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1 posted on 04/17/2002 10:57:50 PM PDT by smaturin
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To: smaturin
Voter rolls and oversight of elections in Florida was and probably is handled at the county level. The counties in question were strongly controlled by Democrats. Ask them.
2 posted on 04/17/2002 11:00:52 PM PDT by GeronL
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To: smaturin
Well, it all started when Gore-funded lawyers descended to every registriar office in Florida with a memo asking them to boot off members of the military serving oversea's. Thousands of men in women in uniform were disenfranchised this way. This is a very serious matter that should be investigated.
3 posted on 04/17/2002 11:03:08 PM PDT by GeronL
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To: smaturin
Get Bill Sammon's book, At Any Cost. It has many examples of the type of BS that went on in Florida...JFK
4 posted on 04/17/2002 11:07:32 PM PDT by BADROTOFINGER
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To: smaturin
Gore lost - time to move on.
7 posted on 04/17/2002 11:14:08 PM PDT by edsheppa
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To: smaturin
"..Some counties defied Harris' directives; Madison County's elections supervisor Linda Howell refused the purge list after she found her own name on it. .."

The county election supervisors that commited the stripping of voters , were life long democrats. Ask them.

Regardless of party it was apparent that both at the state and county level, the intelligence of elections officials was less than the usual one finds in government services.( sarcasm ) Maybe next time hordes of Harvard, Yale and Brandies graduates will heroically volunteer to fill in these boring, lowpaying jobs and lead the nation in to political nervana. Ha! Stupidity and incompentance, the two most powerfull forces in any organization,( Just ask the Gore campagin why they didn't win either the Presidents or Gores home state, either of wich would have given him the Presidency. Odd, wonder why no coverage by the leftist scribes of, say, the New York Times?).

9 posted on 04/17/2002 11:14:38 PM PDT by Leisler
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To: smaturin
This did happen ( the felon purge) but there was no partisan intent as Palast deludes himself into thinking. Felons should not be on the voter roles in states where they lose the right to vote. He's only telling part of the story. This part of the election story was mostly ignored at the time by even the liberals because there wasn't anything to it. With a system that relies on voter honesty, some mistakes will happen. Every measure to make sure we only have honest and fair elections where "one man, one vote" is the end result are fought by the Democrats. This is just off the top of my head. I'll search and find a fair and complete treatment of this story and get back to you.
13 posted on 04/17/2002 11:23:00 PM PDT by Hillarys Gate Cult
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To: smaturin
In 1988, while we were living in California, we owned two houses, less than one block apart and moved from one to the other in Sept., and I was not permitted to vote, even though it was the same voting district. The polling place was in the garage of a Democrat who must have personally purged the lists of voters.
14 posted on 04/17/2002 11:23:50 PM PDT by Eva
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To: smaturin
What do you think should have been done?
15 posted on 04/17/2002 11:24:16 PM PDT by RLK
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To: smaturin
It is necessary to purge voter rolls to prevent multiple voting. What happened in Florida was that people were urged to go to the polls who were not prepared.

When ever I move, and I have moved alot. A trip to the courthouse is on top of the list to register to vote in that county. It is like changing your mailing address at the post office. Any idiot knows this but in major national elections this subject always comes up. Election advocates for all parties encourage or bring people to polls that they are not registered in. Happens every time. To say that they were denied a vote is total BS!

There were some problems that did come to light in Florida that were actually criminal. It seems some black republicans were deleted from the rolls even though they had voted at the same place during the primary. I wonder who could have done that?

17 posted on 04/17/2002 11:29:19 PM PDT by Cold Heat
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To: smaturin
If you'd really like some insight and really truly want to hear the conservative perspective of what happened in Florida, just read the book, "AT ANY COST; How Al Gore Tried To Steal The Election".

This book is riviting - I could not put it down. There were details and behind the scenes happenings which never made it into the press - at least not that I ever noticed.

It's simple really - One group wanted to serve the country - the other group wanted to promote themselves and add to their power. When you read this book, it leaves no doubt which group is conservative and which group is liberal.

Good luck in your search.

18 posted on 04/17/2002 11:29:28 PM PDT by CyberAnt
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To: smaturin
Welcome to FReepers where we do not always agree with each other, but hopefully welcome diverse opinions that force us to reason why we believe the way we do. No offense intended, but we are not sheeple, who vote like we are told by leaders who profess to 'have our best interests at heart' -- for the sole purpose of keeping themselves in power.

