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Freeper Joanie-f review of "The Great Raid" and what we dare not foget from it
FR ^ | 13-Aug-2005 | Joanie-f

Posted on 08/14/2005 6:57:07 PM PDT by Jeff Head

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To: Liberty Valance
My wife and I will go see this one.

So glad to hear it. You will not be disappointed.

101 posted on 08/15/2005 8:27:15 PM PDT by joanie-f (If you believe God is your co-pilot, it might be time to switch seats ...)
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To: downwithsocialism
Apologies for not responding to you last night – I must have skipped right over your post somehow.

Since this thread appears to have run its course, and since I won’t be here much for the next few weeks, I’d like to just add a little more to what has been said on this thread.

As several posters have pointed out, this movie is being panned by many of the mainstream reviewers. Its opening night only involved eight hundred theaters, as opposed to the two thousand that generally run a movie on its premiere night. So, as is usually the case, a venture that dares to be one hundred percent politically incorrect already has two strikes against it, simply by virtue of that fact alone. I daresay ‘The Passion of the Christ’ might never have been made, had Mel Gibson not been passionately devoted enough to personally fund the daunting task of accurately portraying the final days of our Savior’s earthly life.

So many posters on this thread, no doubt hailing from various parts of the country, have testified to the fact that their particular audiences erupted in applause and cheers during the more moving scenes of ‘The Great Raid’, and that neither were tears a rarity. To a person, those who have commented on it have stated that the large majority of the audience remained seated through the rolling of the credits, and then left the theater in awestruck silence.

It isn’t often that a movie affects an audience so deeply, and at all age levels.

‘The Great Raid’ is a superb example of exactly the kind of educational material that the elitist left battles daily to keep us from teaching our children, and to erase from the memories of adult Americans – simply because it portrays:

(1) a crucial, watershed era in this republic’s history … without obscuring the integrity, heroism, sense of duty, and altruism that were an integral part of the people of that era … and without distorting the roles of those who were involved, in an attempt to insert a multicultural, multi-gender, or multi-racial contingent that bears no resemblance to facts as they were.

(2) the conspicuous difference between the American conscience as regards the sanctity of life, as opposed to the merciless brutality practiced by much of the rest of the world, when it suits their purpose.

Those who identify with the extreme left of the political spectrum, and who occupy decision-making positions in the political arena, academia and the media are vultures that see as carrion anything that might paint this republic in a positive light. They have no concept of Reagan’s shining city on a hill. They have no concept of what made up the hearts of the Joshua Chamberlains, or Audie Murphys, or Alvin Yorks of this world. They see America simply as a place in which the great socialist experiment can finally find fertile soil. But before they can plant their immoral seeds, they must see to it that those uniquely American attributes that are under attack in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as within the halls of American academia, in our federal courts and legislature, and in most major media outlets, are erased from our collective national conscience. Then they can proceed with the construction of their utopian elitist-controlled world without borders.

That is why it is essential to spread the word regarding genuinely factual information such as is contained in this movie. Our children certainly aren’t learning it in the classroom. And the average American who absorbs his ‘knowledge’ as if by some sort of passive osmosis from affording half-hearted attention to fifteen minutes a day of mainstream media ‘news’ … or hypnotic glimpses of Oprah and her ilk … certainly has no idea about the true events in America’s glorious history, or those forces that now threaten her future.

I guarantee that every American child between the age of ten and young adulthood who sees this movie will come away with a newfound comprehension of the inherent differences between his homeland and much of the rest of the world. He will also come away with a deep appreciation of the noble attributes that those who endured, and fought back, the barbarism of the 40s exhibited so courageously, and with little or no consideration of ‘self’.

This movie might well provide the kind of spark that ignites a lifelong interest in learning more about something so compelling, about people so uniquely humble, courageous and duty-bound. And it may well provide the first brick in a meaningful foundation from which a young person can fend off the inevitable future barrage of politically correct propaganda he will encounter in his formal education, and a moral underpinning from which he can counter the incessant fabricated media assaults on truth and history as it truly was.

If you have not already done so, please read the following post by Euro-American Scum, the most eloquent and insightful portion of which I have excerpted below:

Among the families of fighting men, the current commitment to the task at hand rivals that of the greatest generation in WWII. But the days when we can expect that level of solidarity on a national level are gone. The culture we’ve created will not support it. And the politicians do not have the spine to demand it, because it would upset their nice, comfortable constituency that provides them with the almost limitless power they so enjoy. And that applies to both parties, across the board.

With the level of commitment of the WWII generation, the U.S. could not fail. American fighting men crossed beaches from Guadalcanal to Normandy and beyond. They engaged a determined, ferocious, often suicidal enemy and beat them back again and again. Part of that, indeed most of it, was due to what the men were made of. But a lot of it had to do with the fact that the nation – the entire nation – was united behind them.

