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A Further Inquiry into Obama's Origins
The American Thinker ^ | April 27, 2010 | Jack Cashill

Posted on 04/27/2010 5:22:36 PM PDT by as1001

Last week I contributed an article to American Thinker on Obama's origins that evoked a good deal of informed response. In it, I argued that the failure of the mainstream media to document the first year of Barack Obama's life has rendered the media accounts of the year before his birth suspect.

Here is what we know about Obama's first year. On August 19, 1961, fifteen days after Obama's presumed birth, his mother, "Stanley Ann Dunham," enrolled for classes at the University of Washington at Seattle.

The apolitical Washington State historical blog HistoryLink confirms Ann's arrival in August 1961, identifies her Capitol Hill apartment in Seattle, names the courses she took, and documents an extended stay by Ann and little Obama into the summer of 1962.

Incredibly, not one of the mainstream media accounts I consulted -- including four book-length biographies, several long-form magazine and newspaper bios, Obama's official campaign biography, and Obama's 1995 memoir Dreams From My Father -- places Ann and Obama anywhere other than in Hawaii during that first year.

Given this collective failure and the Obama camp's squirrelly response to questions about his birth certificate, another look at the circumstances leading up to that birth is warranted. To restore logic and order to this investigation, I turn to a structure we know as Occam's Razor: "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate.'' This translates roughly as "Multiple variables are not to be posited without necessity." Let me start with the timeline and cast of characters...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: birthcertificate; birthers; certifigate; naturalborncitizen; obama
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To: as1001

As for Michelle’s remark that BO’s mother had been “very young and very single” at the time of his birth, I recall that there is video of the Rev Jeremiah Wright talking about how Obama was the candidate who could relate to the plight of the poor single mother, having been the child of a poor single mother himself.

Something like that. Worth checking into, I suppose.

41 posted on 04/27/2010 7:41:08 PM PDT by fightinJAG (Sic semper tyrannis! Stop spending. Starve the beast.)
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To: little jeremiah

Absolutely, but the poster was using ‘citizen by birth’ as if it applied today. Checked: Hamilton born in Nevis B.W.I.

42 posted on 04/27/2010 7:41:32 PM PDT by masadaman
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To: Wild Irish Rogue
In Dreams, Obama tells how pleased the senior Dunhams were with the success of Ann in high school, but Stanley forbade her to go to the University of Chicago, "deciding that she was still too young to be living on her own."

Why would a girl who grew up in Seattle have her heart set on going to the University of Chicago of all places? What would draw her there? Was Mr. Davis still in Chicago at the time? If so, why did Mr. Davis choose Hawaii as his next stop?

43 posted on 04/27/2010 7:46:06 PM PDT by fightinJAG (Sic semper tyrannis! Stop spending. Starve the beast.)
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To: fightinJAG; mojitojoe

They want her to be single so the Kenya birth wouldn’t make sense, for one thing; and if she had given birth in Kenya but was single, he at least would be a US citizen if not natural born. But, if he was born in Kenya and she was married to 0bama Sr in Kenya (or wherever, if they were married, seems likely there), then he was not a US citizen of any kind.

So they like to say she was single.

That’s what I think is their motivation.

44 posted on 04/27/2010 7:51:38 PM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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Comment #45 Removed by Moderator

To: fightinJAG

As soon as he wanted out, she sent him back to Hawaii.
Not really. As soon as Frank Marshall Davis got divorced and his wife moved out, she sent him back to Hawaii. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

46 posted on 04/27/2010 7:56:31 PM PDT by mojitojoe (“Our leaders seek to pit us against one another, and torment us relentlessly."Mark Levin)
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To: masadaman

You’d also find that friends in Hawaii saw her in a two piece swim suit (she wasn’t bikini material) on the beach in Waikiki in July 1961
I believe that was a rumor and the photo was proved to not be Stanley Anne.

47 posted on 04/27/2010 7:57:33 PM PDT by mojitojoe (“Our leaders seek to pit us against one another, and torment us relentlessly."Mark Levin)
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To: estebeta
48 posted on 04/27/2010 8:01:03 PM PDT by mojitojoe (“Our leaders seek to pit us against one another, and torment us relentlessly."Mark Levin)
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To: as1001
OK, I have a question for the readers of this thread. I quote the following from the comments to the Cashill article: "Anyone born on American soil is a native born citizen. This is the problem we face with illegal aliens having babies in the US. The parents may be illegal aliens but their "anchor baby" is a native born citizen. But "native born" ≠ "natural born". It only means that individual is legally a citizen." Now, is this true? Some baby born within the US is automatically a citizen? I don't think so, but I ain't all that smart on stuff. Let's say a couple is visiting here from Garbanzola and the female is preggars. She spits out the progeny while in-country here. Is that baby an American, or a Garbanzolian? Seems like the little squeaker's citizenship would still be that of the parents. But then I'm no lawyer, and I don't play one on this forum.
49 posted on 04/27/2010 8:04:21 PM PDT by West Texas Chuck (US out of the UN - UN out of the US)
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To: fightinJAG
I would be interested in knowing more about the actual travel time and method from Honolulu to Seattle in 1961, especially for a new mother with an infant barely two weeks old. What type of airplanes made that run and from Honolulu to where? Etc.

