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Posts by Jacob Morgan

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  • Buffett's Big Bet: $34B On 2nd-Largest Railroad

    11/03/2009 3:52:01 PM PST · 23 of 32
    Jacob Morgan to Cheetahcat

    “Hauling Chinese cars?”

    Hauling all those cargo containers of Chinese crap to sell at Wal-Mart. That seems to be the only growth industry out there.

  • UN To Push For A Gun Control Treaty- Obama Agrees

    11/02/2009 5:52:59 PM PST · 71 of 78
    Jacob Morgan to Sasparilla
    I never could figure out why half the countries in the UN are represtented by people who do not represent the respective countries—a dictator no more represents a country than a hostage-taker or kidnapper represents their victims. It would be like a home invasion rapist showing up at the home owners’ association meeting to vote on what trees to plant. Why do they have a place at the table? Their place is to dangle at the end of a rope.

    But this strage arrangement being the case, it makes a lot of sense that the kidnappers, hostage-takers, and all the other dictators prefer their victims to be defenseless.

  • Palin Wildly Popular with the Republican Base

    10/06/2009 9:21:35 PM PDT · 74 of 204
    Jacob Morgan to slag
    1964—Americans didn't want three presidents in three years, got over it and then elected Republicans in 5 of the next 6 elections.

    The media, right now, may as well be state controlled. Academia believes in academic freedom: you can be a leftist or a liberal. Every President elected after 1984 either went to Harvard or Yale. The ultra-big-businesses of today spend more time lobbying for a place at the tax payer slop bucket than they do actually making or selling things. The DNC is just the political arm of this mess. It is a new class, a permanent ruling class, of self proclaimed Philosopher Kings. They see the people not as individuals who have individual liberties, rather they see a society to be shaped and molded to their vision. Some Republicans have figured out how to fit into this structure, and play along well (e.g., McCain).

    Time to stop messing around with just the DNC every two or four years and take on the whole enchilada. If a revolution starts in congress in 2010 and spreads to the White House in 2012 it needs to wipe out not only the DNC but the Media, the dunces in Academia, et al. The Philosopher Kings need to face a very nasty peasant revolt.

    If Palin is anything, she is an outsider. She is not a wannabe Philosopher King. She is not a cog in the wheel of the media-acadamia-big finance-Hollywood machine. But she has charisma and, at this point, doesn't give a crap what the NYT times will write about her. She could actually lead a revolution against the horror show that Washington is, not only that but take down big media. The media went way overboard, and it would not be a reach to say that few will take seriously any future media criticism of Palin, and that the more criticism there is the lower the ratings and the advertising revenue. And it is about time that some privileged brat from Harvard or Yale didn't get elected.

    The dems know that she might, just might, be able to exorcise this country. She could get people to figure out that they ought to be seriously pissed that the Philosopher King class took the best, most vibrant, country and the world and over the past couple of decades have done their best to turn it into a third world country. And that is why their reaction to the very name of Palin reminds me of that scene in the Exorcist when Holy Water was thrown on the demon possessed—”it burns! it burns!” Well you know what, Philosopher Kings: time to burn.

  • Bloodbath at Conde Nast; 4 mags axed

    10/05/2009 5:44:02 PM PDT · 52 of 69
    Jacob Morgan to Artemis Webb

    Cookie magazine looked to me like Parent’s Magazine for DINKS, which never made much sense.

  • China sets its sights on US Navy, admiral warns-(...)

    10/05/2009 5:35:28 PM PDT · 17 of 27
    Jacob Morgan to DoughtyOne
    “We created a monster, and now our youth will die when having to deal with it.”

    I agree. When in history has showering money on an oligarchy building a military ever worked? This is madness. Whittaker Chambers said (way back when) that if the Chinese went communist it would doom the world, but even he didn't foresee that capitalists would not only sell them rope, but build them rope factories.

