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Various | April 17, 2011 | Vanity

Posted on 04/17/2011 2:58:04 PM PDT by greyfoxx39

If you were to desire to enter the exclusive LDS-Mormon club, you would have to be agree to the church doctrine including this:
First Presidency Doctrinal Statements
It is not only his discourses that form the basis of Joseph F. Smith's doctrinal legacy. During his presidency, several important documents signed by the First Presidency and/or the Twelve were issued that still serve as a touch stone of Latter-day Saint belief. One such document, The Origin of Man: By the First Presidency, was issued in 1909 during a time when evolution was gaining attention in the academic world.

They wrote:

"In presenting the statement that follows we are not conscious of putting forth anything essentially new; neither is it our desire so to do. Truth is what we wish to present, and truth--eternal truth--is fundamentally old. A restatement of the original attitude of the Church relative to this matter is all that will be attempted here. To tell the truth as God has revealed it, and commend it to the acceptance of those who need to conform their opinions thereto, is the sole purpose of this presentation. 'God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.' In these plain and pointed words the inspired author of the book of Genesis made known to the world the truth concerning the origin of the human family."

They added:

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, basing its belief on divine revelation, ancient and modern, proclaims man to be the direct and lineal offspring of Deity. God Himself is an exalted man, perfected, enthroned, and supreme. By His almighty power He organized the earth, and all that it contains, from spirit and element, which exist co-eternally with Himself. He formed every plant that grows, and every animal that breathes, each after its own kind, spiritually and temporally--'that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal, and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual.' He made the tadpole and the ape, the lion and the elephant but He did not make them in His own image, nor endow them with Godlike reason and intelligence. Nevertheless, the whole animal creation will be perfected and perpetuated in the Hereafter, each class in its 'distinct order or sphere,' and will enjoy 'eternal felicity.' . . . Man is the child of God, formed in the divine image and endowed with divine attributes, and even as the infant son of an earthly father and mother is capable in due time of becoming a man, so the undeveloped offspring of celestial parentage is capable, by experience through ages and aeons, of evolving into a God." 

AND THIS: The non-creedal creed of the LDS church

The Articles of Faith
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
  2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.
  3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
  4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
  6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
  7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
  8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
  9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
  10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
  11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
  12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
  13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Joseph Smith

You would be required to: Become baptized, because the mormon church does not recognize Christian baptism as do many Christian denominations;  then become confirmed a member ot the mormon church; then become worthy to be "ordained" into the two "priesthoods"; (IF you are male.)
May 15, 1829, while Joseph translated passages of the Book of Mormon about the necessity of baptism, he and Oliver Cowdery had asked the Lord who had to baptize in His name. "The voice of the Redeemer spake peace to us," Oliver later wrote, and a heavenly messenger, John the Baptist, "came down clothed with glory." He conferred upon the two men the , which holds the "of the gospel of repentance, and of for the remission of sins."

John the Baptist directed the two men to baptize each other, and they soon also baptized others converted to the restored gospel. Through priesthood ordination they authorized others to perform baptism by immersion. From that small beginning, many millions of people worldwide have been baptized members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Weeks later, Peter, James, and John, who possess "the keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of the fulness of times," appeared to Joseph and Oliver and conferred upon them the . Now the fulness of the gospel could be restored, the Church of Jesus Christ could be organized to "roll forth," and all the necessary for the salvation of God's children could be performed—including bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Because were restored to Joseph Smith, all of God's children can receive the ordinances of salvation such as baptism administered by those called of God to act and speak in His name.   D&C 13:1.2. D&C 128:20.3. D&C 65:2. 

priesthood keys

Keys are the rights of presidency, or the power given to man by God to direct, control, and govern God's priesthood on earth. Priesthood holders called to positions of presidency receive keys from those in authority over them. Priesthood holders use the priesthood only within the limits outlined by those who hold the keys. The President of the Church holds all priesthood keys (see D&C 107:65–67, 91–92; 132:7; The Guide to the Scriptures, "Keys of the Priesthood," 141).  Note: Women are not eligible to become "Priesthood Holders".

