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Contact Tracing: Mandatory laws to "re-house", quarantine, vaccinate, accept tracking phone applications vary by state, but it's all worse than it sounds. ^ | May 27, 2020 | Vanity, based on Video by Vladislav Sobolev

Posted on 05/30/2020 1:41:02 PM PDT by ransomnote

If you don't have time to read this - know that laws are already on the books, cell phone are being updated to facilitate tracing apps, plans and facilities are in place to (repeatedly) remove healhty children or adults from homes if they were "exposed". All actions needed are being moved into place to quarantine healthy and sick people and track their movements based on test results controlled by others. Law enforcement databases will flag homes with people being traced (healthy or not). It's not just about Covid-19. If you're going to skip reading the description and video transcript, please go the bottom and read the paragraphs under the line made of this symbol: ~~~~~~

I myself am trying so hard not to spend any time on FR right now so I can catch up on projects at work, but this information about state and local plans to control us was so disturbing I ended up spinding alot of time putting information together to get the word out.

Contact Tracing laws are actually worse than I thought, and while the laws differ from state to state, basically envisions a society largely incarcerated at home for long periods of time or indefinitely. They call it quarantine OR isolation (quarantine is for healthy people, isolation is for those sick with Covid) but if it’s legally enforced by police and you can be formally incarnated and fined up to $2000 per day of non-compliance.

Compliance means accepting legally required vaccinations and medications. Law Enforcement databases flag your home address as having a person quarantined or isolated re Covid-19. You may be healthy, but be quarantined over and over again if you attend a movie or dine in a restaurant where someone has been contact traced. Air travel or any gatherings could expose you.

They can take children out of homes or force individuals to isolate in provided housing until 10 days (if you’re already sick) or 14 days (if you don’t have Covid-19 but were exposed)

IPhones recently received an update that will allow the phones to work with Covid-19 Contact Tracing apps. I assume other platforms have also receive or will receive this update.

I gave myself 5 minutes to scan FR before resuming work and came across all this information in a thread posted on FR featuring a video by a woman in California who just completed 9 hours of training to become a contact tracer. She deserves an award - she reveals all. The California training refers to China and North Korea positively for their "good" contact tracing apps on phones and their systems which in reality, portray absolute tracking and control of the population. I will post the transcript of the 20 minute video below:

A woman gets her contract tracing certificates and tells all
You Tube ^ | 5-27-20 | Vladislav Sobolev

Posted on 5/29/2020, 8:52:03 PM by FrdmLvr

The video mentions california bill (now law) AB 262. Many of the Internet searches I performed did not include the specific details of the law, but instead refer vaguely to taking necessary actions.

“The bill would authorize the local health officer to issue orders to other governmental entities within the local health officer's jurisdiction to take any action the local health officer deems necessary to control the spread of the communicable disease.”

Note that PRIOR to the passage of the bill, AP reported the following in June of 2019:

“Posts circulating on Facebook falsely state the bill calls for the state to “take measures as are necessary to take possession or control of the body of any living person” and will allow the state to forcibly vaccinate people, as well as destroy their property.

That quote is nowhere in the text of the bill, which includes no references to property seizure or vaccinations.

Existing state law does allow for the state’s public health officer to “take possession or control of the body of any living person, or the corpse of any deceased person” as well as destroy “bedding, carpets, household goods, clothing” to stop the spread of a communicable disease. ”

So I looked up the prior existing law, instituted in 1995 and found an umbrella of terminology authorizing the state of California to isolate, quarantine etc.

I have no legal training. As far as I can tell the new  AB 262 passed in October of 2019 was meant to delegate the state’s power to isolate, quarantine and control the population to local law enforcement. It may have “deputized” County and City law enforcement.

The video on the FR thread I  linked  above that started my search for info has a computer generated transcript which I will post below. The software interprets the audio into text form and it misunderstands words sometimes and doesn't include any punctuation.

On Youtube, the transcript has time markers so you can go to a point in the video where the transcript doesn't make sense. However, I toggled the timestamps off because it can make it a little annoying to read.

It doesn't have paragraph breaks so I'll put some in to avoid wall-o-text blindness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Transcript below

you have probably heard of contact
tracing through your governor through
the news as things that need to be
implemented before we can go back to

but what is contact tracing let me share
it with you and you're gonna be freaked
out by the end of this video

what I did is I was very interested in
this so I went ahead and I got two
certificates in terms of what it was to
become a contact tracer so I spent about
nine hours we're gonna wrap it up here
in about 20 minutes to just give you the
highlights of what contact tracing
entails and how it's going to affect you
because I guarantee you it will affect
you and your family

we talk about saving
the lives and the livelihood of the
American people and and of course the
life of our democracy so in terms of
saving lives the only way we're going to
have rid ourselves of this as well as
open up our economy