    Freedom, a human phenomena, may be limited to a blip that lasted just a few hundred years. The Chinese, the Putins, the Chavez's and all the rest aren't against Yankees...they are against freedom. Imagine the Empire State Building decked out in Swastikas in the late thirties to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Nazi party taking parliament. And the usual useful idiots are saying “faster, faster.”

  • Report Says Iran Has Data to Make a Nuclear Bomb

    10/03/2009 1:33:38 PM PDT · 5 of 43
    Jacob Morgan to maquiladora
    Don't worry, if Obama can talk the Olympic Committee into giving Chicago the 2012 Olympics,then surely he can talk Iran out of making a bomb. Oh, wait...
  • Who's Contributing to Democrats These Days?

    08/24/2009 10:12:19 PM PDT · 19 of 23
    Jacob Morgan to parsifal
    “Some doctors may see a savings in malpractice insurance, but it does not decrease health costs”

    Come on, most fringe movements fund themselves by robbing banks or selling drugs. The dems do it by random shake downs known as torts; the lawyers split the loot with the DNC to keep the racket going while the idiots in the media pimp for them.

    Meanwhile the average victim of malpractice gets, ta dum: zilch, zip, nada. The lawyers are out chasing the great sob stories to cash in millions to fund a Senate run in North Carolina. Maybe there ought to be more suits, not less, but reasonable suits, not the law suit lottery. The only way insurers and doctors can deal with the lottery is to hike prices or exit the business.

    And I just gotta say this: if the lawyers know better than doctors and if they care so much and they are soo concerned about the state of medical care, why didn't they go to medical school?

    That is one thing the Canadians have on us, they have a reasonable tort system. Used to go there a lot on business. It was funny to look at their phone books. In the US the ad would be “I'm Joe Schmoe and I settled for $43M for my client who was hit by a car!” In Canada it was more like “I'm Jock Schmoet and I settled for $23K for my client who was hit by a car!”

  • Obama Health Bill: Those on Social Security - Mandatory Counseling on Asst. Suicide

    07/17/2009 5:33:33 PM PDT · 74 of 166
    Jacob Morgan to Jim Robinson
    Guess that means another honorary degree from Notre Dame.
  • Palin Really, Really Scares The Left, Doesn't She?

    07/15/2009 7:03:23 PM PDT · 10 of 37
    Jacob Morgan to 2ndDivisionVet
    Said it before, watching the political/media/elite class respond to Palin is like watching Linda Blair's character in the Exorcist when the Holy Water is being applied. One reason I like Palin is that the political/media/elite class make fools of themselves when she is around.

    The political/media/elite class that sets (or more accurately pollutes) the culture, dispenses propaganda as news, and run politics has got to go. This last election where a Harvard lawyer who lived in a multi-million dollar mansion claimed that he, as opposed to the other guy who lived in a million dollar mansion(s), was a man of the people, was ridiculous. Every president since 1988 either went to Harvard or Yale and they all want to be a man of the people, yeah right. This country would be better off if every single resident of Washington DC went on long snipe hunt and were replaced by the residents of Cody Wyoming, Billings Montana, Huntsville Alabama, Lubbock Texas, whatever.

    Palin is not of the political/media/elite class and they hate her for it.

  • Another Frivolous Ethics Complaint Filed Against Palin, Third Since Resignation Announcement

    07/14/2009 5:44:53 PM PDT · 37 of 37
    Jacob Morgan to Halgr
    “I’m hearing talk on less moderated forums that its time to lock and load on the dems”

    Well, lets just say that the modern Democratic party is sort of like the small pox virus. There is no playing fair with it, it needs to be eliminated. Put together a bi-partisan committee and what happens: the Republicans play by the spirit of the law while the Democrats do what ever they can to bring about their socialist utopia. That dick weed in Alaska on the ethics committee promising an October surprise, etc., last year was disgusting. That filth ought to be treated like a cockroach. But that is typical DNC these days. To the new Democrat the ends justify any means at any time.