Then, if you become "worthy" according to mormon requirements, which include among other things, obeying the Word of Wisdom;

Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, 27 February 1833 (see History of the Church, 1:327–29). As a consequence of the early brethren using tobacco in their meetings, the Prophet was led to ponder upon the matter; consequently, he inquired of the Lord concerning it. This revelation, known as the Word of Wisdom, was the result. The first three verses were originally written as an inspired introduction and description by the Prophet.

1–9, The use of wine, strong drinks, tobacco, and hot drinks is proscribed; 10–17, Herbs, fruits, flesh, and grain are ordained for the use of man and of animals; 18–21, Obedience to gospel law, including the Word of Wisdom, brings temporal and spiritual blessings.

You may then appear before your "spiritual leader" or Ward Bishop, to answer these questions:

Temple Recommend Questions:

 1 Do you have faith in and a testimony of God the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost?

 2 Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Christ and of His role as Savior and Redeemer?

 3 Do you have a testimony of the restoration of the gospel in these the latter days?

 4 Do you sustain the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and as the only person on the earth who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local authorities of the Church?

 5 Do you live the law of chastity?

 6 Is there anything in your conduct relating to members of your family that is not in harmony with the teachings of the Church?

 7 Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

 8 Do you strive to keep the covenants you have made, to attend your sacrament and other meetings, and to keep your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel?

 9 Are you honest in your dealings with your fellowmen?

10 Are you a full-tithe payer?

11 Do your keep the Word of Wisdom?

12 Do you have financial or other oblgations to a former spouse or children? If yes, are you current in meeting those obligations?

13 If you have previously received your temple endowment:

     Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple?

     Do you wear the garment both night and day as instructed in the endowment and in accordance with the covenant you made in the temple?

14 Have there been any sins or misdeeds in your life that should have been resolved with priesthood authorities but have not been?

15 Do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord's house and participate in temple ordinances?
If you pass the Recommend test, you will be issued a piece of paper with a bar code on it that will allow you to enter the temple,  No one may enter except those with "recommends"  You will then take part in arcane rituals and are described as "Covenants"...covenants that are said to bind YOU and also to bind GOD.  In this "temple session",  you will be required to take this oath:

You and each of you covenant and promise before God, angels, and these witnesses at this altar, that you do accept the Law of Consecration as contained in the Doctrine and Covenants, in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion .

NOTE:  This vow has been taken by Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, Harry Reid, Orrin Hatch and ALL others who have a position in the US Federal Government who are "worthy" members of the mormon church including FBI, CIA, Secret Service, etc. and by "worthy" members of the mormon church in your city, state, on your school board...wherever a position of authority is available.

After you take part in the temple rites, you are required to wear a specific underwear garment for the rest of your life.

Those baptized members including girls and women, who are too young to take part in the temple rituals will be required to take part in "proxy" Baptism for the Dead after they also acquire their own "temple recommend".

There are several religions larger than most Christian denominations, and together they are larger than all of them combined. Their adherents for centuries have lived and died and never heard the word baptism. What is the answer for them?

That is a most disturbing question. What power would establish one Lord and one baptism, and then allow it to be that most of the human family never comes within its influence? With that question unanswered, the vast majority of the human family must be admitted to be lost, and against any reasonable application of the law of justice or of mercy, either. How could Christianity itself be sustained?

When you find the true church you will find the answer to that disturbing question.

If a church has no answer for that, how can it lay claim to be His Church? He is not willing to write off the majority of the human family who were never baptized.

Those who admit in puzzled frustration that they have no answer to this cannot lay claim to authority to administer to the affairs of the Lord on the earth, or to oversee the work by which all mankind must be saved.

Since they had no answer concerning the fate of those who had not been baptized, Christians came to believe that baptism itself was not critical in importance, and that the name of Christ may not be all that essential. There must, they supposed, be other names whereby man could be saved.

The answer to that puzzling challenge could not be invented by men, but was revealed. I underline the word revealed. Revelation too is an essential characteristic of His Church. Communication with Him through revelation was established when the Church was established. It has not ceased and it is constant in the Church today.