as evidence science
based testing testing testing testing
trick just think of the t's: testing-
tracing-treatment, and isolation then
when necessary of course with social
distancing so let's look at the main
points now this

if you have covin 19
which can either be done by test or by
symptoms now what our contract tracers
know is that you can infect two days
before and up to 10 days after

and how
you can infect people is there's three
definitions that were given in contact
tracing in school

one is physical
so you're hugging someone you are
kissing them high-fiving them any
physical contact you could have given it
to them

if you're close within six feet
for more than ten minutes so you're
talking to someone and you're within
that six feet social distancing number
well you could infect them

then let's
say you're more than six feet apart but
for a longer time at this point you're
thinking movie theaters airplanes trains
restaurants so maybe not direct contact
with somebody but they're in the
vicinity of the area for longer than 32
40 minutes

now what's gonna happen is
once you get a test that is positive it
goes to a tracer and that tracer is
going to do some research on you find
out a little bit about you and give you
a call

now they're gonna tell you that
you you tested positive and that you
need to be isolated for a minimum of 10
days on the onset and it has to be
within three no fever for three days so
if you're on day nine but you stop a
fever you need to add another three days
until your fever is cleared

and by
isolation I mean total isolation this is
nobody near you even your dog can't be
there so you can see here that
specifically with a person that is
symptomatic they should maintain
separation from household animals as
they would any other household members
and avoid direct contact with any of
your pets so you cannot contact your
pets people anybody in your family

need to be completely isolated now what
that means is you could have to go into
a hotel room if you have no way of not
sharing a bathroom or any space they
will check that out so you'll have to
show like video evidence if the
conference is done via teleconference
walk them around your house let them
know that you have space to be isolated

now the next is quarantine quarantine
means I am healthy I have no symptoms
I have not contacted the disease but
maybe for 14 days they're gonna check to
make sure that I haven't so that means
again that I cannot leave my house and
as a contact tracer I'm supposed to set
you up with social services

so if you
have kids and you have no one to care
for them we'll take your kids we'll take
care of that if you have groceries we'll
do groceries but you literally cannot be
in contact with anybody and you cannot
leave your house even if you're healthy
you are still quarantine not to be
leaving the house

unfortunately you
could be totally healthy get out of
quarantine and guess what
be at a restaurant someone
in the vicinity has it, be quarantined

now I'm not sure what happened
with all the other states but what we
did in California is we passed a
Workman's comp law that's in effect to
the end of July that Workmen's comp is
going to take care of all of that for
any employee no matter where you
contract contact it the employers are
gonna be held responsible

I'm not sure
what that is in all the other states but
it's something that passed here just
recently and who knows if that will get
extended okay so isolation and
Quarantine basically means the same
thing except quarantine is a little bit
longer right so you're sick you only
have ten more days, if you're quarantined
14 days

what does this look like in
normal time okay so they're gonna want
to know as a contact tracer I call you
up I tell you you become positive we've
looked at your house through a
videoconference so you can show me that
you have a place to isolate and then I'm
going to ask you who did you come in
contact with and I'm gonna tell you if
you tell me, "I don't know", I'm gonna tell
you to look at your phone and we can do
it together and look at your social
media and we'll figure out where you
have been and you need to make sure you
know your movies, flight numbers, and
anything with large venues

now some of
the places what they've already
instituted now or you have to put your
contact information when you go to a
restaurant so you go to a hair salon any
of those things because that way they
can track you, but you would say "I went
to this movie" or "I went to this
restaurant" everybody who's at that
restaurant would be contacted then by
the contact tracer

so let's say
unfortunately I got it well guess wha?t
my family would have to be quarantined
and not just for the 10 days they have
to be quarantined for 14 days because it
would be also the last time they had
contact with me so on day four my test
comes back positive now they have 14
days from day four the last day that
they had contact with me and they have
to be completely isolated from me

say I was on a train we were all seeing
on the same cabin because I was
getting to work and there was 10-15
people on that train all of them would
need to be quarantined

I had gone to work everybody at work
wouldn't need to be quarantine

I went to
a restaurant after work all
of them would need to be quarantined

you see how a disease when it is already
widely spread this doesn't make sense to
quarantine the population in terms of
you could get quarantined again and
again and again even though you're
healthy and never sick you will not be
allowed to leave your house

you've been hearing that this is all
voluntary you'll hear it throughout the
speeches I've listened to a lot of
governor's I'll put on the Washington
Governor really quickly so you can hear
him say oh yeah it's they'll follow it
but let me show you before I do that a
couple of the documents that are out

this is right on his website
he's already rolled out the plan and
basically you can read this "Request For
Voluntary Quarantine"

this is for somebody, a legal guardian, and
it tells you to go and remain at the
address by the date and time and then, I
love this, "It is very important that you
comply with this request for voluntary

Remember I'm not sick,
nobody's sick, "Your health and the health
of others depend on it. If you do not
comply with this request for voluntary
quarantine, we may use a detention order
enforced by the police to assure your
compliance." Hmm that's the strangest
voluntary request I've ever received

then this is also on the website and
I've put everything here cuz obviously
go research this stuff yourself, but you
can see here, if you use a court order
because someone is not following, they
have non-compliance you can be incarcerated
and fined up to $2,000 per day

me show you the governor (Governor Inslee's press conference) so let me show
you how he's spinning it for somebody
who does not follow directions.


