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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...


*texokie emerges from a deep plunge into an unexpected bunnyhole and is startled to see the Q-shaped snow flakes settling on the ground and trees, and the Qanteen building, sparkling like the little Q diamonds that they are. She blinks at their brilliance and shoves her back pack, flashlight, and other equipment up out of the hole, picks it up and makes her way back to the Qanteen Qitchen for some fresh covfefe and maybe even a nap…. But when she gets there, all is mayhem as her fellow FReeQs are involved in joyful hyper activity examining the results of the new Q flurry. She goes to her pillows and laptop under the piano, and listens happily to the reports and discussions of the others on the new drops while she cuddles up with her laptop to write down her report of the things she saw in her most recent bunnyhole*

A few days ago FReeQanon, as FReeQanon will do, threw three items over the Qanteen transom to me. They were very startling to me, because the information seemed to indicate that the VERY original creation of FaceBook social media was indeed, NOT Mark Zuckerberg (as every self-respecting FReeQ knows) and perhaps not even DARPA is the creator, which was the startling part. We’ve all been thinking it was a “from scratch” DARPA project. (And that may very well be true….however….)

The first two links of the material brought to me by FReeQanon hint that that assumption about DARPA origins of FaceBook might not be that clear cut.

My intention is to present to the Qanteen this material, along with more which I’ve also dug up to try to confirm or negate FReeQanon’s findings. I will leave it up to you to do some more of your own confirmatory/negatory digging. And of course, there are those among us, who may very well have the life experience to discern the truth of this matter easily.

As is always a good idea in doing Q research, we will start with some relevant Q drops:

: #214 11/22/17

What is FB?
Spying tool?
Who created it?
Who really created it?
Nothing is what it seems.

Q alerted us with this drop that we definitely needed to question the origins of FaceBook. The discussion amongst the chans and all Q boards throughout Qville, including even in our own Qanteen here on FreeRepublic led us to conclude, with Q’s (seeming) confirmation, that DARPA with its Lifelog project was the originator.

The question, “Who created it?” was the first level of understanding: The creator, as conventional wisdom tells us, is Mark Zuckerberg - or someone with whom he went to college and from whom he might have purloined it. [How interesting the concept of ‘theft” enters the discussion even at this superficial level.]

The next question, “Who really created it?” led us in our discussions to the understanding that DARPA had been working with it and developing it as its project “Lifelog.”

As we consult the Swordmaker’s LexiQon*, we remind ourselves:

Lifelog Project: (#1130) A project of DARPA, the Defense Department's research arm, the LifeLog Project aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the e-mail sent and received. Out of this seemingly endless ocean of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships, memories, events and experiences. The Pentagon cancelled the project on February 4, 2004, the very same day Facebook was founded which proceeded to do the exact same thing as Lifelog. Where did the Lifelog Project database and research go? There are no coincidences! (See Facebook)
* Taken from Swordmaker’s LexiQon, version of 7/26/18 9:00am

Oh ok…. We also had a discussion about the DARPA facility - Building 8, was it? Yes, indeed. We read again in the LexiQon:

Building 8: (#1135) Facebook’s Building 8 is the company’s research center apparently located in Shanghai, China, and is currently seeking to hire thousands of workers. Last year at their F8 Conference on April 21, 2017, Facebook’s Building 8 director Regina Dugan, former director of both DARPA and Google’s experimental research division, announced they were working on direct brain-to-brain communications and brain-to-computer typing and demonstrated a prototype typing interface. Upshot? No more personal privacy even in one’s head! Definite interest from CIA. That was a year ago.

Ok that is about some creepy future plans and are necessary to know for our discussion as background, but for the purposes of this report, we will focus on the ORIGINS of FACEBOOK.

What if the Q question, ““Who really created it?” has another “REALLY” implied there? What if there is another level of creation BEHIND that which DARPA was “developing.?” Note that I am using quotes when I say that. “Develop” has an implication of taking raw ALREADY EXISTING material and shaping it to ones’ purposes and fancy.