While I can't help you with voting laws -- except to say that felons and dead people shouldn't have their votes counted -- I do think that every precinct should develop a method of setting aside questionable votes for further investigation. This would allow the votes of those whose names were erroneously dropped from the lists, to eventually be counted.

20 posted on 04/17/2002 11:39:12 PM PDT by bjcintennessee
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To: smaturin
I'd like to discuss this article about the mistakes that were made in stripping voters from the rolls in Florida.

Are you talking about the Absentee Military voters who's ballots were targeted by The DemocRAT operatives?

23 posted on 04/17/2002 11:48:01 PM PDT by Mike Darancette
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To: smaturin
OK. Let me be breif and blunt.

We believe it was GORE who tried to steal the election. How can you explain CNN & CBS calling Florida for Gore WHILE THE POLLS WERE STILL OPEN IN BUSH'S STRONGEST COUNTIES?

I'm sorry to yell, but you liberals refuse to consider this. If the shoe was on the other foot, would you have endured this attrocity as stoicly as Bush basically did?

How could VNS projections have been so far off on Florida, when they were correct in every other state of the union? Why did CNN (mis)call FLorida for Gore so quickly?

With 6 million votes cast, it takes 60,000 votes just to eke out a ONE point squeaker win. Such tight races routinely go into the wee hours of the morning before the networks call them, yet CNN, CBS and other networks, (the ones who have been criticized for years for having a profound liberal bias) called for Gore IMMEDIATELY. WHY??????

Here's my theory. I believe Gore got hold of the VNS exit-poll locations, then flooded those polls (via the democrats patented "knock & drag" techniques) with Gore voters. This fooled the VNS computer models into thinking Gore was winning by landslide. All media outlets shared the same projections so no-one was shocked when pro-Gore media liberals made the call for him. I believe the CNN election night producer, who authorized the (mis)call first, knew that the VNS data was false.

The media has meticulously counted and re-counted every single ballot. No matter who you think won, the margin was within a few hundred votes. There is no mathematical way that Gore had a margin big enough to call the race for him before the polls even closed. Impossible mathematically. IMPOSSIBLE!

Frankly, when you liberals say that Gore won, and Bush cheated, you lose every shred of credibility with us, because of your ostrich-like refusal to deal with the actions of CNN & CBS. You should spend your rage more profitably by insisting the networks refrain from rigging our precious elections in favor of the candidates THEY want to win.

25 posted on 04/18/2002 12:00:18 AM PDT by berned
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To: smaturin
I've been politically involved for some 43 years since the Kennedy-Nixon period. I'll give you my observations over the years. Politics is a dirty business. On occasion there is vote fraud. The Democrats are a little better at it than the Republicans because the Republicans, in their snobbishness consider it somewhat beneath them.

John Kennedy personally sent $250,000 sacks of money to mob figures to fix elections. Records of it are on government crime task force phone tap tapes.

For years, it was known Chicago's Mayor Daley could summon the dead to vote in elections. He threw Illinois for Jack Kennedy with the Cook County Democratic machine. Richard Daley, was still the best mayor Chicago ever had.

There is no doubt in my mind that had the electon been honest Nixon would have won and the history of this country would have been entirely different.

There is irrefutable evidence that Lyndon Johnson was first elected to office through voter fraud. It's a fact of life.

The military tends to be Republican. There was no stampede to see military votes were counted in Florida. With all the fanagling, the Florida election probably came out just about the way it went down on paper.

My belief is that Gore won the popular vote nationally. He probably didn't win it by as much as was reported. There was some fanagling. But he probably won nationally by 100,000 votes or so.

According to the U. S. Constitution, Bush won the electoral vote and that still made him president quite legitimately.

At the rate Bush's support was deteriorating almost linearly, had the election been held two days later, Bush would have lost and Gore would have become president. However, the election wasn't held two days later, so Bush won. That's the way we all are going to be required by reality to live it.

Elections may be swayed by weather or flue epidemics. So be it. They come out the way they come out. Would have, should have, doesn't count.

26 posted on 04/18/2002 12:03:01 AM PDT by RLK
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To: smaturin
Sorry, I left out an important part of the book for how to steal a close election: Keep counting in YOUR precincts.

