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0:00·some actions have an end but no
0:03·beginning some begin but do not end it
0:06·all depends upon where the Observer is
0:08·standing on May 27th tensions on The
0:12·Afghan Iranian border boiled over near
0:15·the city of zaran two people were killed
0:18·two more were injured but while both
0:20·sides quickly de-escalated the situation
0:23·the incident highlights a deeply
0:25·entrenched border dispute one that
0:27·predates both governments yet this is no
0:31·conflict over territory instead the tap
0:34·rout of Afghan Iranian tensions is and
0:37·always has been water rights since the
0:40·1870s water access in the syan Basin has
0:44·formed a geopolitical friction point the
0:47·Locust is the Helman river which runs
0:49·through Afghanistan before terminating
0:51·in eastern Iran the past few decades
0:54·have seen rainfall drop precipitously
0:57·the hamon Lakes once a civilization
1:00·cradle are bone dry and now climate
1:03·change threatens to convert the region
1:05·into a permanent Dust Bowl the crisis is
1:08·a force multiplier for a host of
1:10·political sore points border security
1:12·issues Refugee flows islamist militancy
1:16·and illicit Goods trafficking all add to
1:18·a lingering sense of unease mistrust and
1:21·anxiety it remains to be seen whether
1:23·these differences can be resolved by
1:26·diplomatic means or otherwise Nations
1:29·have gone to War for less one thing we
1:32·do know water is more than just a bunch
1:34·of atoms it possesses the power to shape
1:37·both geography and
1:53·politics the Iranian Afghan conflict
1:55·seems far away but its Ripple effects
1:58·are global American household debt
2:00·levels are already reaching all-time
2:03·highs and uncertainty over interest
2:06·rates threatens to sink the Investments
2:08·the upper middle class worked years to
2:11·build for centuries High net worth
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2:47·with the SEC allowing you to invest in
2:49·works from names like Picasso Banky and
2:53·basat their 15 sales to date have all
2:56·returned profits to their investors
2:58·including net returns of 177% 35% and
3:03·77% offerings have sold out within
3:06·minutes so there is a wait list but
3:09·Caspian report subscribers can skip the
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3:14·link in the description see important
3:17·disclosures at
3:28· by sparse rainfall and
3:31·glacial melt managing these scarce
3:34·resources is a matter of vital
3:36·importance for Afghanistan but since
3:38·three of the country's five major rivers
3:40·cross into neighboring states Afghan
3:43·water policy is inherently
3:46·geopolitical of all the regional Rivers
3:49·the most important is the helmund which
3:52·runs through Afghanistan before
3:53·terminating in the hamon wetlands on the
3:56·Iranian border for the past five
3:58·millennia these marshes have formed a
4:01·cradle of civilization their importance
4:04·to Regional agriculture is attested to
4:06·an ancient literature and the religious
4:09·texts of
4:10·Zoroastrianism yet since the mid 19th
4:13·century a British imposed border has
4:16·complicated the issue of water rights
4:18·though 95% of the Helman straddles
4:21·Afghan territory decisions made Upstream
4:24·yield grave consequences for the Iranian
4:26·Hammons and while efforts to codify
4:29·water rights have been pursued by both
4:31·States no final deal has ever been
4:34·reached in other words the dispute has
4:36·no legal basis the closest thing to a
4:39·binding agreement is the
4:41·1973 helmund water treaty which forms
4:45·the Bedrock of bilateral water policy
4:48·under the treaty Iran can draw 22 cubic
4:52·M of water from the river per second
4:54·with an option to buy another 4 cubic
4:57·m/s in years of normal range rainfall
5:00·this amounts to roughly 820 million
5:03·cubic M of water per year but since the
5:06·agreement was never ratified enforcement
5:08·depended on good faith something in as
5:11·short supply as the water itself
5:14·political Discord in both signatory
5:16·States has not helped either the 1973
5:20·Afghan coup 1979 Iranian Revolution
5:23·Soviet Afghan war the us-led Afghan
5:26·occupation and the rise and subsequent
5:29·reemergence of the Taliban have only
5:31·imposed further obstacles as such
5:34·long-term infrastructure planning has
5:37·proceeded in fits and starts and today
5:40·much of Afghanistan's water
5:42·infrastructure consists of holdover
5:44·Works mostly completed in the 1950s by
5:48·American engineering firms these include
5:51·the 44 M High AR gandab Dam Northeast of
5:55·kahar and the kajaki dam 115 km Upstream
6:01·lashara these dams were intended to
6:03·improve irrigation control flooding and
6:06·provide hydroelectricity developing
6:09·Afghan self-sufficiency in power
6:11·generation yet they were built without
6:14·first undertaking proper soil and
6:16·topography studies and over time this
6:19·contributed to Downstream salinization
6:22·and damage to the hamon Lakes ecosystem
6:25·not to be outdone by the Afghans on poor
6:28·planning in 1983 the Iranian Fisheries
6:32·company introduced alien fish species to
6:35·the Hammon Lakes this caused immense
6:38·damage as the invasive species devoured
6:40·the lakes's Reeds undermining the
6:43·ecosystem's food supply and in the 1990s
6:46·the first Taliban government exacerbated
6:49·the problem by choking off the hammon's
6:51·water supply at the kajaki dam bad
6:54·decision after bad decision Afghan
6:57·Iranian relations soured the situation
7:01·became so tense that in 1998 after a
7:04·Taliban raid on the Iranian Consulate in
7:08·Mazar Sharif killed eight Iranian
7:10·diplomats tahan amassed nearly 200,000
7:14·troops on the border Iran opted not to
7:18·invade but the situation demonstrated
7:21·how quickly disputes concerning water
7:23·rights could boil over into full-blown
7:26·conflict thereafter tan continued to
7:29·support anti-taliban groups including
7:32·the Northern Alliance which was subsumed
7:35·into the new government following the
7:36·American lead invasion in 2001 even so
7:41·Iran's hard line on the Taliban was
7:43·never set in stone instead relations
7:46·between the two sides oscillate
7:49·depending on whoever controls Kabul at
7:51·any one time thus the period following
7:54·the taliban's 2001 outing by the US
7:58·proved one of reapo encroachment the
8:00·water dispute continued though this time
8:02·with the Afghan Republic yet the focus
8:05·of tensions shifted away from the
8:07·taliban's treatment of Afghanistan's
8:09·Shia minority and towards the Afghan
8:12·Republic's apparent tolerance of the
8:14·opium trade and its status as an
8:16·American vessel supposedly when you go
8:19·out looking for trouble you will find