So… who REALLY created it? Who provided the initial framework and the spark of genius to be able to create a means for people to reach and communicate with each other as easily and intimately as we would with our neighbors over the backyard fence?

The first link sent to me by FReeQanon is the following:

It produces a document from July 24, 1017 (just about exactly a year ago!) with a bombshell allegation that the GOVERNMENT STOLE THE INITIAL IDEA AND EARLY TENTATIVE DEVELOPMENT SCEMA FROM AN INDIVIDUAL KNOWN AS MICHAEL MCKIBBEN. Well, that is certainly stunning news, but while there is certainly some definite info given, it does not really stand on its own, imho.

FReeQanon’s next discovery,

began to make me sit up. (The cartoon in it is also quite amusing and apt!) There is QUITE a bit more detail here. It includes the information from July 24, 2017, as well as a follow up article from August 3, 2017.

I decided I needed to know more about who this Michael McKibben is. It is a very long article, so I will seek to pull out the information which is what I would consider the “take aways.”

The article I dug up can be found at this link:

It is an older, more contemporaneous story of the events portrayed than the ones FReeQanon sent me. It is dated originally Dec. 30, 2015, and was Updated Oct. 05, 2016

I note that it is written by “Contributing Writers” for “Americans for Innovation.” Probably a very prudent thing at that time during the end of the Obama administration not to come out with one’s name on such a document.

This article provides a very interesting TIMELINE.

The title of the article is:

“The true story of social networking - The theft of Leader Technologies' invention is arguably the greatest financial crime in world history.”

That is quite an allegation!

Another actually not very startling allegation is that Wikipedia “has consistently refused to publish anything about McKibben, whose accomplishments, even without his social networking invention, are remarkable (that is why AFI is publishing his background now).”

No wonder I couldn’t find anything on him very easily! According to the article, Ward Cunningham, figurehead for Wiki, went to work for IBM Eclipse which stole “McKibben’s invention in 2001 via his patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III. Chandler pretended to prepare McKibben's patents, but secretly fed the innovations to IBM and the NSA, who were also his clients.”…..


“…Spoiler alert: Mark Zuckerberg was nothing more than a 19-year old Harvard "Bill Gates 2" cover story for this IBM-NSA Spy State Cartel. The Social Network movie about Zuckerberg and Facebook's origins was a fabrication meant to divert public attention from asking obvious questions like, "How can an unremarkable 19-year old studying for finals, who was admittedly drinking and chasing girls, build an entire social networking platform in 'one to two weeks' as he claimed?" This is one of the greatest lies in history….”




“ Mike McKibben graduated in civil engineering from The Ohio State University in 1973 where he was also a trombonist and squad leader in Ohio State’s famed marching band. In 1973, he married his college sweetheart, Nancy Hoovler, a French and Russian honors grad. For the next ten years they traveled the world performing and managing a jazz-rock Gospel music ministry named Living Sound.

Mike and Nancy, a writer, have six children. Their children include a surgeon and twice Ivy League Harvard football champion, a nurse practitioner and NCAA Fencing National Champion for Ohio State, a summa cum laude Spanish linguist, interior designer, budding baker and budding chef. Their first two children were born in England where Mike had become European Director at age 26…”

“….Living Sound’s Gospel music ministry opened unprecedented doors. Living Sound toured in Poland 16 times during the politically volatile 1970s, hosted by patron Cardinals Stefan Wyszyński and Karol Wojtyła. They were guests at the annual pilgrimage of 300,000 faithful to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa – the Polish equivalent of July 4. See Fig. 4. Under the political protection of these brave Polish cardinals, priests, nuns, monks and parishioners, Living Sound performed to several million Poles while being monitored by the Polish secret police. Audiences totaling 20,000 standing shoulder-to-shoulder were not uncommon. “

On one visit by Mike and Nancy to Cardinal Wojtyła’s Krakow residence, the good cardinal gave them a letter of recommendation to Catholics worldwide, stating: “Their attitude awakens courage among the Polish youth to proclaim the Word of God . . . I bless from my heart, the Living Sound.”

