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To: Quix; Nachum; LucyT; bamahead; Arthur Wildfire! March

Here is the summary of a radio program from 9-26. Check out the information and links that were given in the chat too.

Freedomlink Radio w/ Special Guest Dr. John Waterman

This is an emergency broadcast of Freedomlink Radio to go over the 82nd Airborne disinfo that was put out and what our analyzation of future events is revealing based on ancient texts, the webbot, and current events. Remember, you can still glean information from dis-info because it makes you dig to verify its accuracy, and that digging can turn up some very interesting information!!!

In an interview a few weeks ago, Cliff High stated that the web bot prediction for this November has a 98% confidence interval. Not since 911 has he had this much confidence in the report.

And this November event is weighted to be significantly higher in value than 911 itself. Scale of magnitude beyond.

The Cliff High interview I am referring to was on 9/8/2010 – you can find it on you tube. One of his best interviews.

In Particular: Note this

Freeper confirmation

What does Wachovia know that we don’t?


Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 1 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 2 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 3 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 4 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 5 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 6 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 7 of 8

Dr. John Waterman on Freedomlink Radio 9/26/10 Part 8 of 8


The things we can learn about the debunked 18 hour alert posted on the Intel Hub Saturday. SmokinJoe posted a video with information about an 18 hour alert for deployment of 82nd airborne to homeland. When it was debunked, he created a retraction video and explained that he learned the info from several sources, but one source who was reliable had passed along information that was not reliable. There was an article published in the LA times which could have been the problem.

(My opinion: It is possible the left knows SmokinJoe is reliable and are looking to discredit him for a later time.)

Later in the program, Dr. Waterman identifies that one part of the 82nd ariborne is already stationed in Italy - which he explains.


LA times article:

Dr, Waterman explained that the ancient calendars, (schedules as they are called) have much in common with one another.

The Mayan, the Aztec, Incas, (Mexico) all of which have calendars end on Oct. 28 2011, signaling the beginning of the ending event. What happens on Oct 2011 are birth pains that manifests itself in the final event in 2012
13 months apart.

The first day is the start of a period of time. Nov. 2009. the end of that period is going to come Nov 3, 2010. (day after election day).

In these cultures calendars, there is a time frame is associated with evolutionary cycle - dividing evolutionary cycles - past, history and our future. - 7 days and 6 nights.
Each day night cycle has to be understood. There is a difference between day and night.

Each time the evolutionary cycle moves to the next day or night they grow shorter in time until the very last one lasts 260 days - things start speeding up.

We are currently in the evolutionary cycle that began on Nov. 2009 - the 6th galactic night. Each has a theme. laid upon the next cycle - some of its karma comes over to the next period (day or night). History repeats itself.

Night would represent hidden, dark agendas, criminal activities which are done at night.

How does that compare? night - cleverly occult , deceive, more female, less aggressive, more cunning

day time - aggressive takes over, bring it into the light - deeds will be done more in the open.

What does it mean?

During this time for a bumpy road - it will be some huge bumps - the powers that be have used the night to cover their activities.

Calendar says it will come to light - what happens when you corner a bobcat? If it is boxed in, there may be repercussions.

They have powerful weapons, energy, food, shelter.

Transition - themes, fiat corrupt money system. It was able to exist before in the night (fake, occult) but the money system is fundamentally flawed.

The period is ending - reflects the time of period that came to an end in 1972, so the previous evolutionary cycle that was transitioning to the day time frame was 1972.
That revolutionary cycle was from 1962 - 1972.

What was happening during that time?

President Kennedy - assassinated, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, Civil Rights movement, and anti-war protests.
Who killed Kennedy? mafia, banking system

Also John Paul 1st only served 33 days and because he launched investigation into the Vatican bank he was murdered.

What just erupted in the past week? Money laundering at the Vatican.

The 10 year period 62-72 is now manifesting itself into a 1 year period Nov 2011 - Oct 2011
calendar - told us situations involved had overtones and connected certain periods of time
in the 6th night. Now we are going into the 7th day - what is happening now?

We talk about ending the fed - (people get killed over money)
The military industrial complex and the fed reserve - work together - robbing our wealth, enslaving us to keep working.
The reason we re-manufacture wealth - they steal it from us. We are enslaved through taxes.

The web bot report was from August. Data will terminate with Powers that be will be pleased and content, which means it won’t be good for us.

Here is what they are content with, war, population location, food shortages, economic collapse.
Nov. 11- 2011 - emotionally gained by TPTB over the past 5 yrs will be losing ground and lost through the winter of 2010 and 2011. (that doesn’t mean we have won - they will be angry)

There will be a tipping point Nov. 8-11. That is right after we go into the 7th day.

