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Escaping communism and SSI... to the Mormon church and a normal life
Mainestategop ^ | Brian Ball

Posted on 07/27/2016 9:24:00 AM PDT by mainestategop

Roger Bauer, Resides in an apartment in Orem Utah just 30 minutes from Salt Lake City where he works as an arc welder. Roger beings his mornings bright and early before the sun rises where he fashions a quick breakfast in his kitchenette. A recent convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints, he forgoes coffee and tea that he once would have had and instead enjoy a glass of orange juice or a smoothie if one is available.

He goes to work just as dawn is breaking over Provo Peak and the Aspen groove hills. He puts in 8 to 10 hours depending on the job. Construction like many other things is booming in Salt Lake city and in Utah thanks to the conservative policies of the local and state legislature. He goes on for hours on his job without any awareness of how time flies. In no time its time to go on lunch break or go home again.

When he arrives back home on the weekend he will enjoy something fancy whipped up on his kitchenette such as a hanger steak with sweet onion marinade, made by himself or perhaps a fish. Some Mormons believe in eating meat in lesser quantities than grain and vegetables. There's that too. Roger's broiled cauliflower with cajun seasoning is popular at the potluck picnics that his church will have annually.

Roger Bauer's social life is also fascinating and complex. He has many friends on the job, in town and in church and he is engaged to marry in August his sweetheart of over a year, Rebecca Ann who Roger blames for leading him on the amazing and fantastic journey into the Mormon church, a journey that changed his life greatly.

Roger is active in the Mormon church as well in and outside as a witness. Roger helped witness to people in many parts of America such as California and Arizona and parts of his native New England as well.

Roger Bauer, active, social, hard working, earnest, a future husband and father, engaged to a beautiful Mormon girl a talented, godly loving kind person. That is the impression you would get from knowing him well.

But according to the government which liberals will tell you is always correct no matter what and that 2+2 = 88 to the third power if it were to declare such no matter what any expert in mathematics were to tell you. And The government says, Roger Bauer isn't supposed to do any of those things.

Make the state and its rulers Godlike and they can getaway with anything and everything and tell any lie no matter how obvious and absurd and it will always be true. This must be so to secure credibility for the state and deny credibility to its prey.

According to the State of Rhode Island where Roger is from, Roger Bauer is mentally incompetent, has poor social skills, poor judgement, is unable to take care of himself and is billed as having a poor prognosis by multiple doctors who are certified by the state. In the office of Stephen Dizio MD, an evaluation makes similar remarks and that he is considered unemployable and in need of guardianship and restraint.

Similarly negative things have been said by mental health "professionals" in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Washington. One doctor in Massachusetts claims in an evaluation that Roger is unemployable and that he needs help to take care of himself. In a file kept on Roger in New Hampshire State Hospital in Concord, Roger is portrayed as someone who is severely mentally ill and disturbed and makes notes such as that he is in need of round the clock care and supervision, cannot care for himself and has even been compared to a potted plant.

In Connecticut where Roger was born in East Haven, A detailed report by a psychiatrist states Roger is considered an "abnormal child who will grow up but remain a child" It also reads he will never be independent be employed or take care of himself.

The government being infallible according to liberals, this somehow flies in the face of reality which seems to have a conservative libertarian bias rather than a liberal one as we have been taught by the media and pop culture.

To liberals and other socialists, the government is God. This is not just the end result when religion and morality are discarded for materialism, it is the means to an end. Make the state and its rulers Godlike and they can getaway with anything and everything and tell any lie no matter how obvious and absurd and it will always be true. This must be so to secure credibility for the state and deny credibility to its prey.

Roger Bauer's trials began when he was small. In the city of East Haven CT. Things were alright at first. Roger went to a regular school run by ordinary people. Roger without a doubt was a regular student who made friends and did fine.

Then the family moved to New London and Roger began going to a different school. That's when things got out of hand. Roger started 2nd grade at age 8 and 2 weeks into it, Roger started having social problems and his parents began to get calls from concerned teachers that Roger had been the target of bullying and fights.

