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To: Chuckmorse
The Communist Threat
Free Pass on Chechnya
Missiles bolstered opposite Taiwan
Taiwan security concerns prompt US military plan
Russian Mobs Becoming More Active in U.S.
U.S. Businesses Help China Suppress Internet
U.S. Probes U.N.-Funded Abortions in China
China's Hu Warns U.S. on Taiwan
U.S. Capitalists Spread China's Communist Propaganda
Chinese Order Olympic Crackdown
How the U.S. Can Free China's Internet
Russia's Gen. Lebed Latest Top Politician to Die
Rot at the top: America's Marxist-Dominated Universities
U.S. Government Warns Cuba on Bio Weapons Program
Shanghai cybercafes shut down
Group Says Chinese Arrested Lama
One giant leap for China?
George Bush Sr. meets Jiang Zemin
Media Silent on Pipe Bomber's Leftism
US Planes For The Chinese Air Force, Warships For The UAE
Falun Gong hijack TV in second Chinese city
Japan-China spat over North Koreans
U.S. Delegation to China: Another Whitewash in the Making
China Attacks Unhappy Workers
CNN called Castro's 'megaphone'
Activists: More North Koreans Expected to Flee into China
Taiwan to spend 20.3 billion dollars on weapons in 10 years
Chinese leaders seek allies against US encirclement
Warning - following story may produce vile convulsions - Bush's love of Pootie-Poot Putin
A REMINDER: 'Pootie-Poot Putin takes 30,000 North Korean slaves to work in Siberian gulags
Exporting weapons draws U.S. sanctions
China Threatens Punitive Tariffs
China Wants Manned Base on the Moon 'For the Benefit of Humanity'
The Great Firewall of China - Beijing Developing Electronic Chains to Enslave Its People
China Embraces Rogue States While Condemning Terror
China Still Building Ties With 'Axis of Evil'
China Called a Potential Threat
Red China's Military Benefits From American Giveaways
Chinese preparing new cyber-attacks
NATO Pact Leaves China Cold
China Seeks Tiananmen Papers Source
Police say offices of anti-Castro groups firebombed
Book On Red Army Rapes In Berlin Angers Russians
Anti-communist Angolans fight for life
Russian spy base: No help to China
Russia Has Increased Its Spying Against the U.S.
Putin Insists China Ties Remain Strong
Apartment bomber Putin to discuss terror tactics with Ashcroft
US says China provided Pakistan with missile-related tech
Castro Holds March For Socialism
China Helps Pakistan Build Jet Fighter
Chinese Police Arrest Farmer
Stalin was their darling
Russia tops US arms exports
China Rejects Asylum Release Demand
False START- The Great Nuclear Swindle in Moscow
China Cafe Owner Ordered Arrested
Beijing's web users angry at shutdown
Poll revival for Czech Communists
Independent media fighting for survival in Russia
43-Year Struggle Against Castro
North Koreans 'forced to eat grass'
China trained Taliban
U.S.-China tensions over farm trade
U.S. warns Israel against future arms sales to China; fear explosion of Taiwan hostilities
Red China’s one-child policy spurs child-slave trade
U.S. 'Asleep' While China Builds Military
China stops BBC World broadcast
China facing AIDs catastrophe
Russian journalists get sacked for asking Putin questions about state corruption
Mine tragedy puts spotlight on Chinese sleaze
Joint China/Russia military exercise speculated to target America set for August!
Russian police state 'extremist bill' designed to crush political dissidents fueled by spate of exploding signs
Human remains discovered under Russian Supreme Court - consequence of communism or elite sacrifice?