Nov 3 is the day the transition begins from the 6th night to 7th day
The Mayan calendar is cosmically aligned - based on astronomy - NASA uses it - so it must be accurate.

descriptors in the report: Rapid change

blood freezing, heart pumping fast, breath seized, hairs erect, war, economic upheaval,
high levels of info shock and awe - highest satisfaction for powers that be

The web bot program is written with fuzzy logic - programming - which has crept into wrong hands and devastating this country.

There will be a case where it is clear that migration of people - use this (powers that be) for their own agenda - because of food shortages - and pressing the planet
globally -not initially that will be later - but it will get started in 2010

Russia - wheat - commodities market - Bloomberg -One person bought up all the cocoa
put it in a warehouse - price, value (greed factor).

Through the fall of 2011 there is indication of mass movement of people.
Spain, N. Italy, Switzerland, Bavaria, Central European Mountains an event of temporary climate change but the result will be long term migration.

It will be a serious event that will continue, but primary event will be temporary.

For us here - temporary at first it will be long - more global flooding - rain and coastal waters rising. Many will be devastated because of freezing. We have been talking about the gulf stream or loop current stopping causing extreme winter conditions in Europe and perhaps parts of America.

This is language that pleases the powers that be.

Video 5 at 6 minutes

After all this (the event) - Matthew 24:20 - Pray that your flight not be in winter.
(Be pre-emptive - not reactive )
Then shall the great tribulation - which correlates with Mayan Calendar

Gulf Stream stopping – the loop current is no longer pulling warmer waters from the gulf into the stream

Web bot:
extreme winter - strong winds - new wind patterns - so unique that people of Europe has never experienced it before and it will continue - and re-occur in Sept 2011 and the bad news hits - it gets worse - it will continue through July of 2012

Ice age begins in fall 2010. These events will be food shortages worse and will go from a regional problem to global problem

The migration of problem in Europe will expand to planetary level by fall of 2011 will start in 2010 with
mass migrations in different regions and it will become known in the mass media in Jan 2011.

Forecasted to start Nov. will continue to escalate through spring 2011, so then level off.

In Nov. on the geopolitical - this is what starts in Nov 2010.

Video 5 at 12:55
Geopolitical events in Nov. – the Hidden Hand group will be faced with reduction of income.

Queen just handed over the palace budget to parliament. Predicted in the web bot - the collapse of nations - this it is reliable information.

Nov 8-11 - very important period – agree with Cliff High – (AC Griffith)

Video 6
Mention the queen personal money was involved in the Wanta money which caused interpol to come into the US to VA to look for the money.

Read about Wanta money here:

Recently #1 investigative reporter on Wanta is dead - murdered - in England - reporting
Christopher Story murdered. Other people who have talked about the Wanta story have been murdered. The editor of the Idaho Observer was assassinated.

And in regards to the gulf situation - Matt Simmons - murdered.
People are getting murdered for talking about it and people getting arrested for talking out of turn.

Video 6 at 2:00 minutes

Starting in the early November time frame – an interesting geopolitical event.

Activists will force political change. Targeting the banks, corrupt prison system.

Target interesting names: Rothchild’s / Israeli global war machine
The political prisoners in Italy will be forced to be released.

There will be sieges (mobs) upon the government bank, corporate complexes and continue to escalate
labeled with new psychological operation - anti-Semitic.

They will provoke American attitudes to influence America - to respond with military to Italian peace movement now occurring in Italy.

The rumor about the 82nd being called up recently - 82nd world-wide group.

What activists are working in Italy?
Italy - Kevin Annett, activist - protest the Pope - deliver legal documents Vatican bank, Pope.

Annett is a former pastor from Canada and an activist against the Catholic Church for genocide of Indians in Canada.

Interesting info on the Vatican Here:

Black pope – Leader of the Jesuits – runs Jesuits and Illuminati

Money laundering of the Vatican. Kevin Annett has been slandered, under attack.

We have heard they have a history of being deployed - activist -peace, hippie, anti-war movement in the 60’s - the 82nd was deployed. A note to host revealed that the 173rd is part of the 82nd and it IS stationed in Italy.

82nd has a history of deployment in the 60’s activist movement (anti-war). They were also deployed in Katrina.

Video 6 at 10:00

Conscious movement that is world-wide.

The global impact will continue for 19 months while the support increases for the attack or collapse of the powers that be - there will be an open movement against the powers that be.

It might be the cause for the soon to be fighting within the powers that be.

There will be a mob mentality - who took out JFK? Many, but very deeply involved - Mafia.
The pressure from us provokes them to do something but it doesn’t mean anything good - for us - they will be angry. That doesn’t mean we will win.