Its not known what set everyone off against Roger. According to Roger 2 weeks into his first day two students in his class began running their mouth about him spreading obnoxious and terrible rumors about him.When he confronted him at recess he was sucker punched so hard that he had to go to the hospital. The school gave the boy only 3 days suspension.

When Roger got back from the hospital the boy's friends spread rumors claiming that Roger had wet himself after being socked unconscious and that while at the hospital, the doctor touched him in his special place and made jokes making fun of sexual harassment infomercials. In a normal school, this boy would have been expelled and the other boys suspended. This did not happen. Roger's teacher instead told him to stop tattle-tailing despite the disgusting degrading and sexual nature of the taunts.

The taunts continued and got worse and included other rumors. Roger's parents chose to do nothing telling Roger to toughen up instead. When one of the boys began making sexual remarks again, Roger hit him. He was sent home and grounded for a week. When he got back he was beat up at the playground by the boy, his friends and the other boy who had come back from suspension and instigated the whole thing. The boys were given minor suspensions from one day to two days.

Roger's parents and the school finally did intervene but not in a good way. At a parent teacher conference, Roger's mother only mildly rebuked the principal and teachers for not disciplining the bullies and for not doing enough to protect Roger. For the most par, they acted as though Roger brought it on himself.

Psychiatry and its invention of Asperger's syndrome and ADD justify the failure of public schools to protect our children and keep them safe while in their custody and captivity as well as the failure of the government to educate our young in place of a home school environment or clergy.

Roger's teachers claimed that they could not fully control the bullying. In fact they did very little. Roger was forced to sit a a desk in the back corner alone, during recess Roger was allowed to come inside and sit in the principals office. In class little was done when other students ridiculed him or threw papers at him. Roger couldn't learn and his grades slipped.

So in 4th grade something was done but it was not done to the students who hurt him. Roger's teachers suggested that Roger might have Asperger's syndrome a mental illness and that is the reason he cannot get along with his classmates. A better question should be rather, why his classmates do not want to get along with him? His teachers believed differently.

Roger's parents at first did not take him to a psychiatrist since thankfully they couldn't afford it at the time. But after a fight that took place near the end of the school year, the school got a hold of a social worker and arranged for Roger to receive free mental health screening and other services.

Roger was forced against his will to go to the doctor. To make things worse people from school saw him go into the office and it egged them on to hurt him even more. Doctors diagnosed Roger with Aspeger's syndrome, ADHD and Dysthymic mood disorder. According to doctors, he was mentally unbalanced and may also have other mood disorders as well. One other doctor Roger was sent to claimed that Roger was childish and that we was severely developmentally disabled. She doubted that Roger would ever become and adult.

Roger was forced to take strong meds that undermined him. He could not complete tasks, stay awake, pay attention in class and his anxiety and depression became worse. He was moved around different meds and they all made him worse and he even suffered hallucinations and violent episodes but his parents did not care. Eventually his parents took over the medication regiments and ordered Roger to stop getting them changed and stick with them and accept them no matter what.

The medications made Roger sick. He could not focus and his grades slumped. He could not stay awake in class and had mood swings. He was suspended from school after having a violent episode. It was only then that he was able to get a change but it was drugs that made him overweight and made him sluggish.

Roger was forced to go to psychiatrists for 4 years and endure bullying at school while his parents and teachers did little or nothing until the family moved to Cranston RI. Roger's family could not get him to a psychiatrist because their insurance would not allow them and because ran into red tape getting government help. But by the time the damage was done. The meds he was forced to take made him overweight, he had hygenic problems and it affected his eyesight. He was a mess and a target again for bullies.

This time though he was mostly a loner with no friends. Rather than finger the blame on his condition caused by the meds, his parents blamed him. His mother told him he was an awkward wallflower and mentally ill, his father that he had the worst social skills in the world and that anyone can make friends in Cranston but he can't because he's stupid.

Psychiatry and its invention of Asperger's syndrome and ADD justify the failure of public schools to protect our children and keep them safe while in their custody and captivity as well as the failure of the government to educate our young in place of a home school environment or clergy. Little Billy got an F not because he was lazy or learning disabled but because our schools failed to teach him and his parents allowed him to be destroyed mentally and psychologically by the state.