Mass shutdown of Chinese internet cafes by totalitarian red government
China's military on parade
China-Russia wargames confirmed
China Considers Russian Missile
Russia oversees secret permanent war preparedness plan
Over 900 Ill After China Vaccine, Officials Nabbed
The Assassination of Russia (film exposing Putin/FSB terror operation as pretext for war on Chechens)
RELATED ARTICLE: Russian tycoon blames Moscow for blasts
China denies threat to Taiwan
Bush continues to sell out to totalitarian communist China
Here's the result: China taking advantage of U.S. friendship, now a bigger threat than ever
Britain tasks China over weapons spread (arming terrorists)
China sets up anti-terrorist police force
Net watchdog blasts China Web rules
China force women returning to country into abortion
Moscow residents have water turned off when Lord Putin is in town
U.S. sanctions 8 Chinese firms for unlawful sale of arms, germ-weapons materials to Iran
China denies selling weapons to Iran
China tests arms designed to fool defense systems
CHINA'S MILITARY MIGHT - A question of strategy
Taiwan warns on China military
Russian military accused of executing Chechen men to thin the population
China slams U.S. for denying money to kill babies
China Cos. Deny Weapons Accusations
Russia accused of 'thinning out' Chechen youths
China 'snatched exiled dissidents' - say goodbye to your organs
China accuses US of 'ulterior motives and malicious intent' in Falun Gong resolution
China's bogus medicines kill thousands a year
Don't be fooled - China is not squeaky clean
China: Second child to cost parents eight years' pay
Russian-Chinese pact a 'great game' victim
What the Pentagon's China report tells us
China is developing high-tech weaponry to wage war against USA and is fooling the world on its long-term goals
NWO lieutenant Sumner Redstone set to export MTV to China
China wary of US-ASEAN anti-terrorism agreement
Russia holds biggest post-Soviet military exercises to flex muscles in Caspian
China repeats refusal to renounce force against Taiwan
China hails Jiang's military prowess
China Increases Censorship of Internet
'Stunned' US tells Putin its nuclear fear of Iran
China's changing of the guard
China intensifies its war exercises
Russia confirms hundreds missing in Chechnya as massacre continues
China Warns Taiwanese President
Red Chinese state run media lashes Taiwan's Chen over referendum
Eleven killed in Chechen ambush
Terror in China - Zhizhen Dai's husband was kidnapped, tortured and killed by the Chinese authorities
China’s "war on terrorism"-brutal repression of ethnic unrest in Xinjiang
Taiwan cancels crucial military exercise to appease China
Putin’s new summer palace to cost £120m - while Russian schools crumble
Russian mob plotted attack on high ranking US military officer
Japanese scholar attacked for suggesting China wants an India-Pakistan nuclear war
Russia Hides Information That Could Save Lives in War on Terror
China holds rebels in Soviet-style asylums
China 'sending dissidents to mental hospitals'
Red Dragon Rising
China announces 'final' space test
N.Korea's Kim Jong-il to visit Russia this month - I wonder if he'll have some more to Mr. Putin
Russia makes waves in the Caspian
Russia plans to invade Georgia
China accuses Taiwan VP of trying to 'split' China
Iraq and Russia are close to signing a $40 billion economic cooperation plan
UN's Robinson 'concerned' over China: meanwhile the UN continue to advocate forced state abortion in China
Russian 'Satan' nukes to be refurbished and operational for another 12 years: While Bush leaves the US wide open by dismantling M.A.D. - Putin has 50 of these warheads aimed at America
Hereditary dictator Kim Jong-il rolls into Russia
The Bear and the Dragon mean business
Russia Warns America and Israel Away From Iraq
The New World Order - BBC Article
Popular Writer Calls Globalization the New World Order
Exposing the Links Between Communism, The Illuminati, and Islamic Terrorism
The 45 Goal of Communism
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto.
China Is One With Arafat
N. Korea Says U.S. Being Aggressive
Nato and Russia seal new ties
China's military has been increasing aerial intercepts of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft flying in international airspace along China's coast
CNN's 'Commie Dictator' Influence?
Moscow supporting terrorism?
Questions for President Putin
Putin speaks of New World Order
China puts forth proposal on promotion, protection of human rights
Bush and Putin Agree to Reduce Stockpile of Nuclear Warheads
Beijing produces videos glorifying terrorst attacks on 'arrogant' US
Castro's Planes Fly Over U.S. Despite Terrorist Ties
North Korea Lashes Out At Bush And Refuses To Talk
Exposing the Links Between Communism, The Illuminati, and Islamic Terrorism
China Assisting Us in War Against US' Says Taliban Commander
The Russian Connection - And Putin's US Travel Ban
Claims that China paid Bin Laden to see cruise missiles
China to relocate 64,000 villagers
Moscow 'vehemently' opposes attacks on Iraq
USA promises to remove economic barriers for Russia
China to Build Stem Cell Complex
US Likely To Put Anti-Chinese ICBM Missile Shield In Afghanistan
N. Korea Says in 'Full Combat Preparedness' for US
Castro calls September 11 attacks a hard hit for leftist movements
Sept. 11 Funds Aid Leftist Groups; Critics Charge 'Abuse'
Blair Plans Wider Role For Russia with Nato
Russian Officials Ordered Not to Travel to U.S. - What Did They Know?
