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Posts by LostTribe

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  • The "road map" is a Trojan Horse [for Israel]

    12/27/2002 1:33:20 PM PST · 20 of 22
    LostTribe to Elsie
    >>The Celts (the populations of Europe and America) are represented by the 10 Tribes from the Northern Kingdom,

    >Golly... they don't LOOK very 'JEWISH'!

    How about these famous Jews?  Do they LOOK very 'JEWISH'?

    In order to fulfill Hosea 1:10,11 the offspring from BOTH the children of Judah and the children of Israel would have to come from a single ethnic group which displayed such common characteristics as may be observed in the following Jews, who just happen to look like ordinary non-Jewish Celts from anywhere else in the world:

    Joseph Lieberman, Paul Newman, Ted Koppel, Harrison Ford, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Kirk Douglas, Kevin Costner, Stephen Breyer, Yitzhak Rabin, Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Mike Wallace, Benjamin Netanyahu, William Shatner, Douglas Fairbanks, Cary Grant, Leonard Bernstein, Paul Simon, Ariel Sharon, David Frost, Morley Safer, Ari Fleischer,

    Jack Benny, Alan King, Casper Weinberger, Carl Reiner, George Burns, Red Buttons, Sam Levinson, Bernard Goldberg, Robert Downey Jr., Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, Peter Sellers, Tony Curtis, Edward G. Robinson, Wolf Blitzer, Mel Torme, Paul Wellstone, Peter Falk, Leonard Nimoy, Jerry Springer, Arlen Spector, William Cohen,

    Barry Goldwater, Robert Rubin, William Roth, Howard Metzenbaum, Hyman Rickover, Robert Reich, Russ Feinberg, Stanley Mosk, Arthur Burns, Milton Friedman, Bill Kristol, Victor Borge, William Kristol, Warren Rudman, etc., etc, etc.

    The Celts and the Jews are genetic cousins.  All are offspring from Jacob/Israel, and all are Hebrews, Semites, and Israelites.

  • The "road map" is a Trojan Horse [for Israel]

    12/26/2002 7:20:55 PM PST · 16 of 22
    LostTribe to Terriergal
    >>WHO are these chosen people?

    >The Celts, of course.

    Nice try! But only partly correct. The people usually referred to in these realms as "Gods Chosen People" are the Israelites. ALL of them, from ALL 12 Tribes.

    The Celts (the populations of Europe and America) are represented by the 10 Tribes from the Northern Kingdom, and The Southern Kingdom was made up of the other (3) Tribes. The Northern Kingdom became known over time as "The Lost Tribes of Israel", then as the Celts, and the Southern Kingdom eventually became known as Jews.

  • The "road map" is a Trojan Horse [for Israel]

    12/26/2002 5:14:10 PM PST · 11 of 22
    LostTribe to tenthirteen
    The GOD of ABRAHAM will see that no harm comes to the chosen people.

    WHO are these chosen people? And WHO chose them, and WHEN, and exclusively for WHAT? Thanks.

  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 9:46:49 PM PST · 23 of 23
    LostTribe to Nachum
    >Count me out of this debate.

    OK, good night. Next time keep your rocks in your pocket.

  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 9:17:23 PM PST · 21 of 23
    LostTribe to Nachum
    >>Since Moses was not a Jew, and there were no Jews at the time he was alive (and would not be any for another ~thousand years), how would Moses know about things Jewish?

    >It is always a pleasure to be teased into a debate by you.

    Ah, is truth so elusive my friend?  I believe the first stone was cast by you in your post #13.  Shall we go back and find your fingerprints?  Is rock throwing something "genetic" we should explore in some detail?

    > No one was persuaded then, and I doubt that anyone would be persuaded tonight.

    Then you have nothing to worry about, do you?

    >However, seeing as how you enjoy a good dabate about this, ad infinitem, why not go to the site?

    I like it here, in the land of (generally) open minds.  Anyone who wishes to talk with me knows where to find me.