WOW! His music was recommended by a future Pope, introducing him to all Roman Catholics everywhere!

“….On Oct. 16, 1978, Living Sound’s Polish patron, Cardinal Wojtyła, was elected Pope John Paul II. Soon thereafter, the Pope invited Living Sound to perform at the Vatican….”

The article cites the background events of the time, not known to Michael as they were happening, of the Pope and Reagan working together to challenge and overthrow the “Evil Empire” of the Soviet Union.

McKibben and his band went to the Soviet Union. Local bands learned that American musicians were there and so there ensued spontaneous “jamming” sessions. There was obvious intimidation and tracking by the KGB, but no interference. Later, many who were involved with the Americans were indeed shipped to the gulags and/or paid other prices for their involvement.

Michael had of course, carried in a lot of equipment with permission by the Soviet government. Overlooked by them was the recording and duplication equipment which they smuggled in.

[As an aside, I, was charmed and saddened that among those helpers was: “Living Sound’s main translator, Herbert Murd, served two prison terms for his work with Living Sound. He now owns and operates a Tex-Mex restaurant named TEXAS Honky Tonk & Cantina in Tallinn, Estonia.”

A good man who is doing the Lord’s work introducing wonderful Tex-Mex food to eastern Europe! I’m glad it turned out well.]

There were a series of these spontaneous “jam” sessions in late 1979 and into the lead up to the 1980 Olympics.

“…Historians point to 1979-1981 as the beginning of the thaw that resulted in glasnost and perestroika and the collapse of Soviet Marxist-Leninist Communism…”


“…on Nov. 4, 1979, the American embassy was overtaken in Tehran, Iran. The next month (Dec. 1979), the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The next month, on Jan. 20, 1980, Jimmy Carter boycotted the Olympics.

These political tensions were the crucible for a miraculous East-West collaboration…”


“McKibben then visited with Yuri Filinov, music editor for the Komsomolskaya Pravda (Young Communist Party newspaper), and the men hatched a plan to get Living Sound on Soviet TV. That performance was equally Heaven sent.”

Pictures are shown in the article of this performance.

Fig. 17: Living Sound on Soviet Central TV, Moscow, U.S.S.R. (Jul. 23, 1981). Photo: CT U.S.S.R., VAAP.

Fig. 18: Between 1987 and 1991, hundreds of thousands of Estonians gathered publicly and faced down Soviet tanks to sing forbidden patriotic songs and share protest speeches, risking their lives to proclaim their desire for independence. Photo: J. Tusty, The Singing Revolution.

"On Jul. 23, 1981, Soviet TV Central produced a full Living Sound Gospel concert and distributed it nationally. This performance was unprecedented. Living Sound was the first and only contemporary Gospel music group ever to perform on Soviet TV. This occurred during the height of the Cold War while Leonid Brezhnev held power.”

“A decade later, “The Singing Revolution” in the Baltics pitted the Soviet State against unarmed choirs, 2,000,000 of whom linked arms and sang across the three Baltic States to protest Soviet oppression. See Fig. 19. Michael Gorbachev decided to leave Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania rather than run his tanks over Baltic choirs. McKibben’s and Living Sound’s earlier work in Estonia is credited with being a non-trivial influence in this non-violent Baltic revolution…. “


“McKibben in turn credits these experiences with his inspiration for the invention of social networking. That said, while his invention was still on the drawing board in the early 2000s, the invention was hijacked by unscrupulous individuals. The thieves have stripped out the full range of privacy and security features so that they could abuse user privacy so completely that it makes even the KGB blush. The result is a social media environment that has quickly introduced a spy state in America and around the world…”

A link is provided in the article to another article which was written in 2013.