Russian Military Suspected as Source of Anthrax
U.S. May Waive China Sanctions
Moscow Attacks Bush Over War
China Supports bin Laden And The Taliban
The Taliban Reaches Out To China
Is China Moving In?
Our New 'Friends' Are Killers, Crooks And Torturers
Russia Steps Up Arms For Iran
Rumors of China's Acquisition of US Missiles From Taliban Groundless
The price of China's cooperation
How Russia Benefits
Bush 'will visit China'
China Strengthens Ties with Taliban by Signing Economic Deal
US Briefs China on Missile Defence
Powell dubs China a US friend
Secret US deal with Putin over ABM treaty
US welcomes Putin offer to cut more arms
China urges arms control talks after U.S. exits treaty
North Korea Vows Arms Build-Up To Cope With US
Russia Checkmated It's New Best Friend
US Will Again Ask China To Stop Giving Pakistan Missile Technology
Book says China involved in 9-11 attacks
As the War Shifts Alliances, Oil Deals Follow
China Supports Palestine's Peace Efforts
Russia backs U.S. gun-control advocates
Chinese ammo found in al-Qaida hideouts
China simulates attacks on U.S. carriers
China warns Israel over Awacs
China executes corrupt officials
Inside the Ring
Is Beijing using terror networks?
China preparing missile defence
'Constructive' Blair-Putin talks end
Japan sinks 'North Korea spying ship'
Heightening tensions along border part of China's gameplan
Mr. Putin's Latest 'Spy'
Harry Wu slams U.S.-China trade policy
Beijing Continues Its Preparations for War
Chinese Death Ruling for Banned Sect
Kid-glove treatment for China
North Korea pledges "do or die spirit" to guard socialism
China Court Indicts Hong Kong Man For Importing Bibles
Thousands Of Russian Prisoners Are still Suffering In Gulag Archipelago
Problems with euro in Poland and Russia
State Department Investigates Jailing of Christian Man in China
China's Role in WTC Attack on America is Revealed
CIA Highlights China Missile Threat
Russia signs contract to build two destroyers for Chinese Navy
Corruption Charges Rock China's Leaders
CIA: China Expected to Target U.S.
Bush Plans Visit to Asian Countries
Report upgrades China's threat as a nuclear power
China Strengthens Ties with Taliban by Signing Economic Deal
Beijing produces videos glorifying terrorist attacks on 'arrogant' US
Doctors Worried as Americans Get Organs of Chinese Inmates
Court closes Russia's last independent TV station
China releases American-educated democracy activist
China concerned at electronic threats to moral standards
Kim sells workers to gulags in debt deal
Russia-U.S. military partnership sought
Pakistan And China Renew Defence Cooperation Commitment
China Finds Bugs on Jet Equipped in U.S.
Communist party takes back power in Berlin
The New China Syndrome
Blackout in Russia
Silencing Critics of the Kremlin
Book says China involved in 9-11 attacks
Putin Signs Major Russian Arms Modernization Plan
Chinese Enter Afghan Arena
U.S. Hits China with Sanctions Over Arms Sales

Zimbabwe - Russian Mercenaries Helping Mugabe?
China Leads World In GM Crop Cultivation
China a Terrorist Threat to U.S., Dissident Wu Warns
UPI - 'Seed Of Fire' By Gordon Thomas Has 'Explosive Implications'
Booming Chinese Black Market In Stolen Babies
Beijing continues anti-satellite work
China Slams Bush Over 'Evil Axis' Speech
China Wants Its Own 'New World Order' To Oppose US Version
China buys U.S. satellite data to target Taiwan
India, Russia negotiate billion-dollar arms deal
Scholar Claims Nighmares From China
Secret Report Shows China Using Canada To Infiltrate US
China 'extreme' on sects
Over 40 Foreign Falungong Followers Held For Beijing Protest
China Prepares to Execute Christians
Jiang: China Has Freedom of Religion
China Is Treated More Gently Than North Korea for Same Sin
Soviet style comes in from the cold
Chinese leader lost for words as he meets press
Bush Tells China US Will Defend Taiwan If It Is Attacked
Inside the Ring
Beijing to acquire espionage network?
