Since Jul 28, 2001

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DISCLAIMER: I have noticed doing a Google search that the name "sweetliberty" and variations of it are being used more frequently. Some of the uses of the name are disturbing in that they no way represent me or my point of view. I wish to state that I have no connection with the websites using the name; specifically "sweetliberty.org and sweetliberty.com." There are others, but these two are the most prevalent in the search engine.


"May src="http://images51.fotki.com/v1549/photos/6/34576/7606111/HangingLakeHike32-vi.jpg" />


"Colorado Renaissance Festival - June 2009"


I am a divorced (ex-husband now deceased), mom and grandma (my daughter and grandson are in the pictures above). I love the country and hate the city and am a southerner both by birth and by preference although I lived a number of years in Colorado. I am a conservative and a Republican, though I do not necessarily agree with the party line on all things, and contrary to the popular liberal myth, I am not wealthy, don't drive an SUV, and I don't run over blacks, small children and animals for fun.

I am a conservative because I believe in God and in Jesus Christ. I believe there is good and evil and right and wrong and that we should know the difference. I believe in preserving tradition and morality and in protecting the innocence of children. I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I don't believe in "special" status for anybody except the most innocent or the most helpless. I believe in being loving and generous because it is what is in your heart, not because the government requires it of you. I believe in taking responsibility for your own actions, but not in judgment without mercy. I do not believe that the establishment of freedom of religion was ever intended to protect demonic cults. Freedom of choice does not include the slaughter of innocents in the womb. It does not mean "freedom" from religion or "freedom" from being offended.

We are a nation built on the laws of God and no one has the right to expel God from it. I love my country and I love freedom. While I abhor violence, I have come to realize that it is the only language understood by many in the world who would do us harm. I believe that if freedom is to be preserved we have to do whatever it takes to restrain or even abolish those enemies. I believe that liberalism is an enemy within our borders, political correctness is its language and socialism is its goal and as such needs to be treated as swiftly and harshly as any foreign enemy. It has corrupted us from within like a cancer and robbed us of common sense and decency as a culture. It is time for renewal. In order to find balance the pendulum needs to swing the other way. I pray it is not too late.


"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight! Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine And valiant men in mixing strong drink, Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!"- (Isaiah 5-20-23)

"We are the ancestors of generations yet unborn." - Cherokee proverb

"To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it." - G. K. Chesterton

"Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your your mouth and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln (first inaugural address)


What makes a FReeper? A passion for truth, a sharp wit, a keen mind, a thick skin, a love of liberty, an authentic nature, a teachable spirit, a commitment to our ideals, and a fierce defiance of our enemies. And for most of us, a deep faith.


My official Pajama Brigade FReeping Uniform


"Nermal, my FReeping mascot"
RIP Nermal - 8/20/2005


On Free Republic: Free Republic is the best source around for news and all kinds of other information and I have found the company here to be delightful. It is also the best place I know of, online or off, to relax and unwind, to vent, to laugh, to exchange ideas, to recharge the batteries, to make plans and to make friends. I have found FReepers to be some of the most intelligent and witty and passionate people I've ever met and having so many like-minded people in one place is truly inspiring. I love being a FReeper. What a great bunch of people (with some exceptions, of course). We are like family. I especially like the description that was given to us by Matt LaBash of the Weekly Standard: "...a fierce, warlike tribe from the Free Republic organization--a fire-breathing conservative band of Internet brothers.." I think when I really realized I was part of the FReeper family was when I was asked by dansangel to be featured on "A Few of FR's Finest," a daily thread that highlights different FReepers and it is here that I share my thoughts about FR. Unfortunately, she lost many of the beautiful graphics that embellished some of the "Finest" threads due to a server crash so the background and pictures are missing. Fortunately, I was able to save the beautiful graphic that mama_bear made for me for the occasion before it was lost.


Click on graphic.


Back row left to right: Travelgirl, maxplunder, GoGirlGo, sonofron and DCBryan1. Front left to right:sweetliberty and Budge. (Click on picture for the story).

On President Bush's Leadership: I think its important that we be reminded that there is greatness in the overall scheme of things. There is greatness as well in the natural order of things, when it is allowed to play out...well, natuarally. The liberal mentality of political correctness has magnified pettiness exponentially, to the point where many of our younger people have never seen a clear line drawn between good and evil. They have no idea what greatness looks like, no idea what a hero looks like, no idea what a real man looks like...or a real woman for that matter. All that changed September 11. Under Bill Clinton, we were a country without a leader. A leader could have averted this crisis. It has fallen to a leader to remedy it.

