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Chapter 1
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, 4
as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him.

All Christian should argue for the integrity of every individual person made in the image of God, and that the gospel, if we're going to be faithful to that gospel and faithful to biblical anthropology, requires us to be engaged as advocates for the sanctity of human life wherever we encounter it.

2224 The home is the natural environment for initiating a human being into solidarity and communal responsibilities. Parents should teach children to avoid the compromising and degrading influences which threaten human societies.

On May 17, 2003, Cardinal Arinze told the Georgetown University graduates that happiness is found not in the pursuit of material wealth or pleasures of the flesh, but by fervently adhering to religious beliefs, and spoke of the importance of family to the Catholic Church.

"In many parts of the world, the family is under siege", the cardinal said, according to a transcript of his remarks provided by the university. "It is opposed by an anti-life mentality as is seen in contraception, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. It is scorned and banalized by pornography, desecrated by fornication and adultery, mocked by homosexuality, sabotaged by irregular unions and cut in two by divorce."

This is from where my screen name was derived; I didn't really give it much thought and wanted to respond to a thread and needed to register.  I was thinking while looking up and this is what was in my field of vision so I said what the heck.

Anyone needing further information regarding the 6 pro-abortion Federal Judicial Appointments by President Bush, to the 3rd Circuit  ((NJ, PA, DE, and Virgin Islands) Court system in NJ,  please contact the Legal Center for the Defense of Life in Morristown, NJ.  This group of pro-life, republican lawyers are well informed and are privy to the records of their peers in the legal profession.  As of January 8, 2005 not one staff person from the white house or legislature have consulted with them regarding judicial appointments.  They can answer all of your questions.  Thank you.

Don't Forget to View my Free Republic LINKS page!  Every Freeper can save or "Bookmark" a thread and have it saved permanently on or in their links page which is kept on their profile page.

I was a Catholic Team Leader for the Bush/Cheney04 Campaign

Election 2004: The Role of "Moral Values"

Catholic Voices Voter Guides and Much More: 2nd Amendment, Pro-Family, etc.

Massachusetts: Catholic Issues Voter Guide

Politics And Logic by Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli, Diocese of Paterson

The NJ BUSH CAMPAIGN needs YOUR HELP with the 72-hour Task Force, Rally and Voter Guide Info, etc.

Why is Bush getting the bishop's blessing?

"Catholic University" bans pro-abortion speakers, Bishops to Catholic Politicians: Vote Pro Life

The Catholics for Bush website is now live!

Catholic Vote Will Decide Election

So what is the real story about Cardinal Ratzinger's statement? Can Catholics Vote Pro-Abortion?

School Choice and Aid to Private Schools

Fmr. Ambassador Ray Flynn: Democrats Exclude Catholics from the Democrat National

Catholics speak out on politics and religion

The Abortion Issue Has Little, if Any, Effect on the Catholic Vote

Answering Pro-Abortion Politicians


Breast Cancer Walkers Uninformed about Abortion Link, Komen Foundation gives to Planned Parenthood
Communism’s Resurgence

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record
Why Morality Matters
Compassionate Society Should Discourage Deadly Homosexual Behavior

Confessions of an Ex-Abortionist
Feminism's Third Wave
Global Warming: The Perversion of Science
Teaching Euthanasia (in American Catholic universities)

Full Text of the CAFTA Agreement (Available here)

America's Most Dangerous Gang
Ex-Sheriff Gets Probation in Schiavo Case
Scientists Create Brain Cells, Development of Treatments for Alzheimers and Parkinson's
Society must defend traditional wedlock

Largest, US Sexuality Survey In History Shows Gays Far More Likely To Engage In Criminal Activities

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Judaism’s Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism (and then Christianity) Rejected Homosexuality

Root Causes, Homosexual Consequences

New Jersey - Corruption and Scandal BUMP LIST

The Real History of the Crusades

Stopping Malaria

Take My Privacy, Please!

Fallacies About the Schiavo Case

How Abortion Hurts Women -- The Hard Proof

Folk Remedy, Food Spice May Fight Cancer (propolis, turmeric)

Science, Politics and Death

Defying the Death Culture (Stoke Victim Nearly Suffered the fate of Terri Schiavo)


National Cancer Institute: Male Breast Cancer Treatment

Russian health officials debunk “safe-sex” myth and promote abstinence in Moscow

An American Traitor: Guilty As Charged [Jane Fonda]

Why is HIV So Prevalent in Africa?

Uganda AIDSUganda Abstinence   Africa AIDS

Africa Activists Want Catholics to Back Condoms

You are the Mission Cross: The missionary crosses
of Spain were hammered out of durable wrought
iron. They are often decorated with hearts as a
sign of Christ's Sacred Heart and great love
for mankind.

What Kind of Cross are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

St. Pius X
You are Pope St. Pius X. You'd rather be right than

Which Twentieth Century Pope Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am a Constitutional Conservative who is Catholic and Pro Life. I believe in the constitution as it was written and the Bill of Rights, all 10 of them. I am anti-UN and anything International and Global, the USA is an independent and sovereign nation. I attended many freeps (I'm a member of the Tri-State Chapter of the FR) and frequently protest against pro-abortion candidates. I'm a member of the Knights of Columbus, 4th degree, the NRA as an instructor, Christian Coalition, American conservative Union; Concerned Women for America, American Life League, National Right to Life and the Republican Party as a dues-paying member and elected official.

 Polar Bear Plunge for the NJ Special Olympics, Try it and Join in the Fun, I did.

I've been a Lurker since 1999. I like Freeping, I am in the picture at the New York Freep, February 2, 2002, in New York City, Rally 4 I was also at the UN, TRT Rally, July, 2001

Happy Birthday President Ronald Wilson Reagan!!

Real Ronald Reagan



Screen name derivation: I was on the free republic and wanted to respond to a post. So, I needed a screen name quickly and the first thing I saw when I looked away from my computer screen was a bottle of vitamins: Coleus Forskohlii, I knew that I wouldn't know how to spell Forskohlii, so I just kept the Coleus part. If you want to know why I am taking that herbal supplement, freep mail me.


I am a dues-paying member of the following organizations, it costs a lot of money but I like helping these organizations and being kept informed. Many of the organizations are clickable: Heritage Foundation, American Conservative Union, Republican National Committee, NJ GOP, Christian Coalition: Christian Coalition National and State Christian Coalition

, Past President of the Holy Name Society, I still belong to my childhood Parish, in the middle of the ghetto, where I went from an altar boy for about 7 yrs. to Lector at the age of 16 and have been doing so for the past 24 years The Catholic League, Knights of Columbus , Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, Concerned Women For America, New Jersey Right to Life, American Life League, National Right to Life, Human Life International, United Seniors Association (Anti AARP-any republican who is a member of the AARP is an idiot, check it out United Seniors Association, National Rifle Association, NRA, Institute for Legislative Action, Instructor-National Rifle Association-Rifle, Shotgun and Muzzle Loader Rifle, Boy Scouts of America

Past President of my Municipal Republican Club. Former School Board Commissioner, County Committeeman-Republican Party, Certified Lifeguard for 23 yrs., Member of the Polar Bear Club; former EMT-A and First Aid Squad Member-6 yrs.; I am a pro-life activist and do sidewalk counseling to the mothers entering the abortion clinics. I try very hard to have them turn away and keep their babies. I join in protesting pro-abortion politicians (especially Catholic ones) every chance I can and work for pro-life candidates/incumbents.


 FTAA  LOST  GetUSOut  stoptheftaa  stopcafta

Oil-For-Food       Duelfer Report   Blood For Oil   Kojo

I organized this Freeper Reunion.  Saw this hot dog restaurant in a NJ magazine and thought it would be a good place for a freeper get together.   It was.
Rutt's Hut Party and Paterson, NJ, Waterfall Trip--All Freepers Welcome (Rain or shine)
Photos from the Rutt's Hut Freeper Party, Sept. 13, 2003
and Organized this FREEP.
FREEP Hillary Rotten Clinton in Ridgewood, NJ, Friday, July 11 at 3 PM

Rutt's serves just about the ugliest looking hot dog around.  Deep fat fried rather than steamed or grilled.  Cooked until its skin is mangled and torn.  That's the classic Ripper, shown above - proving that beauty, rather than being skin deep, comes from deep within.  The meek can order "In and Outers" - hardly wrinkled at all.  Strong of spirit might consider a couple of "Cremators" cooked to a tasty black.

Whatever style, top them with a layer of Rutt's secret relish, the secret ingredients being chopped cabbage and carrots.

The Chili is delicious and will keep you regular.  I highly recommend it.    If you ever want to smell somebody out it provides ample ammunition for gas.

5 Grease Stains for Rutts
My Impressions of Rutt's Hut By The Great Calvin Wilson Pollak
Foot Long
In Case you are in the Area
Even USA Today Recommends Rutt's!
Let's have a FREEPER REUNION there for NY and NJ!!!! Freep Mail Me if you Want to Have One
Here's Some More Directions
Hot Dog Tours of the North East

Citizens Against the Newark, NJ Arena
Stop The Debt
United Taxpayers of New Jersey
End Tolls in New Jersey
Bret Schundler


"Woe unto him that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and lighty for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight." (Isiah 5:20-21)

Christ and Freedom

1. The dogma of the physical freedom of man is clearly set forth in the Old Testament.

We read in Genesis that God, in creating man, uttered these significant words, which are not employed for any other creature: "Let us make man to our image and likeness." [Gen. 1: 26]. Now, this likeness [not equality] is derived from the fact that man has a spiritual and immortal soul and a free will. Spirituality, immortality, freedom, are attributes of God.

In Ecclesiasticus we read these words: "God made man from the beginning and left him in the hand of his own counsel.  . . . Before man is life and death, good and evil; that which he shall choose shall be given to him." [Ecclus. 15: 14-18].

The New Testament takes for granted the freedom of the will. The whole preaching of Christ would be an absurd labor, all His precepts and counsels would be but empty words, if man were forced to act automatically or instinctively. The whole plan of the Gospel would have no reason for existence, because fallen man would not be capable of redemption, and the punishment of eternal fire, with which Jesus threatened the reprobates [Matt. 25: 41] would be an unheard-of cruelty. For whoever is not free is not responsible for what he does and deserves neither reward nor punishment.

2. Holy Writ also also proclaims and defends moral liberty.

Already in the Old Testament, God is pictured as the Deliverer from the many ills that man has brought upon man. The Psalmist hails Him thus: "My refuge, my support, and my deliverer." [Ps. 143: 2].

But the true Deliverer,; the Restorer of every legitimate freedom, is the God-man. Jesus championed the liberty of man, as such, even before the liberty of the citizen, the worker, etc., for as we have seen, slavery was the social condition of the great majority of men.

And this work of social redemption He accomplished not with violent means, not by demagogic expedients, but by the peaceful preaching of lofty moral principles which, like grains of yeast, penetrated into the great mass of humanity and gradually transformed it.

The first principle is that of the substantial equality of all men, made to the image and likeness of One only, that is of God, the Creator, and redeemed by the same Blood of Christ, who commanded that the message of redemption be brought to men of all races and of all nations: "Preach the gospel to every creature." [Mk. 16: 15].

Another principle is that of the brotherhood of man, which the Redeemer proclaimed in the plainest way when, before a group of men of different social classes, He said: "All you are brethren."
[Matt. 23: 8].

More sublime, still, and more decisive is the principle of adoption as sons of God, granted to all the baptized: "Who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." [Jn. 1:13]. That means that the loftiest nobility has been granted even to those who occupy the lowest spheres in the social order.

From all these evangelical principles, there springs forth as a practical corollary: the moral freedom of every man. And, in truth, to equal subjects belong equal rights. Neither can a brother fetter a brother, nor a son of God become a slave of man.

Hence it appears that the famous and much abused threefold label of the French Revolution ----- equality, fraternity, liberty ----- in its genuine meaning is but a radiation of the teaching of the Gospel.

Ernest Renan himself, who wrote of the Gospels in a sacrilegious manner, was compelled to confess in his Marcus Aurelius that: "the abolition of slavery dates from the day in which the slave ----- that being whom the ancients conceived as devoid of moral stature ----- became the moral equal of his master." And it was the Gospel that proclaimed him such an equal.

The Church and Freedom

1. The Church, walking in the footsteps of Christ, was at all times the champion and the protector of every legitimate liberty and the enemy of every tyranny.

First of all, the Church championed the physical liberty of man and thus defended the crown of this king of creation.

She condemned the theories of those heretics ----- like Luther, Calvin and Jansen ----- who held that Original Sin had destroyed free will, and in our days it condemned the nefarious doctrines of determinism and materialism.

Leo XIII, in his Encyclical Libertas, says: "Like the simplicity, spirituality, and immortality of the soul, so likewise its liberty; no one has affirmed in stronger terms or championed them more consistently than the Church that teaches them at all times, and upholds them as a dogma."

2. The Church, moreover, in the same way that she defended rights of authority against anarchistic theories, so she upheld the rights of moral freedom against the claims and the violence of oppressors. The Church of Christ, from its inception, not the French Revolution of 1789, was the first to proclaim the rights of man.

St. Paul, writing to the Christians of Ephesus, exhorts them: "And you, masters, do the same things to them [the slaves], forbearing threatenings, knowing that the Lord both of them and you is in Heaven; and there is no respect of persons with him." [Eph. 6:9]. And to the Christians of Galatia he clearly states: "There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus." [Gal. 3: 28].

That means that before God there is no difference, either of nationality or of social condition, or of sex, contrary to what was then held among pagan peoples and among the Jews themselves.

These words of the Apostle of the Gentiles ----- which have since been reiterated unceasingly by the rulers of the Church ----- are clear condemnation of slavery, which among Christians soon ceased to exist in their minds, if not in their outward practices. The Christian master was bound to see a brother in his slave.

3. But the most effective teachings of the Church were, as always, her actions. In the internal life of the Church, slavery was soon abolished by means of the equal treatment that was accorded to free men and slaves. All, without distinction, were admitted to the same Sacraments, to the same honors, to the same spiritual favors. The words of St. Paul, "There is no difference between a slave and a freeman," immediately became a reality in the liturgical life of the Church.

Some do not give credit to Christianity for this immense social benefit ----- to wit, the abolition of slavery ----- for the reason that there is no clear condemnation of this social plague in the Gospel, nor has the Church ever launched a campaign against it.

Now here we must make ourselves clear. It is true that the Church, like Christ, never preached a crusade against slavery and that neither has she ever urged the slaves to rebel. By so doing she would have put the world in turmoil. At that time slavery, as we have seen, was one of the props of social life. Therefore, the sudden suppression of slavery would not only have caused confusion, but also damage to everybody and to everything. The Church preferred, as always, evolution to revolution, by means of a slow, peaceful work of education, without violence and without upheavals.

The reform had to start in souls, in order to be translated little by little into actions and into laws. Experience, in fact, teaches that lasting and beneficial reforms spring from within man and cannot be imposed by force from without. Hence the proverb: "Whatever is forced does not last." The Church, therefore, following the example of Christ, achieved this great work of transformation, above all, by her teachings, proclaiming a sound doctrine of equality.

The reform had to start in souls, in order to be translated little by little into actions and into laws. Experience, in fact, teaches that lasting and beneficial reforms spring from within man and cannot be imposed by force from without. Hence the proverb: "Whatever is forced does not last." The Church, therefore, following the example of Christ, achieved this great work of transformation, above all, by her teachings, proclaiming a sound doctrine of equality.

   4. The Church has made the highest proclamation of the highest liberty ----- religious liberty ----- through the martyrdom of countless sons of hers. Martyrdom is the declaration of the most sacred rights of man, written in blood. The purple army of Christian Martyrs is an heroic defense of freedom.

Dante, in the Divine Comedy, puts in the mouth of Virgil the famous words: "He seeketh liberty, which is so dear, as knoweth he who life for her refuseth." [Purg. II: i 71- 72].

No one is better entitled to pronounce these words than the martyr of Christ, who has surrendered his life in order to save the dearest of all liberties, the liberty to serve the True God.

Thus Pius XII teaches us to distinguish between liberty and license, which is liberty without restraint and without limitations. "True liberty," he writes, "that which truly deserves this name and which constitutes the happiness of peoples, has nothing in common with license, with brazenness. True liberty is just the contrary of that. It is that which guarantees the profession and the practice of what is true and of what is just under the guidance of the divine commandments within the sphere of public welfare. It has therefore need of just limitations." [Message to the Swiss People: Sept. 21, 1946].

Thus, Leo XIII in his Encyclical Libertas condemns freedom of worship, of speech, of the press, of teaching and of conscience as understood by liberalism, which would grant the same rights to good and evil, to truth and error.

However, while freedom of evil is always unlawful, the toleration of evil may at times be advisable. On this point Leo XIII teaches: "Without granting any rights except to truth and honesty, the Church, in order to avoid a greater evil, or to achieve or preserve a greater good, does not forbid public authority to tolerate certain things that are at variance with truth and justice."

Pius XII in his Encyclical Summi Pontificatus condemns an opposite error, to wit: Statism, which accords unrestricted power to the State, to the prejudice of the liberty of the individual and of the family, pointing out "that man and the family are by nature prior to the State and that the Creator endowed both with certain powers and rights and assigned to each a mission answering to positive natural exigencies."

Physical Liberty

The word liberty is equivalent to absence of necessity and has various meanings.

First of all, one should distinguish between physical liberty and moral liberty:

1. Physical, or psychological liberty, is the power of man to decide for himself, to will or not to will, to will one thing or another: This self-determination presupposes an absence of necessity, not merely external, but also internal.

External necessity, or constraint, derives from a power that lies outside of man and compels him to do what he does not want to do. Such is the power that forces an individual to remain shut up in jail, or to ascend the scaffold.

Internal necessity comes instead from an impulse within man that forces him to act. Such is the case of a somnambulist, of an insane man, of those who act under the stimulus of an interior power which they cannot control.

From the above we can understand how two cases diametrically opposed to each other may be supposed in man: the case of the external, without any internal necessity [as in the case of the condemned man who walks toward the scaffold because he is obliged to do so against his will], and that of an internal, without any external necessity [as in the case of one who walks in his sleep under the impulse of nervous excitement, without being subject to any external force].

2. The absence of internal necessity is called free will, inasmuch as it makes man the arbiter of his own actions.

Free will is an effect of the spirituality of the soul, and is innate in every man. However, there are internal and external causes that may diminish or destroy free will. Some such internal causes are: passions, temperaments, habits, ignorance, sleep, insanity. Nervous diseases that produce mental disorders have a more or less pronounced influence upon the will which, as we know, follows the judgment of the mind.

Inasmuch as the extent of the influence of these internal causes is nearly always uncertain, in many cases it is almost impossible for man to determine the exact degree of responsibility that attaches to an action, since obviously the responsibility of an action is always in proportion to its freedom.

Formerly, in judging of the responsibility of human actions, little or no account was taken of the internal causes that take away or diminish the freedom of the will. Today, the tendency is to the other extreme, even to the point of denying freedom itself and thus of every responsibility. Mental diseases, hereditary psychoses, monomania and other morbid conditions have become the stock in trade of criminal lawyers.

3. The existence of free will has often been denied by philosophers and theologians. In ancient times, these persons were called fatalists because they held that the will of man was dominated by a higher and mysterious force that is called fate. Nowadays, they are called determinists, because they claim that every act of the human will is determined by an interior irresistible force like instinct in animals.

Modern determinism is very largely the result of materialism. If man is nothing but matter without a spiritual soul, it is evident that everything in him has to be subject to the inflexible laws of matter, and hence there is no room for freedom.

Fatalism and determinism deprive man of his highest dignity and debase him to the level of the brute, because, as Dante writes:

"The greatest gift God of His largesse made at the creation, and the most conformed to His own excellence, and which He most prizeth, was the will's liberty, wherewith creatures intelligent, both all and alone, were and are endowed." [Par: 5:19].