    Now, do you have something constructive to add to the discussion or did you just feel the needed to get that off your chest?
  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 7:36:20 PM PST · 18 of 23
    LostTribe to Nachum
    I do have a question, if you don't mind. At your FR website you have this note:

    "Curious about something Jewish? Check out "

    Since Moses was not a Jew, and there were no Jews at the time he was alive (and would not be any for another ~thousand years), how would Moses know about things Jewish?

  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 7:20:03 PM PST · 17 of 23
    LostTribe to Nachum
    Thank You for the recommendation.
  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 7:19:12 PM PST · 16 of 23
    LostTribe to wharfrat
    >??? The Jews are the chosen People; Almighty Jehovah God calls them The Apple Of His Eye.

    >There about a dozen Biblical citations which refer to "Apple of His Eye", the earliest ones going back to Deut. and Psalms. That of course is LONG LONG before there were any Jews. The "Apple of His Eye" citation was to ALL the Israelites, not just the small percentage who later became known as Jews. The words Israelite and Jew are not interchangeable.

    >We in America certainly do not hold that distinction, in fact because of our wilful violation of Genesis 12:3 we are in danger of being reduced to a footnote in history!

    That's a little hard to follow since we in America, as offspring of the Northern Kingdom of Israel received the same "Chosen People" appelation, and Blessing Promises as our cousins from the Southern Kingdom. Maybe this explanation will be helpful in understanding the relationship:


    Genesis 12:2-3 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

    Genesis 12 was addressed to Abram (later Abraham). Abraham was neither an Israelite nor a Jew. There were no Jews at that time, there were not even any Israelites. There would not be any people known as Jews for another ~1,500 years.

    It is through other promises to Abraham that the Israelites are named as recipients of the Great Nation and Blessings promise:

    Genesis 17:19-21 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

    And as for Ish'ma-el, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

    But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

    Isaacs seed includes Jacob (renamed Israel), and all those who follow in his chain are called Israelites.

    The "Great Nation" and "Blessings" provisions are important because since they were promised by God they will come true. It is already happening now. But as we examine Israelite history it is clear those few Israelites called Jews were never a great nation and are not one today. At under 13 Million people they don't come even close to ranking among the worlds great powers.

    However, the other Israelites, the 1 BILLION people strong Northern Kingdom/ LostTribes/ Celts/ Europeans/ Americans are The Greatest POWER (Nation) in the history of the world. And no nation in history has been a greater blessing to ALL the people of the earth than all these Northern and Southern Kingdom Israelites!

  • Just a Joke, Mr. Peres ?

    12/25/2002 4:44:48 PM PST · 8 of 23
    LostTribe to wharfrat
    >You are the chosen people of destiny

    How's that again??? Chosen by whom, when and where, and for what exclusive purpose?

  • Merry Christmas from your Jewish friend!

    12/25/2002 10:44:43 AM PST · 23 of 65
    LostTribe to TopQuark
    Thank You. Please accept my belated Happy Hanukkah to you and your family.


  • Merry Christmas

    12/24/2002 4:40:42 PM PST · 21 of 52
    LostTribe to smokegenerator
    Merry Christmas to all.
  • The Empire That Was Russia

    12/24/2002 12:13:43 PM PST · 23 of 34
    LostTribe to winodog
    This is the sort of stunning photo work the National Geographic Society should be doing (again) instead of all the bambi and enviro flakking it champions.
  • Roman Britons After 410

    12/21/2002 9:30:10 PM PST · 18 of 40
    LostTribe to Notforprophet
    Thanks for the ping! I'll mark it to read tomorrow.
  • FOX News-Lott Up For Chairman of Energy, Homeland Security Committees

    12/20/2002 4:53:46 PM PST · 21 of 73
    LostTribe to ewing
    Shep is getting better all the time as he grows up. He has this very unique concept of television news:

    You show lots of good footage for viewers to look at from lots of different stories, and you talk about them OFFSCREEN, and don't waste much time looking at the commentator in a studio. Heck of an on idea. Wonder why no one in TV thought of it before. [/sarcasm off]