There is more stuff coming from the control members of the powers that be.
This was predicted in the club of Rome (Catholics) They will be in a war in control of catholic church and in the media will be labeled as mafia, mob warfare.

The scattering of people moves to global level and be connected to the fed reserve notes to the velocity of money - powers that be.

If the velocity of money stopped & wait 10 days to spend it and have to wait for the money to get there. (example - return something, but wait 10 days to get the refund on your card).

The powers that be will do that through the electronic control of money - ATM machine.

Video 7

Now to the calendar that connects the web bot time frame and the milestone mentioned.

There is an October time frame.

Oct 28 2011 - Mayan calendar and the web bot report talk about this.

Nov 2010 - October time frame the report and the Mayan are talking about Oct. 28th

Sean David Morton - events we have going now - 2 groups - one is saying Dec. 2012 and other group - Oct 28, 2011
13 months apart

Oct. 28

At 1:50
Hillary - birthday - Zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Aquarius
Eagle - Scorpio are interchangeable - depending on referencing zodiac or astrological charts.

Why would that happen?

astrologers - zodiac – sign of the zodiac – talking about personality

The personality of a person or a person that might be Scorpio might be a good person or could have a dual personality. They can become evil. Astrologers say there is a dual personality to Scorpios

Today the Eagle has been replaced by Scorpio.

This is why the Mayan calendar is so important – offiucus and the feathered serpent.

more than any of the other signs - eagle - area of sky - serpent bearer - above Scorpio

Today eagle replaced by Scorpio - manifests two differences - related to eagle or serpent bearer
ancient calendars are important - offiucus - feathered serpent

zodiac is a round in the sky - opposite side would be various

smaller constellation Scorpio is below the horizon when really above the horizon is Aquilla - the serpent bearer – referred to as the eagle.

Serpent bearer is 3 x larger - so why is Scorpio chosen?

Scorpio is given people - mars - associated with war so in the southern sky is Scorpio and below the horizon in astrology is considered night time. Where eagle is considered day time - better personality.

Important to know — Scorpio can be either eagle or Scorpio and now we connect the dots to enter the last days and the Babylonian

Video 7 At 7:40
whore of Babylon – we see that in Revelation 17.

US and Babylon-
The whore of Babylon rides the beast – mix of nationalities – describes living in a city that is great.

Scorpio can manifest itself it it’s personality — pathological enough to help with it

This person is someone who can attack innocent people - be double minded
whore of beast - comes from great city - many nationalities - HQ - NY

Noticed I missed a page - asked a friend to print Hillary’s astrological chart - she is a multiple Scorpio.
On the other side of the page was the page missing on that page was description of satanic ritual.

Jack parsons - years later - Elron Hubbard - called it - bring forth the horror of Babylon. They happened to do it the same day and year Hillary was born.

Someone experienced in murder - Vince Foster This is a diabolical person who can kill.

This agenda is big - the HQ in NY.

The powers that be – intend to seize political control - some people can be involved - as we approach the events
dates correlating with political people.

So as we approach these events coming up – they are coming from the night – birthday is below the horizon.

All hell is going to break loose - we have stuck a stick in the bear’s eye

I just glossed over a body of research - people correlating dates from the Mayan calendar to the web bot report and the zodiac - link it together - we have just stuck the stick in the bear’s eye and we can expect the powers that be to bring it on in Nov. All hell will break loose.

AC Griffith – never shared this story…..
Vince Foster - Bill Clinton’s friend - in Hope Ark. 10 yrs old - straight arrow. He was sent to Europe by Hillary to bring back 200 million of Wanta money - earmarked for children’s fund – org that was before he died
The reason the park service investigated the murder – not capable and evidence (named suicide) pointed to murder.

Video 8

Griffith’s website

Powers that be know they can’t just do nasty stuff - so we get into a lull - where we have been deceived - throw a bone out.

That doesn’t mean they are right - these people shouldn’t be justified for one act of morality.

It looks like attack will be financial.

Web bot software uses fuzzy logic - used for Promise - software package for justice dept and got into the wrong hands - can open any computer system on the planet.

Then hacked into financial - Sept 08- they hacked into the systems - got 3.5 trillion of market

It caused us to pay the bill, because they couldn’t point their finger at Rothy Eton because he had diplomatic immunity – they couldn’t touch him.

Steal your land, houses, cars, life - that is what war is like -war without bullets. Now we are about to be attacked financially – collapse. There are going to be casualties - innocent people will be hurt.