He has at least, been consistent in his claims.

Returning to our main article at the link, McKibben had won a contract from ATT to :

“redevelop AT&T’s email system, AT&T Access Plus 3.0, in time for the release of Windows 95. See Fig. 20. He then established one of the first ten commercial websites hosted by AT&T WorldNet. Russia was just emerging then. McKibben wrote an essay published in Moscow titled The New Soviet Economy – What will it look like? which was included in The Organization of Work and the Work Ethic in World History (1995).

He also consulted with Patriarch Aleksy II and the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate on leadership development. Some of his Estonian friends were instrumental in translating the Living Bible into Estonian and bringing Christian TV to Russia….”

The article documents how certain individuals in the West were entering Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Among them were people like “Harvard / World Bank economist Larry Summers [who] exploited Russian economic chaos (1993) for personal gain.”

“Larry Summers” sounded familiar. Who is HE???

From Wiki:

“…is an American economist, former Vice President of Development Economics and Chief Economist of the World Bank (1991–93), senior U.S. Treasury Department official throughout President Clinton's administration (ultimately Treasury Secretary, 1999–2001), and former director of the National Economic Council for President Obama (2009–2010). He is a former president of Harvard University (2001–2006), where he is currently (as of March, 2017) a professor and director of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government."

Oh yeah… him. Seems some of the leaders in Russia actually complained to McKibben about Summers’ and other economists’ actions.

Because of his work at ATT, his breakthroughs on how to overcome challenges in the existing systems apparently attracted attention, and it became recognized that he had figured out something highly significant,

McKibben apparently recognized this as well, for he sought out through referrals, an intellectual property/security matters expert in Washington DC, the prominent law Professor James P. Chandler, III. Long story short, as noted above, Chandler behaved as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and gave him bad advice details of which are described in the article, as well as what steps he might have taken had he consulted an honest advisor.

The article further notes that Chandler, “a prominent black law professor, was already on his own mission to fundamentally transform America a la Barack Obama, and he was busy building a spy state platform through which his clients at the NSA, FBI and intelligence could monitor everyone on the planet. He had already selected IBM as his client and platform of choice. While he liked Leader, he liked IBM better, and set out to steal Leader’s invention and give it to IBM. Notably, his main IBM contact was David J. Kappos, who was appointed director of the Patent Office in August 2009 by Barack Obama.”

What does Mr. Wiki say about Kappos?

“David "Dave" J. Kappos (born March 3, 1961, Palos Verdes, California) is an attorney who served as the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from 2009 to 2013. Prior to being confirmed to this post by the U.S. Senate on August 7, 2009, Kappos was the vice president and assistant general counsel, intellectual property law, for IBM Corporation. Kappos announced his intent to step down from the position in late January 2013. His final day in office was Friday, February 1, 2013. He was succeeded by Teresa Stanek Rea as Acting Under Secretary and Acting Director.


“…On Jun. 6, 2002, Chandler concocted a custody escrow agreement to obtain a copy of Leader’s actual programming code for ostensible safekeeping. Eleven weeks later, all of Leader’s innovations appeared in IBM Eclipse Foundation’s Version 2.0.1, with IBM claiming a copyright on the stolen code….”

Following this especially egregious description of skullduggery, there is a presentation of further detail about how it was done, and what McKibben tried to do in reaction to it. There is, in fact quite an interesting Timeline, which to my eye, does seem to fit in with the 2004 start of FB we have already established with the end of DARPA’s “Lifelog,” even though “DARPA” and “Lifelog” are not mentioned.

“…what Leader did not know was that the Cartel and Chandler were already well down the path of fundamentally transforming America through their activities to form a permanent spy state with selected “public-private” cronies. They were not about to let a patent stand in their way. On Jul. 28, 2010, Leader proved in federal court that Facebook infringes their patent on 11 of 11 claims.