8:21·trouble throughout the US occupation
8:24·Iran was one of the few states that
8:27·engaged the Taliban efforts that
8:29·expanded after the emergence of Isis K
8:32·in 2015 the purely domestic orientation
8:35·of the Taliban no doubt proved less
8:37·irksome than the Islamic State's
8:39·transnational Ambitions which threatened
8:42·to stoke Sunni uprisings within Iran's
8:45·borders accordingly Tan's complaints
8:48·turned towards the new water
8:50·infrastructures being built within the
8:52·cyan Basin which it alleged would choke
8:55·off Iran's water supply this includes
8:57·the Afghan Turkish built Kamal Khan
9:00·irrigation Dam completed in early 2021
9:04·with a capacity of 50 million cubic M of
9:07·water and after the 2020 Doha agreement
9:10·signaled an American withdrawal the tan
9:13·Taliban engagement only deepened further
9:16·yet few anticipated the speed of the
9:19·Afghan Republic's collapse which caught
9:22·even the Iranians off guard this
9:24·coincided with the height of the coid
9:26·pandemic and widespread water shortages
9:28·which prompted Nationwide protests in
9:31·Iran along with a heavy-handed
9:33·government response the combination of
9:35·domestic and Regional instability soon
9:37·stoked clashes along the border and when
9:40·in July 2022 Iran's president ibraim RI
9:44·ordered his cabinet to push Kabul for a
9:47·greater water share the Taliban
9:49·responded by Reina dura the second phase
9:52·of the kajaki dam threatening to impound
9:55·another 1 billion cubic M of water and
9:58·place Iran's water security under even
10:01·greater strain roughly at the same time
10:04·tensions increased further following a
10:06·new influx of Afghan refugees this
10:09·fueled Iran's long-standing concerns
10:12·regarding separatism in its Southeastern
10:15·cyan and baluchistan provinces since
10:18·2007 tan has banned Afghan refugees from
10:22·settling there largely due to anxieties
10:25·concerning the Region's status as a
10:27·Sunni dominated marginalized and
10:30·water-deprived Borderland which is an
10:32·ideal concoction to Kickstart a
10:34·separatist movement even so there are
10:37·some matters on which both sides share
10:39·an interest in cooperating though poppy
10:42·cultivation soared under the US
10:45·installed Afghan Republic the Taliban
10:48·has since largely eradicated the trade
10:51·following an Amnesty on the 2022 Harvest
10:54·stringent enforcement of
10:56·counternarcotics has seen opium
10:58·production Fall by 4 fths in helmund a
11:02·Taliban stronghold it is down a
11:06·99% many farmers have switched to wheat
11:09·yet while this has helped alleviate food
11:12·shortages in a state under heavy
11:14·sanctions grain production has produced
11:17·Slimmer profit margins on occasion this
11:20·has prompted violent clashes between
11:22·Taliban militants and farmers and as
11:25·with all forms of prohibition
11:27·skyrocketing prices are are providing
11:29·lucrative opportunities for Bootleggers
11:32·gutsy enough to defy Taliban decrees
11:35·thus by assisting the Taliban Teran
11:38·could snuff out trafficking at its
11:40·source this would help ease the strain
11:42·on its own counternarcotics efforts
11:44·which have wilted under the pressure of
11:46·its porous 930 km Afghan border such
11:51·programs would only become more relevant
11:53·as climate change sets in opium is not
11:56·only more lucrative than conventional
11:59·agriculture but less water intensive and
12:01·any letup in enforcement or Taliban
12:04·influence at the hands of Isis K or
12:07·others could see Poppy yields return to
12:09·their pre-eradication levels within a
12:12·single season but such Taliban Teran
12:16·cooperation will not be possible without
12:18·advances in minority rights in eastern
12:22·Iran there is a significant amount of
12:24·anti- Afghan sentiment mostly due to
12:27·refugees border security issues and an
12:30·opioid crisis largely seen as an Afghan
12:33·problem meanwhile the Taliban attempts
12:36·at establishing pashun cultural hegemony
12:38·have fallen hard on its Persian speaking
12:41·minorities this includes the suppression
12:43·of Persian literature and language in
12:46·favor of poshto mutual concessions on
12:49·this front will thus be necessary
12:51·finally the issue of water rights will
12:54·have to be finalized in a properly
12:56·ratified treaty whatever else their dis
12:58·agreements both tan and the Taliban
13:01·share a professed commitment to the
13:03·Helmand water treaty though since
13:06·nothing was ever ratified Afghanistan
13:08·has the clear upper hand in negotiations
13:11·recent tensions have not concerned the
13:13·agreement's legitimacy so much as
13:16·whether Afghanistan is obliged to feed
13:18·Iran additional water in times of
13:21·drought but while a blackl
13:23·interpretation of the treaty leans
13:25·towards Afghanistan the Taliban is an
13:28·unre recognized government something
13:30·Tran has been at pains to point out
13:34·nonetheless the Taliban Remains The
13:36·defao Sovereign Authority in Afghanistan
13:39·regardless of legal technicalities thus
13:42·in the long run Iran may be moved to
13:45·recognize the Taliban possibly on the
13:48·condition that it provides greater
13:50·protections to its ethn religious kin
13:52·within Afghanistan doing so would open
13:55·up the dispute resolution procedures
13:57·available on under the helmond river
13:59·treaty this includes Article 4 and
14:03·additional protocol 2 which provide
14:05·detailed procedures for settling
14:07·disagreements first through diplomatic
14:10·channels then via third-party
14:12·arbitration and then through an
14:14·independent fact-f finding process to be
14:17·conducted by a tribunal this may prove
14:21·difficult though as it would need
14:23·significant buyin from the Taliban it
14:25·would also require a mediator that could
14:28·command and the trust of both parties
14:30·the most likely candidates would be
14:32·Qatar which brokered the 2020 Doha
14:36·agreement or China which recently
14:38·brokered deals between Iran and Saudi
14:41·Arabia whatever happens settling the
14:44·dispute is in the mutual interest of
14:46·both parties shared security issues
14:49·necessitate it and beyond that neither
14:53·side can afford new enemies the
14:55·differences between them are significant
14:57·in religious cultural and
14:59·ethnolinguistic terms diplomacy is to do
15:03·and say the most abhorent things in the
15:06·nicest way but nowhere is it written
15:09·that effective diplomacy requires
15:11·complete consensus it merely requires
15:15·Toleration I've been your host shiran
15:17·from Caspian report all of our content
15:20·is crowdfunded if you want to be part of
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15:38·for your time and S