4. There are many arguments that prove the existence of free will. We will here mention the two principal ones:

(a) The testimony of conscience.

We feel inwardly that it is in our power to act or not to act, to act in one way or in another. We feel, for example, that we have the power to eat or not to eat, to eat much or little, this or that; whereas it does not depend upon us to make a good digestion. Therefore, our very conscience assures us that both free acts and necessary acts are attributable to us.

A modern philosopher, Antonio Franchi, in his book Ultimate Critique makes this shrewd observation: "They feel free and to be free is the same thing, as it is the same thing to feel happy and to be happy, to feel sad and to be sad, to feel in doubt and to be in doubt. And just as it is impossible to have a feeling of doubt, of sorrow, of joy, without the real state of doubt, or sorrow and of joy, so it is impossible to have a feeling of freedom without the real state of freedom."

(b) The testimony of mankind.

Mankind has always praised virtue and blamed vice, rewarded merit and punished guilt. But these words, praise and blame, reward and punishment would have no meaning if a man were not free and hence responsible for his own acts. Were there ever any rewards or punishments established for animals?

Accordingly, the determinists, to be logical, should burn all codes, abolish the courts and close the jails. In fact, some followers of materialistic determinism consistently proposed to convert all jails into sanitariums, considering every criminal either a patient, an abnormal being, or a psychopathic case. But this proposal was never taken seriously.

Similarly, laws, prohibitions, commands, counsels, reproofs, and threats that mankind has always made use of would become practical absurdities if man is not master of his own acts, or acted after the manner of a machine or of an animal.

Moral Freedom

1. Moral freedom is entirely different from physical freedom, though having its roots in the latter. It consists in the power of doing everything that is not forbidden by a just law.

Moral freedom is therefore a right, the object of which is the good. No one has a right to do evil. Therefore, the power of doing evil is a defect and does not belong to the essence of freedom, just as tendency to sickness does not belong to the essence of health. Therefore, as Leo XIII teaches us in his Encyclical Libertas on Human Freedom: "Thus it is that the infinitely perfect God, although supremely free, because of the supremacy of His intellect and of His essential goodness, nevertheless cannot choose evil; neither can the angels and the saints who enjoy the beatific vision. St. Augustine and others urged most admirably against the Pelagians that if the possibility of deflection from good belonged to the essence or perfection of liberty, then God, Jesus Christ, and the angels and saints, who have not this power, would have no liberty at all, or would have less liberty than man has in his state of pilgrimage and imperfection."

Consequently, public authorities, while allowing full liberty to goodness, cannot equate liberty to evil and to error. That would not be true liberty, but license.

Social order and peace are based upon a proper balance between authority and liberty. It cannot be denied that this balance is difficult of achievement, for both authority and liberty are easily abused. Thus history bears witness that peoples frequently pass all of a sudden from an excess of authority [authoritarianism] to an excess of liberty [libertarianism].

2. There are different kinds of moral freedom, according to the objects upon which it is exercised. Thus we have religious, civil, economic, professional, scientific freedom, and so on.

The liberals, by posing as the champions of all liberties, have proclaimed the liberty of thought, of conscience and of religion in opposition to the Church that prescribes dogmas to be believed and religious acts to be performed. What are we to think of such liberties?

If, by these words, the liberals mean that religion cannot be imposed by force, they are stating the truth, but they are not stating anything that has not already been proclaimed by the Church. Religion is a free homage to God; and no one can be forced to believe or to profess that which he does not believe.

Alcuin in his famous letter to Emperor Charlemagne who, with unenlightened zeal, was seeking to convert the Saxons to Christianity with the sword rather than with the word, admonished him: "Remember that the faith, as St. Augustine defines it, is an act of the will and not of violence. Man may be drawn to faith, but he cannot be forced into it. You may drive people to baptism, but you cannot make them take one step forward toward religion. Therefore, those who evangelize the pagans must use words of peace with the people, because Our Lord knows the hearts that He wants, and enlightens them so that they may understand." Leo XIII referred to this teaching in his Encyclical Immortale Dei: "It is the absolute will of the Church that no one be forced to embrace the Catholic Faith because, as St. Augustine wisely observes, man cannot believe except by his own free will."

3. But the liberals by those words mean to affirm that "each one is free to profess the religion that pleases him and even profess none at all," as Leo XIII states in his Encyclical Libertas; they mean liberty to think and to do whatever one wishes concerning God; they mean, in a word, religious indifferentism.

Now this unlimited freedom in religious matters would be lawful only in the event that it were not possible to know the true God and the true religion. But such is not the case, because the existence of God and Christian revelation are truths that can be proved and have been proved by human reason.

Therefore, to these statements, so common in our days: "Man is free to think as he pleases . . . he is free to profess the religion that he likes best" ----- and other similar statements, we answer as follows: "He is free physically, but not morally." In the same way, a son is free to honor or to dishonor his father.

Secret Agenda: Law of the Sea Treaty Will Provide Key “Elements” of “World Government”

A note from Pope John Paul II:

"......Certainly, the intrinsic value of life and the duty to love oneself no less than others are the basis of a true right to self-defense ... legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another's life, the common good of the family or of the State. Unfortunately, it happens that the need to render the aggressor incapable of causing harm sometimes involves taking his life. In this case, the fatal outcome is attributable to the aggressor whose actions brought it about, even though he may not be morally responsible because of a lack of the use of reason." - Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter from 1995, EVANGELIUM VITAE

St. Gabriel Possenti...The Patron Saint of Handgunners

One a summer day a little over a hundred years ago, a slim figure in a black cassock [Possenti] stood facing a gang of mercenaries in a small town in Piedmont, Italy. He had just disarmed one of the soldiers who was attacking a young girl, had faced the rest of the band fearlessly, then drove them all out of the village at the point of a gun....[W]hen Garibaldi's mercenaries swept down through Italy ravaging villages, Brother Gabriel showed the kind of man he was by confronting them, astonishing them with his marksmanship, and saving the small village where his monastery was located."

Saint Gabriel Possenti's "astonishing marksmanship" was displayed after he had just disarmed the soldier. The mercenaries' leader told Possenti that it would take more than just one monk with a handgun to make the mercenaries leave town. The saint pointed out to the mercenaries a lizard which was running across the road. Possenti shot the lizard right through the head, at which point the mercenaries decided that discretion was the better part of valor; they obeyed Possenti's orders to extinguish the fires they had started and to return the property they had stolen. They then fled the village, never to be heard from again.

Possenti was canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.   He died in 1862 and his feast occurs on February 27th.

What Does The Bible Say About Gun Control?


Is Gun Control a Christian Issue?

Biblical Grounds and Guidance for Personal Arms Posession

The Bible Commands capital punishment

Liberty Belles

Exposing the Truth behind the gay agenda

Exposing the Truth behind the gay agenda

Here I am somewhere in this picture doing a Freep in NYC



St. Nicholas aka Santa Clause and Sinter Klaus

Happy Kwanzaa, Click Here for the Truth!! New Links Have Been Added in 2003

Click Sign

Slain NJ Teacher's Tape Reveals More Evidence, Too Bad She Did Not Have a GUN!!

President Bush Appoints 5 PRO ABORTION Judges to the Federal Bench!! Shame on Him!!

Protest the Englewood, NJ, , Abortion Mill every Saturday Morning

Why Doug Forrester Lost and Lost Very Badly

NJ Gov. McGreevey Poll Ratings are Way Down

Hudson official/Cop charged with extorting cash and Viagra

St. Mary's Church--International team Teaches Kids to Uphold Diversity (Catholic Kumbya Alert)

NJ Senate Votes to Harvest Babies for body parts (My Title)

Bishop of Paterson Diocese Condones Homosexuality Among Priests and Sells Pope Pius XII High School to Settle a Sex Abuse Case

Catholic Hospital Awards Pro-Abortion Politician

Catholic University, Seton Hall, Radio Station, Refuses to Air and announce a Pro-life Event

Catholic University Radio Station, Refuses to Air Pro-Life Event

Diocese of Paterson Facilitates Event for Pro-Abortion Politician

Citizens Against Tolls, End Tolls Now in NJ

Teacher Molests Student, 13 yrs. old, NO JAIL TIME.

Old White Men-Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Religious Freedom, Taken out of NJ Curriculum

Citizens Against Tolls, Wow it Looks like Freepers like Tolls

Archbishop joins 1,000 Catholics in procession of faith and Funeral for Unborn Fetuses

NJ-Parental Notification Amendment

Lautenberg's radical record is a GOP challenger's dream!

Freep NJ Sen. Pres. Codey--Wants to Use Embryonic Stem Cells

HR 4691, Some Voted Against allowing Doctors, Hospitals the right to choose to not commit abortions

School Choice Blitz, Support H.R.5193, "The Back To School Tax Relief Act"

Catholics Need Not Apply

MTV Protest in NYC, July 29, 2002

May 13, Our Lady of Fatima's First Apparition

Killing Off the Catholic Church

Catholic Charities Employee Works on Saturdays as an Escort for An Abortion Mill in MA, Boycott them and write Cardinal Law

Lies About Fetal Stem Cell Research, Read the truth here

Happy Tartan Day, April 6

Operation Infinite Freep, New York City, 2.02.02

Diocese of Trenton Pro Life Policy

Living the Gospel of Life, 31-37 refers to politicians

US Council of Catholic Bishops Views on Abortion

Is your Catholic politician an Abortionist? Check here to see if they are Herod's Heroes

NJ High School Library Creates Homosexual Section

Catholic Seton Hall University, S. Orange, NJ, gives award to Pro-Abortion Politician

Pro Abortion Catholic Democrat Jim McGreevey ejects Catholic Priest from Church Property

Homosexual Agenda Escalates in the Public Schools

NJ High School Library Creates a Homosexual Section

How a few Pennsylvania pro-lifers helped decide the 2000 Presidential election

Please sign the Petition to the Pope to Excommunicate Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

Voter Guide of the New Jersey Family Policy Council

Catholic Vote Voters' Guide

More Problems for Evolution: RNA World Theory Doesn't Hold Up

It's Time For A Mass Christian Exodus From The Public Schools

Early Childhood Education

Catholic Democrats Now Control The Senate

Are children deliberately 'dumbed down' in school? {YES!!!}

End Tolls in New Jersey

Stop the Debt in New Jersey

Cut Taxes and Waste in NJ

Go Bret Go


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 Jersey City, New Jersey Forecast

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 Atlantic City, New Jersey Forecast

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In 1973 two things happened:

1. The Endangered Species Act was enacted where animals, trees and scum in rain puddles became protected under law.

2. Roe vs. Wade, where 9 mortals, allowed it to be made possible for Humanity to slaughter, burn, aspirate and sever Human Babies, created in God's image and likeness. Since then, humanity, and the USA,  spiraled in a downward trend.Trees Have Rights granted by the govt.

turtle signTouch a turtle egg or its nest, Canadian goose or a spotted OWL and get a yr. in jail and a $50K fine, and don't cut down certain trees or fill in that puddle! abort a child, get paid $750.00. And we wonder why there is NO respect for HUMAN life created in God's image.

This is why we need to inculcate a culture of life in our society in general and in churches and schools (starting in kindergarten) . People tend to think of children as disposable items.

A pro-life education Program

It's a grievous sin that animals and turtle eggs are afforded more protections and rights than a human fetus and baby created in God's Image with a soul.

Genesis 9:3
Every creature that is alive shall be yours to eat; I give them all to you as I did the green plants.

Kill the humans (abortion) and save the Bears, the spotted owls, the Canadian Geese and the whales and don't crack that turtle egg!!

You can get fined up to $10,000 for messing with those eggs and baby-killing physicians get paid government and private money $$$ to kill humans! Go figure.

The Endangered Species Act of 1973

The Endangered Species Act of 1973
Penalties and Enforcement

The number of species listed (plants and animals, NOT humans) as threatened or endangered
Species Information
Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants

The Endangered Species Program

Page 4 Sec 3 (c)(8) don't crack those eggs, one might end the "life" of a bird, fish or turtle. I guess certain "mammals" (humans) do not apply.

Science and the ESA

The Govt. recognizes that a fertilized egg from an animal is "alive" and protected by LAW (The Endangered Species Act of 1973) and when an "alive" human person created in God's image is growing and living in his mother, he's termed and given the moniker of just a blob of "unlive" protoplasm or tissue which can be aspirated if it's the mother's "choice" to do so with no protections under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for EVERY careless word they have spoken."--Jesus (Matt. 12:36)

In Florida, children in the womb have less rights than turtle eggs! (FL Law 370, US ESA of 1973)



Quanta Cura


William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".


Pope had critics, too  (It started way before he was buried!!!, this reporter just couldn't wait)
Catholics for Marx
Pope John Paul II put the commies in their place
In an encyclical officially stating the Catholic Church’s positions on a variety of social issues, published March, 1991, he utterly condemned socialism, saying:

“Socialism considers the individual person simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism, so that the good of the individual is completely subordinated to the functioning of the socio-economic mechanism. Socialism likewise maintains that the good of the individual can be realized without reference to his free choice, to the unique and exclusive responsibility which he exercises in the face of good or evil. Man is thus reduced to a series of social relationships, and the concept of the person as the autonomous subject of moral decision disappears, the very subject whose decisions build the social order.”

The Pope and the Cause of Freedom

Catholic Church and Witchcraft

Quanta Cura



(Lucifer, the First Liberal)


On Atheistic Communism

William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".

Be a Our Lady of Guadalupe Insulted This Isn't Just Any Blasphemy!

Just when blasphemy is withdrawn from one place, it rears its ugly head in another. This time in New Mexico.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima affiliate campaign had just finished a successful rally of reparation and protest at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. The controversy centered around two portrayals of Jesus Christ that were finally taken off display. Press reports described them as a photo of a nude woman standing in Jesus' place at the Last Supper and another of a topless woman on a cross.

Now, the American TFP and America Needs Fatima's anti-blasphemy network is opposing another offense.

There is no such thing as an ordinary blasphemy since all blasphemy is by definition an extremely serious offense against God. However, Alma Lopez's "Our Lady exhibit at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico goes to new extremes. Press reports describe the exhibit as a computer collage portraying a bikini-clad Virgin of Guadalupe, held aloft by a topless woman-angel.

A Special Devotion to Our Lady

Our Lady of Guadalupe is full of significance. The word Guadalupe was actually a Spanish mistranslation of the local Aztec dialect word, Coatlaxopeuh, which means "one who crushes the serpents. Within six years of this apparition, six million Aztecs had converted to Catholicism. The cloth where Our Lady's image appears, shows her as the God-bearer - she is pregnant with her Divine Son.

What makes this exhibit especially offensive is the fact that the Virgin of Guadalupe is officially the Patroness of all the Americas. She is the powerful intercessor cherished and loved by the Mexican people. Since she is shown as a mother with child, she is also considered protector of the unborn.

"This isn't just any blasphemy, claims Mr. Robert Ritchie, campaign coordinator. "It targets Our Lady in an invocation that is so dear to Catholics, Americans, and those who fight abortion. The 'artist' could not have picked a more cherished image of Our Lady to deform.

Need to Oppose Blasphemy

For these very reasons, the TFP's anti-blasphemy network is mounting a peaceful and legal campaign to oppose this latest exhibit called Cyber Arte: Where Tradition Meets Technology, where the offensive portrayal appears. As always, all violence is strictly forbidden in this protest.

Protesting is the only way to prevent more blasphemy. Just because this exhibit follows closely behind the Brooklyn exhibit is no reason to remain silent. In fact, public pressure recently forced officials at Kennedy airport to cover an unclothed Christ painted on a mural there. Email protests to Yahoo! led that company to abandon plans to market pornography directly on its search engine site.

Grassroots action can be extremely effective and Catholics - especially those devoted to the Blessed Mother - must come to her defense when so vilely attacked. Many local faithful have already staged protests at the museum in Santa Fe and voiced their objections. Now is the time to join with them.

To remain silent and indifferent only encourages the promoters of blasphemy to shamefully peddle their agenda. The American TFP campaign is well underway and includes Enough is Enough! protest postcard fliers, email protests, and a future rally of public reparation. Campaign participants are also encouraged to download a true picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe and spread this image to family and friends.

part of this historic campaign today! Here is what you can do!

1. Pray for the success of this campaign. 2. To download a true picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Click Here

3. To order your FREE Enough is Enough! protest fliers, Click Here

4. Resend this special email message to your family and friends. 5. Send a special INSTANT email message to the Museum of International Folk Art  By Clicking Here

6. Write, fax or call the museum at: The Museum of International Folk Art, P.O. Box 2087, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2087. Phone: (505) 476-1200, Fax:(505) 476-1300. Museum of International Folk Art

Finding the Prince of Peace

"This Christmas, the American TFP extends to all friends and supporters, its sincere desire that the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph together with the Infant Jesus grant them true peace this Christmas Season.

On December 25, all Catholics and so many others turn to the stable of Bethlehem, filled with faith, to adore the Child that lies in a manger or to admire that which cannot be explained by the laws that govern human events.

Today, amid the material ruins and moral catastrophes, only highlighted by the events of September 11, Christmas stands out as a luminous point of hope among the nations that grope for order and tranquility.

Unfortunately, most look upon Christmas as a time when energies are momentarily recharged, but without it infusing new and lasting vigor.

Wanting peace, harmony and happiness, modern man expects these blessings to fall upon him from heaven without the least personal effort. At best, he seeks only to be enchanted by the ineffable charm of the Child who inexplicably can unite all hearts.

That Child God, who man seeks and needs so much, is, in fact, the "Prince of Peace.(Is. 9,6), who can change the earth in an instant.

But His Peace depends upon only one thing: that men and nations submit themselves to His Law and His Gospel.

This is the peace the Child God brought to the earth. All nations and individuals should unite and work with docility to obtain this. Only these men of real good will enjoy the Peace that Christmas brings.

This Christmas, the American TFP extends to all friends and supporters its sincere desire that the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph together with the Infant Jesus grant them this true peace this Christmas season. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Catholic Church's Position on "Fetal Stem Cell Research

Gene Watch

Stem Cell Research

Stem Fax 1

Stem Fax 2

Stem Fax 3

Stem Fax 4

Catholic Bishops Criticize Bush Policy on Embryo Research

Doctrinal Note on Some Questions
Regarding the Participation
of Catholics in Political Life
A Synopsis

on some questions regarding
The Participation of Catholics in Political Life

Importance and current validity of the document
"Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the
participation of Catholics in political life




Canon Law and Abortion

Sign Petitions:
Sign Petition to Excommunicate Catholic Politicians
Herod's Heroes--Sign Petition

The Gospel of Life--
Evangelium Vitae Evangelium Vitae
Encyclical Letter on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life
His Holiness Pope John Paul II
March 25, 1995

Ex Corde Ecclesiae

Ex Corde Ecclesiae
The Application to the United States

Living the Gospel of Life--A Challenge to American Catholics

Christian Patriots for Life--Education Program

Catholics United for Life

Catechism and Abortion

California’s Unholy Trinity: New ad focuses on pro-abortion ‘Catholics’ Schwarzenegger,
Davis and Bustamante

New ad unveils California's unholy trinity

Crusade for the Defense of our Church

Al Sharpton is not a Catholic priest

Abortion Stats of the US

An Old Testament, Litany of Life


on some questions regarding
The Participation of Catholics in Political Life

Living the Gospel of Life:
A Challenge to American Catholics

A Statement by the Catholic Bishops of the United States

Faithful Citizenship:
Civic Responsibility for a New Millennium

American Life League to Bishops

In face of the scandals,

The Church, Holy
and Immortal, Shall Prevail!


“Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her” (Matt. 16:18). To this first promise, Our Lord added a second: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). Thus did Jesus Christ establish the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, sealing Her immortality with His divine guarantee.

The violence of the storm currently assailing the Church would likely bring down many a human institution, but not the institution supported by God’s own promises. The Church’s enemies try with all their might to defame and dishonor Her. They hurl mud and muck, but they fail to sully Her.

They declare that She cannot survive the scandals perpetrated within and against Her, but their words ring with the uncertainty that it will indeed be so. Confronted with the silent testimony of history, they know by experience that the Church is both holy and immortal. Nothing stains Her, not even infamy rising from Her ranks, for She is the spotless Bride of Christ.

Even at the height of His passion—when the insults against His Divine Person, the wounds inflicted on His Sacred Body, and His public humiliation had reached their apex—the Word of God Incarnate lost none of the grandeur in His moral profile.

We see this in the Holy Shroud of Turin. Here is a Man atrociously wounded, one would almost say crushed, yet, no painting or sculpture of a king presents more majesty, dignity, or honor than the figure stamped on that burial cloth.

Betrayed ignobly from within, attacked fiercely from without

 So it is with the Catholic Church today. At the height of Her passion, betrayed ignobly from within, attacked fiercely from without, nothing can disturb Her serenity. When this frightful storm finally abates, She will appear again radiant and victorious.

But while the storm lasts, the suffering is intense, and our faith is tested. For us Catholics this means the shocking realization that a hostile element, a horrendous cancer, grows within the Mystical Body of Christ. We shudder at the tragic and unnatural “peaceful coexistence” between vice and that which is virtuous and holy.

The existence of homosexuality in the institution that is the very soul of purity and chastity is deplorable beyond words. Equally deplorable is the fact that this “peaceful coexistence” has lasted for decades due to the unpardonable connivance of shepherds who should have been ready to lay down their lives if necessary to prevent this evil from gaining access to the fold.

The Catechism of St. Pius X calls homosexuality a sin that “cries out to Heaven for vengeance,” and the Catechism of the Catholic Church promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1992 says: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’” Homosexuality is a sin condemned in the Old Testament and by both Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the New, by Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and by the Popes for 2,000 years. Saint Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church, says it “should not be considered an ordinary vice, for it surpasses all of them in enormity.”

We speak of homosexuality, for this indeed is the problem. We all know the truth: the vast majority of the exposed scandals are cases of pedophiliac homosexuality, and thus a particularly heinous spillover of the more widespread problem of homosexuality. Large sectors of the media, however, choose to gloss over the homosexuality and highlight the pedophilia.

This same media has no qualms about unleashing a ferocious uproar against the Church, Her doctrine and morals. Adding insult to injury, it gives the impression that the criminal behavior of some is the general rule. This is a supreme injustice to all the priests and religious who are faithful to their vows. Moreover, it suggests that the scandals exist because of clerical celibacy. Callously oblivious to the faith and feeling of one billion Catholics, it makes scant attempt to show the other side of the coin, namely the sublimity of the Catholic priesthood as reflected in its saints down through the ages.

A mysterious process of “self-destruction”

 Let us put aside, however, this external assault on the Church and focus on the more important problem within.

The first step in solving any problem consists in its thorough and accurate analysis. Then we can see its detrimental consequences and especially its root cause.

The problem would not exist but for the most culpable negligence of numerous shepherds and, in some cases, the most condemnable complicity of others. There is much for the clergy to address within its ranks, vigorously and urgently. Oh, how many tears will turn to joy when the faithful see bishops like our glorious Saint John Neumann, Philadelphia’s fourth (1852-1860), fearlessly taking on those who would harm Christ’s “little flock.” It behooves us all to beseech God earnestly to send saints and heroes to teach, govern, and sanctify His flock.

Is the clergy alone responsible, though? Is there not the possibility that we—the Catholic laity—stand to be blamed as well, if in varying degrees? Surely, we trusted in the watchfulness of our shepherds. Surely, we feel that our trust was betrayed. Nevertheless, Our Lord had more than just the shepherds in mind when He said, “Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation” (Matt. 26:41); He addressed us as well.

Did we “watch and pray?” Unfortunately not. In the Garden of Olives, we would have been among those who slept. If our analysis is to be honest we must acknowledge this.

Decades ago, Pope Paul VI warned that “the smoke of Satan” had entered the Church. He also said that She was undergoing a mysterious process of “self-destruction.” Did we take this warning to heart? Did we investigate this mysterious process? Its methods? How it affected both clergy and faithful?

We let this “smoke of Satan” fill every nook and cranny in the Church. Like a stupefying gas it relaxed and anesthetized us. It diminished our fighting spirit. Indifference became generalized, and the process of “self-destruction” was left free to do its nefarious work. Today we see the consequences.

This “smoke of Satan” also spread intellectual and moral “relativism” throughout the Church. This relativism spared nothing: the sublime vocation and sacred persons of priest and bishop; the respectful and prayerful atmosphere within churches; the rules of beauty in Church art and architecture; the reverence due to consecrated religious life; the rules of modesty in dress, not only in public but even in our churches; and so much more. All that elevated the souls of the faithful, all that filled them with admiration and veneration for the supernatural, was targeted.

Inevitably this relativism slowly weakened in consciences the notions of good and evil, sin and grace, vice and virtue. The Church’s clear teaching on every aspect of sexual behavior was gradually blurred. Virtue was replaced with a pathetic feel-good spirituality, so that eventually we fell to where we are today, proof positive of the existence of a process dubbed “satanic” by a Pope in our own lifetime.

Some critics, moved more by emotions and force of habit than clear thinking, will deny this process of “self-destruction.” Unfortunately, the media brings us daily a most palpable sign of its continuation: Seeing the Church so hard pressed by the scandals, Her enemies both within and without are quick to clamor for additional “reform.” In open challenge to Her Supreme Magisterium, they demand that the Church abolish clerical celibacy and accept the ordination of women, divorce, contraception, abortion, and, oddly enough, even homosexuality. This is exactly what the Church should not do! This would be the next step toward the abyss of total relativism.

Retracing our steps

 There is only one way to extricate ourselves from the problem we are in—now that our eyes are open. We must retrace our steps. We must return from whence we came. Only in the fullness of Church teaching will we find the solution to the present crisis. The Church has dealt with many problems during 2,000 years. She is no less able to deal with them today.

The first and obvious step then is to pray.

The second is to watch, as Our Lord commanded. We must hone our ability to watch, to pay attention to lurking danger. Thus, when danger appears—particularly when in sheep’s clothing—we must know how to resist it; we must know how to assess things in the light of Catholic principles. This presupposes a clear understanding of the perennial truths of the Faith and the unchanging principles of morality, for which we must study. This “back to the basics” study of Church teaching will rekindle in our hearts a burning love for all the principles long eroded by relativism.

A call for heroism

 The third step is a proper understanding of sanctity—the heroic struggle for virtue. True and heroic virtue is not anemic or self-centered. It is full of fruits in the apostolate with others. It rejects the comfort zone and the dictates of human respect—the fear of creating complications for ourselves. When faced with opposition, be it from within or without, it does not cringe and boldly proclaims the faith and sound doctrine. The truth is not something to be ashamed of. Our Lord wants us to influence society, as yeast ferments the dough. He expects us to be courageous in the face of public ridicule, like Veronica. He invites us to heroism: “Everyone therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father Who is in Heaven” (Matt. 10:32)

For this journey back to the paternal home to be successful it must become a true spiritual crusade, with all the dedication, self-sacrifice and zeal shown by the heroes of old. These answered Blessed Urban II’s call to arms at Clermont-Ferrand, when he launched the First Crusade, with reverberating cries of “God wills it! God wills it!”

If this crusading spirit burns within our breasts, our ecclesiastical leaders will have no doubt that they can rely on our enthusiastic support, provided they courageously assail this largely unchallenged process of “self-destruction” with the indispensable vigor of shepherds defending their flock from ravenous wolves.

Beyond any doubt, the Church shall prevail

 If both clergy and faithful carry out their respective duties, with the unfailing help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Joseph, Her most chaste spouse and Protector of the Universal Church, of all the angels and saints, we will be rewarded by seeing the Church win one more battle. The present crisis is but one more episode—even if one of the worst—in Her glorious history of struggles.

We are reminded of this by the Catholic intellectual Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, who wrote in his seminal work, Revolution and Counter-Revolution: “Amid the storms through which She passes today, the Church could proudly and tranquilly say: ‘I have seen other winds, I have beheld other storms.’ The Church has fought in other lands, against adversaries from among other peoples, and She will undoubtedly continue to face problems and enemies quite different from those of today until the end of time.”



1. In opposition to a usage that is becoming generalized, we restrict the term “homosexuality” to homosexual practices, thus excluding the mere inclination. No individual who suffers from such unnatural inclination and resists it with the help of grace can be called a “homosexual,” just as no one who resists the inclination to steal or lie can be called a “thief,” or a “liar.”

2. Theologians give Gen. 19:13 as the scriptural basis for this designation.

3. Catechism of the Catholic Church (New York: Doubleday, 1995) # 2357, p. 625.

4. Cf. Gen. 19:1-29; Lev. 18:22; Deut. 22:5.

5. Cf. 2 Pet. 2:6-7; Rom. 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:10; 1 Tim. 1:10.

6 St. Peter Damian, The Book of Gomorrah (Patrologia Latina, vol. 145, col. 159-190) quoted in Roberto de Mattei, L’Église et l’homosexualité (Paris: Pierre Téqui Éditeur, 1995), p. 12.

7. Cf. Allocution Resistite fortes in fide, of June 29, 1972, in Insegnamenti di Paolo VI (Vatican: Poliglotta Vaticana), vol. 10, pp. 707-709.

8. Cf. Allocution to the students of the Pontifical Lombard Seminary on December 7, 1968, in Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. 6, p. 1188.

9. Moral “relativism” tries to adapt Catholic doctrine and morality to one’s personal fancies or the ruling form of worldliness. Objective norms of thought and action are thus destroyed. The person becomes the slave of his own caprices and those of fashion, as channeled by the media. Eventually, he accepts evil in the guise of good. Cf. Pope John Paul II’s allocution to the religious and priests participating in the First Italian National Congress on Missions to the People for the ’80s, February 6, 1981, L’Osservatore Romano, February 7, 1981.

10. “Alios ego vidi ventos; alias prospexi animo procellas,” Cicero, Familiares, 12, 25, 5.

11.Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution (York, Penn.: The American TFP, 1993) p. 115.


TFP Calls for Return to Catholic Tradition

Dear Friend,

"Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her (Matt. 16:18). Thus did Jesus Christ establish the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, sealing Her immortality with His divine guarantee.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is launching a major campaign putting the recent scandals in the Catholic Church in this perspective. The effort is centered on the document, "The Church, Holy and Immortal, Shall Prevail! which is an analysis of the causes of the present crisis and proposals for resolving it.

The American TFP, a civic organization of Catholic inspiration, has already started its campaign with placement of full-page ads in newspapers throughout the country. Beginning with publication in The Washington Times in the nation's capital, friends and supporters are now working to place the ads in local, city and diocesan papers.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of flyers with the TFP statement are circulating in Catholic parishes. Pastors are inserting them in parish bulletins or distributing them at Catholic events. Copies were mailed to every Catholic bishop and priest. It also reached 9,000 religious nationwide. The TFP has been encouraged by letters of support from the hierarchy and clergy.

"We are quite overwhelmed by the response, says TFP vice president Thomas McKenna. "Catholics want something different from what the media is telling them.

The TFP statement in no way downplays the heinousness of sins committed, the complicity of Church authorities or the suffering of the victims. However, the document stresses "the violence of the storm currently assailing the Church would likely bring down many a human institution, but not the institution supported by God's own promises.

Despite media attempts to label the acts in question as pedophilia, the vast majority of the exposed scandals points to homosexuality and pederasty as major causes. Nevertheless the same media has no qualms about unleashing a ferocious uproar against the very mechanism the Church uses to fight this behavior: Her morals and clerical celibacy.

While acknowledging the most culpable negligence and even condemnable complicity of many shepherds, the TFP also cites what Paul VI called the "mysterious process of self-destruction inside the Church that has affected both clergy and faithful.

This process has spread intellectual and moral relativism throughout the Church. It has undermined notions of the sublime vocation of priest and bishop, the rules of beauty in Church art and architecture, the reverence due to consecrated religious life, the rules of modesty in dress, and so much more.

The TFP campaign hopes to show how this relativism slowly weakened in consciences the notions of good and evil, sin and grace, vice and virtue. It blurred the Church's clear teaching on every aspect of sexual behavior.

Mr. McKenna contends that it is exactly this atmosphere, which provides the ideal conditions to feed the scandals that rage today.

The TFP study's timely release comes as many both within and outside the Church clamor for "reformas a solution. They demand lay involvement in Church government. They seek to abolish clerical celibacy and promote the ordination of women, divorce, contraception, abortion and even homosexuality. This is exactly what must not be done.

Instead, the TFP document proposes a return to tradition. "Only in the fullness of Church teaching will we find the solution to the present crisis."

Through prayer, watchfulness and heroic action on the part of clergy and laity, Catholics are called to return to principles eroded by relativism and to develop a proper understanding of sanctity. Catholics must have the courage to boldly proclaim their faith and sound doctrine in a veritable spiritual crusade.

Among the letters of support, Archbishop William Levada of San Francisco sent a message of gratitude to the TFP "for your support and love of the church that prompted you to write and publish the public statement. Bishop Raymond Burke of La Crosse, WI. noted that he especially liked "the call to retrace our steps for conversion of life in the whole matter of the church's teaching on faith and morals. Archbishop Alfred Hughes of New Orleans termed the TFP statement as a "strong expression of support of the Catholic Church at this time of trial."

"The TFP's message is one of hope, Mr. McKenna claims. "We must not forget the divine nature of the Church and how the present crisis is but one more episode-even if one of the worst-in Her glorious history of struggles. We must have no doubt the Church will prevail!"

To read a copy of the TFP study, "The Church, Holy and Immortal, Shall Prevail! click here.


June 12, 2002

Dear Friend,

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property - TFP sent the letter below to all the nations bishops, expressing its concern about reformist pressure groups taking advantage of the present crisis to foment revolution inside the Church. The letter will be published in tomorrow's edition of the Dallas Morning News, to encourage the bishops, meeting in that city, to resist heroically the subversive agenda being pushed by the media-reformist alliance.

Pressure Groups Push for Revolution
Inside the Catholic Church

Your Excellency:

Mr. Thomas McKenna, the American TFP's vice president, recently sent you and all the other bishops a copy of a full-page ad we published in The Washington Times on April 11 titled "The Church, Holy and Immortal, Shall Prevail! This was the first phase of a nationwide campaign to defend the Church in face of the current upheaval. The many bishops who responded were all supportive. In the campaign's second phase, the statement was sent to all 48,000 priests in the country and to 9,000 religious. Currently, our campaign is in its third phase. The statement continues to be published in other papers and distributed in flier form. About 400,000 copies of the enclosed flier have gone out.

In following the news from around the country, we have become painfully concerned as to how the crisis surrounding the sexual abuse scandals is unfolding. We would like to share these concerns with you and all members of the U.S. hierarchy.

Although the crisis lies more immediately within the spiritual sphere, it also affects profoundly the whole temporal sphere within which the TFP acts.

We are worried, seeing how a reformist pressure movement is beginning to take shape within the ranks of the laity. This movement is taking advantage of the crisis to foment revolution inside the Church, and it enjoys extensive coverage from the secular media.

This subversive intervention is all the more improper if we consider that the real solution has already been given by appropriate authority in the April 23-24 meeting of the American Cardinals with the Pope in Rome. The "Final Statement issued at the conclusion of this meeting presents clearly both the problem and the effective measures that must be implemented to resolve it. Point 5 of the part on Principles, for example, states:

"5) Given the doctrinal issues underlying the deplorable behavior in question, certain lines of response have been proposed:

"a) The Pastors of the Church need clearly to promote the correct moral teaching of the Church and publicly to reprimand individuals who spread dissent and groups which advance ambiguous approaches to pastoral care;

"b) A new and serious Apostolic Visitation of seminaries and other institutes of formation must be made without delay, with particular emphasis on the need for fidelity to the Church's teaching, especially in the area of morality, and the need for a deeper study of the criteria of suitability of candidates to the priesthood. (Zenit, 4/25/02)

We see the crisis being presented quite differently, however, by an alliance of the secular media and reformist pressure groups. From child abuse, the problem becomes Church government and doctrine.

This metastasizing of the problem is illustrated by an affirmation reportedly made by Dr. James Muller: "Pedophilia is only a symptom of a disease. The disease is absolute power (as quoted by Mary Rourke in Los Angeles Times, 4/23/02). Dr. Muller is the president of Voice of the Faithful, a movement that somehow resembles a poisonous mushroom, for it appeared overnight; it is growing fast thanks to the media and assistance from such long-standing groups as Call to Action; and it holds positions that clash with Church teaching.

To advance its agenda, the media-reformist alliance must first shake the trust of the faithful in their priests and bishops. To achieve this a veritable army of muckrakers was set in motion whose claims and findings are constantly paraded in the public eye. Additional pressure is being brought to bear by orchestrated efforts to seriously undermine Church funding - apparently a Call to Action idea (see Rourke) - thus crippling financial resources already burdened by a growing number of lawsuits seeking damages for sexual abuse. In a vain attempt to legitimize their subversive actions, reformists cast themselves as American patriots, with allusions to "the Boston Tea Party and the use of slogans like "no donation without representation.

It is from within, and conditioned by this hurricane of pressure, that reformists make their demands: empower the laity; eliminate, curtail, or render meaningless all priestly, Episcopal, and papal authority; make priestly celibacy optional; ordain women; change Church teaching on birth control, divorce, abortion, and homosexuality; and so forth.

In a May 27, 2002, article in America, retired Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco compared the present crisis to the Reformation and the French Revolution. Indeed there are analogies, both between those two historical upheavals (cf. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, 1993, p. 17), and between them and the reformists' agenda today.

For example, reformist pressure groups would love to see the bishops use the Dallas meeting to abdicate from their rights and responsibilities following the example of the French nobility during the French Revolution, on August 4, 1789.

Reformists entertain hopes that Dallas will lead to the creation of lay boards at the national, diocesan, and parish level to "oversee the clergy. Reformist pressure groups such as Voice of the Faithful advocate "a general assembly of lay people to be consulted, potentially, on everything including finances, personnel and liturgy" (Pam Bullock, The New York Times, 5/31/02; our emphasis). This "general assembly of lay people would mirror the Estates General that initiated the revolutionary process that toppled the French monarchy.

Reformists want to create a type of national lay advisory board on sexual abuse, which might parallel the "Committee of Public Safety, the group of revolutionaries that radicalized the process, leading in a short time to the Terror.

Today's reformists look at the clergy the same way the Jacobins looked at the aristocrats during the French Revolution, in other words, as imbecilic, arrogant, oppressive, and corrupt (e.g., Fr. Andrew Greeley, America, 5/27/02).

The analogies continue. Reformists see today's laity as the Jacobins saw the sans culottes (the revolutionary plebeians): they alone are capable of leading, they alone are virtuous and immaculate. Ironically, the bloodstained plebeian Robes Pierre was known as "the Incorruptible. Of such stuff, revolutionary myths are made.

Based on our broad contact with American Catholic public opinion, we conclude that these reformist pressure groups do not represent average American Catholics. The latter are often silent, but they love the Church, as holy and immortal today as ever. They love everything associated with the Church. They love the Papacy and the Church's hierarchical structure.

Obviously, this silent majority of American Catholics is deeply hurt by the present crisis. Their hearts bleed profusely for the victims of so much criminal abuse. Theirs, however, are not the hearts of revolutionary firebrands, but the hearts of sons, the hearts of daughters. American Catholics are hurt, but they are not rebellious.