Subsequently, THE APPEALS JUDGES, INCLUDING CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN G. ROBERTS, JR., rallied behind Facebook anyway, without disclosing their holdings of Facebook interests and their relationships to Facebook’s attorneys….”


My my my. And guess who NOW comes to the party? Your favorite villains and mine - GEORGE SOROS….. and HILLARY CLINTON! In a discussion of the role of the New World Order and their plans for the new technology.

Then the article goes on to discuss:

“The identities of the Cartel players in both political parties are starting to show themselves. The sudden emergence of the common theme of encryption from both parties is telling. With encryption, the spy state and the New World Order cannot rule—since they won’t be able to figure out in advance what their enemies are up to.”

The author(s) then explain their take on the known Democrat and Republican candidates at that time and their Cabal affiliations.

The Summary
[These are the action items that the writer(s) wish for readers to consider:]

Going forward in the best of all worlds, privacy advocates will:

1. Support establishing a new social network based on Leader’s full design that respects privacy and security.
2. Go Private!™ Support the immediate offer of Leader® Private Email™ with a Privacy Pledge™: Your privacy and security matter. We won’t read your mail. (
3. Assist Leader Technologies to press the hard evidence of the Cartel’s criminality nationally and internationally in any combination of:
- Legal (in non-corrupt courts).
- Documentaries (non-fiction) (e.g. hijack of social networking, spy state, attack on privacy, …).
- Books (non-fiction).
- Movies (fiction; Ludlum/Grisham-like thriller, spy state, new world order, …).
- News coverage.
- Citizen education on how to take back your privacy.
- Other pursuits in the Court of Public Opinion.
- Pray that the Cartel criminals will have an epiphany about the ethical timelessness of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1–17), notably "You shall not lie" and "You shall not steal," and the Golden Rule "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18); affirmed by Jesus Christ as one of the greatest Commandments (Matthew 22:35–40 and Mark 12:28–34).
- Ask for St. John Paul's continued prayers for our world, Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies, and for the eternal souls of the Cartel criminals lost in their criminality.

I find it fascinating that a devout Christian with computer/engineerig skills put both of those gifts together with his music gift in a setting that allowed the meeting of minds and hearts in an uplifting way.

I do personally like the idea that the impetus of Social Media was originally given to a child of God, who had the intent to share it with the proper safety/privacy guardrails in place, but which were destroyed when the black hats got their hands on it.

While I hope that is the case, that the origins of the FB type of social media is by a Christian, and not a black hat, in my mind it is not a completely proven fact. I think it may take much more digging by those more gifted than I am in those fields of computer science and law in order to generate a general consensus about Michael McKibben and his claims.

At the outset of the report, I mentioned that FReeQanon basically THREW me shamelessly into this bunny hole by sending me those three links. I have described and posted above, the first two, which are the ones responsible for sending me unexpectedly on a deep dive.

The third one is a document from 2011, and appears to be significant, but I do not have the background to properly assess what it is, and what, if any, importance it may have.

The three links are:




And before I placed this report into the printing Q, FReeQanon helpfully threw another link over the transom. There is another way to reach the Timeline on it:

Thank you, FReeQanon. It’s been an adventure!

Now in closing, I express my gratitude to my fellow FReeQs for so patiently bearing with me as I report on this bunny hole dug by both FReeQanon and me.

While the material is convincing to me, I make no claims for its ultimate veracity, but I humbly submit it for your consideration and your own assessment.

*texokie prints out the above document, and members hanging out in the Qanteen graciously listen as she gives the report, even though it is Q flurrying like mad. Then, she really DOES find that she needs a nap and curls up on the pillows under that baby grand piano. All the Qanteen Qats curl up with her and purr her to sleep*

[NOTE: I had to do a lot of line/paragraph break html stuff to deal with, so for some reason my links are not hot. Apologies. But please know I'm at least mindful of seeking not to wrap the whole text so it goes off the page east from Dallas TX to Charlotte NC!]