As I address myself to the question of those who died without baptism, I do so with the deepest reverence, for it touches on a sacred work. Little known to the world, we move obediently forward in a work that is so marvelous in its prospects, transcendent above what man might have dreamed of, supernal, inspired, and true. In it lies the answer.

In the earliest days of the Church the Prophet was given direction through revelation that work should commence on the building of a temple, akin to the temples that had been constructed anciently. There was revealed ordinance work to be performed there for the salvation of mankind.

Then another ancient scripture, ignored or overlooked by the Christian world in general, was understood and moved into significant prominence: “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?” (1 Cor. 15:29.)

Here then, was the answer. With proper authority an individual could be baptized for and in behalf of someone who had never had the opportunity. That individual would then accept or reject the baptism, according to his own desire.

This work came as a great reaffirmation of something very basic that the Christian world now only partly believes: and that is that there is life after death. Mortal death is no more an ending than birth was a beginning. The great work of redemption goes on beyond the veil as well as here in mortality."

“The Redemption of the Dead,” Ensign, Nov. 1975, 97

Now,  this is just a part of what is required to call yourself "Mormon".  Even sects that adhere more closely to the teachings of Joseph Smith, such as the FLDS have been excommunicated for practicing polygamy which is STILL part of mormon "scripture"

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant, as also plurality of wives. HC 5: 501–507. Although the revelation was recorded in 1843, it is evident from the historical records that the doctrines and principles involved in this revelation had been known by the Prophet since 1831.

, Exaltation is gained through the new and everlasting covenant; , The terms and conditions of that covenant are set forth; , Celestial marriage and a continuation of the family unit enable men to become gods; , The strait and narrow way that leads to eternal lives; , Law given relative to blasphemy against the Holy Ghost; , Promises of eternal increase and exaltation made to prophets and saints in all ages; , Joseph Smith is given the power to bind and seal on earth and in heaven; , The Lord seals upon him his exaltation; , Emma Smith is counseled to be faithful and true; , Laws governing the plurality of wives are set forth.

  1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many a and b

  2 Behold, and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as touching this matter.

  3 Therefore, a thy heart to receive and b the instructions which I am about to give unto you; for all those who have this law revealed unto them must obey the same.

  4 For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting a; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye b; for no one can c this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory.

Now, to those of you who are reading this I have ONE question:


TOPICS: Current Events; General Discusssion; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: aamormonismexposed; aatruthsetsldsfree; antimormonbias; antimormonbigot; antimormonblather; antimormonextremist; antimormonfurvor; antimormonjihadist; antimormonmanifesto; antimormonrant; antimormonzealot; bitterantimormon; boorish; christian; flamebait; flamewar; hateful; inman; lds; meanspirited; mormon; mormonhatingtroll; mormophobia; mormophobic; narrowminded; religiousbigotry; religiousextremist; religiousflamewar; religiousintolerance; religiouszelotry; ugly
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To: Tennessee Nana
Do the Mormons I work with put the church above their nation? ________________________________________ Yes of course if they are practicing mormons...

Sounds like it's time to print the OATHs and COVENANTS that the MORMONs swear to in their TEMPLEs.

221 posted on 04/18/2011 6:31:43 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: greyfoxx39

Have a nice evening.

Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!

222 posted on 04/18/2011 6:34:58 PM PDT by wku man (Who says conservatives don't rock?
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To: wku man; Elsie

a third of the way

a 1/3 part...

223 posted on 04/18/2011 6:38:30 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Godzilla
Something tells me fist you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag with a trail of bread crumbs, a GPS and a sherpa guide. Do yourself a favor - get cows to go with the hat.

You made me LOL! Your are just silly. You don't have a clue about what you post, but will burp it out anyway. How impressive. All the more reason to ignore you and your mindless dribble.

224 posted on 04/18/2011 7:24:55 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Quiet the Idiot)
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To: Elsie

Yep...we must watch out for those crazy-eyed Mormon suicide bombers screaming Brigham Young Rules!!