If you truly thing fraud is committed, you examine where you LOST. The dead give-away in Gore's method was he wanted recounts in counties where he won overwhelmingly, and ONLY in those counties. Who contests the vote only in places he won overwhelmingly? It would be like the Yankees contesting the games they won. Only someone looking to steal votes uses this tactic.

If your looking for the real debacle in Florida, look there - and the Vice President whose career was worth more to him than playing by the rules and accepting the outcome - and at the embarassment of a state supreme court that darn near let him get away with it.

28 posted on 04/18/2002 12:14:01 AM PDT by D-fendr
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To: smaturin
Welcome to the forum. While this is a conservative site, you will find a large variety of opinions on countless issues. It's the best resource around, IMHO.
40 posted on 04/18/2002 6:15:40 AM PDT by Coop
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To: smaturin
hi smaturin
I think slickwilly did massive organized fraud in the election to win it for Gore
cause he planned to rule behind the puppet Al Gore
he didn't want to give up his power
when a tsunami of votes for Bush overwhelmed the massive organized fraud
slickwilly architected campaign to steal election from Bush
thank God it did not succeed
(altho I am still stunned at how close he got)
Love, Palo
44 posted on 04/18/2002 8:27:53 AM PDT by palo verde
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To: smaturin
I trust the thread is answering your questions regarding conservatives take on the Florida vote fraud in the 2000 Presidential election. Thanks for asking.

What frosts me still is the way liberals - most who know better - still maintain that "Bush stole the election" - a total lie and the other mantra: "The Supreme Court gave Bush the Presidency" a bigger lie, along with "5 to 4". Then again, lies are the native language of the left so this is nothing to be surprised about, just annoyed with.

60 posted on 04/18/2002 1:50:23 PM PDT by Jim Scott
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To: smaturin
What conservative idea has you coming to the side of truth?
61 posted on 04/18/2002 2:05:28 PM PDT by TLBSHOW
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To: smaturin
Regarding the specific article, if the purging was done, as it seems, without regard to party then, well, so what? It certainly seems that there was absolutely no intent to "disenfranchise" (I hate that word) anyone, except felons. If the author has any evidence to the contrary he is keeping such evidence secret.
There were other election issues. What follows are some thoughts I wrote down at the time (I apologize in advance for the formatting - I don't do HTML)
Don’t let anyone ever, ever forget:
· That EVERY major TV station prematurely announced Gore won Florida. The quickness of that call gave the illusion of an EASY Gore win in Florida, which, of course, spelled doom for Bush’s election hopes. Millions of voters had not yet voted, including hundreds of thousands in Florida. THAT is how Gore won the popular vote.
· That the only court actions taken by Republicans were IN RESPONSE TO post-election actions by Democrats.
· That there was a vote, and an automatic recount in Florida. Then, absentee ballots came in. THEN, there was a court-authorized re-recount in several areas, with an election deadline extension. Bush was ahead AT EVERY STEP.
· That Gore’s idea of counting undervotes in select, Democrat-infested counties was REJECTED by the FLORIDA Supreme Court, with one member calling it “patently illegal”.
· That the Florida Supreme Court’s idea of counting undervotes in all affected counties was rejected by the US Supreme Court by a vote of seven to two. The two dissenters: one was nominated by Clinton, the other by Bush. How’s THAT for a deeply divided, highly partisan court, as it was described in the media?
· That the only people who tried to throw out ANY votes in Florida were DEMOCRATS. They tried over and over again to disqualify absentee votes, known to be pro-Bush, with Gore staying smugly silent on the issue.
· That the “dimpled chad” theory (you know, people tried to vote, but no hole was actually made on the ballot) is, and always has been, a FRAUD. The maker of the subject voting machines has pointed out that you CAN NOT try to vote, and end up making a “dimple”. You would have to TRY TO make a dimple, by delicate, deliberate manipulation of the stylus. HOWEVER, a person handling a ballot COULD EASILY make a dimple with a fingernail.
· That Jesse Jackson’s vile, hate-mongering, racist (and flat-out preposterous) comments have not been rejected by Gore, or any other leading Democrat.
Never let them forget.
64 posted on 04/19/2002 5:32:11 AM PDT by bobsatwork
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