High school was just as troubling but not as severe as elementary or Middle school. He survived though barely. Roger had to be left back a grade thanks to the meds making him slow and unable to learn. At 18, He graduated looking forward to getting a job and moving out on his own. His parents had other plans.

Roger's father took him to the welfare office Providence. Roger thought that this would help him get the resources he needed. They enrolled Roger on food stamps and other programs as well as healthcare subsidies. They also signed him up for SSI at the Social security office. Roger did not know that SSI was intended for those unable to work.

The truth is that it is far more profitable for the government to keep people like Roger poor and unemployed than to enable them to climb up the ladder. Sure he could become a taxpayer but as Voltaire once said, the comfort of the ruling classes depend on the abundance of the poor. Hence, the liberal elite need destitute struggling welfare recipients to insure its grip on the nation and the nation's wallet!

The healthcare subsidy enabled roger to be enrolled into mental healthcare. Roger was forced to go to another psychiatrist. The dr. was Stephen Dizio MD. Roger remembers the first day. Stephen had already known about his medical records having been sent them behind Roger's back by his mother and father. Stephen would raise his voice at him and castigate him for denying he had a problem. Dr Dizio diagnosed Roger with Asperger's syndrome and PDD which stands for Pervasive developmental disorder.

In a meeting with Roger and his parents, Dizio claimed that Roger's condition was severe and morbid and that he would never be able to be independent, hold a job, get married, take care of himself or any of those things. He recommended that Roger be placed in a facility or a group home.

But Roger wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to work and be independent but Rhode Island's economy was terrible. He had saved money hidden away from his family from lunch money at school. Roger bought a bus ticket away from Rhode Island and decided to go to Seattle Washington where he heard that they had good programs and services that could help him.

Unfortunately, Roger's parents were one step ahead of him. A clerk at the bus station was a friend of his relatives and phoned to let them know that Roger had bought a greyhound ticket to Seattle Washington. His parents phoned the police and mental health workers there telling them that Roger is suicidal and was branded an incompetent by the state of Connecticut and needed to be sent back. NOTE: Roger had never been certified incompetent at this time by any state court.

Roger was arrested at the bus terminal in Seattle and taken to the notorious psych unit at Harborview medical center. There, Roger was doped up with terrible meds despite warnings that they caused bad reactions to Roger. He was informed that if he did not agree to take a plane back to Rhode Island he would be made ward of the state of Washington and confined to an institution.

Roger went home by Train. His parents said they'd refund his Greyhound ticket but they kept the money from him. When Roger got back to Providence he was taken to Baxter Hospital, a mental health facility. He was kept there for over a week. According to evaluations in Washington Harborview and Baxter, Roger's flight from Rhode Island to Washington with little resources was an act of poor judgement and a sign of mental illness. Roger was also enrolled on the failed SSI program with his father as payee.

Businesses generally do not like to hire welfare recipients especially SSI recipients. They are viewed as incompetent and lazy. All the better for liberals to keep their prey from escaping exploitation. Being On SSI is one way to keep them downtrodden and down.

Roger Fled because of hardship and abuse by psychiatrists and his bad parents. In addition he fled economic hardship brought on by liberalism. But doctors ignored that his sudden flight was out of distress and despair and that there were services and safety nets available in Seattle. There were programs and even christian charities available. Far superior to Rhode Island but they ignored him.

The truth is that it is far more profitable for the government to keep people like Roger poor and unemployed than to enable them to climb up the ladder. Sure he could become a taxpayer but as Voltaire once said, the comfort of the ruling classes depend on the abundance of the poor. Hence, the liberal elite need destitute struggling welfare recipients to insure its grip on the nation and the nation's wallet!

Dr Gabor Keitner was Roger's doctor for several years. An immigrant from Hungary and Canada who studied medicine at Queens University in Ontario and Brown University, he remains a dedicated communist who was a member of the young pioneer league and the youth Komisol in Budapest as a youth. He still holds to communist beliefs defending government corruption and branding those who oppose the government as disturbed and mentally ill.