225 posted on 04/18/2011 7:43:55 PM PDT by Pharmboy (What always made the state a hell has been that man tried to make it heaven-Hoelderlin)
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To: wku man; greyfoxx39

Don’t recall where anyone indicated that mormons, the people, weren’t good, pleasant, decent people. Could you enlighten us for the sake of presenting a factual argument vs. a strawman? Folks were trying to talk about the church doctrine and teachings, the ISM, the religion.

In regards to “meddling”, would you tell the 52,000+ missionaries who knock on doors, the countless thousands of ward and stake missionaries to stop “meddling” by going door to door, peddling the story that all of Christianity is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord? It is a legitimate comparison to your criticism of folks here. What say you?

Just because they don’t have the courage to tell you to your face, doesn’t mean they don’t believe it and now they are on a campaign to label themselves as something they were loathe to do just a few years ago. That they and only they, are the only true Christian church in all of Christendom.

That may not mean much if anything to you, but to us, it does. Is it that you harbor a hidden bigotry or disdain of your own towards those who would contend for our faith in the face of overwhelming odds? I’ve seen many express very similar sentiments who come down on the side of mormonism only to find out later there are other motives.

Invariably, yes, you are responsible for your own actions. IF you are incapable of resisting the temptation, then it’s quite possible you need to adjust your FR settings. So that in the future, you aren’t tempted to click on a thread that could possibly upset you. Removing the temptation is one of the first steps in overcoming a weakness.

Yes, you can make up your own mind. Yet, based on your comments and posts, I’ve seen you try to convince others through a constant, vitriolic harangue of brow beating. I don’t have to try very hard to see that you are trying to squelch the discussion. Denying others the opportunity to make up their own mind about the information presented.

Are we/they not to be afforded the same “courtesy” of making up our own mind(s)? Are you saying that by posting the information, we are preventing others from making up their own minds? If the information presented is a point of contention for you, by all means post some rebuttal information. But by going off on your screeds towards the posters, that demonstrates you don’t have much, if anything though.

Is the truth that unpalatable that folks must be stopped at all costs from revealing it? Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away, no matter how hard you may wish it could.

The “campaign”, as you call it, may not pass your test of what is or is not necessary, but then again, that’s your not call is it? It’s up to each individual to determine if the “campaign” is necessary. Those who see/use the information presented to make decisions are the ones who determine the necessity or efficacy of the “campaign”, not a single arbiter of what is and isn’t deemed necessary.

If, and that’s a big IF, folks were being singled out and targeted due to their religion, then your last statement would have a modicum of merit. As it is, it’s inane and another in a long string of ad hominem strawmen. It brings nothing to the table except another in a long string of pointless babble.

Have great and blessed night!

226 posted on 04/18/2011 8:08:25 PM PDT by SZonian (July 27, 2010. Life begins anew.)
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To: ScreamingFist

Discuss the issues all you want, but do not make it personal.

227 posted on 04/18/2011 8:20:57 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: SZonian; Colofornian
"Don’t recall where anyone indicated that mormons, the people, weren’t good, pleasant, decent people."

Post #48, when Colofornian said:
"If you are auditioning to become a god, of course, you'll be on your best behavior!"

Insulting, to say the least, and not at all indicative of the Mormons I know.

Good in feel free to not further ping me to this thread.

Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!

228 posted on 04/18/2011 8:23:54 PM PDT by wku man (Who says conservatives don't rock?
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To: wku man

Because they don’t tell you the men are working to be gods, doesn’t mean the men aren’t working for that goal.
When you said you don’t know much about mormonISM you were correct, there is much they will not tell you about their beliefs. What they are willing to tell you, is an attempt to make them sound like “just another Christian group”. It’s called deception.

229 posted on 04/18/2011 8:44:24 PM PDT by svcw (Non forgiveness is like holding a hot coal thinking the other person will be blistered)
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To: svcw

Good night.

Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!

