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An appeal to my cessationist brothers: Are New Testament Miracles Still Operational in the Church Today?
Christian Post ^ | 01/03/2023 | Will Vining

Posted on 01/03/2023 8:58:41 AM PST by SeekAndFind

The desire of this note is to appeal to those who hold to cessationist doctrine; who believe the miraculous gifts of the Spirit are not operational in the Church today. My hope is that this does not come off as an attack, but as an appeal or open letter. Perhaps, opening your heart for further evaluation of continuationism.

I’ve noticed in my discussion with those who hold to cessationist doctrines a few words that typically draw criticism, one particular word being, “experience.” Now, my theology indeed is affected by experience but this in no way ought to devalue it, if, and only if, it can be supported by Scripture.

I would like to address this rebuttal first. When I use the word "experience," I am referring to a sequence of events that I’ve witnessed or partook in. The cessationist will argue that experience does not trump Scripture, which is a sentiment both the continuationist and cessationist agree on.

However, to say experience in no way can shape one’s theology is misguided. Consider a man who is in practice to become a surgeon. During his schooling, he has studied and trained for surgical operations and understands the text inside and out. Yet, once that surgeon performs his first few operations, his experience will begin to mold his understanding of his schooling. In the same way, it’s one thing for a boxer to study his opponent’s fatal right hook. It’s a whole other to catch one to the jaw in a bout. Experience can be a great tool to shape one’s understanding as long as the foundation it’s forged upon is Scripture.

In my experience, I have had many instances where I’ve seen prophetic words from my own utterances come to pass. For those who’ve had specific moments where they’ve felt the presence of God come upon them in a dream, vision, or time of worship, it can bring them to a theological crossroad.

The cessationist may say, "Your prophetic dreams are nothing more than happenstance or fragments of your mind." Or worse, they may say the devil is leading you by his will. However, in my experience, my prophetic words have brought about not only repentance, but in some cases, salvation. Scripture comes alive, “But if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in while everyone is prophesying, they are convicted of sin and are brought under judgment by all.” (1 Cor 14:24)

What am I to say in this instance? That this prophetic word was a figment of my good will? Or I was being led by a demon?

No, the most logical conclusion is to read the message from Paul and say, “Ah, yes. This is what Paul was talking about when he was addressing prophecy, for it happened just like he said it would.”

Pertaining to the gift of tongues, when this particular gift of the Spirit operates in its capacity, I feel it triggers some of the soul's most intimate prayers (James 4:5) and is in a way “hidden communication to the Father;” a language only the believer and the Trinity can distinguish (of course enabled by the Holy Spirit). Even the believer has trouble distinguishing what his own spirit is yearning (1 Cor 14:14) yet the Father perfectly understands. Yes, I’m speaking of tongues as a hidden language, but I’m also aware of the ability to speak in foreign tongue.

In the same way as prophecy, the gift of tongues can be abused all the more. We observe those who abuse or make a spectacle of the gifts and can be prone to shape our theology not on Scripture but through our contempt for those who make a mockery of the faith. In many cessationists' rolodex is an array of off-the-wall preachers, those of the likes of Kenneth Copeland. Cessationists use examples like this as a basis for their argument I dare say more than Scripture. Abuse of a particular thing can sour one’s perception of it. Take alcohol, for example: we can admire a bride and groom toasting with champagne, yet we despise the drunkard rambling about. It is not the gift of alcohol at fault, but it is the way in which it is consumed.

I feel this is why Paul was prompted to write, “Do not despise prophecy and do not forbid speaking in tongues.” He understood that if the gift is misused, it will be something to be despised.

In my personal experience with tongues, sometimes it has come during crucial moments of spiritual battle. On the rare occasion, I’ve cast out devils, praying in tongues throws them into a sense of panic and then rage. (These stories are for another note, but the mystery of it is worth mentioning.)

Those gifted with tongues have a unique ability to work in a supernatural capacity, while other believers in the Church look at them in perplexity. This is the way I believe the Father would like the Church to work, in unity and humility, depending on one another. Yet, the Lord also establishes safeguards via discernment to protect the Church in regards to prophecy and (1 Cor 14:27) in regard to tongues (1 Cor. 14:27).

The natural question that derives from the mystery of these gifts is: Why?

Why does the Lord operate in this way? If we wish to take the strangeness from the Bible, we shall remove a good deal of it. Cessationists tend to be more of an academic mindset, and this is a compliment. However, I have observed academics do not have a good spot for strangeness; it does not file on the shelf neatly.

What I have come to believe is, perhaps when the Lord communicates mysteriously it unifies the Church. This principle can be seen in a parent relaying a message to their children. A father could simply tell his children, "I’m taking you on a trip to Disneyland!" This would surely communicate the message and be effective. However, a father could also deliver the same message while simultaneously generating unity among his family. He could bring the same children together and say, “I have given each of you bits of a message and I want you to work together to figure out what it says. I have given you all the tools you will need to figure it out, now go!”