Roger's new doctor was Doctor Gabor Keitner. An Immigrant from Hungary who also resided in Canada, Keitner holds a medical practice in Providence. Although medical reviews such as and lifespan gave him fine reviews, this is not the case with Dr Gabor MD. Gabor has been cited by the Citizens Commission on Human rights, was involved in several patient scandals and allegations of abuse and malpractice, he has never been brought to justice thanks in part to Rhode Island's corrupt government which makes such suits not only unprofitable but impossible except in even the most severe cases which thanks to the government is not brought to light.

Keitner is also a communist. In his facebook page he is a subscriber to Dunakeszi, a Mi városunk, a Hungarian magazine that at one time was controlled by the government press much like Pravda. Dunakeszi, a Mi városunk was used in the sixties to denounce dissidents of the communist party and agitate for the USSR. As a youth Keitner was a member of the pioneer league. Despite being a member of the Catholic church, Gabor Keitner has never fully renounced his ties to communism

Keitner's communism is so strong that he has sided with government against even other left wing groups such as the black lives matter movement. Keitner condemns victims of police brutality as hostile to authority and that they bring it on themselves. He supported the killing of Kelly Thomas by Officers Ramos and Cicinelli citing that no policeman could ever do anything wrong. So speaks a communist defender of government tyranny.

Keitner's communism was also made evident when Roger Bauer was forced against his will by parents and social workers to see him. Keitner noted that Bauer had a lack of respect towards authority when complaining about his parents treatment towards him. Keitner also claimed that based on his "failure to socialize with peers" he was unable to manage money, be independent and hold a job. Keitner also arranged for Roger to be denied a drivers license, citing his Attention deficits and the sluggishness from medication as a reason not to be allowed to drive.

Roger Bauer, active, social, hard working, earnest, a future husband and father, engaged to a beautiful Mormon girl a talented, godly loving kind person. That is the impression you would get from knowing him well. But according to the government... Roger Bauer isn't supposed to do any of those things.

Keitner also blamed bauer for his inability to find work. the economy in  Rhode Island is among the worst in the nation thanks to high taxes and regulations and a corrupt government. Bauer noted this as one of the reasons but Keitner denied this. He claimed that the economy was okay, that taxes and regulations were alright and that the government was right in all matters.

Keitner's overall prognosis of Roger Bauer was negative. Keitner claimed that Roger Bauer had several mood disorders, was disturbed and that he had poor social skills, poor communication skills did not have good judgement at all and would be unlikely to support himself. Keitner's prognosis came from Bauer's traumatic childhood and from his running away from the abuse to Washington.

For several years Bauer lived the life of a welfare bum. A miserable hopeless splutter on the windshield of life as his attorney would put it in the mildest of terms. He was forced to live in a group home in Smithfield Near Woonsocket. He was drugged up on meds that made him react negatively, his weight problem got worse and his mood? Well not surprisingly he didn't do well.

When the system worked you you have to work the system is what Roger learned while enslaved to welfare and the system in Rhode Island. The bigger the government the more corrupt and ineffective The system is.

In 2010, Rhode Island was hit with a historic flood. The flood caused massive damage to the already sluggish economy which in the previous year had 1000 firms shut down due to a retroactive tax by the state legislature. Democratic to be sure. The shopping mall was closed down for most of the summer, many shops were closed many floundered.

Roger pined desperately to leave Rhode Island more than ever in light of the maelstrom but he was forbidden. Roger tried twice before moving to Boston and Salem Massachusetts but that didn't help him neither. Roger's SSI kept him out of work. Businesses generally do not like to hire welfare recipients especially SSI recipients. They are viewed as incompetent and lazy. All the better for liberals to keep their prey from escaping exploitation. Being On SSI is one way to keep them downtrodden and down.

Roger was not allowed to leave again. According to parents and "experts" working with Roger he could get a job easily if he tried and that the real reason he could not get a job was because of his alleged lack of social skills and supposed mental illness.

