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To: PoliticalArsonist; MindBender26

If Romney fails to live up to constitutional standards, then we remove him in 2016. We will not reclaim the nation in one election and we must not allow our distaste of Romney to stand in the way of winning this important battle.

In the entire history of the United States, only *one* president has ever been elected into office and then been denied his party's nomination for re-election. It was Franklin Pierce in 1857. Your buyer's remorse recovery plan has a very low statistical probability for success -- it approaches zero.

If we give Romney this opportunity, we all become democrats. We become the party of pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-bailout, pro-stimulus, pro-defenselessness, and pro-healthcare-rationing. Why? Because that is what we elected to lead us.

The "republican" brand becomes horrifically damaged. Kiss goodbye any opportunity to make further advancements in the House or Senate in 2014 and 2016. And if Romney keeps the Executive Office for two terms -- before handing it back to a "D" liberal -- we'll live under liberal rules for the next 16 years. The Democrats nationwide will love working with Romney just like they love working with him in Massachusetts. He's good for their cause.

We can either endure four more years of Obama, gain conservative strength in both the House and Senate every year, and try again to elect a *real* conservative in 2016. Or we can have four to eight years of Romney advancing the same socialist agenda held by Obama, lose strength in the House and Senate every year, and hand the Executive Office back to the Democrats with the Congress thoroughly stacked in their favor ... and not have a shot at fixing it until 2020 or 2024.

It's a no brainer; I'm voting for Virgil Goode instead of evil. But you might get your wish anyway. Romney might win as Obama is working mighty hard to hand this election to him. You might not recognize it yet, but as Obama pushes further and harder to the left (in order to make Romney appear conservative by contrast) it will become apparent he is throwing this election. It's the only way he gets out of the hot seat without handcuffs or impeachment papers. And who better to trust his agenda to than Romney for a term or two. It's a win-win for him. So ... you might just "win" too.

243 posted on 06/13/2012 6:58:15 PM PDT by so_real ( "The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.")
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To: so_real

I’m of the opinion (and of course all of us here have one) that we cannot endure another Obama term in Office. I’m also of the opinion that Obama can’t win another term. He no longer has that kind of support. For me, that’s reality. I live in California. My vote hasn’t counted since George Herbert Walker Bush took California.

251 posted on 06/13/2012 7:08:29 PM PDT by old school
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To: so_real
In the entire history of the United States, only *one* president has ever been elected into office and then been denied his party's nomination for re-election. It was Franklin Pierce in 1857. Your buyer's remorse recovery plan has a very low statistical probability for success -- it approaches zero.

Thank you. I'm glad to see that pointed out so well. Your whole post was, I am sad to say, right on the money in anticipating the probable consequences of a Romney win, particularly a Romney majority or, worse, landslide win.

What gets me is seeing so many hopeful, naive, and desperate conservatives telling themselves that, well, of course Romney will listen to conservatives once he's elected, otherwise they might not re-elect him! It would be downright funny if it wasn't so serious -- here they have gone along with confirming WITH BELLS ON that the only criteria that a Republican presidential candidate needs to win is to NOT be whatever liberal nightmare the Democrats have lined up.

The "Anybody But" strategy, a losing strategy nourished only by fear, is a sink -- a swirling drain -- washing away conservatism.

331 posted on 06/14/2012 12:17:07 AM PDT by Finny (A deal with the devil is ALWAYS a losing proposition. Voting for Romney to avoid Obama is just that.)
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To: so_real

So, lemme see if I have this right.

I say vote for Romney to deny Obama a 2nd term and you say vote for Goode to ensure that he does.

Do I have that right? Is that really your analysis.

Are you also comparing the nation today to 1857? Americans are waking to the threat that we face and are acting on it or did you miss the 2010 midterms and the Wisconsin recall?

Romney is by no means my 1st, 3rd, or even 5th choice. But he is now the only choice that has a chance to remove Obama.

Hasn’t Goode been a dem and a pubbie before seeking a new home in the CP? What does he believe? How do you know that he won’t revert to his dem roots? What chance does he have to win? In what may (or may not) turn out to be a close race (with massive voter fraud), even the 1/2 of 1% that Goode might garner, is more than the anti Obama vote can afford to lose.

I do appreciate your view and your passion. Believe me, I have made every argument that you are making against Romney and probably for a lot longer than you have. However, this is crunch time. We either remove Obama or we witness the total destruction of the nation. At best, Romney is a place holder until we can get a real conservative on the ballot.

As I told a dear friend who still holds your position, I disagree with her but I won’t say she is wrong. She is just differently impassioned.

445 posted on 06/14/2012 10:28:53 AM PDT by PoliticalArsonist
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