Without that level of commitment, the war on terror is little more than a soundbite on the evening news, conveniently sandwiched in between sports and weather, to be taken in, considered, and discarded. Fade to black. And now some scenes from next week’s show. And the flag-draped coffin will come home to somebody else’s house, not ours.

And I believe B4Ranch’s eloquence on this thread completes the portrait of what we once were ... and how we are squandering our hard-won inheritance:

Four states have changed so drastically that minorities now are in the majority. You say "if we are to ultimately survive as a people and as a culture." As a people, our nation, America is rapidly changing to North Americans instead of just good ole Americans. Our culture, thanks to the enforcement of the recent politically correct regulations and laws is almost gone. We are now a hyphenated nation of people who refuse to assimilate. We have so many different socialist cultures today that we resemble the United Nations more than a freedom loving people who once respected individual liberty and held our national sovereignty high with pride.

The world screams at us for having prisoners at Gitmo and our response is to release them! These prisoners have never held such a fine idea of what imprisonment can be in their minds. They know about beatings and whippings, blood splattered walls in the interrogation rooms. They understand what a mass burial is because they participated in them.

The just-released movie, 'The Great Raid' shows us what Americans once were. That was a time in our history when the President wouldn't dare opening our borders to illegal aliens because there would be an armed revolt at the first sign of selective law enforcement.

I think the days have gone past to where Americans could ultimately survive as a people and as a culture. Today our government encourages immigrants to maintain their culture. We celebrate diversity and multi-languages rather than unity. We encourage dual citizenships and promote divided loyalties. We are rapidly evolving into North Americans of a multiculturalist continent where national sovereignty is frowned upon. This social engineering process is being supported by both parties making it more difficult to determine who we should vote for.

Sure, there is a few of us who refuse to accept what we have allowed to happen to our once great nation but soon we too will die of old age and that debate will settle into past history. It will be another NON recorded vote with only very few present that sends us over the edge and erases America from existence. We will soon become another United Nations state rather than an independent country.

What more needs to be said?

~ joanie ..

102 posted on 08/15/2005 9:13:32 PM PDT by joanie-f (If you believe God is your co-pilot, it might be time to switch seats ...)
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To: Jeff Head; joanie-f

Good work.. thanks..

103 posted on 08/15/2005 9:33:04 PM PDT by hosepipe (This Propaganda has been edited to include not a small amount of Hyperbole..)
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To: Jeff Head; joanie-f
Wow joanie, what a gift you have. I am once again left with mouth agape.

I thought I'd do some looking around for more info on the movie. Found it interesting, but not surprising the "expert's" review(1) in sharp contrast with moviegoers' reviews(follow the "Read Reader Reviews" link near the top of the article. Can't make a link....javascript or something.). Another good review couldn't hurt...

I'm guessing a resounding success by this movie will cause no small consternation in the Hollyweird and MSM elitist circles. I hope to add to their indigestion by helping spread the word on what appears to be one of the rare winners out of tinsel town.

Thanks for the ping.


104 posted on 08/15/2005 10:02:43 PM PDT by ForGod'sSake (ABCNNBCBS: An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.)
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To: joanie-f; Euro-American Scum; B4Ranch
Joanie, whenever I read one of your posts I am "agape" too like ForGod'sSake. (see above post)

Like I said last night, I will see the movie for sure, probably this weekend.

EuroAmerican Scum, I appreciated your writing too, especially With the level of commitment of the WWII generation, the U.S. could not fail. American fighting men crossed beaches from Guadalcanal to Normandy and beyond. They engaged a determined, ferocious, often suicidal enemy and beat them back again and again. Part of that, indeed most of it, was due to what the men were made of. But a lot of it had to do with the fact that the nation – the entire nation – was united behind them. That is the difference between then and now. Then we were united. No one dared to speak out against the reasons for the war and certainly not against the men who were fighting it. It's a much different story today.

And B4ranch, when you say We are rapidly evolving into North Americans of a multiculturalist continent where national sovereignty is frowned upon. This social engineering process is being supported by both parties making it more difficult to determine who we should vote for I agree completely. We go into the voting booth to vote for something or someone, and usually wind up getting something completely different. It's a pig in a poke. You might as well toss a coin for all the difference it makes.

105 posted on 08/15/2005 10:37:04 PM PDT by downwithsocialism
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To: Jeff Head; joanie-f; xm177e2; mercy; Wait4Truth; hole_n_one; GretchenEE; Clinton's a rapist; ...

Jeff Head MEGA PING!

106 posted on 08/17/2005 2:55:59 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: joanie-f

Yikes, that should've been a Joanie-f MEGA PING! Oh well ;-) Thanks for the FReepmail heads-up, my friend.