Roger, in desperation looked for answers. He found them from a ministry in Spokane Washington that helped people who were homeless and desperate to work and have their own place. Roger had begun to seek religion as a solace in light of his troubles but now more than ever he needed the light. The ministry agreed to help him get to Washington using the Traveller's aid program but in Rhode Island and Boston, the case workers did not want him to leave.

Christian charity and love conquered the devil and it conquers the government to this day with its measures of success and the government continues to let down those it wants to help.

Roger Bauer was forced to make plans for an escape that would take time. In Autumn of 2010 he made his plans with help from the ministry and a few other good samaritans who offered advice and help on how to escape Rhode Island and SSI. Miracles happened along the way...

Roger ran away from home and using money he got panhandling and selling food stamps purchased a ticket to New York city. It wasn't easy. When the system worked you you have to work the system is what Roger learned. Panhandling while on welfare was a no-no and he risked losing his benefits or being put into the hospital. But Roger wasn't caught. In fact on his first day a man agreed to pay his way to New York and bought him a ticket himself. At New York Roger planned to apply for travel assistance from its massive welfare apparatus. Easier said than done. The bigger the government the more corrupt and ineffective the system is.

Roger applied for cash assistance lying that he was never on assistance anywhere else so to escape to another state if things didn't go well. Roger's case worker was very sympathetic a diamond in the rough. An angel some would say. Roger witheld the name of this kind lady for her own safety since what she did for him was illegal. Roger's caseworker lied on his forms and was able to get him cash as well as a free train ticket to Spokane!

Roger Rode the train from Penn State to Spokane. As the train pulled out Roger thanked God and promised to serve him alone. "I knew it was a miracle and I knew right then and there that God was real and that he loved me so much. He not only sent me his son to die for me for what I deserved. The train left the east coast and I was crying tears of joy and saying thank you Jesus thank you father! I love you!"

Roger was welcomed to Spokane and to the homeless transitional home with open arms and hugs by the people there. Roger stayed there for almost a year learning to walk with God and how to take care of himself. Things the government never ever did for him. Christian charity and love conquered the devil and it conquers the government to this day with its measures of success and the government continues to let down those it wants to help.

Before all this happened, Roger bauer was an overweight, fidgety, medicated homeless unemployed nobody. The kind of person Dr Keitner and the rest condemned as someone who would never be person and just remain a nobody.

Roger not only got off welfare and SSI he got a job and he got saved! He was taken off SSI with help from the ministry and He was also protected by the ministry from any attempts by the parents to bring him back to Rhode Island. He never did hear from them again after that.

But his trials did not fully end. The transitional home was shut down by the government due to tax problems and because it was felt by liberals in Spokane that those who qualify for government welfare were better served by said government. All of the residents became homeless thereafter including Roger who was close to getting his own home.

Roger stayed at the Union Gospel Mission for a over 2 months then God worked another miracle. Roger began going to a Mormon chapel. He was interested in Mormonism and a Mormon charity also helped him out. He learned that in Utah, there were excellent charities that were geared toward aiding the homeless. These charities moved them out of homelessness into employment rather than keep them down like the government.

With help, Roger relocated to Salt Lake City Utah and enrolled in a ministry that was interfaith run by protestant and Mormons. Roger was given another chance and did well. Roger lost the last of his weight he gained from being medicated, he got a place he shared with another transient and got to work not only in a paid position but as a volunteer helping others out. Roger was able to get off SS

It was during this time of rebuilding that Roger met his future wife Rebecca Ann who volunteered at the ministry. Rebecca took interest in Roger and his story of escaping the welfare state in Rhode Island and getting off SSI.

Getting of SSI wasn't easy, they had to show he was not disabled and that he was working. By doing this and with a bit of leverage from attorneys, he got off SSI.

2 years after coming to Utah, Roger began to rebuild and succeeded. He learned a trade, welding. He also moved into an apartment near Orem, learned to drive a car and made many many friends on the way. Before all this happened, Roger Bauer was an overweight, fidgety, medicated homeless unemployed nobody. The kind of person Dr Keitner and the rest condemned as someone who would never be person and just remain a nobody.