The father in the latter example has communicated the same message, but he has also given them so much more: unity. Now, does the Lord only communicate in mystery? No, but the idea is He does. What makes the miraculous gifts different is they’re strange and require three qualities.

* Faith

* Humility

* Discernment

Faith in the sense that one must believe these gifts do operate in the modern church. One must believe they actually operate or should not expect to see anything miraculous.

Humility in the sense of trusting your brother or sister in the faith. In the same way that I’d much rather ask a dentist to remove my aching tooth than a carpenter, the Lord might rely on those who are gifted with certain abilities He has given them. The rest of the Body must not come to the conclusion the Lord is not communicating with that individual just because the Lord does not communicate in that way with them. Therefore, much humility is needed to admit that the Lord is choosing to speak with your brother or sister this way, and not you. One man may see an algebraic equation and see gibberish, while another man sees a coded message that he’s able to decipher. We should not discard the category of math because one man is not gifted in algorithms. No, we ought to rely on our gifted brother to solve these problems.

Lastly, discernment is needed. We ought to not be gullible to believe any man with “a word from God.” This is also why there are specific instructions in Corinthians to show us how to interpret and use such gifts. Additionally, the New Testament goes into great detail in several books listing the qualities of false teachers and prophets.

The Catch 22 in this case is that cessationists will not experience the miraculous because their faith does not make room for it (Romans 14:2). This is why I set out to write this appeal. Perhaps at a bare minimum, I have shown my cessationist brothers that we continuationists love the Lord and there are faithful God-fearing continuationists.

We do not like being called heretics or misguided saints. I’ve said it many times, “Either I hear the voice of the Lord, or I need a CAT scan. There’s no middle ground.”

If you’re curious to learn from some great teachers who are continuationists (or lean in that direction), here are some I would recommend: Matt Chandler, Mike Winger, John Piper, and Sam Storms. (Note: I know none of these men personally but I have learned from them on the topic of spiritual gifts.)

TOPICS: Current Events; History; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: cessationism; godissovereign; miracles
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1 posted on 01/03/2023 8:58:41 AM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

Well, since my family has experienced them, I’m gonna say yes.

2 posted on 01/03/2023 9:08:37 AM PST by cuban leaf (My prediction: Harris is Spiro Agnew. We'll soon see who becomes Gerald Ford, and our next prez.)
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To: SeekAndFind

Of course

3 posted on 01/03/2023 9:21:47 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: cuban leaf

Can you share with us what sort of miracle it was?

4 posted on 01/03/2023 9:23:18 AM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

Well, the Pope finally died.

5 posted on 01/03/2023 9:27:34 AM PST by GingisK
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To: SeekAndFind

Why would miracles cease?

Years ago, one of my sons was thrown thru the broken windshield of my car which went out of control and flipped twice. He landed on the pavement. He was only three months old.

He survived which was a miracle in itself. But it goes further. The doctors at the hospital gave us little hope of his survival. They told me that IF he did survive there was no doubt he would have serious brain damage. He had skull fractures. There was really nothing they could do for him.

A few days later our church prayed for him. He was home from the hospital in less than a week and the doctors were amazed. They didn’t know what to make of his recovery.

He grew up to be a straight A student, with no issues. Now a healthy man. Miracle....absolutely.

6 posted on 01/03/2023 9:35:09 AM PST by xenia ( “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell)
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To: cuban leaf

I agree with you. I have had numerous unexplainable miracles in my life and with my family.

7 posted on 01/03/2023 9:42:45 AM PST by frogjerk (More people have died trusting the government than not trusting the government.)
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To: xenia

Glory to GOD!

8 posted on 01/03/2023 9:43:18 AM PST by frogjerk (More people have died trusting the government than not trusting the government.)
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To: SeekAndFind
Yes, miracles still occur maybe not as frequently as in previous generations because faith is at an all time low.

Matthew 13:56-58

And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence therefore hath he all these things? And they were scandalized in his regard. But Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief.

9 posted on 01/03/2023 9:46:38 AM PST by frogjerk (More people have died trusting the government than not trusting the government.)
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To: xenia
Similar to your experience, I've been involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Mine was in 2016, and I'm a fully adult human.

I slid along the pavement for quite a while--not sure how far because I lost consciousness multiple times during the event. Road rash (essentially burn wounds) from my neck to my toes on both sides, broken ribs on both sides and could not sleep without a breathing machine and oxygen, eight broken toes, bones broken in my feet, left ulna and radius were broken and the halves were overlapping each other as well as sticking out of my arm.

All this happened during rush hour traffic in a major city. Did not get hit by a car, and I was back at work in a month.

I KNOW there are miracles today, and I've experienced my fair share of them.

