then was by Hank Jr called Don't give us a reason. It as well was about the Iran crisis.
11 posted on 09/30/2001 8:12:58 PM PDT by cva66snipe
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To: Rightwing Canuck
Buddha Records best bet
12 posted on 09/30/2001 8:17:00 PM PDT by Rome2000
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To: cva66snipe
I grew up on his songs like Uneasy Rider.

"And I ain't even got a can call home and ask my wife."

Love CDB!
13 posted on 09/30/2001 8:25:19 PM PDT by birbear
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To: cva66snipe
Your profile page is great! Thank you for your service to our country!
14 posted on 09/30/2001 8:41:38 PM PDT by notaliberal
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