    To me, this goes back to the 1920’s when the Democrat's banner was passed from William Jennings Bryan to Darrow. Bryan was a populist, proposed the dept of labor, was in the Wilson administration, “stuck up for the little guy”, etc. But he stood ever so briefly in way of the progressive movement, so he was ridiculed and denounced and killed in effigy on the stage a thousand times. One would think that he would have been held up by democrats for being ahead of his time on labor and social issues, etc. But no, stand in the way of the new progressive order and face personal destruction. That is when the DNC turned to the dark side.

    There was a joke years ago that Kruschef awoke from a nightmare and his wife asked him what it was “we conquered the capitalistic pigs!” was the reply. “That is wonderful,” she replied. “No, horrible,” he explained, “where will we get our wheat?”

    The funny thing is, if Obama is successful in crashing America, it will be worthless Democrats in blue cities in blue states who starve to death. I suppose they can blame Bush one last time while they fight over who gets to eat a rat carcase. The rural red states will survive, with copies of the constitution in hand and with seared memories to never let this happen again.

  • Attacking the F-22 with Yellow Journalism

    07/14/2009 5:23:13 PM PDT · 15 of 16
    Jacob Morgan to Jet Jaguar
    Remember how the M1 tank was a waste of money, how it couldn't shoot straight, etc., according to the freaking idiots in the media back in the early 1980’s. Oh boy, did they ever get that one wrong. The memo that they didn't work didn't make it over to Iraq in the first gulf war where the M1’s took out the advanced Soviet-supplied tanks like a shooting gallery game.

    Back when I was in engineering school the class catalog stated that no credit, not even for the total credit hours (that could include PE, pottery, etc.) would be granted for journalism courses. Now I know why. Those journalists are the stupidest things on two legs. They hoot and holler when a system tested to failure, fails. Well, that is apt to happen when things are tested to failure. How they hell do these people find their way to work in the morning, what with all those road signs and such?

    And let me get this straight, "stimulus" money for condom education programs, rat research, etc., but not for the defense industy that actually empolyees people that actually make a durable good that could deter enemy attack? If the government wants to make work then make arms.

  • Officials to probe color-coded terror alert system

    07/14/2009 5:11:58 PM PDT · 33 of 33
    Jacob Morgan to MediaMole
    “At this point, the government is going to Col. Cooper’s color coded system. They are putting the nation in condition white.”

    Col. Cooper's system was designed for one to prepare themselves to take action. If attacked while in condition white, one is basically dead. At condition red one understands that there is a direct threat and that if a line is crossed deadly force is required. It is designed to help a normal (non-homicidal maniac) person prepare themselves to take immediate action when they must.

    The stupid thing is that although the system has dubious merit when applied to the whole country, it is essentially what people asked for. Remember back when the media/democrat machine decided to blame it all on Bush? It was an outrage, an impeachable offense, that a random low level memo in the FBI that something was odd here or there was not immediately sent out in an all points bulletin to the nation. Well, fine, have a general threat level to show the level of background noise, or to put people on alert without tipping the other side off to details. So people got what they demanded, and now they are outraged to have it.

    Napalianto is pulling a Clinton: Terrorism is a police matter, and shift the fear to the right wingers. Remember in the early nineties when terrorism was supposed to be linked to the G. Gordon Liddy show and the assorted militia movements, all while Osama laid his plans at his leisure.

    Have to admit though, not sure what Osama would gain by attacking now that he has a useful idiot, or possibly a fellow traveler, in the White House. Osama wanted to wreck the American economy, and Obama is doing that just fine on his own. Funny how Osama disappeared from the news just like the "homeless" disappeared the day Clinton took office: no longer useful to the media. That he had not been apprehended was useful to beat Bush over the head with, now Osama just doesn't exist anymore.

  • Pay attention when chitchat turns to ammo shortages(ME)

    07/13/2009 8:22:06 PM PDT · 12 of 40
    Jacob Morgan to marktwain
    Well, if a dense liberal can figure out that this country is headed to hell in a hand basket (oh, and who is driving this train? could it be, OBAMA?) that is a good sign.