Question: "When
it comes in contact tracing, how are
you guys gonna handle people or families
who refuse to test or self isolate? If they want to leave their homes to get groceries, you said they can't do that. How will you make sure they don't?"

Governor Inslee: "Well that's why I
referred to the family support personnel
we will have attached to the families. A
family support person who will check in
with them to see what they need on a
basis, see how they're doing, see how they are
faring and help them if they if they can't
get a friend to do their grocery
shopping, we will help get them
groceries in some fashion."

"If they need
pharmaceuticals to be picked up, we can
help make sure that they get their
pharmaceuticals, so that's why we want to
provide them family support."

"As far as
refusal it just shouldn't come to that,
and it really hasn't. We've had really
good success when we've asked people to
isolate. They've done so in real high
percentages, so we're happy about that. We
believe that that will continue."


So remember everybody that will be
quarantine will be 14 days in the last
contact and this there's no minimum
times this could be indefinite

you're thinking there's just no way like
what about my privacy? how do I have to
share this information? And I can tell
you when I went through the contact
tracing classes, they tout that "you are
doing this contact tracing for the
greater good, you are helping people not
spread the disease, it is very important
that that people have privacy but when
it comes to the greater good, your
privacy is null and void."

Now as soon as
you get a positive test result this goes
directly to an electronic database.

Let me tell you I took this directly off the
training website, that the isolation or
quarantine can be mandated and enforced
and there's other health enforcement's
such as vaccines are requirements to
take medicine because you cannot  risk
being infected and giving it to others


"When you're tested for Covid-19 you
might assume that your test result will
stay confidential with your doctor and
the health department, after all that's
how it usually works with medical
information but we're living in unusual
times. The Associated Press has revealed
that across America there's widespread
sharing of medical information between
health officials and law enforcement.Denver
is doing it so is El Paso County."

"It is law enforcement specific information
that is only in our computer-aided
dispatch." Jacquelyn Kirby is with the El
Paso County Sheriff Office.
She says addresses are flagged identifying
homes of people who have tested positive
for covid-19. "We get sensitive
information all the time. We have
cautions on addresses for a myriad of
reasons and this is just an additional
layer of protection for our deputies."

I want to share with you this is just
something in California that's where I'm
located but you can read here and I'm
assuming that a lot of other states have
similar things this shows that they can
because you can see here a threat of a
communicable disease outbreak or
epidemic that threatens the public's
health it gives them the rights to do

[ransomnote: here’s the image of State Law as of 1995 displayed during  this portion of the video]

adopt and enforce regulations requiring
strict are modified isolations or
quarantine for any contagious infections
are communicable diseases

it takes
measures as necessary to ascertain the
nature disease and prevent its spread it
can take control of the body of any
living person are the corpse of any
deceased it can quarantine isolate
inspect and dis affect persons animal
houses rooms and other property

so based on what we have right now I don't have
any privacy rights

you can see here this
is just New Jersey

I just wanted to
throw this out there because other
states have laws this was enacted in
2005 so I suggest you go start
researching what is allowed in your
state and what rights you have given up
when you start looking at a disease that
could pose a risk to the health of the

Alan Dershowitz in an interview:
“Let me put it very clearly
you have no constitutional right to
endanger the public and spread the
disease. Even if you disagree you have no
right not to be vaccinated you have no
right not to wear a mask you have no
right to open up your business...”

Interviewer, “Wait, can I
stop you?  No right not to be vaccinated?
Meaning, if they decide you have to be
vaccinated, we have to be vaccinated?”

Alan Dershowitz: “Absolutely and if you refuse
to be vaccinated the state has the power
to literally take you to
doctor's office and plunge a needle into
your arm if the vaccination…”

Intereviewer: “Where is that in the

Alan Dershowitz: “If the vaccination is
designed to prevent the spreading
disease the vaccination is only to
prevent a disease that you will get for
example if there's a disease that will
kill you, you have the right to refuse
that but you have no right to refuse to
be vaccinated against a contagious
disease. Public Health, the police power
of the Constitution gives the state the
power to compel that and there are cases
in the United States in the Supreme Court.”

So they talked about tools available for
contact tracing because they said, you
know in California we're supposed to
have 20,000 contact tracers for our

They said you might get a lot
of these cases so you might be doing a
couple hundred five hundred thousand a
day. How else can we do it, and if how?