In and beyond Dallas, the struggle continues between the Church and the media-reformist pressure groups alliance. The American TFP is doing what it can to bring hope and perspective to Catholics across the land. We are moved to do this out of love for the Church, whose hierarchical structure was divinely instituted by Our Lord.

Dallas, however, is the immediate concern. As Your Excellency meets with other bishops to address the crisis, the American TFP's directors, members, friends, and supporters around the country will be praying for you, asking the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, to assist you with His gifts, granting you wisdom and strength to resist heroically the subversive agenda being pushed by the media-reformist alliance.

Asking for your blessing and prayers for our efforts, I remain,

In Jesus and Mary,

Raymond Earl Drake


To read a copy of the TFP study, "The Church, Holy and Immortal, Shall Prevail! click here.

"Every child is our child."
-- Motto of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
        Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization

1948 -- UNESCO president and Fabian Socialist, Sir Julian Huxley, calls for a radical eugenic policy in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. He states: "Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable."

• "In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." - Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau Published in the Courier, a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Big Media Won't Touch Agenda 21


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UNICEF, and The War on Your Family, Guilty as Charged!
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Enter Stage RIGHT
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Divine Design
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Vietnam War Index
Preserve the Constitution
Support your LOCAL Police
Reclaim OUR Canal
Dozens of Issues, from Abortion, Environment & Family to Religion, Terrorism and Values to the UN
The Ultimate Terrorism Index
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Proud to Be an American--Editorial
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List of Communist Organizations Operating in US
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Current Communist Goals
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A Chronological History of the New World Order
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History of the New World Order in the 20th Century
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Free Republic links to education related articles (thread#7)
Free Republic links to education related articles (thread#8)
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Who Is Running America?
New U.N. treaty ratified quietly, Very Quietly
World Summit on Sustainable Development
Global Criminal Court Starts March 14, 2003
Deconstructing the Western Mind: Gramscian-Marxist Subversion of Faith and Education
Black Book of Communism:
The Red is not Dead.
The Socialist Will to Power - from About Socialism and Socialists
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The New International Criminal Court
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The slide into dictatorship
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Education Articles
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Quotes on Environmentalism
Articles on Environmentalism
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Articles on Property Rights
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The United Nations plans to CONFISCATE your profit and ---.
International Criminal Court Index
Don't say that we weren't warned--Put "ICC" in the Search Engine and see what comes up
A WORLD EFFECTIVELY CONTROLLED BY THE UNITED NATIONS A Preliminary Survey of One Form of a Stable Military Environment Lincoln P. Bloomfield
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Government Links Reference Page
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chool Supports Satanist Club
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Wiccans Offer Alternative to Boy Scouts

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Ethereal Explorations II (Marxist Paganism)


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Jesus Christ, The Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian Reflection on the New Age

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Socialism is EVIL -- Walter Williams

Socialism is evil: Part II

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Socialism is evil

Liberal do hate and they are Intolerant.

The Red is not Dead ****
54 Socialists are in the United States Congress

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The Socialist Agenda - Updated

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The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [2nd Revision]


The United Nations’ Grab for Power

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Updated Gun Control and related links here (#9)

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Weird Science: How Charlatans Influence Public Policy


The Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit


Stem cells without benefit of embryos

Slanting The Science

"Abortion is Vital to the Solution" -- A 'Key Point' from Kissinger's NSSM-200


"NONE DARE CALL IT EDUCATION" (Chap. 9; Part 1 of 2)

"NONE DARE CALL IT EDUCATION" (Chap. 9; Part 2 of 2)

'Freedom' Banned in School

'Problem' children and meds

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
                 Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization

1948 -- UNESCO president and Fabian Socialist, Sir Julian Huxley, calls for a radical eugenic policy in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. He states: "Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable."

• "In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." - Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau Published in the Courier, a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


UN Wants to Replace the 10 Commandments!
UNICEF and the WAR on the Family
UNICEF-Guilty As Charged.pdf 15 pages
Your UNICEF dollars at work
The New World Religion
What's UNESCO Good For?
UNICEF--United Nations International Children's Fund, The War on America's Family!!
UNICEF and Halloween--Vatican Halts Payment
The UN, your child, your land, your religion and your freedom, check links
UNICEF wants YOUR Children
UNICEF, Uninvited House Guests
UNICEF, and The War on Your Family, Guilty as Charged!
Your UNICEF dollars at work
Jesus Christ, The Bearer of the Water of Life: A Catholic Reflection on the New Age, A One-World Religion Which = Satanism
A Call to Vigilance (Pastoral Instruction on New Age
March of Dimes: Death by Public Relations (RoeWadeDay), March of Dimes is Pro Abortion

The UN has always chosen socialist one-worlders for leaders. The Secretary-General at the UN founding conference was Soviet spy Alger Hiss. He was followed as Secretary-General by Norwegian socialist Trygve Lie, Swedish socialist Dag Hammarskjold, Burmese Marxist U Thant, Austrian former Nazi Kurt Waldheim, Peruvian socialist Javier Perez deCuellar, and Egyptian socialist Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Each has consistently used the full resources of the UN to promote Communist and socialist causes around the world. The Socialist International (which proudly traces its origins to the First International headed by Karl Marx) today claims tens of millions of members in 54 countries. At its 1962 Congress, it declared: "The ultimate objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than world government ... Membership of the United Nations must be made universal ...Almost all of the UN's "independent commissions for the last thirty years have been headed by members of the Socialist International.

Dueling Vetoes

John L. Perry
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003

"Vetois Latin for "I forbid.

Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States each may forbid any United Nations action. Now, countervailing vetoes loom. That is another way of saying the United Nations is at long last well on its way to the ash heap of history. Which is another way of saying all of this is good news, not calamity, for the United States, for the entire Free World and for those peoples struggling under the yokes of dictatorships to become members of the Free World.

Enforce or Ignore? The present veto issue is over whether the U.N. Security Council will adopt yet another resolution - requiring once and for all time Iraq's forthwith compliance with a long string of 17 previous resolutions - demanding full disclosure and destruction of weapons of mass destruction. As it is now shaping up, the United States, in close cooperation with the United Kingdom, is expected to sponsor such a resolution within the 15-member Security Council, whose five permanent members enjoy the power of veto. One of those five, France, with the connivance of non-veto-toting Germany, is poised to sponsor a resolution aimed at preventing just such a compliance resolution. Those two will have the support of recently communist Russia and currently communist China, both of which have veto power.

Greed and Aggrandizement They are that determined, for their own reasons of selfish economic and political enhancement, to keep the regime of Saddam Hussein in power in Iraq. A historic collision is about to occur. Consider the implications:

If the Security Council takes up the U.S.-U.K. resolution first, the factotums of France and Germany - with those of Russia and China dog-trotting alongside - are confronted with three options:
(a) Go along with a "yes vote, which would cause them to have to execute a hairpin reversal of course with all the attendant embarrassing consequences domestically and internationally;
(b) Abstain, which would cost them equivalent humiliation at home and elsewhere, since even the bumfuzzled value a certain degree of constancy in their leadership, or
(c) Veto the U.S.-U.K. resolution, which would place them irreconcilably at odds with America and its allies, who far outnumber them.

On the other hand, if the French and Germans are the first to offer their resolution, which would litter the Iraqi landscape with U.N. "inspections bureaucracies and dot the sky over Iraq with French and Russian "surveillance aircraft, here are the options confronting the United States and the United Kingdom:
(a) President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair could approve its adoption, about as likely as either one resigning from office, which is what a complete reversal of their positions would honorably call for;
(b) Abstain, a posture leaving those two as emasculated impotents adrift on the world scene, at the whim of the likes of France, Germany, Russia, China, Syria and on and on, or
(c) Exercise the veto, which would cut the American alliance free of the baleful influence of Old Europe, but also thrust it face to face with the loonies of radical Islam and the always-sinister and rapidly developing People's Republic of China - an inevitable confrontation incalculably more expensive later on.

Those consequences range far beyond the immediate issue of how to treat with Iraq's malevolent tyrant. They will cast the mold for the reconfiguration of economic relationships, political alignments and military deployments of world powers for decades to come. This a most-sobering reality. Either way the cat jumps, it constitutes nothing less than the most fundamental upheaval since the onset of the Cold War in the wake of World War II. Nothing like this has come along since the now-defunct Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin gambled on possible nuclear annihilation to subjugate the United States and all it represents.

The Threat Was Well Known
That came at a time when the United States was victorious in World War II and there was widespread appreciation among the American people of the mortal danger the Soviet Union represented. The greatest peril implicit in this present crisis - which neatly fits the Japanese dual ideogram for danger combined with opportunity - is that millions of Americans still don't get it. Much of that disconnect from reality can be laid at the door of American elitist, leftist mass communications and eight years of unethical leadership and neglect by the Clinton administration that those media so gleefully celebrated - and now so vengefully mourn.

Blind Self-Absorption A staggering number of Americans remain, even post-Sept. 11, in a combination state of denial of the horrific danger pressing upon them and smug preoccupation with personal pleasures and distractions. That is many times more unsettling than whether the latest surveys of opinions purport to show that most of the rest of the world's population is not on America's side in this time of peril. The courageous leadership of Bush and Blair, who have not allowed opinion polls to blind their perception of their duty, will go down in history alongside that of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

Train Wreck Ahead So what happens if, as seems likely, the two headlong opposing resolutions work their way up to a vote in the Security Council after every other U.N. member state has been given face time on world television to do its posturing? Despite strenuous efforts now being made to mush together some sort of face-saving compromise resolution, it seems humanly impossible that, in the end, the two opposing camps can avoid having to split. Each side has gone too far to double back on itself. As Bush has promised, should the Security Council chicken out on its responsibility, the United States will lead a Coalition of the Willing - impressive in number and strength - to liberate the people of Iraq and destroy Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

Taking the Time to Ramp Up Any passage of days between now and then will be occasioned not by the grant of more time for U.N. inspectors but by the arrival on station of that fourth U.S. carrier battle group and the ominous thud of the final platoon's boots hitting the ground. At that point, there goes the United Nations. Why is that? The answer lies in the history behind the founding of the United Nations as World War II was coming to a close. That awful conflict was won by the wartime unity of the Big Three - as Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States were known then. The concept was that post-war peace could be maintained only if the Big Three remained in effective unanimity.

Antiquated Veto The veto was grafted into the U.N. Charter to make that _expression of Big Three unity possible, by ensuring the impotence of the United Nations if any one of the Big Three was willing to precipitate its collapse through exercise of the veto. That made sense only if Big Three unity persisted, which of course it didn't. Even before World War II ended, even before the United Nations came into being, Big Three unity was falling apart. In actuality, the United Nations as an effective instrument of international cooperation and peacekeeping was stillborn.
Disunited From the Get-Go What did emerge and has hung on by a thread ever since is not a United Nations, but a hopelessly Disunited Nations - as illustrated by the numerous vetoes cast by the Soviet Union. An effective, relevant United Nations has been flat-line brain-dead these nearly 60 years, and what the world is now witnessing are the terminal twitchings of its prolonged state of artificially suspended animation. The very idea of the United States, or any country, thinking it had to go to such a United Nations with hat in hand and obtain approval to do what has to be done to protect its own people's vital national interests has been a dirty joke all these long years. So now, in the impending Shootout at the East River Glass Corral, two principals on the misnamed Security Council are about to fire veto bullets at each other. The current world economic, political and military realities are such that America and its allies will win that duel.

A Demise to Celebrate The United States and the United Kingdom will walk away. France and Germany will not perish, although they will be grievously wounded, lingering as cripples for generations. But lying lifeless on New York's East Side, in form as well as in substance, will be what once had the presumption to call itself the United Nations. No need for grieving over that. The Free World will be the better for it.

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on White House staffs of two presidents.
International court readies to open
International Criminal Court is a Reality and a Nightmare
Confronting Empire (A 3'rd World View Of The NWO)

Patriot Act used for more than anti-terror--Justice report also reveals 50 secretly detained after 9/11

"If instant world government, Charter review, and a greatly strengthened International Court do not provide the answers, what hope for progress is there? The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions to complex problems, but it comes down essentially to this: The hope for the foreseeable lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction as was envisaged at the end of the last war, but rather in the much more decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis ... In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Richard N. Gardner, in Foreign Affairs (April 1974)

Under the U.N. Gavel
By Sen. Larry E. Craig, R-ID

August 22, 2001

At its founding, the mission of the United Nations, as stated in its charter, was "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. It made no claim to supersede the sovereignty of its member states. Article 2 says that the United Nations "is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members, and it may not "intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.

Since then, the United Nations has turned the principle of national sovereignty on its head. Through a host of conventions, treaties and conferences, it has intruded into regulation of resources and the economy (for example, treaties on "biological diversity, marine resources and climate change) and family life (hyping phony liberalism while masculinity is scorned and western manhood is amputated - causing untold grief to the family unit) (conventions on parent-child relations and women in society). It has demanded that countries institute racial quotas and laws against hate crimes and speech (while the U.N. itself can jail someone for 30 years without trial). Recently the United Nations tried to undermine Americans' constitutional right to keep and bear arms (with proposed restrictions on the international sale of small arms).

Fortunately, many of these have been dead on arrival in the U.S. Senate, successive presidents have refused to endorse others, and in any case the United Nations had little power of enforcement. But in 1998, one mechanism of global government (there it is in the Washington Post folks) came to life with the so-called "Rome Statute establishing a permanent International Criminal Court (and abolishing the Magna Carta in Britain). Once this treaty is ratified by 60 countries, the United Nations will wield judicial power over every individual human being -- even over citizens of countries that haven't joined the court.

While the court's stated mission is dealing with war crimes and crimes against humanity (what about their own crimes against humanity when they committed widespread genocide in the Balkans and East Timor? Dare I say they are hypocrites?) -- which, because there is no appeal from its decisions, only the court will have the right to define -- its mandate could be broadened later. Based on existing U.N. tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, which are models for the International Criminal Court, defendants will have none of the due process rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution, such as trial by jury, confrontation of witnesses or a speedy and public trial (that's a communist court system!).

President Clinton signed the Rome treaty last year, citing U.S. support for existing U.N. war crimes tribunals. Many suppose the court will target only a Slobodan Milosevic or the perpetrators of massacres in Rwanda, or dictators like Iraq's Saddam Hussein. But who knows? To some people, Augusto Pinochet is the man who saved Chile from communism; to others he is a murderer. Who should judge him -- the United Nations or the Chilean people?

In dozens of countries, governments use brutal force against insurgents. Should the United Nations decide whether leaders in Turkey or India should be put in the defendants' dock, and then commit the United States to bring them there? How about Russia's Vladimir Putin, for Chechnya? Or Israel's Ariel Sharon? Can we trust the United Nations with that decision (the more evil these premieres are - the more the U.N. loves them)?

The court's critics rightly cite the danger to U.S. military personnel deployed abroad. Since even one death can be a war crime, a U.S. soldier could be indicted just for doing his duty. But the International Criminal Court also would apply to acts "committed by any American here at home. The European Union and U.S. domestic opponents consider the death penalty "discriminatory and "inhumane. Could an American governor face indictment by the court for "crimes against humanity for signing a death warrant?

Milosevic was delivered to a U.N. court (largely at U.S. insistence) for offences occurring entirely within his own country. Some say the Milosevic precedent doesn't threaten Americans, because the U.S. Constitution protects them. But for Milosevic, we demanded that the Yugoslav Constitution be trashed and the United Nations' authority prevail. Why should the International Criminal Court treat our Constitution any better (they're already destroying the 2nd amendment with their gun grab and the 1st with their phony 'hate crime' nonsense)?

Instead of trying to "fix the Rome treaty, the United States must recognize that it is a fundamental threat to American sovereignty. The State Department's participation in the court's preparatory commission is counterproductive. We need to make it clear that we consider the court an illegitimate body, that the United States will never join it and that we will never accept its "jurisdiction over any U.S. citizen or help to impose it on other countries.

Wake Up! Enemy forces are usurping control!

Paul Joseph Watson

"'It can't happen here' is number one on the list of famous last words
David Crosby

We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)

THAT quotation and the following - and many others like them - clearly demonstrate that the words "new world order are deadly serious and furthermore, have been in use for decades. They did not originate with President George Bush in 1990. The "old world order's one based on independent nation-states. The "new world order involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government. This means the end of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as we now know them. Most of the new world order proposals involve the conversion of the United Nations and its agencies to a world government, complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies to control every aspect of human life (education, nutrition, health care, population, immigration, communications, transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the environment, etc.). The various notions of the "new world order differ as to details and scale, but agree on the basic principle and substance.

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

"The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [Marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.
Myron Fagan

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
"An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.
U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

"The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.
George Herbert Walker Bush

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all.
Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.
Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 called Coning by, the New Generation

"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans.
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, 1876

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)

"What is important is to dwell upon the increasing evidence of the existence of a secret conspiracy, throughout the world, for the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of evil.
Christian Science Monitor editorial, June 19th, l920

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.
New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

"From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Winston Churchill, stated to the London Press, in l922.

"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.
Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June l931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.

"The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semi occult power which....pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I.
British military historian Major General J.F.C. Fuller, l941

"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.
"The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.

"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.

Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.
A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21st, l933

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

"Fifty men have run America, and that's a high figure.
Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the July 26th, l936 issue of The New York Times.

"Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government - a bureaucratic elite.
Senator William Jenner, 1954

"The case for government by elites is irrefutable
Senator William Fulbright, Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated at a 1963 symposium entitled: The Elite and the Electorate - Is Government by the People Possible?

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system ,they will rule the future.
U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies.

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.
Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time (Macmillan Company, 1966,) Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, highly esteemed by his former student, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship.
Former Congressman John Rarick 1971

"The directors of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation.
The Christian Science Monitor, September 1, l961

"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.
CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs.

"The planning of UN can be traced to the 'secret steering committee' established by Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull in January 1943. All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull, a Tennessee politician, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the [State] Department's Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department's postwar planning.
Professors Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, writing in their study of the CFR, "Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy. (Monthly Review Press, 1977).

"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.
Harpers, July l958

"The old world order changed when this war-storm broke. The old international order passed away as suddenly, as unexpectedly, and as completely as if it had been wiped out by a gigantic flood, by a great tempest, or by a volcanic eruption. The old world order died with the setting of that day's sun and a new world order is being born while I speak, with birth-pangs so terrible that it seems almost incredible that life could come out of such fearful suffering and such overwhelming sorrow.
Nicholas Murray Butler, in an address delivered before the Union League of Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1915

"The peace conference has assembled. It will make the most momentous decisions in history, and upon these decisions will rest the stability of the new world order and the future peace of the world.
M. C. Alexander, Executive Secretary of the American Association for International Conciliation, in a subscription letter for the periodical International Conciliation (1919)

"If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to disappointment. If we are ever to approach that time, it will be after patient and persistent effort of long duration. The present international situation of mistrust and fear can only be corrected by a formula of equal status, continuously applied, to every phase of international contacts, until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out of the minds of the people of all lands.
Dr. Augustus O. Thomas, president of the World Federation of Education Associations (August 1927), quoted in the book International Understanding: Agencies Educating for a New World (1931)

"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.
H. G. Wells, in his book entitled The New World Order (1939)

"The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of Nations' or a 'Federated Union' to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the 'New International Order,' 'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,' etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual.
Excerpt from A Memorial to be Addressed to the House of Bishops and the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in General Convention (October 1940)

"In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of 'justice and peace.'
Excerpt from article entitled "New World Order Pledged to Jews, in The New York Times (October 1940)

"If totalitarianism wins this conflict, the world will be ruled by tyrants, and individuals will be slaves. If democracy wins, the nations of the earth will be united in a commonwealth of free peoples, and individuals, wherever found, will be the sovereign units of the new world order.
The Declaration of the Federation of the World, produced by the Congress on World Federation, adopted by the Legislatures of North Carolina (1941), New Jersey (1942), Pennsylvania (1943), and possibly other states.