107 posted on 08/17/2005 2:57:34 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: Jeff Head

I have to hunt up and read the clippings from the Charlotte Paper about my cousin when he shot down and captured by the Japanese. He was on the March and had been stationed at Clark Airfield.

108 posted on 08/17/2005 5:03:39 AM PDT by dixie sass
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To: Yasotay
now if Hollywood wants a real 'screamer' then do a movie on Grenada,

They did. It's called Heart Break Ridge with Clint Eastwood. Good movie.

109 posted on 08/17/2005 5:56:14 AM PDT by painter (We celebrate liberty which comes from God not from government.)
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To: JohnHuang2

I stopped in at RottenTomatoes to see what was being said about the movie. Lots of negatives. Nonetheless, I will be reading joanie-f's review and probably seeing it one way or the other....

110 posted on 08/17/2005 6:43:41 AM PDT by technochick99 (firearm of choice: Sig Sauer....)
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To: painter

You are correct, but it was Rangers not Marines that did the rescuing & Grand Anse was the real 'Screamer'. An incredible operation. Grand Anse hasn't been shown anywhere.

111 posted on 08/17/2005 7:11:03 AM PDT by Yasotay
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To: JohnHuang2

Thanks for the ping!

112 posted on 08/17/2005 7:42:58 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Yasotay
"You are correct, but it was Rangers not Marines that did the rescuing "

One of the Rangers that was part of the Grenada Operation called I think Neal Boortz one day about the movie HB Ridge. Eastwood approached the Rangers first about doing the movie and was turned down for security reasons. That is why he used a Marine Recon theme.

113 posted on 08/17/2005 7:56:33 AM PDT by painter (We celebrate liberty which comes from God not from government.)
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To: painter

I didn't know that .... thanks .... it had to be those black helicopters (TF160) the Gun Jeeps (Mad Max would have been jealous) and the motorcycles .....

114 posted on 08/17/2005 8:05:48 AM PDT by Yasotay
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To: joanie-f

Those who identify with the extreme left of the political spectrum, and who occupy decision-making positions in the political arena, academia and the media are vultures that see as carrion anything that might paint this republic in a positive light. They have no concept of Reagan’s shining city on a hill. They have no concept of what made up the hearts of the Joshua Chamberlains, or Audie Murphys, or Alvin Yorks of this world. They see America simply as a place in which the great socialist experiment can finally find fertile soil. But before they can plant their immoral seeds, they must see to it that those uniquely American attributes that are under attack in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as within the halls of American academia, in our federal courts and legislature, and in most major media outlets, are erased from our collective national conscience.

Well put.

115 posted on 08/17/2005 8:28:02 AM PDT by Valin (The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.)
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To: Jeff Head

I saw it the first night out. Fantastic, followed history . The theatre I was in had various ages and all reacted as has been written of on these pages. One particular scene ,though ,had many cheering. Hint : it happens toward the end.

I cannot say enough good about "The Great Raid"

116 posted on 08/17/2005 5:38:51 PM PDT by gatorbait
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To: joanie-f

Thanks so much for the review of "The Great Raid". I might have missed it if not for the post. It was a powerful, moving experience. I was a puddle of tears as the credits rolled!
Best regards!

117 posted on 08/19/2005 3:49:09 AM PDT by RedRover
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To: RedRover

So glad to hear it. You've made my day. :)

118 posted on 08/19/2005 7:20:57 AM PDT by joanie-f (If you believe God is your co-pilot, it might be time to switch seats ...)
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To: Jeff Head
Don't be fooled! Saw this today with my lady and it is GREAT! I'm retired Navy and found it compelling and very exciting. The Libs will HATE this movie for its acurate portrayal of the wartime Japanese as monsters who abused and murdered soldier and civilian alike.

See it. You will be moved and greatly entertained.

119 posted on 08/22/2005 7:40:06 PM PDT by pabianice
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To: Jeff Head

I saw it last night in Chattanooga. Weeknight and low turnout but the overwhelming majority of patrons were veterans. I spoke to one before the show, he was a Marine medic on Guam. We chatted for a bit, specifically about
revisionist history and at the end of our conversation as I was walking away he said "you didn't ask me but I'll tell you anyway, I'm glad we dropped the bomb".
I told him, "I'm glad also, my grandmother's second husband and a lifelong family friend that we buried in Arlington last year as a Marine Colonel was destined for the Japan mainland invasion."
As many have described, we walked out in silence after the credits, a very powerful movie but I would have left the ending as just a fade out with the words being spoken "Dear Margaret...."

120 posted on 08/24/2005 9:08:54 AM PDT by WoodstockCat (Gitmo? Let them eat Pork!)
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