230 posted on 04/18/2011 8:49:21 PM PDT by wku man (Who says conservatives don't rock?
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To: wku man; greyfoxx39
4) similar articles appear regularly on the Free Republic main menu, sometimes bashing Mormons, sometimes Jews, sometimes Catholics, etc 5) sometimes they have all-caps headlines, such as "HAVE YOU NOTICED THIS ABOUT MORMONS?", which are obviously written to provoke people like me to click on them 6) invariably, I come away with the distinct impression that they're nothing but vitriolic rants by former Mormons or religious bigots, intended to poison the opinions of non-Mormons against the LDS Church (or the Catholics, Jews, Evangelicals, etc). In other words, it seems like you're trying to meddle with, or sabotage, my view of Mormons. Well, I can make up my own mind, thank you very much.

Well don't let any facts get in the way of your subjective opinions. The last part of this statement comes across to me as saying, "Hey, if you say something which runs crossways vs. my opinion on a topic, in this case, Mormons...then, hey, you're a saboteur."

(I suppose that's in contrast with people who say things which already agree with your thinking...those people aren't "saboteurs." Why? 'Cause they agree with your thinking)

Boy, it must be a dangerous world out there for you. Who knows? Some fact or some opinion you disagree with may be lurking around any corner, ready to pounce on you and sabotage your viewpoint. And so such folks tend to hang around in only "safe" environments -- where people won't shake up your worldview.

Your comments here are actually very hilarious.

Let me explain it another way: People express things all the time. And usually, content-wise as to what they may say, there's really not all that much different between...
...somebody interpreting what you say as
EXposing what they believe
...vs. what somebody might deem as
IMposing what they believe.

You want to make it sound like we're the IMposers -- and the Lds you've had contact with simply EXpose their faith. But there's no reason other than dislike of content to come to such a conclusion. If anything, Mormon missionaries are disturbing so many people around the world with their doorbell-ringing & knocking, THEY are the imposers. (When we post online, so doorbells go off...if you think the headline is provocative, nobody forces you into these discussions)

You know, a LOT of times it simply comes down to whether the person is receptive to what somebody else is saying as to whether they consider it "exposing" vs. "imposing." (I mean, sure we can all agree that some who come across as "imposing" might display the same sort of behavior as a drunk forcing himself on a woman at a party...IOW, lack of gentleness, to say the least. But you haven't specifically complained about it's a non-issue)

The key Q here is...when the Mormon church calls ALL of us Christians as "apostates," why don't you deem them as "meddling" in our "business" of who we are in Christ?

The reason I think "why?" You just haven't exposed yourself to what Mormons have said about Christians -- and therefore have failed to apply the same standard toward them as you have us.

Tell us, wku man...what do Mormons consider Christians to be? In a word, apostates. Here, I'll even partially use YOUR language so that you comprehend the parallel going on here: On, "similar articles appear regularly on" and BYU Web sites & other Mormon sites, sometimes bashing Christians. These articles provoke us to respond.

Let me give you two quick excerpts as examples:

Go to and look up the word "apostasy": When individuals or groups of people turn away from the principles of the gospel, they are in a state of apostasy. One example is the Great Apostasy, which occurred after the Savior established His Church. After the deaths of the Savior and His Apostles, men corrupted the principles of the gospel and made unauthorized changes in Church organization and priesthood ordinances. Because of this widespread apostasy, the Lord withdrew the authority of the priesthood from the earth. This apostasy lasted until Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 and initiated the restoration of the fulness of the gospel.
Source: Apostasy

See how provocative that is? There ya go. The Mormon church meddling in our business, sabotaging who we are by slandering us. Do you care that they do this with millions of $ of bad-rep press? (Seemingly, no)

Therefore, you are two-faced in the way you approach this.

Example #2 -- from a BYU Web site:

The idea that Christ's church no longer existed was CENTRAL to Joseph Smith's prophetic claims...following the greatest apostasy the world has ever seen comes the greatest dispensation the world has ever seen, the one in which all things would be restored, the one which would not end in apostasy, the one which would truly spread to all the world to prepare it for the great and dreadful day of the Lord. In a sense, this became the central teaching of Mormonism, what some scholars refer to as a "myth"; like the story of the fall and the atonement, for the followers of Joseph Smith the story of the apostasy and restoration came to define the world and their place in it.
Source: Appendix D: Bibliographical Note on Latter-day Saint Writings on the Apostasy

Did you catch that? The Mormon teaching about us being so-called "apostates" is not some secondary obscure teaching. Rather, this Mormon writer concedes it's "Central" -- "became the central teaching of Mormonism"...and he says, that's how they defined their world and place in it.