This was weird but they talked about
China and North Korea. They say China and
North Korea have a great system because
they have a centralized database and
this database has everybody's phone
number and they're given a unique code
and these codes track them through GPS
so as soon as they're in contact or
somebody has it they can send a notice
out to everybody and they automatically
know that they've been infected.

We don't
have that in the USA so it was weird
that they brought that up. However they
want to share was a great system they
started talking about the USA and that
they have smartphone apps and also that
businesses should be taking information
if somebody comes affect infected at
this point until apps are more

I want to share about apps
because you've heard they're voluntary
they're voluntary and right now
in the US there's some apps out there
and we'll look at those but they're
about 2 percent of the people have
downloaded them and they said they need
at least 50 to 70 percent of the
population to download it to make apps
effective but how do these apps work?

well let me share what they're doing in
India so India released an app and they
said this is a voluntary app you do not
need to download it. However, get this, in
order to go anywhere you have to have
the app so if you want to get on a plane
you have to show the app that you are
not under quarantine or isolation you
want to get into work you have to show
your app you want to get on a train you
have to show your app

so they said oh
it's voluntary they had the most
downloads more than pokemons go because
guess what you couldn't go back to life
without downloading the app
now I also
put here New Zealand's app what they do
is they give you a QR code you have to
scan that QR code to get anywhere so if
you're supposed to be on quarantine are
isolated guess what you're not getting
anywhere because your app doesn't show
you're cleared so that's how they're
really able to enforce this without a
huge police or military presence
you just can't go anywhere without the
app you can't get in the grocery store
because they're gonna have a QR code
where you need to scan in

now you may be
thinking, “well do they even have that in
the United States?” Well here's four
states that already have their app ready
to be downloaded [ransomnote edit: Rhode Island,
Utah, South Dakota, North Dakota]

and like I said they're
on about two percent right now but you
might have noticed this on your iPhone
the other day this showed a software
update and if you didn't see it you
might have already got the automatic
update but basically it says this allows
Covid-19 contact tracing apps to work

and you may not even known it. It was a
very quick little update but it has
already come to the United States

Recently Google and Apple just gave out
some information I thought this was
great here's the website at the at the
bottom obviously I want you to do your
own research but you can kind of see
here how it works that you can see that
you're close to somebody and you get a
notification that uh-oh you need to be
quarantined you were to close someone
had it

And then listen to this. In this
second phase in the coming months, this
is really interesting because it talks
about that they're going to use
Bluetooth in the first phase, but without
requiring an app to be installed

if a
match is detected the user will be
notified, and if the user has not already
downloaded an official Public Health
Authority app they will be prompted to
download an official app and advised on
next steps

You're not gonna have a
choice. They're telling you it’s
voluntary at this point, but so was
social distancing, and then we got locked
in our house. so it is not voluntary. this
is happening and you need to be aware so

I suggest, this is a great document, pull
up this Covid- 19 document that Apple and
Google gave out [ransomnote: 18 minute mark in the video]
it really talks about
all the different things that are gonna
happen because of the app and it is
scary just to kind of share with you the
different states if you think your state
is exempt because of it might be a red
state versus a blue state every state is
doing this [Image on screen includes
Texas and Massachusetts content]

okay so I would suggest
checking out this bill HR 6666,
and basically there's a hundred
billion dollars that they're asking for
2020 and additional years for
subsequent fiscal year financing for
2021 and beyond so if you
think this isn't happening, and you think
they're not investing a lot of money in
it they are they're trying to get a
hundred billion dollars to track and
trace us and keep us quarantine

[ransomnote: Bill Gates patent employs 060606
and this bill is HR 666. As a Christian, I do
see the biblical End Times ramifications. I
always thought
it would be subtle, but think it’s
intentionally being used as an excuse to incarcerate
Christians who may be “non-compliant”
if repeatedly shown numbers attached to Covid-19 like the one the
bible says to avoid. For those seeking to control us, using  666's in tracking/tracing
bills or patents is intentional feature, not a bug, intended to drive christians to non-comliance/incarceration.]

How do
you think they're gonna allow you to get
back into society without being
quarantined and isolated again and again
and again, especially as disease spreads?

are we do more testing and we realize
that maybe there's a lot of people out
there that have it that just don't show
symptoms, but they'll need to be isolated.

you'll see that there's a hundred-twenty
antibody tests. in general these tests
are not reliable for the individuals to
act based on the results so basically
they're saying even if you had
antibodies in the corona virus it's
still unknown if that protects you from
getting sick again

there's probably only
one way that you're gonna be able to get
out of your house and that's gonna be to
be vaccinated so just watch out for that
because that is really becoming a hot
topic of the vaccinations and that might
be the only way that you're gonna be
released out of this tracking and
tracing in terms of being allowed to go
into stores


I want to share this last
video with you and I thought it was
interesting I'll put it that way and end
with that video but start thinking about
this tracking and tracing and really
what's the purpose? it makes sense if
something was small and the outbreak was
small and they could actually track and
trace it but at this point it's so
widespread what is the value with that?