"New World Order Needed for Peace: State Sovereignty Must Go, Declares Notre Dame Professor
Title of article in The Tablet (Brooklyn) (March 1942)

"Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles tonight called for the early creation of an international organization of anti-Axis nations to control the world during the period between the armistice at the end of the present war and the setting up of a new world order on a permanent basis.
Text of article in The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 1942)

"The statement went on to say that the spiritual teachings of religion must become the foundation for the new world order and that national sovereignty must be subordinate to the higher moral law of God.
American Institute of Judaism, excerpt from article in The New York Times (December 1942)

"There are some plain common-sense considerations applicable to all these attempts at world planning. They can be briefly stated: 1. To talk of blueprints for the future or building a world order is, if properly understood, suggestive, but it is also dangerous. Societies grow far more truly than they are built. A constitution for a new world order is never like a blueprint for a skyscraper.
Norman Thomas, in his book What Is Our Destiny? (1944)

"He [John Foster Dulles] stated directly to me that he had every reason to believe that the Governor [Thomas E. Dewey of New York] accepts his point of view and that he is personally convinced that this is the policy that he would promote with great vigor if elected. So it is fair to say that on the first round the Sphinx of Albany has established himself as a prima facie champion of a strong and definite new world order.
Excerpt from article by Ralph W. Page in The Philadelphia Bulletin (May 1944)

"Alchemy for a New World Order
Article by Stephen John Stedman in Foreign Affairs (May/June 1995)

"The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, 'has not been able--nor can it be able--to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.' ... The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, 'urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order-- The New York Times (February 1962)

"The developing coherence of Asian regional thinking is reflected in a disposition to consider problems and loyalties in regional terms, and to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a new world order.
Richard Nixon, in Foreign Affairs (October 1967)

"He [President Nixon] spoke of the talks as a beginning, saying nothing more about the prospects for future contacts and merely reiterating the belief he brought to China that both nations share an interest in peace and building 'a new world order.'
Excerpt from an article in The New York Times (February 1972)

"If instant world government, Charter review, and a greatly strengthened International Court do not provide the answers, what hope for progress is there? The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions to complex problems, but it comes down essentially to this: The hope for the foreseeable lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction as was envisaged at the end of the last war, but rather in the much more decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis ... In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Richard N. Gardner, in Foreign Affairs (April 1974)

"The existing order is breaking down at a very rapid rate, and the main uncertainty is whether mankind can exert a positive role in shaping a new world order or is doomed to await collapse in a passive posture. We believe a new order will be born no later than early in the next century and that the death throes of the old and the birth pangs of the new will be a testing time for the human species.
Richard A. Falk, in an article entitled "Toward a New World Order: Modest Methods and Drastic Visions, in the book On the Creation of a Just World Order (1975)

"My country's history, Mr. President, tells us that it is possible to fashion unity while cherishing diversity, that common action is possible despite the variety of races, interests, and beliefs we see here in this chamber. Progress and peace and justice are attainable. So we say to all peoples and governments: Let us fashion together a new world order.
Henry Kissinger, in address before the General Assembly of the United Nations, October 1975)

"At the old Inter-American Office in the Commerce Building here in Roosevelt's time, as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs under President Truman, as chief whip with Adlai Stevenson and Tom Finletter at the founding of the United Nations in San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller was in the forefront of the struggle to establish not only an American system of political and economic security but a new world order.
Part of article in The New York Times (November 1975)

"A New World Order
Title of article on commencement address at the University of Pennsylvania by Hubert H. Humphrey, printed in the Pennsylvania Gazette (June 1977)

Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order.
Mikhail Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations (December 1988)

"We believe we are creating the beginning of a new world order coming out of the collapse of the U.S.-Soviet antagonisms.
Brent Scowcroft (August 1990), quoted in The Washington Post (May 1991)

"We can see beyond the present shadows of war in the Middle East to a new world order where the strong work together to deter and stop aggression. This was precisely Franklin Roosevelt's and Winston Churchill's vision for peace for the post-war period.
Richard Gephardt, in The Wall Street Journal (September 1990)

"If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long.
President George Bush (January 1991)

"But it became clear as time went on that in Mr. Bush's mind the New World Order was founded on a convergence of goals and interests between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, so strong and permanent that they would work as a team through the U.N. Security Council.
Excerpt from A. M. Rosenthal, in The New York Times (January 1991)

"I would support a Presidential candidate who pledged to take the following steps: ... At the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, press for a comprehensive Middle East settlement and for a 'new world order' based not on Pax Americana but on peace through law with a stronger U.N. and World Court.
George McGovern, in The New York Times (February 1991)

"... it's Bush's baby, even if he shares its popularization with Gorbachev. Forget the Hitler 'new order' root; F.D.R. used the phrase earlier.
William Safire, in The New York Times (February 1991)

"How I Learned to Love the New World Order
Article by Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in The Wall Street Journal (April 1992)

"How to Achieve The New World Order
Title of book excerpt by Henry Kissinger, in Time magazine (March 1994)

"The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth - in Morocco - to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.
Part of full-page advertisement by the government of Morocco in The New York Times (April 1994)

"New World Order: The Rise of the Region-State
Title of article by Kenichi Ohmae, political reform leader in Japan, in The Wall Street Journal (August 1994)

"The new world order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all.
Nelson Mandela, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 1994)

The renewal of the nonproliferation treaty was described as important "for the welfare of the whole world and the new world order.
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, in The New York Times (April 1995)

EU deal to exempt US from new world court

The 45 Goals of Communism
The forty-five "communist goals listed below appeared in the Congressional Record of January 10, 1963. In both WWI and WWII the American Government fought on the side of the Communists.

Despite the "cold war that followed, the goals of the communists were steadfastly imposed upon the American people. Ask yourself Americans, what kind of leaders have you elected?
How could it be that Americans so blindly followed corrupted politicians?

How can Americans even assume that they are still a free people? Men who believe that they are free when in reality they are mere slaves are to be pitied more than those who know that they are slaves.

These 45 communist goals are a matter of public record. Wake up people, wake up and see to it that your fellow citizens wake up also! Those hideous men who have sold out the entire American continent and its people have made their goals "current". Read them here now:

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture. Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

24 Reasons to Oppose NATO

(1) NATO is a creature of the Cold War and should be abolished, not expanded.

(2) NATO's official military doctrine reserves for itself the right to use nuclear weapons despite the fact that in 1996 the World Court made such use, or threat, illegal. NATO's "first use nuclear weapons policy means it is willing to use nuclear weapons even when none have been used against them. The use of nuclear weapons contravenes International Humanitarian Law because civilian deaths would be massive and indiscriminate. NATO's nuclear weapons also pose the risk of environmental catastrophe, including the global holocaust of "nuclear winter. NATO's nuclear weapons policy also contravenes the Nonproliferation Treaty (to which all NATO members are signatories) that requires all states to press quickly to abolish nuclear weapons. NATO member states (US, UK and France) now have more than 9,000 nuclear warheads in active service, about 60% of the world's nuclear arsenal. These three NATO states have committed some of their nuclear weapons to NATO for its use in war. NATO itself maintains between 60 and 200 nuclear weapons at airbases in Western Europe. NATO's nuclear weapons and the threat of their use are a means of coercion and intimidation, especially against states that do not possess these weapons.

(3) NATO's powerful core members (the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Spain) have a long history of controlling vast empires. Former colonies of these NATO countries -- today's Third World -- still suffer from tragic economic inequalities resulting from hundreds of years of imperialism imposed by nations that are now members of NATO. Transnational corporations controlled by economic interests in NATO countries continue to dominate these former colonies under a neoliberal economic system now labeled "corporate globalization.

(4) According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, about 80% of the world's total military equipment was produced by NATO members in 1996. The following NATO members are among the world's top ten military producers: the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Canada. The U.S., U.K. and France alone contributed about 70% of world's total arms production for that year.

(5) After the disappearance of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, NATO became increasingly irrelevant and needed a reason for its continued existence. NATO therefore escalated its efforts to foment ethnic wars in the Balkans in order to create excuses for its own military interventions in the region. NATO's interventions -- so-called "humanitarian wars-- were then sold to the public as a means of settling conflicts between ethnic groups. NATO's real purpose is to expand the colonial spheres of influence of its member states and their corporate allies.

(6) NATO waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia that was illegal under its own Charter and various international laws.

(7) NATO forces used 1,200 warplanes and helicopters to fly 35,000 combat missions against Yugoslavia. It dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles containing 80,000 tons of explosives on that country. Contrary to international law, NATO targeted civilian infrastructure, including over 1,000 targets of no military significance, such as: schools, hospitals, farms, bridges, roads, railways, waterlines, media stations, historic and cultural monuments, museums, factories, oil refineries and petrochemical plants.

(8) NATO's illegal bombing campaign severely impacted the health of Yugoslavia's civilian population. Thousands of civilians were killed, at least 6,000 were injured and countless others, especially children, suffered severe psychological trauma.

(9) According to the UN Environmental Program, NATO's bombing campaign triggered an ecological catastrophe in Yugoslavia and the surrounding region.

(10) In its war against Yugoslavia, NATO used weapons that are prohibited by the Hague and Geneva Conventions and the Nuremburg Charter, such as depleted uranium missiles that are radioactive and highly toxic weapons with long-term, life-threatening health and environmental consequences, and anti-personnel cluster bombs designed to kill and maim (that contravene the "Ottawa Process on Landmines because many "bomvlets do not explode during initial impact). NATO continues to stockpile these prohibited weapons for use against civilian populations in future wars.

(11) After its bombing of Yugoslavia, NATO refused to disarm the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) as required by United Nations resolution 1244. Instead, NATO converted the KLA into the Kosovo Protection Force supposedly to maintain peace and order in NATO-controlled Kosovo. Under the watchful eye of 40,000 NATO troops, the revamped KLA terrorists ethnically cleansed the area of 250,000 people who were not of Albanian heritage (as well as some ethnic Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia). During NATO's occupation, 1,300 citizens have been killed and another 1,300 have been reported missing. Kosovo's remaining minorities have no freedom of movement, live in ghettoes and face frequent terrorist attacks and property destruction.

(12) NATO appointed Agim Ceku, an alleged war criminal, as commander of the Kosovo Protection Force. Ceku, an Albanian Kosovar, led the Croatian army's "Operation Stormthat ethnically cleansed the Serbian population from their ancestral lands in Croatia. If the Hague were to pursue an indictment of Ceku, and other such terrorists, it would be a major embarrassment to their NATO bosses.

(13) As an occupying colonial power, NATO forces helped to enforce the cancellation of election results in Bosnia, shut down the offices and transmission towers of media stations that were critical of NATO's presence and seized the assets of political parties that refused to cooperate with them.

(14) The exploitative behavior rampant in military culture is exemplified by the actions of NATO troops based in the Balkans. For example, NATO troops fuel the demand for prostitution in both Bosnia and Kosovo. The women who service NATO troops live in deplorable conditions and are frequently held against their will by local captors. When evidence of UN or NATO involvement in this trade has surfaced, implicated officers have been discharged and sent home but no criminal proceedings have ever been initiated against them.

(15) NATO has been a prime source of destabilization in Macedonia by giving military assistance to Albanian terrorists there. The London Times (June 10, 2001) reported that NATO's appointee to the Kosovo Protection Force, Agim Ceku, sent 800 KLA troops to Macedonia to aid the nascent Albanian insurgency there. This June, NATO troops intervened to evacuate KLA fighters when Macedonian forces closed in on the rebels near Aracinovo. German media reports state that NATO's evacuation was ordered because 17 former U.S. military personnel -- hardened by years of Balkan fighting and working for a private U.S. mercenary group -- were among the KLA terrorists. NATO has also used diplomatic means to pressure the Macedonian government to succumb to Albanian demands.

(16) NATO's aggressive policy of expansion into Eastern Europe severely threatens international stability. With NATO's annexation of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland now complete, Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia have declared an interest in joining the NATO juggernaut. NATO has also set its sights on penetrating even further into former Soviet spheres of influence by trying to encompass Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and the Ukraine. NATO's intention to press beyond the former borders of the Soviet Union is dangerously confrontational and risks provoking war with Russia.

(17) NATO's expansion into Central and Eastern Europe is a means of integrating the military forces within those countries under NATO (and largely U.S.) control As military units within NATO, the armed forces of new NATO member states must submit to demands for standardization of military training, weapons and other military equipment. Requirements that new members standardize their military equipment to NATO's exacting specifications is a tremendous boon to U.S. and European military industries that profit greatly from these expanded export markets.

(18) New NATO member states may also lose sovereignty over other important aspects of their armed forces, such as the command, control, communications and intelligence functions, which also risk being subsumed under the auspices of NATO standardization.

(19) The reasons for NATO's expansion eastward are largely economic. For instance, NATO's military access and control over Eastern Europe helps Western European corporations to secure strategic energy resources such as oil from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. The U.S. and Western European corporations will greatly benefit from NATO's control of the oil corridor through the Caucasus mountains. NATO wants its troops to patrol this pipeline and to dominate the Armenian/Russian route to the Caspian Sea. The Caucasus also link the Adriatic-Ceyhan-Baku pipeline with oil-rich countries even farther east, in the former Soviet Central Asia republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Billions of dollars in oil may someday flow through these corridors to Western Europe for the benefit of Western-based oil companies.

(20) NATO's growth is not only a provocation to Russia, it also threatens the security of China and other Asian states that may respond in kind by increasing their military spending, thus diverting resources from the essential needs of their citizens. NATO's expansion may eventually provoke an anti-NATO alliance in Asia, further destabilizing peace and leading to possible future wars.

(21) As part of the "NATO Defence Capabilities Initiative, NATO member states have committed themselves to increase their military abilities for "power projection, mobility and increased interoperability. This will require significant additional military expenditures. European NATO countries have already increased their expenditures for military equipment by 11% in real terms since 1995. Meanwhile, military budgets in the U.S. and Canada have also increased over the past two years. The military budgets of NATO countries amounted to about 60% of the world's total military spending (US$798 billion) for the year 2000. Rather than focusing on such genuinely humanitarian priorities as providing food, housing, health care, education, environmental protection and public transportation for their populations and the rest of the world, NATO is intent on increasing their military budgets for future interventions even farther a field.

(22) The testing and training conducted by NATO to prepare for war, also has numerous negative impacts on people and the environment. NATO's war preparations include military exercises, the training of pilots and the testing of weapons and warplanes. For instance, low level flight training areas and bombing ranges in Nitassinan threaten the traditional lifestyle of many in the Innu Nation. Their unseeded territory in Quebec and Labrador is being turned into a military wasteland by NATO test flights. NATO nations also carry out dangerous bombing practices on Vieques Island, off Puerto Rico.

(23) In the late 1940s-early 1950s, at the bidding of the CIA, NATO helped to set up secret paramilitary, anti-communist cells in at least 16 European states. Originally called Operation "Stay Behind, this network of guerrilla armies was created to fight behind the lines in case of a Soviet invasion. It was codified under the umbrella of the Clandestine Coordinating Committee of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (which became NATO). These clandestine armies were condemned by the European Union in a resolution (Dec. 22, 1990) that blamed the CIA and NATO for their 40 year role in overseeing this covert operation. Widely known by the code name for the Italian campaign (i.e., "Operation Gladio") these organizations, which the EU feared may still have been operating in 1990, were accused of illegal interference in political affairs, conducting terrorist attacks, jeopardizing democratic structures and other serious crimes.

(24) Key NATO representatives have interfered with internal electoral/political developments in Europe. Although recent elections in Albania were fraught with irregularities and fraud (ballot box stuffing, ghost voters, selective disenfranchisement) NATO General Secretary George Robertson pronounced the election fair and legitimate. Earlier this year, another NATO spokesperson openly threatened that if the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (the party of former premier Vladimir Meciar) entered a coalition government, Slovakia would not be welcomed into NATO or allowed early European Union membership.

NATO’s Terror Campaign

NATO’s "victoryover what remains of Yugoslavia offers even less cause for patriotic celebration than the Spanish-American War. The U.S.-led terror campaign against Yugoslavia pitted the massed assets of the world’s largest and wealthiest nations against a country the size of Vermont,
whose gross domestic product is smaller than that of Idaho. Compounding this indecency is the fact that the NATO leadership collective chose not to engage the military assets of our "enemy,but instead focused on Yugoslavia’s civilian population in what has to be considered an act of international terrorism.

According to Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), who was a bomber pilot in World War II, it is perverse even to refer to the campaign against Yugoslavia as a war. "They never came to war with us,Senator Stevens told reporters at a Washington, DC breakfast meeting in early July. "We just bombed the hell out of them until they signed an agreement. We had 780 million people [in the NATO alliance] attacking 20 million people, and they finally came to their knees.... [After] defeating 20 million people the way we defeated them, I don’t think that’s something we should go around holding our head high in the air [about] and saying we’re superior....

"They Needed Some Bombing

The chief author of the Yugoslav terror campaign was Bill Clinton, and the effort displayed his distinctive combination of arrogance, mendacity, cowardice, and bullying. In a videotaped speech broadcast into Serbia the day after the war began, the impeached President insisted: "I cannot emphasize too strongly that the United States and our European allies have no quarrel with the Serbian people.... The NATO nations have tried to avert this conflict through every means we knew to be available. Each of us has ties to Serbia. Each respects the dignity and courage of the Serb people.... I call on all Serbs and all people of good will to join with us in seeking an end to this needless and avoidable conflict.

Given that the source of these statements was Bill Clinton, it is not surprising that they are mostly penetrable lies - all except for the description of the war as "needless and avoidable.As has been previously noted in these pages ("Why the Bombing? July 19th issue), "Appendix B of the Rambouillet "peace agreement amounted to an ultimatum, demanding that the Serbian government submit to the occupation of its country by an international "peacekeeping force. During the Rambouillet conference, one Clinton Administration official explained to reporters: "We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They needed some bombing, and that’s what they’re going to get.

After the 78-day bombing campaign, with much of Serbia’s infrastructure - including bridges, hospitals, schools, and power plants - in ruins, Mr. Clinton announced that Serbia would be excluded from a proposed Balkan reconstruction program. "What the Serbian people decide to do, of course, is their own affair, stated the President in a June 25th press conference. "But they’re going to have to come to grips with what Mr. Milosevic ordered in Kosovo. They’re just going to have to come to grips with it. And they’re going to have to get out of denial.... And then they’re going to have to decide whether they support his leadership or not.

False Images

Invoking the image of "all those tens of thousands of people … killed, and all those hundreds of thousands of people [who] were run out of their homes … all those little girls [who] were raped, and all those little boys [who] were murdered by Serb forces in Kosovo, Mr. Clinton concluded: "If [the Serb people] think it’s okay, they can make that decision. But I wouldn’t give them one red cent for reconstruction if they think it’s okay, because I don’t think it’s okay, and I don’t think that’s the world we’re trying to build for our children.

In other words, it appears that Mr. Clinton does have a "quarrel with the Serb people, whom he insists on holding accountable for the actions of Slobodan Milosevic’s regime. Mr. Clinton’s statements presuppose that the calculated destruction of Serbia’s civilian economy and infrastructure is justified by atrocities allegedly committed by that nation’s government against Albanians in Kosovo. Nothing in U.S. law or in Western just war tradition supports the notion that it is right to "punish an evil ruler by terrorizing and slaughtering his subjects. Furthermore, the parade of atrocities cited by Mr. Clinton has proven to be largely a work of embellishment, if not outright propaganda.