    I'm wondering if the ammo thing is somewhat regional. A sporting goods store one town over had 380, 9mm, 40, and 45 ACP last Saturday. Gander Mountain in the big city had 223 and 308 in bulk. One thing puzzles me: people want hundreds if not thousands of rounds of pistol and rifle ammo, but walk right by cases of shot gun shells. Shotgun primers are the only ones I see on the store shelves now. What gives?

  • Sarah Palin's Declaration of Independence

    07/13/2009 8:03:44 PM PDT · 3 of 5
    Jacob Morgan to Al B.
    “We are going to have to double or triple our GDP in order to offset the generational theft of the Obama Democrats. Entitlement spending has left us $70,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in debt.”

    That is very true, and one is led to three possible futures:

    1. A slow descent to third world status as the Chinese stop lending us money and want their money back as the boomers all retire; meanwhile only industry left is once-proud companies begging for government hand outs. Higher taxes, fewer jobs, falling real wages, no venture capital...ultimately a declining life expectancy. Multiple generations living in each house, with one bread winner supporting them.

    2. The same as #1, but at a much more apocalyptic pace resulting in civil unrest, riots, a failing power grid, etc.

    3. Shoot the damn lawyers, use environmentalists for zoo food, and adopt Hong Kongese economic policies circa 1980. Grow, grow, grow. If it isn't an incentive for growth, then get rid of it. Roll back all environmental laws to what they were in 1980. Eliminate corporate income tax and tax on dividends. One page flat tax. End welfare at the federal level; all the bums can then go the blue states. Eliminate the dept of education, and reduce all federal programs by ~50%. Go to loser pays for torts. Cap lawsuits of all types. Every company in America should not be one law suit away from bankruptcy. Limit the total length of the federal register to a set number of pages—something goes in, something goes out. Index social security tax to the number of children one has—no free loading by DINKS; eliminate personal income tax the year of a child's birth. No more CAFE standards. End subsidization of higher education. College should be a business proposition plain and simple: they offer deferred value for money up front, take it or leave it. A student can borrow or work their way through if there will be a winning prospect in the end, but won't spend five years partying and binge drinking while being indoctrinated in liberalism; which isn't good job training unless one goes into politics.

    Everyone is looking for the next Reagan. Reagan won the cold war and stopped the silliness the Carter had going on. But Reagan, on the domestic side, only slowed down what had been set in place since what, the New Deal? There has got to be a change more profound than that which Reagan brought or we'll all be drawing water from a well with a bucket and chopping wood for fuel before long. Democrats want to go faster, Republicans want to go slower, the reality is that we're on a track headed off a cliff. There has to be a profound shift in politics to save this country.

  • White Males No Less Biased Than Latinas (Barf Alert!!!)

    07/13/2009 7:34:41 PM PDT · 20 of 29
    Jacob Morgan to Kaslin

    Parents, please stop naming your kids Eugene. That name warps them for life. I’ve never met a Eugene that didn’t have mental issues.

  • VIDEO: "Hannity" DIscusses Obama Photo

    07/09/2009 9:21:23 PM PDT · 83 of 89
    Jacob Morgan to ianschwartz
    Someone said that snorting a lot of coke did bad things to ones impulse control.
  • VIDEO: "Hannity" DIscusses Obama Photo

    07/09/2009 9:15:21 PM PDT · 81 of 89
    Jacob Morgan to ScottinVA
    “Head of State ogling from an era gone by. (Soviet Leader Brezhnev checking out American actress Jill St. John)”

    She brings one thing to mind, Batman saying: “Poor deluded girl!” After Jill St. John's character accidentally fell into the Bat-reactor.