Jack Windsor
WMFD TV,  Mansfield, “Governor on the last
question and my question is for you,
and it's gonna be a very sensitive
question, and I'm gonna do my best to be
intentional so that it's not

“Today it sounds us as if
we're pivoting from Covid to larger
social issues like housing education and
transportation. I know in past pressers
we've learned about Dr. Paul Farmer and
Partners in Health working with us on
contact tracing. Looking at the Partners
in Health website, contact tracing seems
to be part of a larger social agenda for
Partners in Health. The site states a
vision to rectify “structural
violence of capitalism” which the
organization sees as the root cause of
things such as racism gender inequality
xenophobia and homophobia.

“Now I'm not
questioning the injustice of those
things, governo,r so let me be very clear
about that what my question is. Can you
tell us why you chose to partner with an
organization that demonizes capitalism
and seems to be rooted in liberation
theology based on Marxist ideals?”

Governor Mansfield: “Well,
I've never always agreed with Paul
Farmer who started and many of his ideas,
but he he and the organization have had
an ability to deliver health services.”

“My wife Fran and I are very familiar with
this in Haiti. We we've seen what he has
done in Haiti. We visited Haiti over over
20 times and so that's just something
that we do in our private lives. And so
the Partners With Health,we don't you
don't have to accept the ideology of
Paul or anybody else but what I'm
interested in is getting things done and
they're not the ones who are doing it on
the ground.”

“People who are going to be
doing it on the ground or Ohioans but
you know they serve as a consultant they
have done this type of work not only in
the United States but but around the

“They're pretty darn good at and so I'm
going to take help somewhere I can get
help and where I find expertise. I don't
have to agree with everyone's ideology
or or what they think about everything
in the world and intimidated to accept
that to be able to use their help.”

“We're in a war we're in a battle or put
the best people we can on the field the
best people are the Ohioans but we're
don't gets we're gonna get some help
from this group because they've done
some of these things before.”


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KEYWORDS: contacttracing
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To: ransomnote

Thanks, ransomnote, for starting this thread.

In my opinion, allowing this program to continue will amount to rapid and complete destruction of whatever liberty we have left.

If you are concerned that an arrogant governor or mayor could so easily violate your liberty, what about giving that authority to 300,000 contact tracer administrators (enforcers)?

That IS the current CDC strategy, and they already have fundamental contracts in place.

This MUST be stopped.

But that is going to be very difficult

Just for starters, here are some arguments from Alan Dershowitz and Bill Gates

Dershowitz forced vaccine

Dershowitz said that if a Wuhan coronavirus vaccine was developed tomorrow, not only would he get it but so would his entire family, assuming they “felt” the vaccine was “safe.”

Some people reject vaccines for religious reasons. Others don’t trust Big Pharma. And then there are those who have had allergic reactions to various vaccines. Not everything is as cut and dry as Dershowitz makes it out to be. It’s scary to think that we could be forced to do something against our will. What he’s saying confirms some of the suspicion conservatives have had over the years (you know, when they tell us we’re wearing our tinfoil hats).

I would respond: The government has NO RIGHT to endanger me.

21 posted on 05/30/2020 2:34:56 PM PDT by Grandpa Drudge (Just an old man, desperate to preserve our great country for my grandchildren.)
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To: Swordmaker

so there’s that.

22 posted on 05/30/2020 2:50:27 PM PDT by A strike (" Was that wrong? Should I not have done this? " - Costanza)
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To: Grandpa Drudge
A lawyer speaks about winning vaccine cases based on the scientific evidence that they are not safe. He does specify not all are unsafe, but that the vaccine industry is protected from testing that is required of drug manufacturers. He's a liberal, so his elite liberal friends carefully criticized him for what he's published and said in talks; they start their criticisms with, "We love Robert Kennedy, but unfortunately, he's wrong...."

May 14, 2020

ransomnote's comments about the video (transcript below) Re VACCINES and reported death rates from flu. Transcript is autogenerated and contains errors that made me check the audio of the video to understand the text, so I made a partial pass through the text trying to improve readability (errors remain). The speaker has a rough voice that doesn't transcribe well, but he is getting the word out about vaccines, (e.g., not safety tested partly due to CDC originally being military, still have military rank, avoided calling it a "medicine" and called it a "biologic" and biologics are exempt from safety testing etc.) Also, vaccine manufacturers are often exempt from legal repercussions.