This is not to say that the Serbian paramilitary and regular Army units deployed in Kosovo are blameless. Ben Works, head of the Strategic Research Institute of the United States (a private intelligence consulting firm), who has analyzed Balkan affairs for more than a decade, told The New American: "It’s pretty clear that there is a pattern of war crimes by Serb forces in Kosovo. It’s by no means of the magnitude that NATO officials have suggested, and there have been plenty of outrages committed by all sides - including NATO. But it would be dishonest to say that the Serb forces in Kosovo are completely innocent.

Canadian photojournalist Paul Watson was one of the few Western reporters who covered the Kosovo tragedy on-site. In an interview with CBC radio’s As It Happens program, Watson testified: "I have spoken personally to people who have been ordered to leave their homes by police in black. I’ve also spoken to people who are simply terrified.... I don’t think that NATO member countries can, with a straight face, sit back and say they don’t share some of the blame for the wholesale depopulation of this country. While Serb forces were doing some terrible things, Watson explained, there was no evidence of systematic, genocidal "cleansing." It is very hard to hide an anarchic wholesale slaughter of people, he pointed out. "There is no evidence that such a thing happened in Kosovo.

Watson’s account was corroborated by a July 2nd USA Today front-page story documenting that the casualty and refugee figures - as well as the lurid atrocity accounts - peddled by NATO and Clinton Administration mouthpieces during the 78-day war "now appear greatly exaggerated as allied forces take control of the provinces.... Instead of 100,000 ethnic Albanian men feared murdered by rampaging Serbs, officials now estimate that about 10,000 were killed. How many of those victims perished as a result of the NATO bombing campaign, we may never know.

In a May speech before a veterans group, Mr. Clinton asserted that 600,000 ethnic Albanians were "trapped within Kosovo itself lacking shelter, short of food, afraid to go home, or buried in mass graves dug by their executioners. In fact, reported USA Today, "Though thousands [of Albanian men] hid in Kosovo, they are healthy. Additionally, "Kosovo’s livestock, wheat, and other crops are growing, not slaughtered wholesale or torched as widely reported." Yes, there were atrocities, commented House Intelligence Committee Chairman Porter Goss (R-FL). "But no, they don’t measure up to the advance billing.

Bill Clinton’s allusion to accounts of "little girls being raped - a singularly audacious charge, coming as it did from a plausibly accused rapist - also embroiders the facts that are becoming available. In the Kosovo conflict, as in nearly every other military struggle, the tragedy of rape was a tangible reality. However, as Lori Montgomery of the Sydney Morning Herald reported in a July 3rd dispatch from Prizren, there is no evidence of "systematic rape conducted by Serb forces. Such rape as did occur was "a vicious aberration among Serb forces, an opportunistic act perpetrated by the mean and the drunken who tried to hide it from their superiors.

Further complicating efforts for Bill Clinton and others who wish to depict the Serbs as genocidalists is the fact that no threat was made to evict or exterminate Belgrade’s population of 100,000 ethnic Albanians; the only threat they faced came from NATO’s bombing runs. Furthermore, the Yugoslav government actually provided weapons to loyalist ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

KLA "Cleansing

By way of contrast, NATO’s leadership collective has shown little concern over the "ethnic cleansing campaign being waged against Serbs in Kosovo under the leadership of the Marxist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). While many Kosovo Albanians are exacting revenge against specific Serbs who burned and looted Albanian homes, the Serb victims include many people who tried to intervene on behalf of their Albanian neighbors.

When, shortly after the NATO bombing campaign began, troops from Serbia’s Interior Ministry went on a rampage through the village of Sekiraca, 80-year-old Srbislav Dukic "implored the troops not to burn the ethnic Albanian houses and a flour mill owned by 28-year-old Mustafa Ejupi, reported the July 3rd Sydney Morning Herald. Standing with his arm around his elderly benefactor, Ejupi recalled how Dukic intervened with the soldiers and pointed out that the younger Albanian had no connections to the KLA. "Srbislav saved my mill, testified Ejupi. Now the elderly Good Samaritan and his family face "revenge attacks mounted by the KLA.

"I don’t know how Serbs and ethnic Albanians can live together in the future, but our leadership is guilty, declares Dukic. "The leadership has created this environment. And we poor people, workers who have been working all our lives, we’ve never had problems. Now that the KLA, largely unmolested by NATO "peacekeepers, is conducting depredations against Kosovo Serbs, the relative tranquility described by Dukic will probably never return.

The monks of Decani monastery also acted to protect their Albanian neighbors from Serb paramilitaries. According to a June 17th BBC report, ethnic Albanians in Decani "say they owe their lives to the humanity and courage of the local Orthodox monks. When paramilitary gangs stormed nearby villages demanding money - and killing Albanians who wouldn’t or couldn’t buy them off - the monks offered sanctuary to as many refugees as they could take in. "We helped them in the best way we could, recalled the monastery’s abbot. Agim Morani, one of the Albanians saved by the monks, told the BBC that the abbot "took us to the church and then came back for the others. If he hadn’t come it is one hundred percent certain we would be dead. The KLA has repaid the Christian solicitude of the Decani monks by vandalizing the monastery and destroying its icons.

Mother Maharija, the abbess of Zvecan’s Holy Mother Orthodox Convent in Kosovo, also provided shelter for ethnic Albanians during the war. "Our dearest neighbors are Albanians, Maharija told the Chicago Tribune. "During the war, we protected them, brought them medicine and took them to the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica. Since the end of the war, notes the Tribune, "Nuns have been raped, churches vandalized, and members of religious orders robbed by the Kosovo Liberation Army"; the Holy Mother Orthodox Convent has been spared thus far, and Maharija intends to continue ministering to the needs of her neighbors.

Elsewhere in "liberated Kosovo, KLA terrorists have vented their hatred on Orthodox Christian monks and nuns. The Times of London reported on June 21st that KLA marauders "attacked and possibly raped nuns and began "a vicious series of revenge killings of Gypsies in the southern Prizren area. One British officer assigned to the area described as "sickening the three-day ordeal of nine nuns who were trapped in a nearby convent. "I know [KLA guerillas] fired guns right next to the sisters’ heads and I believe very possibly the youngest sister was raped, he told the Times.

Bill Clinton’s legendary empathy flags when the subject is the plight of Kosovo’s Serbs, who are being "cleansed from their homes under the largely indifferent gaze of UN/NATO "peacekeepers. During his June 25th press conference, Mr. Clinton was asked by a reporter about "Serb homes that are being burned, Serb stores that are being looted, and Serb civilians that are being terrorized by KLA-led mobs. The impeached President actually defended the perpetrators: "I’m not particularly surprised after what they’ve been through.

The Clinton Administration and the UN’s so-called International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia have actually made it plain that the KLA can ravage Kosovo Serbs with impunity. "The U.S. government and the United Nations said … they have no plans to investigate the Kosovo Liberation Army for possible war crimes, arguing that a wave of revenge against Serbs in the province does not appear to be coordinated by the KLA leadership, reported the June 29th Washington Times. "Our mandate is to investigate crimes that occur during the war, during armed conflict that involve members of armed entities, declared Tribunal spokesman Paul Riley. Of the KLA’s post-war rampage, Riley opined, "I don’t think it’s an organized KLA attempt. I think it’s just guys doing what they think is right - burning houses.

While Serb civilians, as Bill Clinton has made clear, must pay the price for acts of terror committed by Milosevic’s minions, the KLA will not be held accountable for supposedly unorganized acts of terror they are committing against Serb civilians.

NATO "Success

NATO’s 78-day bombing campaign inflicted little damage on the Serbian military and interior ministry forces responsible for terrorizing Kosovo’s Albanian population. "Within Kosovo, NATO’s KFOR troops have found few examples of bombing damage, Britain's Sky News service reported in early July. "Strategic sites in the capital, Pristina, had been destroyed, as had some key bridges. But large columns of retreating Serb forces showed little sign of attack at the end of the conflict. " We all saw the Serbs leaving Kosovo with their tails and their flags flying, observed Lieutenant General Sir Roderick Cordy-Simpson, a British official who has commanded UN "peacekeepers in Bosnia. "Certainly we did not do anything like [the damage] we pretended we had done....

During the air campaign, reported military analyst Colonel David Hackworth, NATO’s "smart bombs and missiles costing from 50 grand to 2 million bucks repeatedly blew up decoy ‘tanks,’ ‘artillery pieces,’ and other ‘targets’ made of sticks and plastic....Yugoslav Army units would rig dummy mobile-air-defense units, many of which were placed next to dummy bridges and "mock roads - strips of black plastic sheeting laid across open fields with ‘tanks’ and other ‘military vehicles’ painted on them, Hackworth continued. "U.S. aircraft flying at 15,000 feet had a field day blowing up these ‘Serb air defense units’ and other dummy targets, while their spinners back at NATO headquarters daily chanted to the world, ‘We are significantly degrading their air defense and combat ability.’

NATO’s air campaign against civilian targets was significantly more "successful. At least 74 Kosovo Albanian refugees were slaughtered during a NATO air strike on the road between Prizren and Djakovica; the refugees were killed while attempting to return to their homes in Kosovo. Robert Fisk of London’s Independent newspaper described the "torn and mangled bodies of NATO’s victims - "a young and beautiful girl, her eyes gently staring at me between half-closed lids, the bottom half of her head bathed in blood.... [The old man ripped in half and blasted into a tree … the smoldering skeleton with one bloody still flesh-adhering foot over the back of a trailer … the dead, naked man slouched over the steering wheel of a burnt tractor....

Reporting from Surdulica, Fisk described the casualties of a NATO bomb that destroyed a sanitarium for lung and tuberculosis patients. At least 18 patients died in the attack on the hospital, which is clearly identified, according to Fisk, "on every map, and nowhere near a military installation. Fisk described teen-age Milena Malobabic, whose body was found near "that of her mother - both feet torn off but placed beside her legs, and Milena’s two brothers, one of them with an arm bent over his face as if still cowering from the bombs. As Fisk recounted the attack, "About 40 patients at the Special Hospital for Lung and Tuberculosis were seriously wounded when the NATO bombs fell on them just after midnight. Part of the two-story, 75-year-old hospital simply caved in on the men and women in their beds, which is where most of them died, although one old man whose body I saw was still dressed in a pair of old blue trousers and a torn striped shirt.

"Geneva Conventions - assiduously produced by NATO in response to war crimes against Albanians in Kosovo - state that civilians must be protected even if in the vicinity of military personnel, Fisk pointed out. "But the patients at Surdulica were not given that protection. Branislav Ristic, commander of the local civil defense unit, pointed out to Fisk that during World War II, resistance fighters were stationed near the sanitarium "and the Germans knew they were here but never touched them.

"The Germans never did anything like this, agreed Jokvana Ilic, a Belgrade schoolteacher reacting to a late April bombing of the Vracar residential district. "I cannot believe it. I simply cannot believe it. According to the Associated Press, "The heat from the explosions was so great, residents said, it burned the hair of those who ran out into the streets to see what had happened. "They are destroying us, one by one, piece by piece, wept 30-year-old Jasminka Radovanovic. "What do they want from us?

Price of "Peace

NATO’s attack on Yugoslavia, observed Professor Robert Hayden of the University of Pittsburgh, was "the first unprovoked, opposed military aggression in Europe since Soviet troops invaded Hungary in 1956.In this war of aggression, continued Hayden, "NATO’s attacks [were] aimed against civilian targets since literally the first night of the bombing, when a tractor factory in the Belgrade suburb of Rakovica was destroyed by cruise missiles. Since then, NATO targets have included roads, railroad tracks and bridges hundreds of miles from Kosovo, power plants, factories of many kinds, food processing and sugar processing plants, water pumping stations, cigarette factories, central heating plants for civilian apartment blocks, television studios, post offices, non-military government administrative buildings, ski resorts, government official residences, oil refineries, civilian airports, gas stations, and chemical plants.

Said Hayden: "That NATO planned from the start to hit civilian targets was made clear to me a few days before the attacks began by an employee of a U.S. intelligence organization who said that the CIA had been charged with preparing lists of Yugoslav economic assets and that, ‘basically, everything in the country is a target unless it’s taken off the list.’ NATO’s strategy is not to attack Yugoslavia’s army directly, but rather to destroy Yugoslavia itself.... With this strategy it is military losses that are ‘collateral damage,’ because most of the attacks are aimed at civilian targets.

During a March 31st interview, Dan Rather asked Bill Clinton if he had given the order to (in military parlance) "go downtown- that is, to bomb non-military targets in Belgrade. Seeking refuge in circumlocution, the impeached President drawled out an answer worthy of a Soviet commissar: "We are attacking targets that we believe will … raise the price of aggression to an unacceptably high level so that we can get back to talking peace and security.

The world neither needs nor can afford the Soviet-style "peace and security represented in NATO’s "victoryover Serbia.

The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust and the United Nations seem very innocuous on the front but their agenda is the ruination of souls and the conversion of the world to Satanism.

The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is on WOR radio, New York, New York City's 2nd-Largest AM Radio Station WOR Radio 710 AM on you dial every Sunday from 7:30 am - 8 am. New Age and Satan Worship.

Here are some links

Teaching God's children to worship "Divine Nature

The Earth Charter

UNESCO: A Budding Global School Board

Rebutting Rockefeller

The European Union's Stealth Attack on Religion

The Catholic Church is against Communism and Socialism, Make sure the socialists do not take over; they are working from within the church and are part of the media and will stop at nothing from destroying the Church.
DECEMBER 28, 1878
DECEMBER 8, 1849
Encyclical of Pope
Leo XIII on Christian Democracy
January 18, 1901
Part of the 45 Goals of Communism
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Lucis Trust - The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations
UN Logo

33 Segments surrounded by sprigs of acacia
'Welcome to the United Nations. It's your World'...

By, Atrayu

The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations

The Lucis Trust

UN Meditation Room The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation, Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.

At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 866 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that in the new age "World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain. In other words - a One World Government New World Order.

Luci's Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former minister of Defence in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow). Luci's Trust sponsors among others the following organizations: UN, Green peace Int., Green peace USA, Amnesty Int. and UNICEF.

The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New Spirituality and the gathering "New World Order based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that "Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans". [Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]

Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these 'three occult factors', she did reveal to her students that "Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group - a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realize it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane - the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found'. [Ibid. p.220.]

To this end, the Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey, started a group called 'World Goodwill' - an official non-governmental organization within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is "to cooperate in the world of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ [One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]

But the esoteric work inside the UN does not stop with such recognized occult groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the officer ship of two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld (held office: 1953-1961) and U Thant (held office: 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and one Assistant Secretary-general, Dr. Robert Muller. In a book written to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by Robert Muller), it is revealed "Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space". [Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]

Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote: "the United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer manifestation.

William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".

You can find out much more about them and how they're involved with the work of the United Nations by following their link "World Goodwill at the top of their home page.

The Aquarian Age Community

This Website is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole NWO philosophy is there. The page which explains the work of the Aquarian Age Community, as they call themselves, has this proud quote at the header of their page at

Such a grandeur is ahead!
Such a great step awaits a fiery affirmation.
Our teaching and the affirmation of the Higher
Principles will reveal so much that is great to humanity!
A great period is drawing near: Thus we do create together.

Fiery World
Vol. III, par. 149

Amongst the many 'enlightening' pages in this website, you can easily find 'fascinating' articles entitled:

"The New World Order and the Work of the UN

"The World Spiritual Teacher, the Esoteric Community and the United Nations

Preparing the Way for the Reappearance of the World Spiritual Teacher, the Work of the United Nations and the World-Wide Esoteric Community and many more articles.

This is not Christian theology but New Age paganism. You can also read the NWO quotes I posted, further down this page. Here's another by Curtis Dall, FD Roosevelt's son in law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father in Law:

"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations One World Money group... Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.

The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus nearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.

The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market... The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.


Under the U.N. Gavel
By Sen. Larry E. Craig, R-ID 

At its founding, the mission of the United Nations, as stated in its charter, was "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. It made no claim to supersede the sovereignty of its member states. Article 2 says that the United Nations "is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members, and it may not "intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.

Since then, the United Nations has turned the principle of national sovereignty on its head. Through a host of conventions, treaties and conferences, it has intruded into regulation of resources and the economy (for example, treaties on "biological diversity, marine resources and climate change) and family life (hyping phony liberalism while masculinity is scorned and western manhood is amputated - causing untold grief to the family unit) (conventions on parent-child relations and women in society). It has demanded that countries institute racial quotas and laws against hate crimes and speech (while the U.N. itself can jail someone for 30 years without trial). Recently the United Nations tried to undermine Americans' constitutional right to keep and bear arms (with proposed restrictions on the international sale of small arms).

Fortunately, many of these have been dead on arrival in the U.S. Senate, successive presidents have refused to endorse others, and in any case the United Nations had little power of enforcement. But in 1998, one mechanism of global government (there it is in the Washington Post folks) came to life with the so-called "Rome Statute establishing a permanent International Criminal Court (and abolishing the Magna Carta in Britain). Once this treaty is ratified by 60 countries, the United Nations will wield judicial power over every individual human being -- even over citizens of countries that haven't joined the court.

While the court's stated mission is dealing with war crimes and crimes against humanity (what about their own crimes against humanity when they committed widespread genocide in the Balkans and East Timor? Dare I say they are hypocrites?) -- which, because there is no appeal from its decisions, only the court will have the right to define -- its mandate could be broadened later. Based on existing U.N. tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, which are models for the International Criminal Court, defendants will have none of the due process rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution, such as trial by jury, confrontation of witnesses or a speedy and public trial (that's a communist court system!).

President Clinton signed the Rome treaty last year, citing U.S. support for existing U.N. war crimes tribunals. Many suppose the court will target only a Slobodan Milosevic or the perpetrators of massacres in Rwanda, or dictators like Iraq's Saddam Hussein. But who knows? To some people, Augusto Pinochet is the man who saved Chile from communism; to others he is a murderer. Who should judge him -- the United Nations or the Chilean people?

In dozens of countries, governments use brutal force against insurgents. Should the United Nations decide whether leaders in Turkey or India should be put in the defendants' dock, and then commit the United States to bring them there? How about Russia's Vladimir Putin, for Chechnya? Or Israel's Ariel Sharon? Can we trust the United Nations with that decision (the more evil these premieres are - the more the U.N. loves them)?

The court's critics rightly cite the danger to U.S. military personnel deployed abroad. Since even one death can be a war crime, a U.S. soldier could be indicted just for doing his duty. But the International Criminal Court also would apply to acts "committed by any American here at home. The European Union and U.S. domestic opponents consider the death penalty "discriminatory and "inhumane. Could an American governor face indictment by the court for "crimes against humanity for signing a death warrant?

Milosevic was delivered to a U.N. court (largely at U.S. insistence) for offences occurring entirely within his own country. Some say the Milosevic precedent doesn't threaten Americans, because the U.S. Constitution protects them. But for Milosevic, we demanded that the Yugoslav Constitution be trashed and the United Nations' authority prevail. Why should the International Criminal Court treat our Constitution any better (they're already destroying the 2nd amendment with their gun grab and the 1st with their phony 'hate crime' nonsense)?

Instead of trying to "fix the Rome treaty, the United States must recognize that it is a fundamental threat to American sovereignty. The State Department's participation in the court's preparatory commission is counterproductive. We need to make it clear that we consider the court an illegitimate body, that the United States will never join it and that we will never accept its "jurisdiction over any U.S. citizen or help to impose it on other countries.