10 posted on 01/03/2023 9:50:32 AM PST by ShadowAce (Linux - The Ultimate Windows Service Pack )
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To: frogjerk


11 posted on 01/03/2023 9:51:11 AM PST by xenia ( “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell)
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To: SeekAndFind

1. When I was 14 years old and had a 25 pound hay bailing hook falling on my head. I was going to run but was told to hold still. I argued, what do you mean hold still there’s a… “If you move, you’ll die.” My brothers were with me and did not hear a voice. All I know is that I knew which direction I was going to run, and the hook fell just beside that side of me.
2. A few years ago, God brought a stranger’s, smiling face into my prayer life and told me to, “pray for his head, there’s nothing wrong.” This is a man who was new to our church, and sat at the very back. The prayer request came for six weeks, and then, one Saturday night, “now tell him you’re praying for him.” I reluctantly forced myself to introduce myself to him after the next day service. As I fumbled through, his smile broadened, he grabbed one hand, and then both of my hands, and said, “oh, you have no idea what wonderful news this is. I am on my last stop before leaving for Japan as a missionary — I don’t need money and have support (that totally cracked me up, as if he’s totally used to people expecting a request for money whenever he says, he’s a missionary). Everything is all set except about six weeks ago I became afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to learn the language, and now you’re telling me that God had me covered the whole time.“
3. At church, I had just gotten a copy of “the message” and opened it up for the first time, and God told me to give it to a total Goth, drug abusing, scowling young man in black sitting alone a few seats behind me. I was ticked. I hadn’t even read it yet, but I reluctantly gave him the Bible, said, “I just got this, and I believe God just told me to give it to you.” And I’m sure my tone came through I’m afraid. The next Sunday he gave me a thank you note written on the corner, torn off from a looseleaf piece of paper, the only thank you note I’d received for any gift in years.
Fast forward a few years when I am helping with vacation Bible school and we’re sharing “God stories.“ I told her about having to give away my new Bible, and she said “that was you!?” “What do you mean that was me?” “that was my brother Michael, you gave the Bible to. When he was put in jail, he only asked for one thing, that Bible. He told me where it was in his room.” He was saved in jail, gave the Bible to a friend of his, who was also in jail, who also got saved.

Michael was killed by an IED in Iraq (God’s ways are not ours), and I gave his mom a copy of the thank you note framed. His friend who was also saved, is now a working family man with children.

These experiences were unspeakably humbling, strangely frightening, and had everything to do with God, and nothing to do with me.

There are more, but yes, regardless of what name you use, the Holy Spirit is active yesterday, today, and forever.

12 posted on 01/03/2023 9:51:23 AM PST by WhattheDickens? (Funny, I didn’t think this was 1984…)
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To: SeekAndFind

Many. Two healings, one of God speaking, Several of seeing dead people comforting.

One weird one, and the flimsiest:

As my wife and were driving to Indianapolis a week ago, we passed a spot where she said she saw an accident on a drive through there a few months ago on the other side of the highway (I-65). She said she actually saw the guy’s face and the terror in his eyes. It went like this:

He was going really fast, the road was slippery, and he slid off to the left side, and then the car caught traction and shot across to the other side where it hit some sort of bump, went airborn and slammed into a big tree. She was taking our grandaughter back home from a visit and told her not to look. She said there is no way the guy could have survived hitting that tree.

No big deal, except when my wife finished the story I said to her, isn’t that exactly how our son died 11 months ago in Chicago? That thought had never crossed her mind. And the accident she “saw” was never reported. I’ll add that seeing such an accident would be extremely rare, and one that goes down EXACTLY the way your son was killed in an accident just months before is also really, really odd. Further, what caused the car to “catch” on a wet freeway and go airborn just before hitting the tree?

Our son was on a two lane road in very icy conditions in the chicago area last January and most of the road was just dry. Except he hit an ice patch, slid to the left side, it caught on the dry pavement, shot over to the right side, then hit a culvert and went airborn, to slam into a very large tree trunk on the other side of the culvert.

BTW, a related “miracle” was our grandaughter getting off the phone and walking from the kitchen into her bedroom, shortly after her uncle died (our son), When she opened the bedroom door, it was bright white light everywhere and she saw her blood grandfather (died before she was born), and then her recently deceased uncle join him. They smiled at her and walked away. It gave her a huge peace about the whole thing.

And Then there is my wife driving home from the hospital just before her first husband (our grandaughter’s blood grandfather I just mentioned) died. She was so agitated that she pulled off the road and started yelling at God and beating the dashboard and steering wheel. Suddenly a voice as clear as though it was someone sitting in the back seat said, “Be at peace, child.” Immediately calm washed over her body like warm water. She started up the car and drove off, completely calm.