  • California Bond Rating Cut as $35 Bln Deficit Looms

    12/19/2002 10:14:53 PM PST · 12 of 59
    LostTribe to P-Marlowe
    Then the next step is to approach Mexico and accept Baja California as payment for whatever they owe us today.
  • Spare Jews (and others) the cult of victimization

    12/18/2002 9:44:18 PM PST · 88 of 93
    LostTribe to Luis Gonzalez
    N'yuk - N'yuk - N'yuk !!!
  • Spare Jews (and others) the cult of victimization

    12/18/2002 8:38:21 PM PST · 85 of 93
    LostTribe to Luis Gonzalez
    Tell your friend to be sure and start by clicking here to come up to speed on the background material.
  • Spare Jews (and others) the cult of victimization

    12/18/2002 8:32:35 PM PST · 84 of 93
    LostTribe to Luis Gonzalez
    Seriously, all 3 of those stooges were Israelites, Southern Kingdom. But neither Shem nor Noah (nor Abraham nor Jacob nor David) nor did a whole lot of others come from the Southern Kingdom, so they were not Jews.
  • Spare Jews (and others) the cult of victimization

    12/18/2002 8:25:37 PM PST · 82 of 93
    LostTribe to Luis Gonzalez
    Nope, it's the guy with the curly hair. {ggg}.

  • God’s Fury is Building (Israel)

    12/18/2002 7:20:10 PM PST · 139 of 151
    LostTribe to mdmathis6
    >He called them for the same reason that the stones of Jerusalem would have cried out, had not the crowds cried out Hosanna, on what we remember as Palm Sunday!

    Now you are preaching again.  Can't you ever answer a simple question with a simple answer?  This question should be answerable in under 25 words.

    >Samaritans were considered the bastard cousins of the Jews at the time, and Apostate in worship...part of the "LOST TRIBES")

    What is your evidence?

    >we know what we worship: for salvation is of THE JEWS.

    That line is frequently misinterpreted and misapplied.  All it means is that Jesus came via the only Israelites available, the Jewish ones.  The HUGE Northern Kingdom was otherwise occupied at the time.

    Some evangelicals miss this simple point so badly they take it as a mandate to worship the Jews. (And that is the source of all sorts of misapplication of the Bible ,including their take on the new nation named Israel.)

    Worse, it is like worshipping the U.S. Postal Service simply because they were the carrier that brought you a Christmas package.{ggg}.  That's worshipping the messenger instead of the giver of the present.  Talk about heresy!

    > But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth: for the father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

    What was that all about?  Are you trying to change the subject again or just preaching "so ye may be seen of men"?

    >I don't how much clearer I can be about what the Jews were called for and what all men are now called for.

    Then perhaps you have a basic communication problem?  Factual answers are not communicated by flowery words seeming to be a medium of obfuscation.

    >You might disagree with me but Christ himself is quoted above.

    Even the Devil can quote scripture...

    > I know there are sects of believers that feel that the true Israel is that company of true believers in Christ, encompassing the present church as it exists now upon the Earth.

    Yes, I've heard that.  What does that have to do with your idea that the Jews are exclusively chosen for something?

    >(Not denominations, but rather the entire body of true worshippers of God that make up that body). There is a body of thought that the prophecies concerning the future blessings of Israel refer to the Bride of Christ, or his church, and not on the remnants of so-called Jews who just happened to be hanging on after the devestations brought on by God's Judgment, I don't agree with all of what is claimed, other wise why should Paul state that the blindness that was put on most Jewry will be lifted off of them.

    Beats me.

    >Why have a time of reconcilation when those who look upon who was pierced, shall mourn?

    Hey, don't ask me.  I'm just trying to find out what you believe the Jews were supposedly exclusively chosen for, and I'm not having much luck.

    >There are prophecies regarding the company of believers, which I agree with that states the church (true believers who have been given incorruptible bodies) will reign with Christ during the Millenial age.

    Hey, that works for me.