The Communist Threat

Free Pass on Chechnya
Missiles bolstered opposite Taiwan
Taiwan security concerns prompt US military plan
Russian Mobs Becoming More Active in U.S.
U.S. Businesses Help China Suppress Internet
U.S. Probes U.N.-Funded Abortions in China
China's Hu Warns U.S. on Taiwan
U.S. Capitalists Spread China's Communist Propaganda
Chinese Order Olympic Crackdown
How the U.S. Can Free China's Internet
Russia's Gen. Lebed Latest Top Politician to Die
Rot at the top: America's Marxist-Dominated Universities
U.S. Government Warns Cuba on Bio Weapons Program
Shanghai cybercafes shut down
Group Says Chinese Arrested Lama
One giant leap for China?
George Bush Sr. meets Jiang Zemin
Media Silent on Pipe Bomber's Leftism
US Planes For The Chinese Air Force, Warships For The UAE
Falun Gong hijack TV in second Chinese city
Japan-China spat over North Koreans
U.S. Delegation to China: Another Whitewash in the Making
China Attacks Unhappy Workers
CNN called Castro's 'megaphone'
Activists: More North Koreans Expected to Flee into China
Taiwan to spend 20.3 billion dollars on weapons in 10 years
Chinese leaders seek allies against US encirclement
Warning - following story may produce vile convulsions - Bush's love of Pootie-Poot Putin
A REMINDER: 'Pootie-Poot Putin takes 30,000 North Korean slaves to work in Siberian gulags
Exporting weapons draws U.S. sanctions
China Threatens Punitive Tariffs
China Wants Manned Base on the Moon 'For the Benefit of Humanity'
The Great Firewall of China - Beijing Developing Electronic Chains to Enslave Its People
China Embraces Rogue States While Condemning Terror
China Still Building Ties With 'Axis of Evil'
China Called a Potential Threat
Red China's Military Benefits From American Giveaways
Chinese preparing new cyber-attacks
NATO Pact Leaves China Cold
China Seeks Tiananmen Papers Source
Police say offices of anti-Castro groups firebombed
 On Red Army Rapes In Berlin Angers Russians
Anti-communist Angolans fight for life
Russian spy base: No help to China
Russia Has Increased Its Spying Against the U.S.
Putin Insists China Ties Remain Strong
Apartment bomber Putin to discuss terror tactics with Ashcroft
US says China provided Pakistan with missile-related tech
Castro Holds March For Socialism
China Helps Pakistan Build Jet Fighter
Chinese Police Arrest Farmer
Stalin was their darling
Russia tops US arms exports
China Rejects Asylum Release Demand
False START- The Great Nuclear Swindle in Moscow
China Cafe Owner Ordered Arrested
Beijing's web users angry at shutdown
Poll revival for Czech Communists
Independent media fighting for survival in Russia
43-Year Struggle Against Castro
North Koreans 'forced to eat grass'
China trained Taliban
U.S.-China tensions over farm trade
U.S. warns Israel against future arms sales to China; fear explosion of Taiwan hostilities
Red China’s one-child policy spurs child-slave trade
U.S. 'Asleep' While China Builds Military
China stops BBC World broadcast
China facing AIDs catastrophe
Russian journalists get sacked for asking Putin questions about state corruption
Mine tragedy puts spotlight on Chinese sleaze
Joint China/Russia military exercise speculated to target America set for August!
Russian police state 'extremist bill' designed to crush political dissidents fueled by spate of exploding signs
Human remains discovered under Russian Supreme Court - consequence of communism or elite sacrifice?
Mass shutdown of Chinese internet cafes by totalitarian red government
China's military on parade
China-Russia wargames confirmed
China Considers Russian Missile
Russia oversees secret permanent war preparedness plan
Over 900 Ill After China Vaccine, Officials Nabbed
The Assassination of Russia (film exposing Putin/FSB terror operation as pretext for war on Chechens)
RELATED ARTICLE: Russian tycoon blames Moscow for blasts
China denies threat to Taiwan
Bush continues to sell out to totalitarian communist China
Here's the result: China taking advantage of U.S. friendship, now a bigger threat than ever
Britain tasks China over weapons spread (arming terrorists)
China sets up anti-terrorist police force
Net watchdog blasts China Web rules
China force women returning to country into abortion
Moscow residents have water turned off when Lord Putin is in town
U.S. sanctions 8 Chinese firms for unlawful sale of arms, germ-weapons materials to Iran
China denies selling weapons to Iran
China tests arms designed to fool defense systems
CHINA'S MILITARY MIGHT - A question of strategy
Taiwan warns on China military
Russian military accused of executing Chechen men to thin the population
China slams U.S. for denying money to kill babies
China Cos. Deny Weapons Accusations
Russia accused of 'thinning out' Chechen youths
China 'snatched exiled dissidents' - say goodbye to your organs
China accuses US of 'ulterior motives and malicious intent' in Falun Gong resolution
China's bogus medicines kill thousands a year
Don't be fooled - China is not squeaky clean
China: Second child to cost parents eight years' pay
Russian-Chinese pact a 'great game' victim
What the Pentagon's China report tells us
China is developing high-tech weaponry to wage war against USA and is fooling the world on its long-term goals
NWO lieutenant Sumner Redstone set to export MTV to China
China wary of US-ASEAN anti-terrorism agreement
Russia holds biggest post-Soviet military exercises to flex muscles in Caspian
China repeats refusal to renounce force against Taiwan
China hails Jiang's military prowess
China Increases Censorship of Internet
'Stunned' US tells Putin its nuclear fear of Iran
China's changing of the guard
China intensifies its war exercises
Russia confirms hundreds missing in Chechnya as massacre continues
China Warns Taiwanese President
Red Chinese state run media lashes Taiwan's Chen over referendum
Eleven killed in Chechen ambush
Terror in China - Zhizhen Dai's husband was kidnapped, tortured and killed by the Chinese authorities
China’s "war on terrorism"-brutal repression of ethnic unrest in Xinjiang
Taiwan cancels crucial military exercise to appease China
Putin’s new summer palace to cost £120m - while Russian schools crumble
Russian mob plotted attack on high ranking US military officer
Japanese scholar attacked for suggesting China wants an India-Pakistan nuclear war
Russia Hides Information That Could Save Lives in War on Terror
China holds rebels in Soviet-style asylums
China 'sending dissidents to mental hospitals'
Red Dragon Rising
China announces 'final' space test
N.Korea's Kim Jong-il to visit Russia this month - I wonder if he'll have some more to Mr. Putin
Russia makes waves in the Caspian
Russia plans to invade Georgia
China accuses Taiwan VP of trying to 'split' China
Iraq and Russia are close to signing a $40 billion economic cooperation plan
UN's Robinson 'concerned' over China: meanwhile the UN continue to advocate forced state abortion in China
Russian 'Satan' nukes to be refurbished and operational for another 12 years: While Bush leaves the US wide open by dismantling M.A.D. - Putin has 50 of these warheads aimed at America
Hereditary dictator Kim Jong-il rolls into Russia
The Bear and the Dragon mean business
Russia Warns America and Israel Away From Iraq
The New World Order - BBC Article
Popular Writer Calls Globalization the New World Order
Exposing the Links Between Communism, The Illuminati, and Islamic Terrorism
The 45 Goal of Communism
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto.
China Is One With Arafat
N. Korea Says U.S. Being Aggressive
Nato and Russia seal new ties
China's military has been increasing aerial intercepts of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft flying in international airspace along China's coast
CNN's 'Commie Dictator' Influence?
Moscow supporting terrorism?
Questions for President Putin
Putin speaks of New World Order
China puts forth proposal on promotion, protection of human rights
Bush and Putin Agree to Reduce Stockpile of Nuclear Warheads
Beijing produces videos glorifying terrorst attacks on 'arrogant' US
Castro's Planes Fly Over U.S. Despite Terrorist Ties
North Korea Lashes Out At Bush And Refuses To Talk
Exposing the Links Between Communism, The Illuminati, and Islamic Terrorism
China Assisting Us in War Against US' Says Taliban Commander
The Russian Connection - And Putin's US Travel Ban
Claims that China paid Bin Laden to see cruise missiles
China to relocate 64,000 villagers
Moscow 'vehemently' opposes attacks on Iraq
USA promises to remove economic barriers for Russia
China to Build Stem Cell Complex
US Likely To Put Anti-Chinese ICBM Missile Shield In Afghanistan
N. Korea Says in 'Full Combat Preparedness' for US
Castro calls September 11 attacks a hard hit for leftist movements
Sept. 11 Funds Aid Leftist Groups; Critics Charge 'Abuse'
Blair Plans Wider Role For Russia with Nato
Russian Officials Ordered Not to Travel to U.S. - What Did They Know?
Russian Military Suspected as Source of Anthrax
U.S. May Waive China Sanctions
Moscow Attacks Bush Over War
China Supports bin Laden And The Taliban
The Taliban Reaches Out To China
Is China Moving In?
Our New 'Friends' Are Killers, Crooks And Torturers
Russia Steps Up Arms For Iran
Rumors of China's Acquisition of US Missiles From Taliban Groundless
The price of China's cooperation
How Russia Benefits
Bush 'will visit China'
China Strengthens Ties with Taliban by Signing Economic Deal
US Briefs China on Missile Defence
Powell dubs China a US friend
Secret US deal with Putin over ABM treaty
US welcomes Putin offer to cut more arms
China urges arms control talks after U.S. exits treaty
North Korea Vows Arms Build-Up To Cope With US
Russia Checkmated It's New Best Friend
US Will Again Ask China To Stop Giving Pakistan Missile Technology
Book says China involved in 9-11 attacks
As the War Shifts Alliances, Oil Deals Follow
China Supports Palestine's Peace Efforts
Russia backs U.S. gun-control advocates
Chinese ammo found in al-Qaida hideouts
China simulates attacks on U.S. carriers
China warns Israel over Awacs
China executes corrupt officials
Inside the Ring
Is Beijing using terror networks?
China preparing missile defence
'Constructive' Blair-Putin talks end
Japan sinks 'North Korea spying ship'
Heightening tensions along border part of China's gameplan
Mr. Putin's Latest 'Spy'
Harry Wu slams U.S.-China trade policy
Beijing Continues Its Preparations for War
Chinese Death Ruling for Banned Sect
Kid-glove treatment for China
North Korea pledges "do or die spirit" to guard socialism
China Court Indicts Hong Kong Man For Importing Bibles
Thousands Of Russian Prisoners Are still Suffering In Gulag Archipelago
Problems with euro in Poland and Russia
State Department Investigates Jailing of Christian Man in China
China's Role in WTC Attack on America is Revealed
CIA Highlights China Missile Threat
Russia signs contract to build two destroyers for Chinese Navy
Corruption Charges Rock China's Leaders
CIA: China Expected to Target U.S.
Bush Plans Visit to Asian Countries
Report upgrades China's threat as a nuclear power
China Strengthens Ties with Taliban by Signing Economic Deal
Beijing produces videos glorifying terrorist attacks on 'arrogant' US
Doctors Worried as Americans Get Organs of Chinese Inmates
Court closes Russia's last independent TV station
China releases American-educated democracy activist
China concerned at electronic threats to moral standards
Kim sells workers to gulags in debt deal
Russia-U.S. military partnership sought
Pakistan And China Renew Defence Cooperation Commitment
China Finds Bugs on Jet Equipped in U.S.
Communist party takes back power in Berlin
The New China Syndrome
Blackout in Russia
Silencing Critics of the Kremlin
Book says China involved in 9-11 attacks
Chinese Enter Afghan Arena
U.S. Hits China with Sanctions Over Arms Sales

Zimbabwe - Russian Mercenaries Helping Mugabe?

China Leads World In GM Crop Cultivation
China a Terrorist Threat to U.S., Dissident Wu Warns
UPI - 'Seed Of Fire' By Gordon Thomas Has 'Explosive Implications'
Booming Chinese Black Market In Stolen Babies
Beijing continues anti-satellite work
China Slams Bush Over 'Evil Axis' Speech
China Wants Its Own 'New World Order' To Oppose US Version
China buys U.S. satellite data to target Taiwan
India, Russia negotiate billion-dollar arms deal
Scholar Claims Nighmares From China
Secret Report Shows China Using Canada To Infiltrate US
China 'extreme' on sects
Over 40 Foreign Falungong Followers Held For Beijing Protest
China Prepares to Execute Christians
Jiang: China Has Freedom of Religion
China Is Treated More Gently Than North Korea for Same Sin
Soviet style comes in from the cold
Chinese leader lost for words as he meets press
Bush Tells China US Will Defend Taiwan If It Is Attacked
Inside the Ring
Beijing to acquire espionage network?
Moscow Condemns US 'Arrogance' On Iraq
Chinese kids get jabs to delay puberty
Moscow charges 'genocide' in Kosovo
Russian Duma Calls for Milosevic to be Set Free!
Will Bush fund China's eugenics program?
China cuts power, water to elderly Christians
N. Korea Tortures Christians, Diverts Food Aid, Doctor Claims
Kissinger Says China Not a Communist Country
Former ally links Putin to Moscow blasts
Falun Gong Hijacks China City's TV Airwaves
Berezovsky Says Putin Knew About FSB Role
Putin knew of terror bombings, says exile
Berezovsky Promises to Show Film in London
Putin foe links him to '99 bombings Tycoon says Russia was behind deadly blasts blamed on Chechens
FSB Says It's Building a Case of Its Own
Chinese peasants take revenge after being given HIV
Russian Customs Seize Terror Tape
China's Insecurity Complex
Mikhail Gorbachev: Communism was `pure propaganda'
Moscow: U.S. betrays memory of 9-11
Moscow awaiting 'friendly nuclear strike'
Jiang Asks China's Army To Prepare For 'Military Struggle'
China Is a Threat to America
China's army to prepare for 'military struggle'
Russia 'will stand by coalition even if Iraq is attacked'
North Koreans take refuge in embassy
China Summons US Ambassador to Make Representations
China lashes out at US over `nuclear blackmail'
Feminist Betty Friedan (Friedman)'s Stalinist/Marxist Agenda
China issues stern warning over US actions on Taiwan
Russian Mafia Has Kremlin Connections
China And Pakistan Sign New Military Agreements
Inside the Ring China missile test
China to launch 3rd unmanned spaceship 'within days': paper
Cuba Insists Bush Behind Castro's Hasty Summit Exit
How Communist is Public Education?
Digital Angel Corporation Opens 'Research Center' In China
China Detains Falun Gong Followers
37,500 Beijing families earn less than $60 a month
China assembles missiles near coast facing Taiwan
Arrests reported over Falun Gong TV transmission in northern China
N. Korea To Resume Talks With U.s.
China and EU Enjoying Best Relations Ever in History: Jiang
Falun Gong Followers In the U.S. Sue China
US grants N Korea nuclear funds
President Jiang Zemin Meets Former French President
Red China’s Military Benefits From American Giveaways
Moscow Continues Its Brutal War in Chechnya
Bush's Reckless Talk Gives China The Jitters
Japan may go nuclear, hawk tells Beijing
China's Jiang on sensitive mission
Russia Says It Uncovers CIA Spy Ring
China's killing spree doubles world's execution toll
Russian troops ‘using rape as weapon’
China Estimates It Has 850,000 HIV Carriers
Chinese-Made Rockets Found in Kabul
White House backs strong defense of Taiwan
Russians: CIA Used Drugs to Recruit
China’s Blood Trail and the AIDS Genocide  Begins and Ends With The Rockefeller Cartel
Putin presses EU over energy exports
China United Front for Chinese Air Force
Nato invites Putin to seal new relationship
Trulock: CIA Director Aided Cover-up of Clinton-China Scandal
Diplomatic Mobilization of China, Part 1
Putin Seeks Strong Ties With NATO and China
Report: Russians Arming the IRA
Chinese President Meets Iranian Supreme Leader
China's net usage leaps to second in world
Cohen: 'Dirty Bomb' Could Come From Russia
Religious persecution in Russia?
China's net usage leaps to second in world
CIA Warns of Chinese Plans for Cyber-Attacks on U.S.
Japan begins smoothing China's ruffled feathers
Communists still most popular Russian party: Poll
A rough ride on the tiger
CIA Warns of Chinese Plans for Cyber-Attacks on U.S.
Sept. 11 Amuses Chinese Premier
UFOs spotted hovering over Beijing
China unemployment to triple in 4 years
Powerful governor dies in helicopter crash

* Angelic Warfare Confraternity

* Archdiocese of Boston - Cardinal Seán's Blog

* Bls. Elizabeth Canori Mora & Anna Maria Taigi

* Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

* Catechism of the Catholic Church Online

* Catechism of the Catholic Church for Children

* Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, NYC

* Catholic Modesty

* Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary

* Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

* Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible Online

* The Eucharist and Sacred Heart - Devotions

* Enchiridion of Indulgences

* Exorcism Blessing of Sacramentals - Roman Ritual

* Fathers for Good - St. Joseph Booklets of the Knights of Columbus

* Green Scapular Society

* The Holy See

* The Imitation of Christ - Thomas à Kempis

* Institutions Connected with the Holy See

* Little Nellie of Holy God (1903 - 1908)

* Living Rosary Association of St. Philomena

* National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC)

* National Homepage for Militia of the Immaculata

* Papal Encyclicals Online

* Pastoral Marian Organizations in the USA

* Pontifical Academies

* Pontifical Academy for Life

* Pontifical Academy of Sciences

* Pontifical Commissions

* Pontifical Councils

* Sisters of Life

* Stations of the Cross

* St. Bridget's 15 prayers to Our Lord

* St. John of the Cross - Precautions and Counsels

* St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus - virtual museum

* St. Philomena the Thaumaturga ('Wonder Worker'),
Patron of the Children of Mary and the Living Rosary