On the War On Terrorism: We need to close the borders to anybody from a nation that has been determined to harbor terrorists, suspend issuance of student visas to these countries, revoke all existing student visas, and deport anyone native to these countries who are not American citizens. It is high time we be more concerned with looking out for our own than in worrying about who's gonna get offended or treated unfairly. Whoever said life was fair. Its time to clean house. It's too bad that some innocent people will pay a price, but we had some 3,000 innocent people pay the ultimate price. The answer is not to impose more restrictions on citizens; it is to get rid of the threat.

I don't fly and I seldom venture into the city unless I have to. I avoid crowds like the plague by nature so I am personally less concerned about terrorist threats than perhaps those who live and work in closer proximity to larger populations or who fly on a regular basis. But I am not so naive as to think that if these threats became reality that I would be uneffected. When some of us are compromised, it effects us all and our way of life. We are taking a stand and I am proud of America and of our president, but I am concerned that as time goes on and these threats continue and more laws are enacted to "protect" us, that little by little we will be barricading ourselves into self-imposed prisons subsidized by an ever-expanding government. In his inspiring speech the week after the attacks President Bush said that this is a war between fear and liberty. I am saying that it's everybody's war and it will be won or lost on the choices WE make as Americans. Our liberty was not won by sniveling cowards in the past, but rather by the courageous resolve of men and women who stood defiantly in the face of their enemies to assure tomorrow for their childrens' childrens' children.......US. How can we do less than to honor them by taking the torch they often laid down their lives to pass us and ourselves standing as a monument of liberty for future generations.

On the Confederate Flag: I have always been proud of my southern heritage and have always stood up to those who would mock it saying most assuredly that the south would NEVER cave to the ridiculous demands of the likes of the ACLU and other pro-divisiveness organizations and leaders. I am proud to wear and fly the confederate flag and any southerner worth his salt, white or black, knows that our flag is about our history, our pride in who we are, a symbol of what sets us apart...and I am outraged by the attempts of outside forces to dilute our history and negate our voice, and disgusted by those who passively allow others to redefine us. Instead of looking to the People's Republic of California as our standard bearer, we should be looking to those who still magnify without apology the heart and guts that made us great, such as our sister state of Mississippi in giving the vote concerning issues of the south to the people of the south. If we passively surrender our symbolism to a few loud-mouthed malcontents, it is only a matter of time until the substance behind the symbol is sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. There are those who are determined to make this a slavery issue. Well, perhaps in a way it is, but not in the sense that is popularly supposed. It is instead about making the people of the modern south slaves to revisionist tyrants who demand that we call THEM "massa."

On Freedom of Religion: This is a country that is founded on Judeo-Christian values and while we may be a country of immigrants, we are also a country of people for whom prayer was a foundation of our common life. Yes, we revered freedom of religion, but the religious persecution our forefathers fled was denominational. When the Constitution was written, there were no Muslims, nor Buddhists, nor Hindus to speak of. Even Jews were in the minority. While we have always welcomed immigrants to our country, I don't believe it was EVER a consideration that the religious beliefs of outsiders would come to dictate what the bulk of us could and couldn't do regarding the expression of our faith. My feeling is that these people were welcomed with the understanding that, "this is America; this is how WE do things. You are free to choose to do things differently, indeed that is your right. You do not HAVE to take part in our religious ceremonies and we will respect your need to excuse yourself from school or work on certain holidays to celebrate your feasts. Our laws will protect you and your families and your property from damage from others who may not like your religion; but do not presume to come to OUR country and expect us to reshape our way of life to suit you." It seems extraordinarily simple to me. If some of these folks are so thin-skinned that they are unable to tolerate without offense the visible practices of the dominant religions, then perhaps they need to stay where they're at.

Why is it that no minority can be offended in the slightest, but the majority can be blatantly offended by outrageous assaults on everything we hold sacred, and we are supposed to shut up about it. I have a real problem with seeing our faith, our patriotism, our common sense, and our decency sacrificed on the altar of hedonistic liberalism.


On Homosexuality: Like so many issues of the liberal agenda this particular one is supposed to "appear" loving and to address what it is these folks SAY they want: acceptance and equality. In the first place, I believe that legally they have the same rights and are treated as equally as anybody else, if they keep their "private" lives private. The fact that they don't can most likely be attributed to one of two things or a combination of the 2. There used to be shame in that which is not "seemly" and I really believe that at some level we are created knowing right from wrong, that we know we are created by God and that we know when we are separated from God. Remaining silent validates that innate knowledge and allows the Spirit of God to work on an individual's conscience. So where did the idea come from that they should "come out of the closet?"