1 posted on 09/25/2023 6:54:11 PM PDT by SunkenCiv
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To: SunkenCiv

This is a good thing, no?

3 posted on 09/25/2023 6:55:29 PM PDT by for-q-clinton (Cancel Culture IS fascism...Let's start calling it that!)
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To: SunkenCiv

Why Iran and Afghanistan are headed to war

gee too bad.....

4 posted on 09/25/2023 6:56:02 PM PDT by janetjanet998 (Legacy media including youtube are the enemy of the people and must die)
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To: SunkenCiv

Oh good. It’s fun to watch other countries go to Afghanistan to die.

5 posted on 09/25/2023 6:56:50 PM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: SunkenCiv

So I guess we’re on Afghanistan’s side?

At least we won’t have to send them any more weapons.

7 posted on 09/25/2023 6:58:58 PM PDT by x
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To: SunkenCiv

Decisions, decisions. Which one do we send billions in aid? Hmm, how about both? This time I insist on having an actual plan, from the very beginning all the way to rebuilding two nations into failing Democracies.

14 posted on 09/25/2023 7:46:29 PM PDT by ConservativeInPA (Vacate the chair. Shutter the government until it can be correctly defunded.)
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To: SunkenCiv

Is Victoria Nuland there?

15 posted on 09/25/2023 7:49:43 PM PDT by sport
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To: SunkenCiv

I am on the sidelines urging them to GOPHERIT!

Y’all whack each other and save us the trouble!

18 posted on 09/25/2023 9:25:56 PM PDT by Taxman (SAVE AMERICA! VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2023 AND 2024!)
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