Very very few, ever get the chance that Roger Bauer did, being able to escape welfare and SSI and the poverty that came with it. Its not easy, it takes help, it takes courage but most of all it takes a helping hand and the kindness of strangers to get someone off of poverty and welfare into an independent working environment. Sadly there are very few even good Christians willing to do this.

Roger and Rebecca Ann were engaged to marry in April of 2016. Shortly afterwards, Roger contacted his family in Rhode Island who he had not spoken to in over 3 years. They did not react well to Roger being independent.

"When I called them I told them everything that happened they were unhappy. My dad said that he didn't believe me and thought I was homeless because doctor Keitner said that I would never be independent. He's wrong but he says that he can't be wrong just because he's a professional. When I told him I became a Mormon he went off. He said I was more mentally ill than he thought and hung up the phone. When I tried contacting my parents and relatives I got a response that my parents did not want to speak to me anymore. They said I was mentally ill and not supposed to be independent and working and that, I was a sicko for being religious. I was also told by my brother and my sister that I needed help and that its impossible for someone like me to be independent and on my own. I invited them to the wedding and to have a look see and they told me no. You should not be on your own you should not be working you should not be managing your own fianances. Your mentally ill, you have Asperger's a mental illness your not supposed to do those things you shouldn't be allowed to. They claimed that my religious faith also was another reason that I was mentally ill. I never heard from them hereafter.

The Bauers are much like the Bowler family. Liberals are unfit parents. They care more about the sanctity and infallibility of the government than the well being of their children. Herbert Bowler also lived in a similar situation until recently suffering verbal abuse by family and being denied the right to leave the no jobs poverty state of Wisconsin and forced to be on programs and medication.

Herbert Bowler is now living on his own in Keene NH working and being independent. Despite being a ward of his parents and the state of Wisconsin for nearly a decade they could not get him a job. But on his own he did very very well. He did it all by himself. So did Roger who is now free as well.

Roger Bauer and Rebecca Ann will marry on August 17th 2016 in Salt Lake city. Congratulations Roger Bauer and best wishes to the happy couple from all of us in the Free state movement and the New England Alliance for Liberty and Free Markets.

TOPICS: Government; Miscellaneous; Reference
KEYWORDS: communism; mentalhealth; mormons; psychiatry; rhodeisland; socialiststupidity; ssi; ussr; welfare
Its not everyday I get to write about a happy ending but its a rare treat indeed. My wife and I have been invited to the wedding, we'll try to make it there next month.

On a side note, this guy Dr Gabor Keitner, I've heard of him and a friend of mine was a patient of his 6 years ago when he was in the psych unit at Rhode Island hospital. He's creepy and frightening. Without a doubt a communist.

I also found info about him and an associate of his in the New York times, he was at a wedding with his daughter and is said that this New York attorney was her Godfather. The attorney I don't have his name but he's a socialist. I do remember that. How sad that the most Catholic state in America has so many left leaning scumbags like this.

I'll probably do a few more articles on Keitner after I get done reading some of his literature. What a scum bag.

And the parents are about as rotten as Herbert Bowlers, liberal and abusive. We did a series of articles on Herbert Bowler on my blog and his family left very terrible comments about him. Its a case study of why liberals are unfit to be parents. They love the government more than their children.

1 posted on 07/27/2016 9:24:00 AM PDT by mainestategop
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To: mainestategop

I’ve been told that Rhode Island is run by an interlocking triad of the democrat party, the Catholic church, and organized crime.

2 posted on 07/27/2016 9:44:05 AM PDT by PAR35
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To: PAR35
Rhode Island is Catholic but in name only. Most of them don't attend mass regularly. Nebraska Kansas and Missouri are the buckles of the Catholic belt and have the highest mass attendence. To some extent Louisiana.

Organized crime in New England is in decline. Most of the mafia is in New jersey and NYC.

The Democrats themselves along with the welfare bums, the mentally ill, (Rhode Island has more than any state) Illegal immigrants and Massholes are the ones responsible.

3 posted on 07/27/2016 11:29:21 AM PDT by mainestategop (DonÂ’t Let Freedom Slip Away! After America , There is No Place to Go)
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