You can tell the very young FReepers. You all think that 1961 was the dark ages or something. The Boeing 707(a jet powered airliner) was flying in 1961, so was one of the greatest(if not the greatest)prop driven airliners of the 20th century, the constellation. Both of them made trips to and from the states and HI regularly, to Washington state and to CA airports.

50 posted on 04/27/2010 9:06:30 PM PDT by calex59
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To: fightinJAG

I think that he was born in BC at the single mothers home in victoria..

Remember, daddy is a british subject and Canada is british soil therefore I would think she would have been eligible for care

51 posted on 04/27/2010 9:09:35 PM PDT by phockthis
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To: West Texas Chuck
Illegals come here regularly just to have an "anchor" baby. The law is written so that, yes, if the child is born here, no matter where the parents are from, they can claim US citizenship. That didn't used to be the case and we need to change that law. Parents need to be at least legal residents, and I would be for changing the law to having at least one citizen parent.
52 posted on 04/27/2010 9:09:53 PM PDT by calex59
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To: devere

It could mean he was born before Aug 4th

53 posted on 04/27/2010 9:12:34 PM PDT by American Constitutionalist (There is no civility in the way the Communist/Marxist want to destroy the USA)
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To: as1001


54 posted on 04/27/2010 9:27:50 PM PDT by Dajjal (Justice Robert Jackson was wrong -- the Constitution IS a suicide pact.)
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To: Sola Veritas
Well if someone can get a DNA sample from his half sister (known to be Ann’s daugther)

Known? How? Have we seen her Indonesian BC? Or even her supposed Hawaiian CoLB?

There is that picture, of the 4 of them, but then again there are some rather odd pictures of Stanley Ann with a big headed Toddler Barry as well. What was it Churchill said about Russia?

a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma;.

That's our guy Barry.

55 posted on 04/27/2010 10:21:13 PM PDT by El Gato ("The second amendment is the reset button of the US constitution"-Doug McKay)
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To: TruthNtegrity

read when awake

56 posted on 04/27/2010 10:37:05 PM PDT by TruthNtegrity (RIP Tony Snow. - praying for his family and friends.)
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To: estebeta
What does the year before his birth have to do with the issue? The Constitution doesn't require the President to be of legitimate birth, only a citizen by birth (most of the Founders assumed that Alexander Hamilton, an illegitimate son, would be President sooner or later).

Acutally not a "citizen by birth", a natural born citizen. Not quite the same thing. But of the first 9 Presidents, only 1 was natural born US citizen. But all of them were citizens at the time of the ratification of the Constitution. (Martin Van Buren was born in 1783, after the revolution but before the Constitution was ratified. As was Zachary Taylor, the 12th President,born in 1784. They were natural born citizens and citizens at the time of the ratification of the Constitution. But "citizens at the time" would have included Hamilton, should he have been elected rather than killed by sitting VP Burr.

57 posted on 04/27/2010 10:40:33 PM PDT by El Gato ("The second amendment is the reset button of the US constitution"-Doug McKay)
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To: West Texas Chuck

All people born in the U.S. are native born, but only those whose parents are U.S. citizens can be considered ‘Natural Born Citizens’ AND native born. What makes it even more confusing is that NBC is not a form of citizenship, merely a circumstance of birth.

Please note the capitalized quote in the following:
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898):
Wong Kim Ark was the son of two resident Chinese aliens (unable to become naturalized U.S. citizens because of a treaty with the Emperor of China). He claimed U.S. Citizenship as he was born in the United States. He was vindicated by the Supreme Court on the basis of the 14th Amendment. In this case Justice Gray gave the opinion of the court. On p. 168-9 of the record, He cites approvingly the decision in Minor vs. Happersett:

“At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, BORN IN A COUNTRY OF PARENTS WHO WERE ITS CITIZENS, BECAME THEMSELVES, UPON THEIR BIRTH CITIZENS ALSO. THESE WERE NATIVES, OR NATURAL-BORN CITIZENS, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.

On the basis of the 14th Amendment the majority opinion coined a new definition for “native citizen”, as anyone who was born in the U.S.A. under the jurisdiction of the United States. The Court thus extended citizenship to all born in the country (excepting those born of ambassadors and foreign armies etc.) but it DID NOT extend the meaning of the term “natural born citizen” to those whose parents were not citizens at the time of the child’s birth.

If you were correct in your interpretation than any anchor baby born here of illegal aliens can become President, well, that is definitely false!

In addition, Natural Born Citizenship is NOT a type of citizenship! It is but a circumstance of birth, and the only place it appears in U.S. law is in the U.S. Constitution as a requirement for eligibility to serve as President.

58 posted on 04/28/2010 3:19:55 AM PDT by SatinDoll (NO Foreign Nationals as our President!!)
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To: Mack Truck

May be sent there by Baby Barry’s Kenyan grandfather to get her away from his son.

59 posted on 04/28/2010 5:08:54 AM PDT by jonrick46 (We're being water boarded with the sewage of Fabian Socialism.)
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To: masadaman

“Also, for the record, Hamilton was born in the British Virgin Islands, if I recall correctly.”

Yes, other than the dual allegiances factor, Hamilton was the personal reason the Founding Fathers put in the NBC clause. They didn’t want him to be POTUS.

60 posted on 04/28/2010 7:14:51 AM PDT by bjorn14 (Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Isaiah 5:20)
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