* ZENIT Vatican-related news


* Venerable Anne de Guigne

* Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot

* Venerable Pierre Toussaint

* Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Servant of God

* Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney

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U.S. National Organizations
American Life League
National Right to Life  - Main office of one of the nation's oldest and largest pro-life organizations.
NPLA - National Pro-Life Alliance.
U.S. State and Regional Organizations
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Allen County Right to Life (IN)
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Brazos County Coalition for Life (TX)
California Right to Life
California Pro-Life Council  
Cleveland Right to Life
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Delaware Right to Life  
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Florida Right to Life  
Frederick County Right to Life (MD)
Fremont Area Right to Life (NE)
Georgia Right to Life /
Hawaii Right to Life  
Human Life Alliance of Minnesota
Idaho Right to Life  
Illinois Choose Life /- Campaign to bring "Choose Life" plates to Illinois.
Illinois Citizens for Life
Illinois Federation for the Right to Life  
Illinois Right to Life Committee
Indiana Right to Life  
Iowa Right to Life  
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Maine Right to Life  
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Massachussetts Right to Life  
Michigan Christians for Life
Michigan Right to Life  
Minnesota Right to Life  
Mississippi Right to Life  
Missouri Right to Life  
Montana Right to Life  
Naples Florida Pro-Life Council
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North Carolina Right to Life  
North Dakota Right to Life  
North Dakota Right to Life League
Ohio Right to Life  
Oklahoma Right to Life  
Oregon Right to Life  
Pennsylvania Right to Life  
People for Life - Activist group based in Erie, PA
Pro-Life Union of Southeastern PA
Pro-life Wisconsin  
Rhode Island Right to Life  
Rochester New York Right to Life
Saint John Nebraska and Area Pro-Life
South Carolina Right to Life  
South Dakota Right to Life  
Speak Out Illinois - Yearly conference hosted by Illinois pro-life groups.
Tennessee Right to Life  
Texas Right to Life  
Texans for Life Coalition  
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Canada National Sites
Campaign for Life Coalition of Canada - Canada's national pro-life organization.
Canadian Abortion Laws and History
Canadian Abortion Statistics
Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
CatholicLand Camping center in Ontario. Hosts many pro-life events.
Life Canada /- National association of educational pro-life groups across Canada.
National Campus Life Network (Canada)  - Supports pro-life organizations on Canada's college campuses.
No Violence Period - Consistent life ethic articles.
Priests for Life Canada
Reality Check - Pro-life, pro-equality, and anti-feminist Canadian forum.
REAL Women of Canada - Realistic, Equal, Active, and for Life.
Take Back Canada! - Provides information and urges action on pro-life issues.
Canada Regional Sites
Abbotsford Right to Life Society (BC)
Alliance for Life Education Center (Sask.)
Action Life, Ottawa
Alberta Pro-Life
British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life
CLCBC Campaign Life Coalition of British Columbia
Chilliwack Pro-Life Society
Choice for Life Society of Williams Lake (BC)
Cowichan Pro-Life (BC)
CPC in Winnipeg (MB)
Edmonton Pro-Life (AL)
Guelph & Area Right to Life (OT)
Kitchener and Waterloo Area Right to Life (OT)
Lambton Right to Life (OT)
League for Life in Manitoba
New Brunswick Right to Life
Newfoundland and Labrador Right to Life
Prince Edward Island Pro-Life Association
Pro-Life Cornwall Pro-Vie (OT)
Pro-Vie Montreal Pro-Life
Renfrew County Right to Life (OT)
Richmond Right to Life /(BC)
Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association
St. Casimir's Respect for Life (OT)
Swift Current and District Pro-Life (Sask.)
Thunder Bay Right to Life (OT)
Toronto Right to Life
International Sites
Action for Life - German website. No English.
Aid to Mother and Child - Swiss site. In five languages including English.
Care for Life UK - CPCs in the UK.
Cry for Life - Largest pro-life organization in the Netherlands.
Hungarian Society for the Protection of the Unborn
India Female Foeticide - Site on sex-selective abortions in India.
Labour Life Group - Site for pro-life Labourites in the UK.
Life - UK's biggest pro-life charity.
LIFE from Moscow, Russia
Offaly Pro Life Ireland
Precious Life  - Northern Ireland + UK pro-life site.
ProLife Alliance /- Europe's first pro-life political party. Includes CPCs and activism in the UK.
Pro-Life Campaign - Ireland's pro-life lobby.
Pro-Life Japan - Warning: Contains graphic photos!
Pro-Life Latvia - Not in English.
Pro-Life Portugal - In Portugese.
Pro-Life South Africa
Pro-Life Sweeden - Not in English.
Pro Vita Medica - Counseling women with unplanned pregnancies in Romania.
Queensland Right to Life (Australia)
Right to Life New Zealand /
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children Britain
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children New Zealand
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children Scotland
Spain Pro-Life - In Spanish.
Support Life Ireland
TransVie - Pro-Life Organization in France. Site in French.
UK Life League
Religious Organizations and Websites
Archdiocese of Detroit
Baptists for Life
Biblestats  - Pro-life selections of Scripture.
Canon Law on Abortion  Catholics in Illinois
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
Catholics United for Life - Special emphasis on praying the rosary outside abortion mills.
CLFI - Culture of Life Foundation and Institute
Daily Catholic - Includes Dr. Frank Joseph's Pro-Life Prescriptions.
Donum Sanctum - Pro-Life arm of the Lux Veritatis website.
Embryos USA - Muslim doctors for life.
Human Life International -  Catholic pro-life organization
Jews for Life
Life Coalition International - Coalition of Pro-Life missionaries.
Life is Precious Ministries
Lutherans for Life
Mater Dei Pro-Life Page
NOEL - National Organization of Episcopalians for Life.
Oklahoma Orthodox Christians for Life
Orthodox Christians for Life
One More Soul - Pro-life, anti-contraception website.
Prayer Adoption  - Seeking spiritual parents to pray for pro-abortion leaders.
Presbyterians Pro-Life
Priests for Life
Pro-Life Prayers
SBC Life - Southern Baptist Convention pro-life site
TUMAS - Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality.
Together for Life  - Canadian ministry.
Vital Signs Ministries - Christian activists in service to the unborn.
Voice of Life - Catholic pro-life site.
What Saith the Scriptures? - Listing of scriptural references to the unborn/abortion.
Women Upholding Life  - Catholic women upholding the dignity of life and motherhood.
Feminist, Minority and Misc. Sites
Allies of Peace - Pro-life, pro-animal rights, anti-death penalty group.
AAPLL - Atheists and Agnostic Pro-Life League
Consistent Life / - Formerly known as the Seamless Garment Network, this is a coalition of consistent life ethic organizations.
FACT1 /- Fathers of Aborted Children Together as One.
FNSA - Feminism and Non-Violent Studies Association. Wonderful on-line book "Acheiving Peace in the Abortion Wars"
Feminsts For Life - Pro-life, pro-woman organization.
Learn Inc. - African-American pro-life group.
L4L Libertarians for Life
Life Athletes - Pro-life athletes.
National Federation of Officers for Life
No Violence Period - Website with leftist pro-life articles.
Pagans for Life - Neo-pagan pro-lifers.
PHI Factor - A secular essay on life's origins.
PLAGAL - Pro Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Pro-Woman, Pro-Life - Another feminist web page from the head of the pro-life webring.
Vida Humana Internacional  - Spanish pro-life site.
Women Deserve Better - A campaign by Feminists for Life.
Young Adult, Student and Faculty Sites
American Collegians for Life. /
Berkely Students for Life
Bradley University Students for Life
CALL - Collegians Activated to Liberate Life
Collegians for Life (Concordia College)
Collegians for Life (University of Illinois)
Creighton Students for Life
Duke Students for Life
Facts for Life - Canadian student's pro-life newspaper.
Lifeline at UBC
National Campus Life Network Canada.
National Teens for Life
Notre Dame Right to Life
Ontario Students for Life  
Ottawa Youth for Life
Princeton Pro-Life
Pro-Life America /- Publishers of pro-life/chastity outreach to teens.
SOUL Students Organized to Uphold Life New Zealand.
St. John the Baptist Pro-Life League /- Catholic student activists based in Mass.
Stanford Students for Life.
Students for Life Purdue University.
Students for Life at Simon Fraser U.
Student LifeNet UK's national network for pro-life students.
Survivors - Christian pro-life activism group for teens and college students.
Texas Collegians for Life.
University Faculty for Life
U. of Alberta Campus Pro-Life Club
U. of Alberta Campus Pro-Life Association.
U. of Calgary Pro-Life.
U. of Texas Pro-Life.
U. of Cincinnati Students for Life.
U. of Illinois Collegians for Life.
Vanderbilt Students for Life.
Washington U. Students for Life.
Xavier University Students for Life.
Youth Defense Ireland.
Youth for Life International.
Pro-Life Medical Community
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.
American Association of Pro-Life ObGyns
ABAC American Bioethics Advisory Committee.
American College of Pediatricians , pro-life group for American Pediatricians.
Canadian Physicians for Life
Catholic Medical Association
Coalition on Abortion and Breast Cancer
Doctors for Life Germany
Doctors for Life South Africa
Guild of Catholic Doctors - Site for Catholic doctors and medical students in the U.K.
National Association of Pro-life Nurses.
Pharmacists for Life International  
Physicians Life Alliance - Helping pro-life medical students in North America.
Professionals for Excellence in Health Care
Pro-Life News
Life News - Steven Ertelt's pro-life news page. Quite good! - News and commentary on pro-life issues. - Good information on pro-life issues.
LifeSite - Canadian + US pro-life news site.
PL Daily - Daily report of pro-life news and features.
Pro-Life Education and Resources - Web forum for debating life issues. Includes news articles and OpEds.
Abortion Infromation and Answers
Abortion Information Page - Categorized listing of abortion information. - Large collection of abortion information and statistics.
The Abortion Files - Contains on many facets of the abortion debate.
AbortionTV - Great information on abortion.
AIRVSC - Association for interdisciplinary research on abortion.
American Life League's Pro-Life store - Variety of pro-life materials. Sells Rock for Life's "Abortion is mean" series. - Large catalogue of pro-life videos.
Catholic Insight - Site promoting Catholic morality, with resources for the faithful.
Celebrate Life - Pro-life magazine online.
Children of God for Life - Researches life issues (current project is vaccines made from aborted fetal tissue).
Christ Everwear  pro-life products.
Christian Life Resources
Culture of Life Foundation and Institute
Christian Patriots for Life - Check out their page on the "missing key" of the pro-life movement.
Educational Life Resources - High quality fetal models/materials for pro-life displays.
Freedom to Learn - Little known abortion facts.
The Genetic Cleansing Project - Documenting the medical community attempts to cleanse the species.
God Forgive Us For Abortions - Abortion Statistics and Info.
Heritage House. - Pro-life materials including precious feet.
Human Life Review - Quarterly life journal, focusing on abortion and euthanasia.
Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine
Just the Facts Site on life before birth.
Leadership U: 30 Years of Roe Vs. Wade - Excellent series of articles on many aspects of the pro-life movement.
Life Checks  - Pro-life themed personal checks.
Life Corner - Information and resources on a variety of life issues.
Life Cycle Books - Pro-life book publisher.
Life for Children - Internet search engine. Each search funds life!
Life Media - Provides professionally produced pro-life media advertisements.
The LIFE Page - Info on partial birth abortion. Warning: Graphic pics!
Life Research Institute - Aims to reduce abortions and promiscuity education.
Media Research Center - Wonderful information on the pro-choice bias in the mainstream media.
Planned Parenthood Exposed - Learn how Planned Parenthood profits from, and conceals, child abuse!
Polycarp Research Institute - Contains information on the abortion and breast cancer link, as well as on the effects of contraceptives.
Population Research Institute - Anti-population control group. Documents coerced abortions.
Prayers for Life
Pro-Choice Violence - Documents violence committed by pro-choice activists.
Pro-Life Across America - Provides pro-life billboards.
Pro-Life Data Exchange - Exchange data in English or German. - Long distant plans that benefit pro-life causes.
Pro-Life Shirts  from the Arizona Cap Company.
Pro-Vita Advisors - Advises pro-life businesses.
Real Choice
RU486 Files - Articles on the abortion pill.
Second Look Project - Offers basic information on abortion.
Science for Unborn Human Life - An objective, fact-based report detailing the daily development of the human fetus.
Silent Scream - Info and pics on abortion and fetal development.
Sites for Life - Develops web sites at a discount for pro-life ministries!
St. Antonius Institute - Catholic Business Site. Publishes "Pro-life Shopping Guide"
St. Patrick and St. Lawrence Pro-Life Pages - Lists 57 things one can do to aid pro-life cause.
Tell My Abortion Story - Presents real-life stories from both pro-life and pro-choice women.
The Timothy Plan - Family of mutual funds run by pro-lifers.
Their Last Choice - Site on those women who have died from legal and "safe" abortions.
When do Human Beings Begin? - Essay by Prof. Irving arguing that both human beings and human persons begin at conception.
Viva pro-life - Good information on fetal development. May take some time to load.
What the Nurse Saw - Nurse's testimony on partial birth abortion. Harrowing.
What You Know Might Not Be So
Outstanding Philosophical and Scientific Pro-Life Essays
Abortionists, Violinists and Burglars - A refutation of Thomson's infamous "A Defense of Abortion" by Prof. Kaczor.
Begging the Question - Dr. Vieira explains why pro-choicers beg the question, "Whose body does abortion primarily affect?"
The Changing Pro-Life Argument: Does the Humanity of the Unborn Matter Anymore? - Prof. Beckwith refutes the "bodily rights" argument.
Does Life Begin at Implantation? - Essay by Prof. reasserting that life begins at conception.
A Fetus is NOT a Parasite - Dr. Johnson refutes a common pro-choice dehumanization.
The Human Rational Soul in the Early Embryo - Essay by Prof. Heaney on theories of "ensoulment".
I Was Once a Fetus - Pro-life essay by philosopher and mathematician Dr. Alexander Pruss.
Is the Unborn Less than Human? - Essay by Prof. Beckwith arguing that it is nonsensical to argue human beings begin at implantation, quickening or birth.
Personhood Begins at Conception - Essay by Prof. Kreeft.
The Real Problem with Abortion - Prof. Mark McNeil introduces his own viewpoint on why it is morally wrong to kill human beings.
Scientific and Philosophical Expertise: An Evaluation of the Arguments on "Personhood". - Essay by Prof. Irving which finds common pro-choice rationalizations philosophically and scientifically wanting.
A Survey of Arguments for Immediate Vs. Delayed Animation - Essay by Prof. Sullivan espousing the theory of immediate animation.
The Tiniest Humans - Based on interviews with renowned geneticist Jerome Lejeune and embryologist Sir Albert William Liley.
Unplugging a Bad Analogy - Doris Gordon debunks the infamous "violinist" analogy.
When Does a Human Become a Person? - Essay by Prof. Beckwith arguing that functionalist criteria for personhood are inadequate.
A Woman's Right Over Her Own Body? - Prof. Shcwartz address pro-choice arguments centered on a woman's right to control her own body.
Billboards For Life - Places Catholic, pro-life billboards in Indiana and Kentucky.
Center for Bioethical Reform - Genocide Awareness Campaign - Graphic pictures!
Children of the Rosary - Fighting abortion with prayer and presence at abortion mills.
Eagle Forum - Phyllis Schlafly's site. Leading the pro-family movement since 1972.
Face the Truth - Pro-life radio show based in MD + Face the Truth national tours.
Faith to Action
Life Decisions International - Join the boycott of PP.
Helpers International
- International group dedicated to praying for the unborn outside of abortion mills.
I Am Rescue America - Pro-life activists in Ocala, FL.
Linda Gibbons- Prisoner of Conscience - Site on Canadian pro-life activist Linda Gibbons.
Life Dynamics - Great organization. Exposes corruption of abortion industry.
Life Principles - Healing the culture by nurturing pro-life principles.
Missionaries to the Preborn - Milwaukee based group that pioneered the Face the Truth tour.
National American Holocaust Memorial - One of a kind memorial to the slaughtered unborn.
National Headquarters  for the annual March for Life on the Washington Mall.
Operation Outcry  - Seeks to overturn Roe Vs. Wade through the testimonies of women victimized by abortion.
Operation Save America - Formerly Operation Rescue.
Pro-Life Action
Sacramento Life Chain
Shake the Nation Campaign urging Senators to confirm pro-life Supreme Court nominees.
Sidewalk Counserlor's Homepage - Good info for aspiring sidewalk counselors.
Silent No More - Seeks to educate the public on the devestational effects of abortion.
Vital Signs Ministries - Sidewalk counselling in Omaha, NE
Voice for Life - Reports on babies saved from abortion nationwide. Truly heartening.
Volunteers for Life  of pro-life volunteers based in southern CA.
Women Affirming Life
Women At Risk - Women who have been injured by and/or pressured into abortions.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Aid for Women - CPC for Illinois women
Bethany Christian Services
Birthright - Great network of pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Centers in U.S. and Canada offering practical assistance to women.
CPCWorldwide - Services to assist CPC's worldwide - Help for women with crisis pregnancies.
Heartbeat International - Interdenominational Christian association of pro-life pregnancy resource centers (including CPC's).
Highlands Maternity Home in Kansas City. - Spanish site for N.A. women.
National Life Center - Network of 1st Way Pregnancy Aid centers.
Nurturing Network Helps college students and working women with crisis pregnancies. - Listing of crisis pregnancy centers in U.S. + other English-speaking nations. - Multimedia site for women with crisis pregnancies, hosted by one who has "been there".
Voice for Life - Petersburg VA center.
Women's Center - CPC in Chicago.
Post-Abortion Healing
Abortion Concern - Post-abortion stories from women worldwide.
Abortion Injury - Post-abortion help. Also, information on abortion risk. - Help for women with post-abortion depression.
FormerWomenofChoice - Post-abortion help from women who have had abortions themselves.
Healing Hearts Ministries
National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing. - Support services for post-abortion counsellors.
Project Grace - Help for women who have suffered from an abortion and for post-abortion counsellors.
Project Rachel  - Post-abortion healing.
Rachel's Vineyard - Weekend retreats for women with post-abortion grief.
Safe Haven - A place for women to recover from abortion.
Survivors of Abortion Christian ministry based in Australia.
Victims of Abortion Speak Out
Legal, Political and Government Sites
Abortion Law Homepage
ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice's Pro-Life Task Force
Americans United for Life
Campaign for Working Families - Pro-life PAC
Concerned Women For America - Judeo-Christian, pro-life women's organization.
Constitution Party Sanctity of Life -99p1.html- Link to pro-life platform of the Constitution Party.
Democrats for Life /
Justice Foundation - Pursues abortion malpractice cases.
Legal Action for Women - An advocate for women injured by abortion.
National Foundation for Life Litigation Project - Seeking ways to roll back legalized abortion.
Pro-Life PAC - Supports 100% Pro-life politicians.
Republican National Coalition for Life
Roe Vs. Wade - Information on infamous abortion ruling and abortion myths.
Rutherford Institute's Sanctity of Life page
Susan B. Anthony List- - Pro-life PAC
Texas Democrats for Life
Thomas More Society - Pro-life law center in NOW vs. Scheidler.
Personal Webpages/Articles on Abortion
Abby's World Pro-Life Page
Abortions- The Truth Numerous original articles arguing from a scientific and Biblical perspective.
America, We Need to Talk - Article by Marvin Galloway on abortion and cloning.
Meehan Reports - Award-winning material from consistent life ethic writer Mary Meehan.
Reflections on Personal Discernment  by Bill Samuel
Roe No More - Website of Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" of Roe vs. Wade.
The Sacrament of Conception  by Dorothy Samuel. /- Pro-life, Renaissance women.
Unborn Children Web Page - Great pro-life essays by Canadian writer Thaddee Renault.
Wellelesly Right to Life
Buckets - Short story by award-winning horror writer F. Paul Wilson.
Golden Dome Records -  Project Life Music Ministries.
Monument to the Unborn - Part of Timothy P. Schmalz's portfolio.
Punx For Life   - Pro-life punk rockers.
Rock for Life - Great youth and music oriented pro-life organization.
Sweetwater Post-Natal Abortion Clinic - Pro-life parody.
Umbert the Unborn  Homepage of Gary Cangemi's original pro-life cartoon, as seen in the National Catholic Register.

Pro Life Links

Abortion Information on the Internet

Birthright International

Adoption Assistance/Counseling & Support Services
Catholic Charities, USA 1-800-CARE-002
Bethany Christian
Pregnancy Help/Support
America’s Crisis Pregnancy Helpline 1-800-672-2296
Birthright International
Stand Up
Centro Tepeyac (Washington, DC Area)
Unwed Mothers Homes/Assistance
Gabriel Project
Good Counsel Homes
Several Sources
The Nurturing
Charitable Perinatal Hospice and Infant Refuge
Alexandra's House
Post-Abortion Counseling
Rachel’s Vineyard
Project Rachel
Abortion Clinic Prayer Groups
Helper’s of God’s Precious
Children of the Rosary
National Pro-Life Organizations
Pro-Life Action
Priests for
March for Life
Center for Life Principles
Feminist for Life
Stand True
National Pro-Life Action

Life Dynamics
Choose Life License
International Pro-Life Organizations
Human life International
Precious Life
Youth Defence Ireland
Foro Espanol de la
Youth & Collegiate Organizations
Generation Life,
Why I am
Students for Life of America
Pro-Life Resources
Heritage House
Pro-Life Universites
Ave Maria
University of
Thomas Aquinas

Thomas More College
Belmont Abbey College,
Aquinas College,
Regional Organizations
Defend Life (Maryland, DC, Virginia)
Choose Life License Plates -
Religious Organizations and Orders
Sisters of life
CFR Sisters
Knights of
EWTN – Global Catholic Cable
Catholic Information Center – Washington,

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Franciscan Brothers of
Little Sisters of the
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred
Franciscan Friars of the

Pro-Life Yellow Pages


Euthanasia/End of Life

Terri Schindler Schiavo

Who Links to Me