The part that most intrigued me was his comments about the death rates from flu. In my opinion, they make sense and that means the CDC and other agencies says 95K died of the flu 2 years ago but in fact, almost all of that number were pneumonia which the CDC counts as flu (combines the two numbers). They use the pneumonia numbers to over count the flu, and use that number push the flu vaccine/

Text posted beneath the video asserts it is banned in many countries. I don't know if that's true but I'll put the transcript below in case the video is removed.

You all are gonna stay in the house
until we have a vaccine. It's not gonna
be safe to come out, and that is a
tremendous power to tell people they
have to wait and do that until you get
a vaccine out.
You know what I think there is
a struggle between two different ways to
handle this quarantine and nobody
everybody saying listen to the
scientists, but there's a flaw there
which is the scientists can tell you,
maybe can model. It can model how many
people are gonna die from coronavirus
using different scenarios. You know, if
you all go back to work tomorrow
here's how many people die if we all
stay locked up for six months, here's how
many people and they can do that
probably pretty well.
Number one
isolation kills lots of people, kills
people through a depression and it kills
people through mistakes and kills people
from not getting, you know routine medical
care it kills people a lot of different
ways, But also it, unemployment kills
people so there's a really good 1982 book on
this that is considered authoritative and
that book did all of the modeling on, you
know. on historical unemployment rates
and this was a long time ago, so our
population is
What they have found is
that for every point in unemployment, if
there's thirty seven thousand people
died, nine thousand people die from heart
attacks and 900 people die from
suicides, all these different reasons
that they died, and then three thousand
(thirty three hundred) people go to
prison, every one point [edited to add: in unemployment statistic]
an extra four
thousand people end up in mental institutions.
And instead CNN reports every year at the
flu deaths in this country were between
60,000 and 90,000 and they'll say it's
worse than ever.
It could be 95 thousand deaths this year from flu.
"Take your flu shot," but if you go
around and ask people,  "Do you actually
know anybody who's ever died of a flu?"
most people tell you, "No." You know ,if ninety
five thousand people were dying every
year, we'd all know people who died of
the flu.
The truth is at the year they
said 95 thousand, which was two years ago,
there were two thousand people who died of the flu.
average death rate for the flu over the
past 20 years, around thousand people a
year and what they do is they conflate
the mortality morbidity data for
pneumonia with the flu, and only 7
percent of pneumonia cases are actually
caused by the flu of pneumonia deaths
rest of them are non flu or respiratory
infections. So CNN just lies about that
every year and I don't think Sanjay
Gupta , Anderson Cooper actually want to lie but
it's part of their gestalt, if
they're you know, they're supposed to
push the flu vaccine, there's supposed to scare
the hell out of everbody, and make everybody think they're
gonna die if they dont' get it [edit: the vaccine].
They do that, and the fact
is that the flu does not kill that
many people in this country, it's not a
dangerous disease, it and the flu vaccine
it costs a lot more harm than the flu does.
third leading cause of death in this
country is pharmaceutical drugs.
They're not making us healthier. We have
the most aggressive vaccine schedule in
the world in this country and we have
the worst health in our children and
adults. We have worst infant mortality.
We have, if you look at any of the
metrics, the US I think is 72 in
infant mortality in the world, we're
around Syria and Costa Rica. When I was a
kid, we were number one on all of those.
We were
the best,  the healthiest people in the
world, the best healthcare system. Today,
We get, you know, we're paying the most
money for the worst outcomes. A lot of
that is because pharmaceutical
advertisements, not only do they
advertise on TV, but they control content.
And my family, I worked for hundreds of
hours when I was in high school at
a home for the
retarded, because it was a
central preoccupation of my family,
children particularly with intellectual
disabilities. It's not, I had a lot of
exposure to it, but it's not where I wanted
to spend my life, of empathy
I really was committed to spending my
life trying to clean up rivers and clean
energy and pose issues. One of these
women came to my home in the
summer of 2004 with a big pile of of
scientific studies, about an 18 inches
thick, and she put it on my front porch.
She was a psychologist from Minnesota
and named Sarah Bridges (sp?)..... she had a child
who got autism from vaccines, and had
actually got the twenty million dollar
award from the vaccine Court which
recognized autism that comes in vaccines.
She brought that, she didn't want it to
happen to any other kids.
She bought me this big pot of scientific
studies and she said, "I'm not leaving
here until you read these." Now I'm very
accustomed to reading science; I brought
over 500 successful lawsuits in my career,
almost all of them involve some kind of
scientific controversy. So I actually
started, I'm not gonna say I read all the
studies cover to cover, but I read the
abstracts for all of them which is the summary of
the study. Before I was six
inches into that pile,
I was already dumbstruck, the
huge Delta between what the actual
published peer-reviewed science was
saying, and what the public health
regulators were telling the public and
doctors everybody else about the safety of vaccines,
I realized that there was a real problem,
and that the  vaccines in our country,
unlike other medicines, are never
safety tested. People find that
astonishing. The reason for that is an
artifact of the CDC's legacy as the
Public Health Service. That was the
predecessor organization to CDC.
The Public Health Service was a
quasi-military agency, which is why
people at CDC still have military ranks
like "Surgen General" etc. And the vaccine program
was initially launched as a national
security defense against a biological
attack on our country, so regulators and
the Pentagon wanted to make sure
that if the Russians attacked us the
anthrax or some other biological agent they could
quickly fabricate and deploy a vaccine
to 200 million people without regulatory
impediments. And so they said if we call
it a medicine we're going to have to
safety tested and that usually takes two
to five years; let's call it something
else. We'll call it biologic and then we
will exempt biologics from having to do
safety testing.
So the industry, the four
companies that make all seventy-two
vaccines that are currently mandated for
our children, got another gift
that has contributed to the lack of
safety assessments and lack of safety
concerns with vaccines, and that is, in 1986
there was a vaccine, I got three vaccines
when I was a kid,  by '86 it was about
eleven of them, and one of them was called
Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis or the
DTP vaccine and it was killing lots and
lots of children, and it was causing
brain damage in a tremendous number of children,
and the industry was getting sued. called Pfizer went to
Congress and said, "We are getting out of the
vaccine industry because well we're
paying $20 in damages every $1 we make
from this vaccine, and you cannot make a
vaccine safely. You cannot; it is
impossible to make a vaccine that's
completely safe. You are going to injure a
certain amount of people, and the injury
is going to be grievous enough that
nobody will ever make any money on
vaccines, because they're gonna have to pay
for injuries and we can't make them
better and we're going to get out of the
industry altogether and stop making vaccines
vaccines unless you give us complete
blanket immunity from liability."
So Congress, the Democratic Congress,
Republican President Reagan - all of them
taking lots of money from these
pharmaceutical companies that are the number
one contributor,  passed along in 1986 the
vaccine Act or VICA which was blanket
immunity,  so no matter how grievous your
injury, or your child's injury, no matter
how toxic the ingredient, no matter how
sloppy the line protocols, no matter how
negligent that company, you cannot sue
them for redress, so there's no discovery,
there's no depositions there's no
medical malpractice, there's no class
actions, zero consequence if they kill
you or if they injure you for life.