Bottom line: If the Christian church didn't apostatize, no need existed for Smith to start his church. Therefore, the Mormon churchlife is 100% dependent upon their claim that the Christian church died en toto!

231 posted on 04/18/2011 8:52:30 PM PDT by Colofornian (Jesus-as-friend doesn't let sinners dive dunk-free; it's good to let Jesus be your designated diver)
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To: Colofornian

Good night.

Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!

232 posted on 04/18/2011 8:56:06 PM PDT by wku man (Who says conservatives don't rock?
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To: wku man

Post #48, when Colofornian said:
“If you are auditioning to become a god, of course, you’ll be on your best behavior!”

Insulting, to say the least, and not at all indicative of the Mormons I know.

so the mormons you know are nasty rotters...

233 posted on 04/18/2011 8:56:46 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana
so the mormons you know are nasty rotters...Why yes. As we have learned from this thread, all Mormons are evil. Christians are cool though.
234 posted on 04/18/2011 9:02:53 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Quiet the Idiot)
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To: ScreamingFist
Oh please. I have Mormons, holy rollers and snake handlers living just down the road. We're neighbors. They are my friends.

"One of these things is not like the other..."

235 posted on 04/18/2011 9:34:12 PM PDT by Alex Murphy ("Posting news feeds, making eyes bleed, he's hated on seven continents")
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To: Tennessee Nana; Godzilla

When your slate is can throw stones.

236 posted on 04/18/2011 9:38:43 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Quiet the Idiot)
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To: Alex Murphy
"One of these things is not like the other..."

LOL! Oklahoma is the reddest state in America. Not one county, in the state, voted for obummer. We have Holy Rollers, Mormons, Jews, Baptists, Methodists, Snake handlers, muslims and Catholics and a dozen other. We take care of each other. Who are you to tell us?

237 posted on 04/18/2011 9:47:04 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Quiet the Idiot)
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To: wku man
Your campaign against the LDS Church is unnecessary, at best. At worst, your Mormon-bashing is only making yourselves look like hateful, bigoted, meddling busybodies.

Unfortunately your understanding of Mormoan teachings is limited or you would not be able to make the statements which you have.

I have met people who are all and everything but Christians who are nice, pleasant people. But if you recall Satan himself did deceive Eve and i doubt very much he presented himself as anything but "nice and pleasant' or she would not have given him the time of day.

It is the teachings of the Mormon church which are in direct opposition to the Scriptures and the known Truths of the Christian faith which posters are addressing. As a Christian we are called to defend our faith as well as put down false tea chings and expose them, just as Christ taught that we should.

His example was clear as He faced down the religious teachers of His day...using terms such as "white washed hyypocrites"..."Brood of Vipers"...and various other names and Woes He spoke against them.

Mormonism teaches a false and very dangerous religion which keeps people in bindage to rites, rituals and a host of other false and deadly statements which keep people from the true risen Christ of Christianity. This is why pretty much the entire Christian community has determined Mormonism is NOT Christian for it is a false reliion masking as truth.

Some base their opinions on "expereinces" with people...and often times do not see the danger they are in until they find themselves bound and gaged. It is wise not to believe persons until you've researched more deeply than accepting a simple kind word or action...motives matter as does the source of their actions as well their intent.

Wolfs do mask as sheep....never as the wolfs that they are.

238 posted on 04/18/2011 10:09:12 PM PDT by caww
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To: Osage Orange
That's funny....I've known plenty of mormon's that don't own any weapons. None.

They'd do well to follow Mormon John Moses Browning's example, rather than Joey Smith's.
239 posted on 04/18/2011 10:17:27 PM PDT by rickomatic
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To: Alex Murphy
<>P>"One of these things is not like the other..."

Apparently, you are so timid you can't display a state flag in profile. How......errrrr. Well, I'll be here in Oklahoma. We like Catholics here.

240 posted on 04/18/2011 10:32:41 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Quiet the Idiot)
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