999 posted on 07/27/2018 7:46:38 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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Way back I posted about project lifelog before it was brought to darpa. With Robert sheilds and Steve Mann. They made several presentations to Natick army labs which is 17 miles from Harvard where zuck supposedly invented Facebook

1,006 posted on 07/27/2018 8:00:07 PM PDT by edzo4 ("Well I truly would be thrilled if all/most of the Q stuff turns out to be real")
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1,016 posted on 07/27/2018 8:12:41 PM PDT by No_Doll_i
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I work in the field of database systems design. Michael McKibben’s patent was overbroad and not novel. It is the same as “tags” in Gmail.

Sure FB may have a lot of dastardliness to its history, but McKibbens patent was not the source of the controversy. He had a patent that could never be enforced unless one could shut down Gmail, for example.

1,026 posted on 07/27/2018 8:20:20 PM PDT by Fractal Trader
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Mike McKibben graduated in civil engineering from The Ohio State University in 1973 where he was also a trombonist and squad leader in Ohio State’s famed marching band.

I was also a member of the "famed marching band" of Ohio State, though my freshman year was 1976 so I missed Michael by a few years. I was also a squad leader for two years - though an assistant squad leader. Each squad represents a row in the 16 x 12 block band. Interestingly, there are two rows in the OSUMB with trombones, F-Row (which my son was in from 2005 to 2009) AND Q-ROW!!!! How about that?

I actually met Michael McKibben four years ago after the morning's rehearsal for our annual Alumni Band show. Struck up a conversation with him for more than an hour and he told me much of the story related in this thread. I especially enjoyed the parts about his missions into the eastern block and the Soviet Union with his music group. I hope to see him again in September for this year's event, which is the 50th anniversary of the first OSU Alumni Band in 1968 and will feature 100 year old Anthony Viola who still marches with the youngsters. I'm in this picture somewhere!

1,033 posted on 07/27/2018 8:33:48 PM PDT by tang-soo (Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks - Read Daniel Chapter 9)
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There's going to be a bunch of hungry rabbits after you took all of their stored vegetables for this one. ;)

Facebook I see as an obviously Farm developed company, just like another well known one where that CEO followed a similar route.

1,061 posted on 07/27/2018 9:47:40 PM PDT by eldoradude (Try believing your lying eyes for a change...)
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Posting even more blind from beyond the Qanteen. TEXOKIE, this is a phenomenal bit of information. It convincingly drags in people from all branches of govt, a bunch of the 2016 presidential hopefuls as well as the usual finamcial suspects. Because the technology was developed by a Christian and stolen by bad actors we do have the Biblical good vs evil showcased in brazen rivalry. Thank you for this bunny hole expedition.

I'm joining in the prayers at the end of Freeqanon's 2nd link. Father I pray you right this wrong to your child. Lord I ask the whole truth be made known to all the world. I ask you to reveal to the masses this invasion -theft- of privacy, wake up people about what hs been enacted upon them, return this proerty to the good people who created it, conpletely destroy the evil that's been created to spy on your children and in all this Lord receive the honor and glory Yourself. Lord, I thank you for brothers and sisters in Christ who have had the discernment to know these social media platforms were spycraft. I thank you for giving them the insight and wisdon to dig out and bring the factual documentation to light. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thanks Freeqanon.

1,149 posted on 07/28/2018 8:23:02 AM PDT by Wneighbor (Weaponize your cell phone! Call your legislators every week.)
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MICHAEL MCKIBBEN - thanks for all you did to bring this to FR.

Why am I reminded of a Russian band (?) what was arrested upon arrival at a US airport years ago?

Hmm, can’t get much bigger than AT&T comm data.

Just yesterday the msm was saying FB is dead and the only people on it are grandmas.

1,373 posted on 07/28/2018 2:40:30 PM PDT by bgill (CDC site, "We don't know how people are infected with Ebola.")
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; Convert from ECUSA; ...

1,901 posted on 07/29/2018 12:55:06 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (,,
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