And then, in the late 60’s, my wife’s family was in the kitchen in Chicago having some family time in the early evening, and her 10 year old younger sister came in from her bedroom and said she wanted to say goodbye to “papa” (grandfather). They explained to her that he was not there and is at home in california. But she insisted that he came into the room and said goodbye and she didn’t get a chance to hug him (or something like that). Well, she was so insistent that even at the price of long distance calls back then, they called his house, only to get his brother on the line and he said he had just passed and they were about to call to let them know.

And several more.

God is real. The Unseen Realm is real. Eternity is real.

13 posted on 01/03/2023 9:53:29 AM PST by cuban leaf (My prediction: Harris is Spiro Agnew. We'll soon see who becomes Gerald Ford, and our next prez.)
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To: ShadowAce

Wow. I know how serious motorcycle accidents can be. Even a minor accident can prove fatal. No protection. We have a motorcycle and have ridden for years. Haven’t had any accidents riding.

I don’t know why people want to discredit miracles, even when they are so obvious. When you think about it, life itself is a miracle.

14 posted on 01/03/2023 9:59:16 AM PST by xenia ( “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell)
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To: SeekAndFind


I do remember one sermon on prophecy. The pastor got up on the pulpit and said he could prophecy that morning. It did catch my attention and maybe is the reason I can still remember it.

Anyway, his major point is that we are ALL called to be prophets. A simplified version of many prophetic messages in the Bible is this:


That is a part of prophecy we should all be doing, taking time to warn and correct people. But that is offensive I will admit.

Now a further point. There is a verse in the Bible that says the essence of all prophecy is Jesus Christ. I will let you find it on your own.

So fellow prophets, how busy are you? Think about it.

15 posted on 01/03/2023 10:07:43 AM PST by PeterPrinciple (Thinking Caps are no longer being issued but there must be a warehouse full of them somewhere.)
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To: cuban leaf

Am sorry to hear about your son. What I didn’t mention is my accident was also in Chicago. My 2-1/2 year old son died in the accident. I believe God miraculously spared the infant or I don’t know if I could have survived losing two.

Interesting reading what you wrote. “God is real. The Unseen Realm is real. Eternity is real.” YES YES

16 posted on 01/03/2023 10:10:45 AM PST by xenia ( “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell)
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To: SeekAndFind

Here is what I haven’t seen in 50 years as a Christian: A prophet whose prophecies ALWAYS come true, and a healer who regularly heals believers with serious issues.

I’ve never seen a blind man given his sight by someone with the gift of healing. Not for real. And every “prophet” I’ve met or heard also made false prophesies.

OF COURSE God still does miracles. When He wants. Where He wants.

And yes, we are commanded to pray for the sick. Got it!

This is about “gifts” of healing or of prophesy, given like they were to the Apostles! And I haven’t seen anything remotely like that.

17 posted on 01/03/2023 10:14:00 AM PST by Mr Rogers (We're a nation of feelings, not thoughts.)
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To: cuban leaf

I by no means obtain that gift, but I can tell you this …two days ago I had a teachable moment by God about the rapture. I have been battling and praying about the pre, mid and post tribulation doctrine for quite sometime now and out of the blue, the Lord showed me something very interesting. And Since that moment without a shadow of a doubt I believe that we will be rapture before the great and terrible day of the Lord. He gave me an example He said, look at the drag queens reading books to children in the library, and only a few are there to listen to that evil. Then he said again look at Kirk Cameron, how he drew hundreds to the library of those who sill hunger after righteousness. Compare and hear what the spirit of the Lord says. This was just a sliver of an example God bestowed on and nothing more. But I do know because the word of God says that in the latter days the antichrist and Satan will rule the world for a very short period of time. So the church HAS to be removed before the antichrist can accomplish his mission here on earth. The spirit filled children of God are still a hindrance to Satan’s plan and agenda. There’s still too many faith filled Bible believing lovers of God in this world for Satan to make a bigger dent on the sheeples and world….so brothers and sisters we are almost at the finish line, but before then we must continue to work feverishly to presented salvation to loved ones and a dying world. So with that child of the living God, look up for our redemption draws nigh.

18 posted on 01/03/2023 10:14:26 AM PST by RoseofTexas
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To: RoseofTexas


19 posted on 01/03/2023 10:16:43 AM PST by cuban leaf (My prediction: Harris is Spiro Agnew. We'll soon see who becomes Gerald Ford, and our next prez.)
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To: SeekAndFind

In the same way as prophecy, the gift of tongues can be abused all the more.

We are clearly warned about miracles, speaking in tongues, etc. In fact, but for God’s grace, every one of us could be fooled, the deceivers are that good at what they do. I will let you find it yourself in the Bible.

So, the big question is How do you test the situation?


20 posted on 01/03/2023 10:18:59 AM PST by PeterPrinciple (Thinking Caps are no longer being issued but there must be a warehouse full of them somewhere.)
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