[ransomnote's comment: I've seen a meme that says"We all have to get vaccine X for some disease because 1% of the population might die from it. But the vaccine kills 1% of the people who take it......" Just making the point that treatments and vaccines have risks that should be, but are not, weighed against the potential harm the disease can cause.]

23 posted on 05/30/2020 2:54:12 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: rktman


24 posted on 05/30/2020 2:59:46 PM PDT by sauropod (Quarantine is when you restrict sick people, tyranny is when you restrict healthy people.)
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To: Arcadian Empire

It may have been said, but I’ll say again. The latest iphone update has a tracker. Once it’s on your phone you can’t delete the app. I suspect that future updates won’t work unless you have the tracker app.

25 posted on 05/30/2020 3:01:10 PM PDT by abbastanza
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To: Grandpa Drudge

I’m glad I still have a flip phone.

If anyone tries to give me a so-called vaccine I don’t want, I will throw punches at them.

26 posted on 05/30/2020 3:20:00 PM PDT by july4thfreedomfoundation (I'm triggered by liberals and other assorted moonbats.)
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To: ransomnote

Your warning “know that laws are already on the books” is key to the solution to this disaster.

If you agree that “Laws” are enacted by elected representatives of the people, then people are rightfully required to be governed by and follow those laws.

The real issue here is that the “Contact Tracing Mandatory laws” are actually “regulations” and were NOT enacted by elected representatives at all.

Unfortunately, they are instead “regulations with the force of law” implemented by the powerful Deep State Bureaucracy that is HHS, NIH/NIAID, CDC and FDA.

This huge bureaucracy is almost entirely controlled by massive financial and political influences in the medical, pharmaceutical, and food industries.

And, as politicians often do, they have deliberately turned a relatively severe epidemic (Covid-19) into a massive FEAR DRIVEN PANDEMIC, and in the process practically destroyed our economy, in order to justify public support for massively increasing their power and authority even more.

We must expose this process for what it is, and generate enough public awareness and support to regain control by the people over this bureaucracy.

27 posted on 05/30/2020 3:32:40 PM PDT by Grandpa Drudge (Just an old man, desperate to preserve our great country for my grandchildren.)
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To: ransomnote

If you think “stay at home” was bad for the economy, try to calculate what this would do to the economy.

Using the chain formula where a person suspected of the wu-flu gets on a train or goes to a group gathering of any kind....ball game maybe....this insane scheme would shut down just about every industry in the country.

Because in the examples above, only the damage done to one person or by one person is discussed. Reality is that a trip to WalMart by an infected person would result in many being locked up. Say 50 people. So each of them contact 10 on the way home and each of them contact 5 or more on the way each of those .....