Personally, I think it came from the liberals. They need issues and when none exist they must create them. Once the idea is out there, all the "noise" drowns out the conscience. Then one must actively seek communion with God to find that "still small voice" again. Many become caught up in the "idea" of having their sin validated, as if enough people saying it makes it acceptable. I really don't believe that the militant homosexuals represent the majority. I do believe that many who are so vocal are really asking for help. Others I think are those who have been "turned over to a reprobate mind." As people, they should be treated equally regardless. They should be treated as men and women made in the image of God, with dignity and decency. But never, under any circumstances should we "accept" or condone what they do.

The liberals don't "care" about them. They care about their own power in the world and do not concern themselves with who might be harmed as a consequence of their abuses. They seek to be great in the eyes of the world and they shall reap the rewards of the world.

On Feminism:The femi-nazis have done NOTHING to promote the good of real women. Instead, they have been responsible for the systematic corruption of the God given nature of women AND men! They have promoted the destruction of life by promoting the abortion abomination. They have treated immorality as a "greater good" by encouraging women and young girls to engage in promiscuous sex AND how to avoid the consequences of and accountablity for such behavior. They have made a mockery of marriage between a man and a woman by promoting acceptablity of "domestic unions."

It is these same feminazis we have to thank for our apparent lack of choices. Once the role of mother was considered to be the most important role a woman had. The feminists convinced the nation that women were being cheated by being sentenced to a life of mediocrity at home with their children, learning to live within their husbands' budgets. They called it "choice" but seems to me that the choice was the that of the feminists themselves rather than that of the average woman. Before we knew what hit us, womens' choices had been reduced to "what career" not " family vs. career" and whether or not to kill our children. The consequences have been staggering. As a result,many of us have found ourselves in positions of having no choice, and raising children short of choices as well. Thankfully many men and women are finding the way back, but it will take time and commitment, and daily "little" choices that make baby steps toward restoring the natural order of things.

It has nothing to do with equality; men and women ARE equals. It has everything to do with being true to your nature. You don't call a priest to fix the plumbing or the electrician to deliver a baby. Men and women are gloriously different from one another, and only by expressing our natures in accordance with their design can we be the kind of complimenting counterbalance that makes life work in relative harmony.

The ideal woman described in Proverbs 31 is certainly not depicted as a shrinking violet. She is loving and tenacious, competent and shrewd, devoted and tireless in doing what she needs to do for the well-being of her family. She is one who is involved in her community as well. What she is NOT is a slave to a job or in some cases a career, not knowing where her children are much of the time or even who's raising them. She is not a woman who comes home at the end of a long day too tired to attend to her husband and children or to be involved in her church or community.

Every creature is in its glory when doing what it was created to do. God's design is flawless, and within that design is great variety. Women under the liberal banner today fly in the face of God's design, whether by promoting promiscuity, avoiding accountability, or teaching the abominable as acceptable, or any number of other attitudes and behaviors. It is an evil mentality, one that promotes cheapening what is priceless and profaning what is sacred and we are paying dearly for it, as a society and as individuals. The price: broken homes, out of control children who respect nothing and love less, lives and hearts fragmented with little hope to be found because God's presence is considered "offensive."

On Democrats and Liberalism: I basically believe that the liberal voting block is made up of: (1) stupid people, (2) evil people and (3) people who are capable of exercising their brains but just don't care. Some would make an argument that there is another category - those who vote "democrat" because their parents were democrats and it is what you do. I still say those people belong in one of the previously mentioned categories. The evil people are smart, greedy and have an insatiable lust for power. They occur in fairly small numbers. However, their reliance on the other two groups is absolute. They are the "head of the monster." Cut the head off and re-educate the body and the trend could be reversed.

Liberaslism represents tyranny, not freedom. It is an ideology that flies in the face of God, decency and common sense. It promotes the protection of the guilty (murderers, rapists, terrorists) and the destruction of the innocent. It is decadence and corruption and a promoter of evil. It wants no part of a Christian God because He teaches and guides us in the way of truth and truth is the enemy of liberalism. It seeks to irradicate real education in the interest of indoctrinating children to absolute obedience and dependence on the state. It seeks to rewrite our history to denigrate what is good and glorify what is evil. It makes a mockery of what is sacred while holding perversion in high esteem. It thrives by lying to the weakest, most ignorant and most vulnerable of the people while conservatism depends on intelligent thought which many liberal voters are either incapable of or unwilling to use.

We have become a nation of slaves. The slavemasters wield the Constitution like a weapon to uphold perversity and weak-mindedness and dishonesty and Godlessness while not allowing the Constitution to protect innocence or tradition, goodness or truth or Godliness. They require the cover of darkness to do their dirty deeds and will run roughshod over anything of the light. Anything that promises to bring the typical democrat voter out of that ignorance is perceived as a threat. If they lose the issues that appeal to the gut reaction of the ignorant they have nothing. I'm sure there are exceptions to my description, but I believe the ones I described are what makes the RATS so dangerous.



Work In Progress


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