  • The Real Sarah Palin (Record in office has not been as conservative as she is personally)

    07/09/2009 8:44:54 PM PDT · 26 of 149
    Jacob Morgan to SeekAndFind

    Since when did “finishing the job” mean sitting on the bench until the clock ran out? She accomplished much, I’d wager more than she promised when running for office. Ultimately she stopped being a defenseless pinata for liberal loonies, and that must be why people found fault with it.

  • Mike Murphy: To go forward, GOP must snap out of its Sarah Palin spell

    07/09/2009 8:32:05 PM PDT · 69 of 192
    Jacob Morgan to mrsixpack36
    “He is correct. As much as we all like Palin, she is NOT electable on the top of the ticket.”

    Says who, the media? The media is the propaganda arm of the DNC. Play by the media rule book, like McCain, well rule #43 says republicans lose.

    Guess what, no republican will be “electable” according to the media so long as a red diaper baby, Ayers-hugging, Orwell-speak knuckle head like Obama is around to pimp for. To Hell with the media, the media is what forced Obama on the country.

    An advantage of Palin is that she reduces the media to infantile shrieking. Maybe the rest of the country would question the media if they all start foaming at the mouth and get a nasty twitch when her name is mentioned. Better yet, maybe Proctor and Gamble, Con Agra, etc., figure out that they should not be advertising on TV shows where the anchors look like the subject of an exorcism.

    I'll go further than that: this country suffers from a media-politicical-elite class that has run this country into the ground. Every president since 1988 either went to Harvard or Yale. There is a revolving door between the media and politics. Every year the whole disgusting spectacle is further and further removed from main street America. We need to put our focus and hope on principles and on ideas, not on individuals. But the one political leader most opposed (and really the only serious leader opposed at all) to that unholy trinity is Palin, which is why the media-political-elite class hates her. Well maybe they should hate her if she lead a movement to fire those self-proclaimed philosopher kings in politics and the agit-prop journalists.

  • The Far Left On the Cusp of Total Success

    07/08/2009 9:30:23 PM PDT · 43 of 48
    Jacob Morgan to AJKauf
    Left out some other institutions:

    1. Churches: the ones that people actually go to are getting their act together as the 60’s radicals leave and are replaced with priests and preachers who are not. The whole social justice blather of the main stream churches is sinking with them. A bunch of half empty buildings with people who go there out of habit. The ones with full parking lots are teaching responsibility, etc.

    2. The Military: As someone said, it is full of poor Southern kids. They despise Obamzo the clown as much as anyone, they are not going to go door to door, etc. Without universal conscription this isn't going to change any time soon.

    3. Education: Two words, home school. Not a lot of people are home schooled? Not a lot need to be. One out of a hundred or even five hundred can make a huge difference. Colleges, as finishing schools for liberal brain washing, will not be as big an issue in the future as more people switch to on-line or distance learning and (this is key) as students figure out they actually have to compete in the world marketplace. That means more engineers and such and fewer liberal arts majors.

    4. The family. Liberals don't reproduce much, or at least they don't often bring the babies to term. Dead "embyoes" don't carry on the values. Shoot, the Dugger family in Arkansas will earn the state another congressional seat before too long.

    Regarding the media, the left has had it not since the ‘60s but since the 20’s. But, conservatives have made big inroads in every outlet they've entered (e.g., Fox News tramples CNN in every time slot, Rush rules on the radio, Drudge is king of the Internet). The media made one big mistake this time: even a blind person could see their bias. Unless Obama really can walk on water, and right now he is slipping on a puddle of dog piss, the media will take blame. Personally, I hope every damn SOB in the main stream media dies of hunger from lack of work. When people start telling the main stream media to shut the hell up the vendors of under arm deodorant and paper towels spend their advertising dollars elsewhere, then we've won. Usually when someone sells a line of bull crap (free vacations, etc.) they offer a free 23mm camera with genuine lens or something like that to bring in the suckers—some day that will be the old line news media in the local civic center with a “Exciting informational meeting about evil conservatives, free genuine Naugahyde jerkin to first ten attendees!”