Get the picture?

This would shut down the entire country almost overnight.

Any politician who voted for or votes for this is a moron who should be locked up for his own safety.

Yesterday I woke up in America. This morning I woke up in a country that I do not understand. The America I knew was gone.

28 posted on 05/30/2020 3:54:25 PM PDT by old curmudgeon (There is no situation so terrible, so disgraceful, that the federal government can not make worse)
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To: ransomnote

You would be surprised how many people do NOT have cell phones.

29 posted on 05/30/2020 3:59:03 PM PDT by ridesthemiles
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To: ransomnote

Re: Workmen’s Comp-—

ALL calculations for premiums for Workmen’s Comp are based upon the GROSS payroll.

Since companies re shut down——what payroll would they be using to do those calculations???

30 posted on 05/30/2020 4:02:10 PM PDT by ridesthemiles
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To: ridesthemiles

You would be surprised how many people do NOT have cell phones.


Perhaps. But you wouldn’t be allowed to go to work, to school, to stores etc. unless you had one. The government still has Obamaphones, I suppose they would issue you one.
They have a “Resistance is Futile” mindset. They are wrong.

31 posted on 05/30/2020 4:12:56 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ridesthemiles

0x0=0. State Comp is cooked I think.

32 posted on 05/30/2020 4:29:47 PM PDT by Karliner (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28 Isa 17 "This is the end of the beginning" W Churchill)
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To: ransomnote
Here you go, Ransomnote... ;-)


33 posted on 05/30/2020 4:54:26 PM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see #KAG)
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To: EasySt; ransomnote

It might be a lot worse than 1%...

Moderna reports positive data on early-stage coronavirus vaccine trial, shares surge

Earlier this month, Moderna announced that it was wrapping up phase one human trials on its potential vaccine with the U.S. government and is moving to start phase two trials that would include 600 participants. If the vaccine is found to be effective and safe to use, it could be ready for the market in early 2021, the company said.

The company said the vaccine was generally safe and well tolerated. To date, the most notable adverse events were seen in the 250-dose group where three participants developed “grade 3 systemic symptoms,” following the second dose, the company said.

The company said it expects to begin a phase 3 trial in July.

You saw the caution of risk in this glowing press release, didn’t you? No? I didn’t either, unless you consider the note “three participants developed “grade 3 systemic symptoms,” a caution.

Here is the detail for one of those “grade 3 systemic symptoms:

He experienced a severe reaction to Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate. He’s still a believer

“Twelve hours after receiving his second dose, he developed a fever of more than 103 degrees, sought medical attention, and, after being released from an urgent care facility, fainted in his home. He recovered within a day.”

I don’t know what the other two “grade 3 systemic symptoms” were, so they MIGHT NOT have been as serious as that, so let’s just pretend this is the only bad one in all 45 participants.

After all that’s only 2.2% rate of bad results to good results.

So that’s 97.8% good, right? So it’s OK to make it mandatory, right? After all, if you use it on 300,000,000 people that’s only 6,600,000 bad results, right? After all, the Covid-19 virus has already killed 100,000 people in the USA, so making only 66 people sick to save one of those lives is a good trade, right? (extreme sarcasm)

And by the way, this is an mRNA vaccine, easy to develop and manufacture, and scientists have been working on them for years, however, none have ever yet succeeded and been approved for use on Humans.

34 posted on 05/30/2020 7:06:42 PM PDT by Grandpa Drudge (Just an old man, desperate to preserve our great country for my grandchildren.)
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To: ransomnote


If people treated their cellphones like landlines, then the tracking contact tracing apps are useless.

Leave em home.

Nobody can force someone to carry their phone with them at all waking hours of the day.

35 posted on 05/30/2020 10:16:54 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: ransomnote

Not everyone has a cell phone.

36 posted on 05/30/2020 10:17:23 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: ransomnote

They want a revolution, they’re gonna get it.

Tech can be hacked.

37 posted on 05/30/2020 10:18:58 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: ransomnote
I can see this whole thing going very badly very quickly when 'they' start demanding entrance to private homes in order to enforce this crap, and behind the door they force open will be something much worse than the Wu-Flu.

I truly, with a white-hot burning passion, hate these phones already, and now they practically want it stapled to my forehead. Gosh, it would be too bad to accidently drop it under my front tire as I drive off...

38 posted on 05/31/2020 8:05:51 PM PDT by pigsmith (Liberals can't make the connection between their politics and the decline of everything around them.)
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To: Grandpa Drudge
We must expose this process for what it is, and generate enough public awareness and support to regain control by the people over this bureaucracy.

We'll see over the next few months if the bureaucracy is too big to control via the normal means.
39 posted on 05/31/2020 8:22:17 PM PDT by Antoninus (The press has lost the ability to persuade. They retain the ability to foment a panic.)
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