Tues Sept. 28at 4 pm - Dr. Waterman – Shep

Listen Now (4-6pm EST)

Thurs 8 pm Dr. Deagle

Dr. Waterman – website active
next Friday - Oct 1

Nov. 1 our own network for the Intel Hub

AC Griffith – what should people do?

Believe what we are telling you. Get as low to the earth as you can. Your life is about to change.
Stock food, materials that support your life, millions will die, the financial collapse will stop people in their tracks.

Believe what we are telling you.

Info and LINKS from the chat

Famous people born on Oct. 28

Bill Gates 1955

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 1956

Pope John Paul I (Latin: Ioannes Paulus PP. I, Italian: Giovanni Paolo I), born Albino Luciani, (17 October 1912 – 28 September 1978), reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church and as Sovereign of Vatican City from 26 August 1978 until his death 33 days later.

Blackwell Briggs Revealed (Part 1 of 2)
Blackwell Briggs Revealed (part 2 of 2)

Alien history in this world (interesting read, you decide what you think)

British Financier buys all of Europe’s cocoa

Life on this Earth just changed

Hopi Prophecy 2012 Rare Video part 1

Georgia farmer fine $5k for growing too many veggies

Bill Gates:

Grand Challenges in Global Health - Gates

832 posted on 09/27/2010 9:23:55 AM PDT by Whenifhow
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To: Whenifhow; Alamo-Girl; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; Ann de IL; aposiopetic; aragorn; ...



That post has tons of interesting assertions in it.

God knows how much of it’s true.

The earthly and fallen angel powers that be are expert liars, disinfo agents, etc. However, bits of truth make disinfo more powerful. Filtering can be a major challenge.

Our own FREEPER WEBBOT JOCKEY seems to think that Cliff High’s assertions have become more . . . erratic . . . or unreliable or some such. I doubt that’s 100% across the board equally.

I’ve been wondering myself . . . if the whole webbot phenomena is perhaps any degree of consciously influencable by the puppet masters and/or fallen angels by seeding various automatically multiplying memes into the net . . . with a goal of creating confusion and chaos vis a vis predictions and very spotty if conflicting fulfillments thereof.

That might be a good way to try and neutralize ahead of time God’s [still to be demonstrated] thoroughly accurate prophets and prophecies—which I believe HE HAS SCHEDULED to rise up in the not distant future.

Currently, the Christian prophetic is ALMOST as big a mess as any other source, such as occultic sources. I have NO DOUBT that GOD WILL BE CHANGING THAT wholesale as things wind up with greater and greater intensity.

However, if the enemy could create such chaos in terms of conflicting predictions and failed predictions that most people would trash all predictions—then it would blunt somewhat even God’s 100% flawless prophets and their predictions when they do step forward clearly and emphatically.

God will still have His way with such flawless prophets once He purifies and turns them loose—and the truly discerning truly seeking God will be edified and aided thereby.

However, some folks on the borderlines and fringes will lose out because of confusion and their failure to fight through conflicting inputs to a point of clarity and truth.

Certainly there’s plenty of reliable to mostly reliable bits amidst all that data in the above post.

There’s likely more than plenty of disinformation as well.

And filtering can be as challenging as dividing pepper from fly specs.

Only God’s Spirit can help us sort out what we need to be the least bit concerned about and therefore what.

My suggestion is a quick scan with a prayerful attitude and see IF God would have you click on something and search it out further.

Times are certainly a changin’

Today is a major conference with some stronger high level military personnel making assertions about UFO’s disabling nuclear missiles and changing the targeting destinations of some nuke missiles. Could be interesting. It has certainly been billed as markedly more dramatic and confirmed by multiple witnesses and specifics than ever before.

I see this as another calculated incremental disclosure winding up the global populace regarding the critters and phenomena—facilitating their use in coercing, scaring the world into a global government.

833 posted on 09/27/2010 10:09:23 AM PDT by Quix (PAPAL AGENT DESIGNEE: Resident Filth of non-Roman Catholics; RC AGENT DESIGNATED: "INSANE")
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To: Whenifhow

Thanks for the ping

836 posted on 09/27/2010 10:39:54 AM PDT by Nachum (The complete Obama list at
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To: Whenifhow; SmokingJoe
SmokinJoe posted a video with information about an 18 hour alert for deployment of 82nd airborne to homeland.

Just for the record, that wasn't me. Perhaps SmokingJoe posted it? I would have the credit go where it is due.

839 posted on 09/27/2010 12:04:40 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: Whenifhow

The UN appoints a person who will greet aliens coming to Earth.

858 posted on 09/30/2010 6:54:16 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (Don't forget Sharron Angle v Reid. It is close. She is excellent. And up yours, McCain!)
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