Moscow Condemns US 'Arrogance' On Iraq
Chinese kids get jabs to delay puberty
Moscow charges 'genocide' in Kosovo
Russian Duma Calls for Milosevic to be Set Free!
Will Bush fund China's eugenics program?
China cuts power, water to elderly Christians
N. Korea Tortures Christians, Diverts Food Aid, Doctor Claims
Kissinger Says China Not a Communist Country
Former ally links Putin to Moscow blasts
Falun Gong Hijacks China City's TV Airwaves
Berezovsky Says Putin Knew About FSB Role
Putin knew of terror bombings, says exile
Berezovsky Promises to Show Film in London
Putin foe links him to '99 bombings Tycoon says Russia was behind deadly blasts blamed on Chechens
FSB Says It's Building a Case of Its Own
Chinese peasants take revenge after being given HIV
Russian Customs Seize Terror Tape
China's Insecurity Complex
Mikhail Gorbachev: Communism was `pure propaganda'
Moscow: U.S. betrays memory of 9-11
Moscow awaiting 'friendly nuclear strike'
Jiang Asks China's Army To Prepare For 'Military Struggle'
China Is a Threat to America
China's army to prepare for 'military struggle'
Russia 'will stand by coalition even if Iraq is attacked'
North Koreans take refuge in embassy
China Summons US Ambassador to Make Representations
China lashes out at US over `nuclear blackmail'
Feminist Betty Friedan (Friedman)'s Stalinist/Marxist Agenda
China issues stern warning over US actions on Taiwan
Russian Mafia Has Kremlin Connections
China And Pakistan Sign New Military Agreements
Inside the Ring China missile test
China to launch 3rd unmanned spaceship 'within days': paper
Cuba Insists Bush Behind Castro's Hasty Summit Exit
How Communist is Public Education?
Digital Angel Corporation Opens 'Research Center' In China
China Detains Falun Gong Followers
37,500 Beijing families earn less than $60 a month
China assembles missiles near coast facing Taiwan
Arrests reported over Falun Gong TV transmission in northern China
N. Korea To Resume Talks With U.s.
China and EU Enjoying Best Relations Ever in History: Jiang
Falun Gong Followers In the U.S. Sue China
US grants N Korea nuclear funds
President Jiang Zemin Meets Former French President
Red China’s Military Benefits From American Giveaways
Moscow Continues Its Brutal War in Chechnya
Bush's Reckless Talk Gives China The Jitters
Japan may go nuclear, hawk tells Beijing
China's Jiang on sensitive mission
Russia Says It Uncovers CIA Spy Ring
China's killing spree doubles world's execution toll
Russian troops ‘using rape as weapon’
China Estimates It Has 850,000 HIV Carriers
Chinese-Made Rockets Found in Kabul
White House backs strong defense of Taiwan
Russians: CIA Used Drugs to Recruit
China’s Blood Trail and the AIDS Genocide  Begins and Ends With The Rockefeller Cartel
Putin presses EU over energy exports
China United Front for Chinese Air Force
Nato invites Putin to seal new relationship
Trulock: CIA Director Aided Cover-up of Clinton-China Scandal
Diplomatic Mobilization of China, Part 1
Putin Seeks Strong Ties With NATO and China
Report: Russians Arming the IRA
Chinese President Meets Iranian Supreme Leader
China's net usage leaps to second in world
Cohen: 'Dirty Bomb' Could Come From Russia
Religious persecution in Russia?
China's net usage leaps to second in world
CIA Warns of Chinese Plans for Cyber-Attacks on U.S.
Japan begins smoothing China's ruffled feathers
Communists still most popular Russian party: Poll
A rough ride on the tiger
CIA Warns of Chinese Plans for Cyber-Attacks on U.S.
Sept. 11 Amuses Chinese Premier
UFOs spotted hovering over Beijing
China unemployment to triple in 4 years
Powerful governor dies in helicopter crash

12 posted on 05/06/2003 9:22:07 PM PDT by Coleus (RU-486 Kills Babies)
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To: Coleus

13 posted on 05/06/2003 9:24:30 PM PDT by Coleus (RU-486 Kills Babies)
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